Magica Technica Chapter 211

Rescue the people who were abducted with the devil and return to the city of Kamito through the highway.

By that time, the sun had completely set and the log-in time limit for that day had been reached.

The target of reconnaissance of the eight major cities did not come true, but it can't be helped.

It's nice to be able to rescue people, even to a certain number.

For the time being, I told Altorius and Eleanor only about the current situation, and decided to log out immediately on that day.

And the next day--

"... Nice to meet you, I wonder if it's better. It feels a little strange."

"Hmm ... well, it's certainly the first time I've met"

The front door of the Kudou house, a little girl standing there ――No, I laugh unintentionally in front of a woman.

The baggage that was brought in from this morning, the owner, she looked at my expression and smiled in the same way.

"Then, nice to meet you ... Nice to meet you, Shinonome ( Shinome ) Arisa ( Arisa ) . Thank you very much for your help from today.

"Oh, you came often. Welcome ... It feels a little strange. "

" You have to be firm in that area, right? You're the owner. "

Alice squints her gaze as if she was amazed-No, I have to give a bitter smile to Arisa's words.

If you say so, you can't deny it. For the time being, I'm hiring her.

However, if you are in a place where the lower class students are blind, you don't need to worry too much.

If you're teachers ... well, don't they bother?

"Okay, Asuka. Please guide me to the room. Have you already brought your luggage?"

"Yes, I understand. Arisa-san, this is it. "

" Thank you, I'll bother you. "

Going up the front door, Alice goes to the back of the mansion. I will walk.

It was Renji who seemed to have finished his morning work.

After giving a bow to them, he approaches me again and calls out to me.

"Thank you for your hard work, teacher. Is she Alice?"

"Here is Arisa Shinonome. Don't call me "

" Haha, I understand. You might make a mistake if you're not careful. "

That I can't deny the words, so I give up my shoulder lightly and return.

I'm used to Asuka and Hishin, and I don't make a lot of mistakes ... Arisa and Alice have similar names, and they look completely different. It's the same.

The impression is different to some extent because the hair and eyes are different, but they are still quite similar. It is possible that you may unknowingly call it by mistake.

"So, teacher. What do you do with her job?"

"While I'm practicing Asuka I think I should do it only for those who want it. I don't want to be restrained for too long. "

" There are many things I want to enter the game, too. I know. "

But well, these guys are completely used to it.

I've heard reports about the activities of the students in the game, but it seems that they are rampaging.

For the time being, it seems that he is still mainly active in the royal capital of Alphasia, but it will be time to move to Bedingia. For the time being, I have told them about the next country-the Federation of the Republic of Millis.

Probably it will be a stage for the second team, and if you join me, it will be after clearing it.

I don't know anything about that country. Well, some of the first team may be heading, and there may be some information.

"Hurry up. Even in the first team, those who are impatient may be heading for it."

"That's why That said, it can't be helped if we get impatient. We will steadily strengthen it ... See you later. Today is a welcome party. "

" New It's a situation and I have a lot of things I want to do ... I know. "

Waving fluttering and heading to my room.

Arisa will now live in this Kudou family.

You may be told a lot about how it looks, but at the same time this house is meritocracy.

If she can handle imaginary beats, she will soon be recognized by many students.

"Well ... what's wrong with this place?"

The battle in the Holy Kingdom of Admis is still in full view. Not.

Altorius may have already started an investigation, but I wonder what the situation is.

For now, let's listen to the story after logging in.

* * * * *

In the city of Kamito where you logged in, you can see more people than when we came. I could see it.

Apparently, a decent number of players came in while we were logged out.

Apparently, there are players other than "Camelot" and "Eleanor Chamber of Commerce".

In the previous situation, only the members of these two clan were moving ... Apparently, this time it seems that they have moved evenly. ..

I was worried about it, but if there were so many players, it would be enough to defend the city of Kamito.

"Kuon-san, thank you"

"That ... Altorius? You're here too"

"I had something I wanted to do in Bedinzia, but it seemed like an emergency. I'm in a hurry."

I entered I think he was waiting for him to come.

Altorius, who seems to have been talking to the members of "Camelot", recognized me and approached me.

Yesterday today, and the reconstruction of Bedinzia is probably not yet in progress.

However, it seems that the fact that people were abducted by the devil could not be overlooked by Altorius.

"So, did other players burn it?"

"I'm not doing much. Also, Kuon It was just rumored that Mr. would trigger the event in advance. "

" I think it was a mistake to throw the rumor. "

Smile and give up on your shoulder.

Apparently, I'm afraid that I've gone too far and caused a world quest this time as well.

Well, it is a fact that I ran ahead of various things last time and generated a quest before I had all the strength.

While having such a conversation, Hishin and Alice also log in.

Alice also started living at home, so it's easier to set the time.

By the way, the place assigned to her room is next to Asuka's room.

"Well ... what's the situation?"

While calling the Tame monsters, ask Altorius again.

