Magica Technica Chapter 109

What should be noted in one-to-many battles?

Efficient and low-handed killing is as we practiced before, but there is one more thing to be aware of.

In other words-it means fighting one-on-one.

The weapon called a sword is, of course, used against one person.

In Gou's karma, there are occasional things like slashing multiple at the same time, but that's a very rare pattern.

Fundamentally, the sword is a weapon that is not suitable for dealing with multiple opponents at the same time.

If so, what should I do?

"It's convenient here ... in a row Die in turn. "

There is not much space above the walls.

If there are about three people lined up, there will be no room.

After all, it is difficult for lesser demons who have larger bodies than humans to fight side by side.

As a result, they are stuck in the passage above the castle wall and are slashed one by one in turn.

After all, the back is clogged. Only the end can escape from the approaching me.

What's more, I'm not sick of it right now. The demons at the back may not yet be aware of my existence.

The only way to escape from me is to jump off the top of the castle wall. That's convenient because I can afford to hang a ladder.

"-" Sword of the Sword ""

Slash the magic of the incoming water and take the next step to your opponent. Thin.

A flash shot sideways slashed the head of the Lesser Demon who collided with the devil behind him in an attempt to escape behind him.

The flashy blood dyes the surroundings green-with that as a dazzle, I sank and thrust the blade into the devil's belly further back. Was there.


The blade with the two colors of light scoops out the scratches and turns the blade upward.

Then, if you pull out the blade like slashing it up, the blade that stirs the viscera will sprinkle a large amount of blood as if it were dragged out.

While hitting the two demons that are collapsing to the left and right, go further forward.

However, a big sword was swung down from above, as if he had been watching it.

Slashing method-soft pattern, running water.

A flash of light collides with the floor and makes a roaring sound.

The blade that returns as it is gives off a flash, but it is a little shallow. It caused a deep wound on the torso, but it would not be fatal.

Therefore, I was thinning into the devil's bosom-I was sticking my right knife into the wound.

"Gee, aaa ...! ??

"Well, is the internal organs the same as humans? It's easy to understand, it's easy to kill and it helps." Grab and drag it out-pull it as it is and throw it inside the fort.

I suddenly saw a strange object, chasing after the devil who had died by sprinkling blood and internal organs.

A little away from where the Lesser Demon fell, but near the center of the fort's courtyard and training ground.

There was a huge black crystal that stood up toward the heavens.

"What's that ...?"

The devil's blow that was slashing here is bent with a cage, and while he puts his foot on it and knocks it down from the top of the castle wall, he looks at the strange object.

When I came to this fort before, there was no such thing.

That is probably because it was installed after the devils conquered this fort.

I don't know what it is, but it doesn't seem to be very convenient for us.

(Would you like to destroy it? But I can't leave this place right now ...)

Avoid the devil's fist that has been hit while trying to get inside the body, and lift the opponent's jaw with the fist that was scooped up from below.

I pressed the blade against the neckline against the Lesser Demon who stepped on the shock and stopped moving with his jaw raised. p>

Slashing method-soft pattern, zero.

The neck is cut off just by the rotational movement of the upper body.

Ignoring the devil's neck rolling on the castle wall, I turned to the devil again with a sigh.

I'm worried about that crystal, but now I have to give priority to securing it here.

"" Sword of the Sword ""

While splitting the incoming wind shell into two from the front, the opponent's throat Insert the blade into.

While shaking the blade sideways to cut the blood vessels, I glanced at the left side-outside the castle wall.

The ladder squadrons have already begun to cling to the walls.

Half of them should already have enough room to climb.

In fact, the ladder closest to the gate has already been hung on the wall-the scarlet who ran up there without using his hands, and the momentum. I used to jump to the top of the castle wall.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, teacher!"

Shake the blade, activate the skill while dropping the devil's head, slash the magic that flew from the courtyard of the fort to me, and then repel the arrow.

It's a long time, but it seems that the inside of the fort has finally started to move.

It seems that devils are appearing one after another from the central building.

