Magica Technica Chapter 267

"So ... did you clear the fog on the south side of the city?"

"Oh. Looking at that situation, it seems that the fog source cannot be re-installed immediately."

Return to the underground base once and report the results of the war to Selia. When I went, I gave up my shoulder lightly and finished it.

Thanks to the clearing of the fog in the southern half of the city, the decrease in HP has completely disappeared in the basement of this area.

The locals seemed to be quite relieved about it, so it may have been worth the hassle.

However, I haven't solved anything yet.

Blazo, who had confirmed the point of destruction of the sword earlier, did not immediately re-install it.

I thought it was due to the "Desperate Sword", so there was a probability that it would be immediately re-installed if I was not good at it.

Well, that would make it impossible to capture.

"In other words, the rest is the removal of the fog on the north side and the direct confrontation with the count-class demon."

"... That is Is it really possible? "

" Well, I can't deny that it's tough. "

Removal of fog on the north side without an underground passage. , And a small number of battles with count-class demons.

Both are strict conditions. There are few hands that can be used here, and only the opponent is advantageous.

But if you don't do both, you won't win. I have to say that it is a troublesome situation.

I sighed deeply as I looked up at the hollow while entrusting myself to the backrest of the bench that was installed.

"But that's the victory condition. It doesn't matter if it's unreasonable or not, there is no choice but to do it."

"But teacher, it's impossible to go forcibly, right?"

"Well ..."

Suppose you perform fog elimination.

The method is to ride the Ceylan to the sword at full speed and destroy it.

In that case, you may be able to destroy one, but it will be captured by Blazo by the time you move to the next one.

If that happens, the fog will not be completely clear and you will be fighting him.

It may be better if there is only one, but I have to say that the count class with high self-healing ability is a tough opponent.

"If you forcibly destroy one and enter a battle with Brazzo in that state ... Well, if you try to escape, you will escape, but he will surely remain. I should concentrate on one defense. "

" Then, one of them has to break the sword while fighting the count class. Taking your eyes off the master even temporarily ... "

" Well, it's fatal. I can't miss such a chance. "

That's what the battle between masters is.

If you show a gap even for a moment, you can add it. Other demons so far may still be able to do it, but it won't be possible with Brazzo.

Therefore, it is unavoidable to reject the destruction of the sword and the battle with Brazzo at the same time.

While looking at Alice and Lumina talking to the inhabitants of the city from a distance, I squint and raise my voice.

"That's why it is necessary to destroy the sword without being captured by Brazzo"

"... Isn't it unreasonable? ? "

" As far as I can tell, it's not very, but it doesn't sound possible. "

" That's right. ...... Well, I'm sure I'll have to make a bet. "

In my words, Hishin frowns disgustingly.

Well, that feeling is not unclear. It would be insane to bet on the count class.

But-it's a fact that I can't think of a better hand than that.

"From a distance, there are probably two sources of fog left. Brazzo is probably waiting somewhere in the middle, to the one we appear in. You can expect an attack, but he doesn't have a subordinate, and he's the only enemy. "

" ... Kuon, you Are you going to divide the corps into two? "

" How? L76 "> I agree with Selia's words with a smirk and a smile.

Blazo's biggest weakness is that he has only one enemy.

He doesn't even have a normal demon, let alone a low-ranking demon or a demon knight.

There is a chance to take advantage of it. He can't deal with two situations at the same time.

"First of all, I will ride on the Ceylan and charge. I will move with all my strength to destroy the source of the fog, where I will wait for Brazzo to intercept."

"... In the meantime, do we destroy the other sword?"

"Fortunately, you too are the sword of the devil. 》 Can be used. It is not a 《Sword of the Fog》, but it will be possible to destroy it. ”

" But in the meantime, the teacher stops the devil alone. ”

" Because there is also Ceylan. It's tough, but it's not impossible. "

Probably defeat it. That is impossible. Even if the amount of HP recovered is slightly reduced, the physical strength of the count-class demon is enormous, and I am not confident that I will be able to cut off the opponent who is constantly recovering.

