Magica Technica Chapter 106

The story in "Eleanor Chamber of Commerce" was faster than I expected, and we were moving to the Knights.

It seems that the story of me coming has already been told, and there is no need to show the Knights' coat of arms, and I am taken to the conference room where I talked with Christoph before.

No one was there yet, but for the time being, we were sitting in our seats as prompted.

While wondering what the story would be like, I took a breather-I turned my gaze back to Hishin, who was staring at me with half an eye.

"So, what are you from a while ago?"

"Ah? Well, I did see it"

I was wary of the suspicious atmosphere, but I was wary of it. He was never a bad person.

When I was in the UN Army, there was a woman with a similar atmosphere-he was the one who looked better with the word evil.

He was a person who was also a strategy planner and an operator, but he just said that he wanted to say what and how to come up with such a strategy. It was.

However, thanks to that, many battlefields survived, so I can't complain too much.

If you specialize Altorius in evil, you will be able to set up such a strategy. I want him to stay as it is.

After all, after understanding the abilities of that woman, me and Jijii, and the actions of the sergeant, she plans only the last-minute strategy.

It seems that the sergeant, who is a sergeant, was not good at that female partner.

"Hmm ... do you like that kind of person?"

"Ah? Oh, that's the story ... … ”

I was about to say that you were a troublesome guy, and I screamed.

Previously, I had been preached to a female member for a while.

Sigh a little and play the scarlet forehead with a bitter smile.

"You care too much about strange things. I mean, I'm not good at that kind of personality."

" Oh ... is that so? Noel-san is a very beautiful person. "

" Well, I admit it. I had a good body. "

"... Teacher?"

"Don't get angry, it's a general theory"

Noel is a beautiful woman That was an undeniable fact.

The facial features were quite natural, and there is no doubt that she is a beautiful woman from the real point of view.

However, I'm still not good at it.

"What do you say ... Oh, I'm not good at the type of person who uses a" woman "as a weapon."

"Yes ... what?"

"Oh, how good I and the sergeant were treated ... No, that's good. Anyway, from my taste as a woman It's off. "

In response to my reply, Hishin seems to be a little relieved, and at the same time, awkwardly wanders his gaze.

As usual, this guy is the type that makes it easy to see what he thinks.

Why can't I usually hide my emotions even though I can repair my facial expressions while fighting?

Well, it's a good idea to hide too much.

"Um ... then ... then, the teacher's taste--"

"Excuse me--I'm done. Hmm, I made you wait. "

And-The moment Hishin tried to ask a question, the door of the conference room opened.

Two people came in from there. With Knight Commander Christoph ... It was Grado, the commander of Fort Northguard.

I can understand the outline of this story to some extent.

First and foremost, it's related to Fort Northguard.

"It's been a long time, Grandmaster and Commander"

"Oh, in this case, you really helped Thank you. "

" No, it was good for us too. "

Being aware of the Hunger Maru, I return with a smile.

As with the battle itself, getting this weapon was a big win.

It can be said that this battle was a very satisfying result.

However, not all have been resolved. In the first place, the battle with the devil starts from here.

Even though it prevented their invasion, it was just the tip of the iceberg. Because the war is spreading all over the world.

"Well ... So, Grandmaster. Can you ask me why you called us this time?"

"Hmm, That said, it seems that you already have some expectations ... "

" By the time I'm here, I seem to know what the story is.

In Christoph's words, Grado gives up his shoulders and says so.

Well, by the time he's here, it's definitely related to Fort Northguard.

In response to my gaze, Grad took over the words with a slight smile.

"First of all, thank you for your advice the other day. Thanks to you, I didn't let my subordinates die."

"It's not a story to be thanked. If you retired without fighting, it would have been a story that would hurt your name."

"It's a subordinate It's not a story that can be replaced with the life of. Besides, I was able to get an opportunity to recover in this way. "

" That means-- "

"Yes. I asked you to come this time because I want you to participate in the operation to recapture Fort Northguard."