Not so many yet-it's a hassle to be supported from the inside as it is.

"Hishin, it's a change. I'll deal with the internal enemies"

"Oh, I understand!"

Strike method-breaking mountain.

After hitting the opponent's attack, thin it and press the shoulder blade.

Then, the shock that went through was throwing the devil in front of me to the rear together with the individual behind it.

Probably dead, but I have no time to confirm.

I just jumped inside the wall-rolling the ground and killing the momentum, involving the devil under my eyes.

The devil's neck is rotated more than 180 degrees because I put my whole weight on it. It's already dead, leave it alone-play it with the blade that shook the arrow that was shot here.

Does the dust on the pig's face cheekyly use bows and arrows? 』”

Unlike the above, it is difficult to fight one-on-one.

But instead, there was enough space to move around freely.

Slightly distort the mouth and kick the ground. He hesitates the arrow that came flying to shoot through his face only by the movement of his neck, and cuts his neck with a flash of sideways.

And when he lost his head and went around behind his body, which was about to collapse from his knees, several arrows pierced the corpse.

It's a lot of trouble, but it's not so good if the bow and arrow attack is moving.

It's enough to deal with it after seeing it, and it's enough to process only the hits.


Walking method-a tremor.

Jump out of the shadow of the corpse and use "Magic Co-star" to shoot the approaching demon's neck.

After all, it's really convenient that you can't cut HP too much.

Thanks to this, the ability to continue the battle has improved, and the 《Sword of Stealing》 has become much easier to use.

Run while shaking your body from side to side, and go straight while slashing the devil.

Using the tree planted in the garden as a shield, proceed further and move on to another target.

I was observing the black crystals, while preferentially excluding those who were aiming at the top of the castle wall over the devils who were aiming at me.

(Isn't there any movement even if you get so close ... but the devils are showing movements to protect that)

Some of the demons that emerged from inside the fort stand as if they were escorting that black crystal.

After all, that black crystal seems to be the one installed by the devil.

I don't know what it is, but it would be inconvenient for them to be targeted.

I'd like to break it if there is a chance, but I can't afford it yet.

First of all, you will have to secure the top of the wall.

(The guys in "Camelot" ... are they coming up soon? If so, it's only a matter of time to secure them)

There is a fierce battle above.

That means that many players have already climbed the ladder to the top.

It will still be difficult to secure all of the castle walls, but at least the area around the gate has been secured.

Then it's time to start breaking the gate-that was the moment I thought.

――The huge gate was blown away with a ridiculous roar.

"What ...!?"

I never stopped, but still sudden roaring--how do you hear it? I was surprised at the sound that only sounded like the bomb exploded.

If you look toward the gate, you will find a gate that has blown away, and a huge stake that would have formed it-it is a banana from the inside. There was a figure that exploded like the skin of a stake.

"... No, what the hell did you do?" I was muttering.

No, I understand the situation. This odor that has reached this point is definitely due to gunpowder.

It's not that difficult to make black explosives if you have the knowledge and skills, but wasn't it really the explosives that were put into the wreckage mallet?

Moreover, the amount that the gate blows off at once. Not really, but I don't think the guy who made it is sane.

However, it is a fact that the gate was broken with a single blow due to its destructive power.

Altorius and his friends, who had fallen due to the impact of the explosion, managed to regain their mind and stood up and screamed backwards.

"Now, attack!"

"Thank you! Let's go, charge!

It should be honestly impressed to be able to move without being upset immediately after the current disaster.

Although he was upset by the impact of the explosion, Altorius continued the operation without any notice.

Hearing his words, the grads start to move.

As they crossed the destroyed gate in a line, they quickly attacked the devil that they saw in a group of three.

"... Approximately, is the work done? "

After cleaning up the devil who was aiming at the top of the wall, I wiped the blade and sighed.

The reason why I proceeded more easily than I expected is that the devil with the title has not come out so far.

I wondered if there was one or two Baron-class demons at this base, but I can't see them for now.

Is it trapped inside the fort?

