Magica Technica Chapter 316

"Chi ... but it's always useless"

Scratch short crimson hair Raise, the devil screams with frustration.

The devil, who jumped from the top of a pile of rubble and landed on the ground, was in the form of a big man who would be well over two meters.

Certainly, it looks exactly as I heard in the report. A large man who manipulates flames-I don't know what kind of ability he has, but it seems that his fighting ability is high.

However, it is not a type with excellent skill like Baldred. I saw it as a type that pushes with its own physical ability and magical power.

"I don't have a lot of resources, and garbage like Temee and others are coming. p id="L23"> Apparently, this guy isn't the type who has loyalty to Dean Clad.

In the first place, the hierarchical relationship between demons is not well understood except for the title and rank, but for the time being, it seems that this guy is not in a friendly relationship with Dean Clad.

Well, whichever it is, what we do is the same.

I exhaled thinly-instantly, I jumped into the devil's bosom.

Gait-a tremor.

Kick the ground strongly and approach the devil at once.

The distance between each other is not so far. For me, it was something that could be packed in an instant, but-


The devil raised his left arm to defend the flash that he slashed in the Kasaya.

I have no armor, but my flash is only lightly biting, and there is almost no damage to the devil.

Although I haven't used the release of the Hunger Maru or the Sanma Sword, it seems to be quite sturdy.

A slight amount of green blood oozes from the wound that bites into it, but the devil does not seem to feel itchy and smiles with a terrible smile on his face.

"I see-Is Temee the magic sword user?"

Swelling magical power and murder. Immediately reacting to it, I jumped backwards and took a distance while kicking the devil's belly.

And the next moment, his right arm burned with a tremendous amount of heat and was swung down like a mallet to where I was.

The blow that was struck on the ground caused a huge explosion at that moment, spreading shocks and flames around.

Keep a distance so that you won't be swallowed by its destructive power, and I will re-hold the Hunger Maru again.

I see, it's a great power. It's no wonder that the wall role belonging to "Camelot" -the player belonging to that Parsifal unit was defeated with a single blow.

"Favorite of Dean Clad and Romperia ... Hmm, it doesn't look like a big deal"

A provocative smile I squint at the floating devil.

It seems that he is simply saying what he thinks, rather than trying to incite him and lose his composure.

It doesn't matter what you think. After all, what you do is the same.

"Altrius, let me do it freely"


I'm pushing it by number. I don't have to hunt him down alone.

But at the same time, there is no reason to take care of others.


"Barking well at the stepping stone"

" …… Ah? ”

" You're just a stepping stone to Dean Clad. There's no reason to take it easy. So I'll try to get it done quickly. "


But I know it's not really that sweet.

However, if you are against this devil who is dissatisfied with Dean Clad's rebellion--

Isn't it ... at the edge of the garbage !! "

Moment-The devil's whole body burns at once.

A powerful murderous intent and enthusiasm are directed, and the corner of the mouth rises while feeling horrified.

Even here, I have no intention of forgiving this devil. The mastermind who killed all the people in this city-I will surely kill this devil.

With that murderous intention, we set foot in this city.

"Fifth place in the count class-Zeon Galeos! The name of the man who burns Temee!"

"Kudou Jintsuu-style" Kuon. There is no value in the brute's neck, it's good to end it as soon as possible. " The magic of was poured on him.

While talking leniently, the Altorius and others had finished cleaning up the nearby demons for the time being.

While staring at the figure that is the target of the long-range attack, I reposition the Hunger Maru in the armpit.

"--Gluttony,'Hunger Maru'"

Then, the growth weapon is released, and the jet-black mist begins to overflow around.

This sword that absorbs HP regardless of enemy or ally is honestly difficult to use in situations where there are many allies.

However, it is well known in advance that it will be used against count-class demons, and if you are prepared, the amount of damage is not scary.

Absorbed a large amount of HP and confirmed that the blade gradually began to turn black-I activated the skill.

"Small fish aren't smart!"

, [Devil's Sword]! "

A moment, a huge flame blows up.

The dome-shaped flame that spreads around Zeon Galeos overruns the surroundings and squeezes it away-the blue trajectory that I released stopped the spreading flame.

After all, this technique is effective against superior attack opponents, and it seems that it does not take penetration damage.

"--" Ima "!"

Gait--A tremor.

Jump into the place where the flames still smolder while activating the magic sword.

The protruding tip reached the source of Zeon Galeos while extinguishing all the remaining flames.

Slashing method-Rigid type, piercing.

My full weight blow headed towards the heart of Zeon Galeos-just before it was blocked by a plugged arm.

However, now that you have a 《Sword of Life》, the power of the attack is different from the previous one.

The blow I fired pierced Zeongaleos's arm and stopped where it pierced.



Twist and pull out while scooping out the scratches.

It won't do much damage, but if you can weaken the momentum of the attack even a little, it's a letter.

Zeon Galeos understands that my attack power is increasing and is more vigilant than before.

However, this is not the type that has so many tactics than the original.

If you are at this distance--


――Of course, it will result in a fist attack.

I avoid the blow that is swung down by jumping backwards.

The reach is long because the body is big. Even if you don't have a weapon, if you misunderstand the attack range, you can be fatally injured with a single blow.

I was frustrated when I avoided the attack, and Zeon Galeos was reluctant to close the distance and pursued me.

(The attack is heavy and it is impossible to pass it off. This attack passes, but the total amount of HP is quite high)

Overall, Understanding that it was exactly what I had imagined, I dared to step forward.

While passing under the protruding fist, I set the counter on the side of Zeon Galeos with a thin, shaking blade.

Slashing method-Tsuyoshi's pattern, fire.

Slashes and squirts blood, but does not cause great damage.

This devil is like a human-shaped tank. It has non-standard physical strength and attack power, but it is rough because it does not make small turns.

It's definitely awkward because it has the physical strength and magical power to operate it forcibly. You can see the movement of.

Therefore, you should be careful--

"Oh oh!"



It's a violent fire attack released by its enormous magical power.

Avoid the flame radiation emitted by the protruding fist by misidentifying the position.

There may have been other players in the line of sight, but I can't afford to be so careful.

"Don't run around, don't you!"

"I'm just a fluent person"

Perhaps in response to this provocation, Zeon Galeos rushes here with both hands open without grasping.

It's a bit annoying to avoid this because of the huge body-you don't even have to deal with it properly.

"" Sword of Life ", [One Team of Life]"

"Gat !?"

The blade of life force is released. This blow, which is a long-range attack, is not as powerful as a normal attack.

But the golden blow is enough to be used as a dazzle.

Zeon Galeos, who was attacked on his face, was slightly frightened, and I jumped with it, using his shoulder as a foothold to avoid the attack.

And the next moment--

"Oh oh!"


Two knights in silver armor-Dean and Durack, the two signboards of "Camelot", slash into Zeon Galeos with their respective weapons in their hands. is.

The devil of the stone also sways his body after being hit by the whole body of two people.

Standing in front of such a guy is a female knight with a huge shield.

"Now, it's the real thing from here-snow humiliation, I'll let you do it!"

No, but it seems that the commanders of "Camelot" are gathering one after another.

This is the total power of the player. As Parsifal says, this is the real battle.

Looking around and watching Zeon Galeos bitterly distorting his expression, I stepped towards him again.

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