Magica Technica Chapter 195

Walking method-Ao.

Approach Vernlead while avoiding the magic that falls.

A number of magic circles floated and disappeared in the sky that dyed the surroundings darkly, pouring magic on many players including us.

However, since the injection point is at a high position, it cannot be avoided if it moves fast.

If you stop, you'll get a barrage of fire, but if you keep moving, you'll be fine.

From the front, Hishin and Lumina approach Vernlead while splitting left and right.

It was me, of course, that he was paying attention to.

While avoiding the thunder that falls, slash the storm that Vernlead wears with "Sword of the Soul" and approach him.

Immediately after, the third eye on his forehead shines-

walking method-a tremor.

I immediately accelerated and sneaked under Vernlead's body. However, the blade does not swing here yet.

(There are only annoying elements, this thing is)

As long as Vernlead's blood contains deadly poison, it attacks You also have to be careful about how to do it.

Aiming for a piercing from this position will do a lot of damage, but it will inevitably be exposed to blood.

It is too dangerous to be exposed to the blood of Vernlead in this thin state. We have to look for opportunities.

On the other hand, Hishin and Lumina succeeded in approaching Vernlead without any particular interference.

The two wrap around from both sides of Vernlead and slash his hind legs with a blade.

It seems that the approach itself was easy because I erased the storm, but it seems that physical attacks do not do much damage.

However, magic is also given to their attacks. The effect was applied properly to that, and the HP of Wernlead was slightly reduced.

While watching it, I slip under Vernlead's body and wrap around behind him.

Naturally, Vernlead turned around here-there were countless arrows.

It was the cavalry unit of Bedinzia who was approaching earlier that released it.

"It's a hindrance, a clever human touch!

"Come, avoid it!"

Couldn't the arrows shot on a unit scale be completely ignored? , Vernlead gives off a storm with an angry roar.

The whirlpool of the wind crawling on the ground swallowed the knights running on horseback and attacked them--but earlier than that, they took evasive action.

They are divided into two units to avoid the vortex of the approaching wind, and they start to act separately.

Apparently, I was preparing to divide the chain of command immediately from the beginning.

Frustrated Vernreed tried to chase after the separated knights-at that moment, a voice echoed in my ear.

"Kuon! The second shot will go, evacuate!

"Hmm ... Scarlet, Lumina! Keep a distance!"

Eleanor's voice echoed in my ears, and I Leave Vernlead with Scarlet and others.

At that moment, the city of Bergen was hit by a myriad of attacks that had just knocked Wernlead down to the ground.

Apparently, someone is taking command and controlling it to fire.

Vernlead, who was trying to attack the Knights, confirmed it and stopped acting, creating a magical barrier in front of him.

The swirling storm barrier has smashed and scattered the incoming varistor and magic.

But it would have been worth the time. The knights managed to escape the attack of Vernlead, while other players managed to approach the devil.

At the beginning seems to be a group of "Camelot". They seemed to have prepared before their arrival, and they have been assaulting this monster without hesitation.

"Approach with the release of the barrier! Take the hate!"


It is the group at the forefront who is voicing.

They are probably defensive forces or something, with their arms tightly packed.

The person who seems to be the captain is a woman. He is a person who looks like a female knight.

I have never met her, but if you are the captain chosen by Altorius, you will be able to do it.

As Vernlead breaks the barrier and gets off the horse in front of him, they take the tower shield out of their inventory and set it up against the ground.

"First Corps!"

"" Provoc "! "Fortress"!

The knights holding the shield activate their skills while lining up as if they were shooting in three steps.

The brilliance emanating from the shield illuminated the giant of Vernlead-many of his consciousness was directed at them.

Apparently, it is a skill that has the effect of attracting consciousness.

Still, I'm not disappointed because I have some awareness of me, but it seems that it has become easier to move to some extent.

"Are you going to get in the way ...!

Vernlead regains his magical power and swings his storm-clad forearm toward them.

However, the blow did not crush the knights, but was caught by the effect of the huge shield that occurred.

If we were hit by that direct hit, we wouldn't have a lump. It's a large defensive power.

However, the knights are not safe, and they are properly damaged.

It is the support magic unit behind them-probably Marin's unit that is recovering it.