In any case, we are not in a situation where we can be alert. There is enough probability that he still has the title.

However, the inside of the fort, including military secrets, is under the jurisdiction of the Knights.

It's difficult to interfere too aggressively, so it will be a wait-and-see for a while.

I gave up my shoulders lightly and I was heading towards the Altorius and others.

"Yeah, I did something crazy again"

"I want Eleanor to tell me that ... I didn't know that I was developing something like that. "

" Did you know that you were making gunpowder? It seems that you used it at the event during this time. "

"It's unexpected to put it in a battering ram. That's that amount." I didn't think it was so destructive. "

Eleanor, who seems to have been involved in the explosion together, sighed and said so. To.

Well, if you knew that it had such an unreasonable destructive power, would you have been a little more careful even if you used it?

What kind of player made the gunpowder?

While laughing unintentionally, I was calling out to Eleanor who was approaching.

"Hey Eleanor, you, do you know what that is?"

"That ... that black crystal That? "

" Oh. It looks like the devil is protecting it, and it seems to be something important to them. "

" I saw it for the first time. I'll try "Appraisal" for a moment. "

The demons who seem to be escorts are already in a state of war with the knights.

There are more knights in terms of numbers, and we'll soon be able to reach that point.

However, there is no loss even if you know what it is.

Eleanor nodded to my words, narrowing her gaze and staring at the black crystals.

Did I have to focus on the target for a longer time than "Identification" in order to use the "Appraisal" skill?

However, the effect should be higher. I couldn't read any information when I tried using 《Identification》, but she would know something.

"--'Viscount's Demonic Artifact'"

"... Viscount? Is that the name of the crystal?"

"Yes, most of the details are unknown except for the name. But-you can tell by the name alone, it's a dangerous thing by any means!"

From the name, is it something related to the Viscount-class demon?

If it's an item that calls the Viscount class to this place--

"Mysterious ... Grado! That! Black crystals are dangerous! "

" Oh, I know! All, you don't have to think about recovery, destroy those black crystals! "

Agreeing with our words, Grado orders the knights to destroy the crystals.

The knight who received the instruction headed for the black crystal to defeat the escort, and charged to pierce the longsword--

"-Oh, not at all. It's an unusable genus. ”

――The attack was received by the hand that grew from the black crystal.

Avatar name: Kuon

Gender: Male


Race: Human ( Human ) ruby>

Level: 31

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR : 25

VIT: 20

INT: 25

MND: 20


AGI: 15

DEX: 15


Weapon Skill: <>

Magic Skill: <>

Set Skill : <>





《Sword of the Sword: Lv.13》

《Tame: Lv.16》

《HP Automatic Recovery: Lv.16》

《life force operation: Lv.13》

《Magic operation: Lv.5》


Subskill: <>

Title Skill: 《Sword Demon Rasetsu》

Current SP: 29

Avatar Name: Scarlet

Gender: Female

Race: Humans ( Human )

Level: 30

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 27

VIT: 18

INT: 23

MND: 18

AGI: 16

DEX: 16


Weapon Skill: 《Swordsmanship: Lv.1》

Magic skill: <>

Set skill: <>

《Spell Charge: Lv.17》

《Fire Attribute Enhancement: Lv.17》

《Recovery Appropriate: Lv. 13>>



《Fighting: Lv.18》

《Combat Skill: Lv.18》

《Running: Lv.17》

《Skill loading: Lv.6》

《MP automatic recovery: Lv.2》

Subskill: <>


Title Skill: <

Currently SP: 29

Monster Name: Lumina

Gender: Female

Race: Valkyrie

Level: 4

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 26

VIT: 19

INT: 33

MND: 19

AGI: 22

DEX: 19


Weapon Skills: 《Sword》

Magic Skill: "Light Magic"

Skill: "Light Attribute Enhancement"

"Light Wings"

《Magic Resistance: Large》

《Physical Resistance: Medium》

《MP Automatic Great Recovery》

《Wind Magic》

《Magic Team》

《Boost 》

Title Skill: 《Genus of the Spirit King》

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