Magica Technica Chapter 171

An underpass created as an escape route from Bergen.

The exits are scattered in various places, probably because of measures against chasers.

And one of the exits led to the drain of the irrigation canal in the city, just south of Bergen.

"There are irrigation canals even in this era. Is this a sewer?"

"Probably. The water seems to be pretty clean. "

The water flowing out of the drain is transparent and doesn't smell strange.

Are you purifying the water in some way? Unless it's a modern facility, I think it's impossible in a scientific way-well, maybe it's also used in some magical way.

I was fortunate not to block my sense of smell anyway. Let's proceed as it is.

"OK, do you want to go?"

"Yes, I will lead"

Only me and Alice are here. Other members who are not suitable for covert action remain in the fort.

I have a desire to gain experience, but this time I had no choice but to weight myself.

After all, failure is unacceptable. If found by the enemy, the achievement of the purpose is impossible. Even if the withdrawal is successful, security will be further strengthened in the future.

If so, the success of the operation is hopeless. We have to make a definite decision this time.

(... That's why I received this too)

Wrap it around the sleeve of the haori and fix it. What I have is the hook rope that I had left for remodeling.

This hook rope has been remodeled so that it can be easily removed when it is bent, and it is much easier to handle than before. ..

If you can move three-dimensionally, this job will be easier to some extent.

"Um ... here"

Alice, staring at the wall, puts her hand on the wall and gently pushes it in. ..

Immediately after that, the side wall sank with a loud noise, and a passage appeared behind it.

No, no-how do you make something like this?

"The inside was pretty complicated, right? I'd like to ask for mapping."

"Oh, the previous alert was I'll ask you. "

" Of course. Let's go. "

Return the nod and proceed into the hidden passage.

For the time being, the map inside is included in the photo. The map itself could not be brought in because it was originally confidential information.

Well, it's a little inflexible, but it's not unseen in the photos.

While instructing the way to go, I'm going down the underpass after Alice while holding up the "Lantern of the Holy Fire".

The dead end that I finally arrived at-there was a wooden ladder.

"Here ... Is it the basement of the public hall on the south side of the city?"

"Yes, this is the best It's close to the South Gate. Still, there's a decent distance. "

" There's no way about the distance. You have to hide yourself. "

Lightly give up your shoulders and put your hand on the ladder.

I was wary if the tree was rotten, but apparently there is no fear of damage.

Climb the ladder, being careful not to get the sword caught, and push open the wooden door that was blocking the top a little.

I just focused my attention and searched for signs-at least I confirmed that there was no devil in the space above.

"Good ... come up, Alice"

"I understand"

The dimly lit basement is lined with barrels.

Crawl out of the door that was hidden behind it and check the surrounding situation.

There is no doubt that there is no sign other than us in this basement room, there is no sign of moving to a higher level, and there will be no fear of being noticed for a while. ..

"Huh ... what are you going to do from here?" I'll climb. "

As far as I've heard, this public hall is a three-story building.

First of all, I would like to check the surrounding situation from here.

First of all, you have to understand how many demons there are.

Take a deep breath and concentrate your mind. Then, pay attention to what you are touching and all the information that comes into you.

My own concentration method, which is different from the battle ceremony method. You can catch some signs without being aware of it, but this time we will do our best to capture the information.

"I'll go, follow me"

"... OK"

《 Use Stealth to take Alice, who has become translucent, and climb from the basement to the ground floor.

Like me, Alice isn't making any footsteps. Apparently, "Secret" also has the effect of suppressing the sound that you make.

The signs are weak, and it seems to be a good skill that can demonstrate its abilities as an amateur.

Step into the first floor of the public hall.

It's a little far, but there is a sign of a devil ... This is probably the back of the building. You will never encounter it as you climb the stairs.

Quietly climb the stairs without making footsteps and continue to the third floor. Stepping into that floor-I stopped once.


"... one. I'll get rid of it"

Exit the stairs and turn left at the end of the corridor.

Apparently, I'm looking out of the building from the window.

I don't know what you're looking at, but it's convenient if you don't look at me.