By being supported by them who fire various support magics, the front of the knights can be maintained without collapsing.

"That's right ...! Teacher, now!"

"Oh, I know"

If you glance at the Hunger Maru, the blade is already dyed black near the tip.

"Hunger's grudge", which absorbs HP at a rate, is probably the most shaving of Vernlead's HP.

However, the fact that I dyed the Hunger Maru in this short time also means that I have that much HP.

It looks like it has been scraped to some extent, but the HP bar after scraping is not black, but is displayed in red.

I don't think so, but is there a second one?

Well, no matter what, it's not a reason to stop.

Because you can't get rid of this guy unless you cut it little by little.

The first target is the hind legs, the Achilles tendon in humans.

I don't know if the lizard has an Achilles tendon, but due to the structure of the organism, it shouldn't be possible to move its legs without it.

Vernlead is wary of me, so if I move, it will naturally react.

However, Altorius, who leads the unit, cannot miss it.

"Mr. Takadama, Mr. Scarred!"

"Shooting squad, ready"

"Casting is complete, you can shoot anytime!"

Immediately after finishing the attack, I turned my attention to me, so Vernlead is not ready to intercept.

What hit it directly was the arrow that flew at a tremendous speed and the magic of various attributes.

It seems that they are behind the defense unit, and although their appearance could not be confirmed from here, it seems that they are in command of the two who participated in the operation of Miriesta. ..

Scarred is courageous, as he may have eaten a despenalty.

Wernlead's body sways after being hit directly by two long-range attacks.

However, the damage is not so great. It's been scraped a little, but it's still not at the level of reaching his life.

Still, it was a good chance. In the meantime, as I approached Vernreed's right foot, I swung the blade down to the heel.

Slashing method-Tsuyoshi's pattern, Shiraki.

"《Sword of Life》 ―― [Life Bright Flash]!”


The dazzling and shining Hungry Maru breaks through the strong scales of Vernlead while drawing a sparkling trajectory.

It seems that the Hunger Maru, whose attack power has increased to the maximum, can penetrate this tough body.

Poisonous blood splatters, but you can avoid it if you know it will come.

However, Shiraki is a big blow. It's pretty close to avoiding it.

Vernlead shook his body in pain.

Wernlead's right hind leg is in a position to touch the ground with his knees, and it seems that he is definitely slowing down.

"Loooooo ---!

"That !?" I started.

The wind pressure blows me away from him.

And, along with that, the magical power projected into the space turned into thunder and indiscriminately swept the surroundings.

Avoid it with a tongue-slap-avoid it.

What existed in that direction was a group of players who were heading towards us and were different from those who belonged to "Camelot".

The magic that Wernreed cast in all directions hits them directly and blows them mercilessly. For players with low physical strength, it seems that they have just returned to death.

"Wow, do you have an indiscriminate attack ignoring hate?"

"You must have eaten too"

"I've used the" Sword of the Sword "for the time being." It looked like it was, but it's still not deadly.

Lumina, who is far away, seems to be safe, and this front has not collapsed.

However, it seems that the player over there cannot say so.

The Altorius who were building the wall seemed to be safe, but the players who were approaching were damaged.

Fortunately, the Knights of Bedinzia seemed to have no problem because they were so far apart--

"... it's awkward.

"Well, I don't know under what conditions the current attack will be launched. It's because of the damage or the time ... I can't afford it. "

" That's right. Do you want to crush it before it's done many times? "

Maybe Altorius and others agree, Dean and Durack are starting to move.

I think I'm going to analyze the previous attack while fighting.

So, let's help them a little.

"" Raw Devil ""

First, strip off the storm that Vernlead wears.

As long as this wall is present, it will not be able to do any effective damage to Vernlead.

But his consciousness is right now. It's difficult to get close to him in this situation, but-

"Second Corps!"

"" Provoc "! "Fortress"!

Before Wernreed launches an attack, the knights of "Camelot" attract his consciousness.

Again, Vernlead turned to "Camelot" -at that moment I kicked the ground.

Slashing method-Rigid type, piercing.

The blade pierces the storm worn by Vernreed and pierces the wall.

At the same time, the magic of the storm fluctuates greatly, revealing the body of Vernlead.

Now, let's aggressively attack.

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