But it's still possible if you just want to earn some time.

I'm not sure, but there is a ticket for that.

"Some time after I rushed in, you rushed in at the point where I signaled. Destroy another sword-from there, the truth with Brazzo. It's a game of ”

" ... Sure, it's a bet. Is it possible? "

" I'm telling you, but the former is a story that you can withdraw at that point. Then it is still at the stage where you can repartition.

In other words, the biggest bottleneck is time-earning.

It may not be sane, such as earning time against a count-class demon and also against a user of "Desperate Sword".

But still, there is no choice but to do it. There are few things we can do for a small number of us, so we have to do things even if we take risks.

"... I'm sorry, I hope we can help"

" Locals ( You ) and Gentiles ( We ) have different risks. You don't have to take unnecessary risks in that regard. "

"That's right. Leave it to us, because it's our job to hunt the devils."

Scarlet who says so with a serious look. There was a kind of sense of mission in the true expression.

Well, as long as I've heard that story, it's no wonder that my consciousness about the devil changes.

Well, I haven't changed at all in that regard.

(No ... rather than before)

I didn't like the demons for a long time, but now they're for me It's a devilish enemy.

I never intend to forgive or let go. Be sure to kill-that's for the once-fallen comrades, and for those who are now.

, Hishin raised his voice while returning his gaze to me, who was inwardly enthusiastic about fighting.

"But is it okay, teacher? Then, can I start the operation immediately?"

"He was originally Because he's a human being, his actions are easy to read in a sense. He said "next" ... I'm sure he's going to aim for the place where he moved to destroy the sword. "

In other words, he's pulling his sword and waiting for us.

It's not that I can't move even in that situation, but jumping into an ambush is a high risk.

That's why I'm spending a little time now.

"Human concentration doesn't last that long. If you rush a little, the movements will be easier to read. Also, you can take some preparation time. I can do it. "

" Don't move in a hurry? "

Fight in a situation, because even the slightest change could lead to victory. "

Well, it's a sergeant's deal in this regard.

That old man is bold but also a sigh, and he is the type who can do everything in battle.

In a different sense from Altorius, he is the type of person who does not want to deal with him.

I can't make a detailed strategy like those two, but I think it's possible if it's a little imitation.

"That's why I'm taking a break for a while. It will work in about two hours, so be prepared."

"I see. …… I see? Well, I understand. I'll prepare for a while. ”

" Oh, do that "

Hishin nods to my words and runs toward Alice and others in a short run.

Apparently, I'm going to tell the story to them.

I sighed lightly and watched the situation-suddenly, I heard a voice from the neighbor.

It's nothing else, Selia, who is the organizer of this place.

"Kuon, you ... don't you want to get them involved too much?"

"What are you saying?" As for the operation, I'm not going to do anything more than I said earlier? "

" Is it possible to destroy the sword and the like with only Hishinden? If so, she should be the only one heading for the other sword. "

That's certainly true, so a small nod to her words. do.

I see, it's certainly more appropriate to add Lumina and Alice as a force than to challenge the dangerous count class with me and Ceylan alone.

Lumina, who has recovery magic, is especially important. It is also true that fighting together has a higher probability of survival.


"For some reason. I want to fight one-on-one for a while. I'm not going to do much. "

" What ...? "

But I have no intention of losing, so it's a dangerous situation. I'm planning to get Seiran to put a horizontal spear when it becomes.

However, I can't elaborate on this.

Kudou Jintsuu-style is a secret technique, and even if you explain it, it is hardly understood.

To me, who was stagnant as to what I explained, Selia nodded many times as if she was convinced for some reason.

"Well ... I don't want to put a young girl on the battlefield."

"... … You, why are you going there?

"You don't have to tell everyone. They protect, love, and nurture. Even if it's out of danger, I'm relieved, it seems that you also understood it. ”

" ………… "

I sighed deeply as I looked around to see if this was a knight-no one tried to look at me.

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