On the other hand, Altorius narrows his eyes and raises his voice with a serious look.

"Honestly, I don't know the exact place yet, but the probability that the devil occupies the north of this city will be high."

"Is the whole country?"

"Yes, it's a very poor situation. It's an exaggeration to say that this country is already dead. It's not "

I squint at the words.

To be honest, it was an unacceptable word, but I can't deny it.

Almost most of the country has been dropped, and only this city has been found to be safe.

You may find it if you go further, but honestly, it's not very promising.

"It's literally a piece of skin on the neck, but ... even if it's connected only by the skin on the neck, it's still cut off. It's an undeniable fact that this country has been fatally injured. "

Altorius says so, tapping his neck with his own hands.

It's a kind of ironic word about the current situation.

However, if you deny it, nothing can be solved. First of all, we must somehow gather the current information and take a counterattack against the devil.

"So ... what's going on with the devils?"

"I heard from Kuon-san, abduct humans. I couldn't confirm the devil. But ... "

" ... what happened? "

, I look up and ask.

I don't think it's a very good situation.

In response to my question, Altorius sighed and screamed.

"There was a report from a rebellion heading for Iram using a flying knight. In Iram, the devil treated humans like slaves."


"The devil doesn't kill humans ...? As a slave without killing them?" It seems that it didn't happen ... it doesn't seem to have killed all humans unconditionally. "

" ... Is it a hobby of a high-ranking devil like Vernlead? ? "

" I don't know, but the only thing I can say ... now is that there are people who can save. "

Altorius's gaze, which he says so, shoots straight through my eyes.

I see, that is-it's the same as usual.

There is a devil who preys on humans. Then--

"I don't know what you're planning, but the point is that you should kill the devil. Then the story is simple. Some strategy Is there any? "

" I haven't grasped the situation yet, so the operation is still under planning. However, I have already been informed about launching an attack. "


"Waiting for a gathering of players?"

Currently, many players are gathering in this city.

If you use a knight to move, you will be able to reach Iram in less time.

Now, how do you kill the devil? Let's expect Altorius to do that.

"I'll prepare this too. I'll leave it to you."

"Yes, I understand. Then ... one hour later. Is it all right around? "

" I don't mind, can I just prepare? "

" Yes, it's a real man. world. I also wanted to get started right away. "

Apparently, I was preparing in advance.

I laugh a little at the words of Altorius and return my heels.

Now, it's the beginning of the war in this country. Let's break the nose of the devils.

Avatar name: Kuon

Gender: Male


Race: Human ( Human ) ruby>

Level: 51

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR : 36

VIT: 26

INT: 36

MND: 26


AGI: 18

DEX: 18


Weapon Skill: <>


Magic Skill: <

《Devil Magic: Lv.5》

Set Skill: 《Dead Point Shooting: Lv.36》

《MP Automatic Great Recovery: Lv.6》

《Death Sword: Lv.14》

《Identification: Lv.31》

《Sword of Life: Lv.14》

《Sword of the Soul: Lv.13》

《Tame: Lv.33》

《HP Automatic Great Recovery: Lv.6》




"Infight: Lv.27"

"Recovery suitability: Lv.21"


Subskill: <>

Title Skill: <>

Currently SP: 32 p>

Avatar name: Scarlet

Gender: Female

Race: Humans ( Human )

Level: 50

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 38

VIT: 24

INT: 32

MND: 24

AGI: 20

DEX: 20


Weapon Skill: 《Swordsmanship: Lv.21》


Magic Skill: <>

《Enhancement Magic: Lv.5》

Set Skill: 《Fighting Spirit: Lv.5》

《Spell Enhance: Lv .9》

《Fire Attribute Great Enhancement: Lv.7》

《Recovery Suitability: Lv.33》




《Three-dimensional running method: Lv.5》

《Skill loading: Lv.28》



《Sword of the Sword: Lv.11》

《Magic Power operation: Lv.4》

《Delayed magic: Lv.3》

Subskill: 《Collecting: Lv.7》


Title Skill: <>

Currently SP: 30

Avatar Name: Ali Shera

Gender: Female

Race: Demon Tribe ( Darks )

Level: 50

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 25

VIT: 20

INT: 25

MND: 20

AGI: 38

DEX: 38


Weapon Skill: <>


Magic Skill: <>

《Light Magic: Lv.3》

Set Skill: 《Dead Point Shooting: Lv.35》

《Secret Action: Lv.9》

《Poison resistance: Lv.26》

《Associate: Lv.9》

《Recovery aptitude: Lv.30》

《Darkness attribute Great Enhancement: Lv.6》

《 Stinger: Lv.10》

《Detection: Lv.34》

《Venom Edge: Lv.2》


《Acrobatics: Lv.6》

《Throwing: Lv.26》

《Running: Lv.19》

《Wound piercing: Lv.3》

Subskill: 《Collecting: Lv.23》

《 Dispensing: Lv.26》

《Camouflage: Lv.27》

Title Skill: None

Currently SP: 34

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