Apparently, before It seems that they had withdrawn from the fort, as advised.

If they had escaped in advance, they wouldn't have been killed or injured.

However, as a commander, he has a high probability of being punished. It must have been a situation that could not be denied even if it was said to have escaped in front of the enemy.

I'm a little sorry for the suggestion, but if he's convinced, that's fine.

"Hmm ... the current fort is occupied by the devil?"

"Oh, that's no doubt. The knights' repulsion has confirmed. They are standing in the fort. "

" When it comes to attacking the fort? "

Although it is a small scale, it is a siege battle. It would be a difficult task unless the Knights had know-how.

I mentioned earlier that Grado was an opportunity to recover, and this story should be led by the Knights.

No problem with that--

"Can you ask me some?"

"Oh, I don't mind. Listen until the question is resolved."

"Then ... this time, it must be the work of the Knights. It should be, but is it okay for us to participate? "

" There is no problem. I'm afraid that the strategy was led by you ... this time. , I will command the operation here. "

" I see. Then, are you going to make that request only to us? "

If it is an infiltration operation, it should be a response with a small number, but this time it is a fort attack.

Of course, it's a battle that requires numbers.

I don't think it makes a big difference just because we're in.

Christoph nodded and answered my question.

"To be precise, it's a little different. I'll present this quest to you as a Gentile."

Yes, the moment Christoph told me-a window was displayed in front of us.

What was written there was a guide to the occurrence of the quest.

Christoph-No, it's a quest from the Knights of the Kingdom of Alphasia to the Gentiles.

"Full Raid Quest <> has occurred"

"Full Raid Quest !? Seriously! ? "

" Full raid is ... 60 people, isn't it? "

" To be exact, it's 10 parties. However, a raid quest is a quest that can only be received when a raid is assembled. Moreover, when it comes to full raids, 10 parties are required ... I saw this for the first time. "

Apparently, the content was astonishing even from the scarlet.

From my point of view, I wanted to say that it would be enough to increase the number of people by 60 to attack the fort. Is it convenient to say that it is convenient?

"Although the raid quest itself is valuable, I heard full raid for the first time. Until now, it was up to half ..."

"Well, anyway ... even if you decide that you're talking about gathering 60 people?"

"Oh, if you're a reliable partner?" It doesn't matter. Please gather your friends. "

Aside from the unprecedented quest-this may have been the best time.

After all, we were just forming a big alliance today.

By the way, then--

"I have a clue. Can I call you right now?"

"Really? Oh, I want to ask for it right away. If you give your name, I'll let you know to go here."

Christoph's Nodding to the words, I call their names from my friends list.

That's the two of them-I'm sure they'll bite you.

* * * * *

Approximately 30 minutes after making a call.

Two players arrived under us who were spending time chatting for a while.

It was K sent in place of none other than Eleanor and Altorius.

"I see you for the first time, Knight Captain. I am K, the master of Clan" Camelot ", and an aide to Altorius. I am very sorry, but Altorius himself is currently. During the expedition to liberate the Tower of the Holy Fire ... I came as a substitute for it. "

" I haven't heard of the knight captain. My name is Eleanor. What do you know after that? "

" Oh, he often came to me for a sudden call.

As K said, Altorius is now heading for a different tower of holy fire than I was heading for.

At his place, there are abundant human resources, and there will be no particular struggle.

Rather than that, this is the story now.

"Now, let's move on, but let's move on. Full raid quest, that is, we wanted to gather 60 Gentiles ..."

"That's right. We appreciate Kuon's fighting ability. His selections will surely help the operation. "

" Well, it was Kuon who ordered the quest. It means that Gentiles will gather under him. "

Greetings are all right, and K begins to grasp the situation.

I have a personal connection with the Knights, and Christoph evaluated myself and issued this quest.

In other words, this quest is just my thing, and the participants can decide at my own discretion.

…… It's a big deal again.

"Dear Grandmaster, these two clans are the ones I personally have an alliance with. They are one of the largest clans and have excellent personnel."