Small katana I took a second swing and held my breath-I stepped quietly.

Walking method-- Lonely ( Shijima )

rp> .

Run through the corridor without sound.

It is a walking method that uses the knees and hips to kill the impact on the ground.

It is possible to move without sound, whether it is a wooden board or a gravel road.

As I approached the stick-standing devil, I held a double-edged blade so that my arms crossed.

Shaking is a sword flash like a scissors that crosses both blades.

Zanho /Kaiden-The soft pattern, the difference.

The twin flashes that left a slight afterglow in the air slash the head of the Lesser Demon without even allowing a reaction.

Green blood wets the corridor-but they also disappear together as black dust.

All that remains is a quiet corridor with no trace of the existence of creatures.

"... If you move to that point without sound, it's creepy."

Renji ... No, I'll tell you if it's Mizuren and Yuki. " Not very suitable for teaching.

I'm pretty good at teaching how to hit with a kumite, but I'm not very good at walking.

I'd like you to be a little better at speaking because you can always use the false beats and the front line.

By the way, Shuzo has not learned this method.

In his case, he is devoted to the approach system for slashing from the front.

I understand that it is not suitable for assassination because of its personality, but I would like you to use a wider range of techniques.

"It doesn't make much sense to tell you how to assassinate, and I don't have to talk about it one by one.

"It's a different matter whether you can imitate it"

Alice looks up at me with a half-eye and gives up her shoulder lightly. And return.

It is a different matter whether you can use other walking methods just because you can use imaginary beats, but Alice will be able to learn to some extent.

It may not be suitable for the type that uses weight, but it should be effective to some extent just to be able to use the dazzling walking method.

Anyway, there is no other sign of devil on this floor.

Let's say that we were able to control this place, and first we will collect information.

Judging that, I was hiding behind the window and observing the outside--unintentionally, I turned my eyes.

"Where did you say that?"

"... Really full of devils"

In the cityscape overlooking from the window, I could find the devil in everywhere.

Naturally, there is no human figure.

…… Barely, there are traces of battle and resistance.

"I knew it, but I couldn't really deal with it."

"If you find one, they will get together. Come. First, you should go around from the back. "

" If you're a race that doesn't have a good night's eye, I could have done it a little more ... "

"I can't help begging for something that doesn't exist. I'll be in the back alley."

Although it is not nocturnal, it has not been confirmed that it sleeps at night, and it continues its activities calmly even in the middle of the night.

On the other hand, at night, the visibility is limited, and there is no doubt that if you carry a light source, you will be discovered in no time.

That's why we started our activities during the daylight hours.

It's easy to find this figure, but at least it's not difficult to move.

"Is it the place to get inside the outer wall first?" There is no such thing. "

Of course, the probability of having the devils is high, but it's a little better than walking around outside with a clear view.

If there are only a few demons, you can proceed while cleaning up.

Fortunately, they have no corpses left. As long as you see the chance and kill it, you don't have to worry about being found with other demons.

We go back to the first floor while consulting in a whisper. Be careful when going down the stairs, as it is especially easy to make footsteps.

"Is there a devil on this floor?"

"Oh, it's the back room.

"If so, let's get rid of it"

Answering lightly, Alice starts walking.

There is no stagnation in that process. The enemy's position may not have been captured yet, but he does not seem to be afraid of it.

As usual, I'm still sick regardless of how it looks.

Alice walks down the corridor in a translucent form, observing the inside from the side of the vacant door with a hand mirror.

In the room, the Lesser Demon is sitting in a luxurious chair that seems to be a reception desk and relaxing.

I'm not sure what you're doing-it's good for Alice.

"―――― Fu"

Alice sneaks up behind her without a sound, holding her mouth in her arms. Stick the blade from your back.

The blade that pierced the heart exactly killed the devil with a single blow. The aim is also accurate, and it's a good trick.

"It's a good condition. I'm used to it."

"Well, this is about it. Let's hurry up. Is it the real thing from here? "

" That's right. It doesn't take too much time, and it's going to go quickly. "


The more time you spend, the higher the risk of being discovered.

Let's move quickly toward the destination.

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