"If you evaluate it so much ... then there is no shortage of participation in the operation. But how do you participate?"

"Is it okay to put out a lot of personnel as the main" Clan "?"

"Yeah ... Kuon, our members Can three people join your party? "

" I don't mind, can you follow me? "

" No, it would be impossible to accompany you, so just add it. "

" Hmm ... well, I don't mind "

At Eleanor, you wouldn't get in the way of trying to get out of the way.

Judging that, I agree with her words.

"Then ... I wonder if there are 15 people from my house and 42 people from" Camelot ""

"How ... Are you sure, Eleanor? "

" Yes. Instead, I'll let you create a siege engine. "

Eleanor's words, which laugh strongly, make me laugh unintentionally.

In terms of combat ability, "Eleanor Chamber of Commerce" is far inferior to "Camelot", but its production capacity and research and development are very excellent.

In terms of skill, it would be more convenient to go to the production side.

"Some of our members will join Kuon's party, and 15 people from the remaining two parties will maintain and support the items." Camelot "is--"


"It will be a battle in the forefront alongside Kuon. Use the provided siege engine to attach to the fort and confuse the inside of the fort.

"When we launch an attack where the enemy's legs are dull, but it's like using you as a decoy ..."


"It doesn't matter. I'm used to the fireplace."

What does K mean when he responds while looking at me? Then I return half an eye.

In fact, it's undeniable that the event the other day made me crazy.

"So when does this quest start?"

"Hmm. As soon as it's ready." If possible, by three days later "

" Three days later !? "

One day later.

Eleanor screams in astonishment at the sudden story. However, judging from the current situation, it will still be barely possible.

I told Eleanor whether K understood it, with a slight squinting.

"Currently, the Knights are almost completely worn out, while the devil's army has been hit hard, that is, before the opponent is ready. It's better to attack. "

" The Knights are also preparing in a hurry.

"I was told, but we expect that. I want to get ready as soon as possible. It will put a burden on you. But-- "

" ... No, I understand. Let's do something about it. "

That said, Eleanor became invincible. smile.

She's a woman who does what she says, and she'll do something more than she says.

Here, let's think about how to attack.

I had a smile on my mouth when I attacked the fort, which was my first experience.

Avatar name: Kuon

Gender: Male


Race: Human ( Human ) ruby>

Level: 31

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR : 25

VIT: 20

INT: 25

MND: 20


AGI: 15

DEX: 15


Weapon Skill: <>

Magic Skill: <>

Set Skill : <>





《Sword of the Sword: Lv.13》

《Tame: Lv.16》

《HP Automatic Recovery: Lv.16》

《life force operation: Lv.13》

《Magic operation: Lv.5》


Subskill: <>

Title Skill: 《Sword Demon Rasetsu》

Current SP: 29

Avatar Name: Scarlet

Gender: Female

Race: Humans ( Human )

Level: 30

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 27

VIT: 18

INT: 23

MND: 18

AGI: 16

DEX: 16


Weapon Skill: 《Swordsmanship: Lv.1》

Magic skill: <>

Set skill: <>

《Spell Charge: Lv.17》

《Fire Attribute Enhancement: Lv.17》

《Recovery Appropriate: Lv. 13>>



《Fighting: Lv.18》

《Combat Skill: Lv.18》

《Running: Lv.17》

《Skill loading: Lv.6》

《MP automatic recovery: Lv.2》

Subskill: <>


Title Skill: <

Currently SP: 29

Monster Name: Lumina

Gender: Female

Race: Valkyrie

Level: 4

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 26

VIT: 19

INT: 33

MND: 19

AGI: 22

DEX: 19


Weapon Skills: 《Sword》

Magic Skill: "Light Magic"

Skill: "Light Attribute Enhancement"

"Light Wings"

《Magic Resistance: Large》

《Physical Resistance: Medium》

《MP Automatic Great Recovery》

《Wind Magic》

《Magic Team》

《Boost 》

Title Skill: 《Genus of the Spirit King》

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