Magica Technica Chapter 335

After accepting the plan to raise Shinryu, I immediately set out to prepare for it.

When it comes to hatching a true dragon egg, it takes a considerable amount of time.

Or rather, you have to make the most of your daily login time limit.

I have to keep pouring MP for 24 hours, so it's not something I can do if I start properly.

"So ... why are you going to defeat the field boss first?"

It's Alice riding on Ceylan with me.

In order to complete the preparations early, I'm ignoring those monsters and heading straight toward the field boss on the west side.

With the liberation of the Holy Kingdom of Admis, the road to the neighboring Shendran Empire is already open.

It is possible to fight the field boss, and the quick player is already challenging the boss.

By the way, it seems that Altorius and others have already captured this time. It's a bit fresh because we've always been the first ones so far.

Anyway-our goal today is to get ready to hatch the dragon's eggs.

"First, I want to unlock the skill slot. The boss reward ticket and reach the milestone level. Now you can get two new skills."

"It's delicious, but is it necessary to hatch eggs?"

"No, it's not necessary. ...... It's a waste if you don't do it. "

Since Shinryu's eggs have already been replaced, the actual situation is that you can start working anytime.

However, in order to hatch this egg, you have to keep pouring MP.

It's okay if there are a lot of people, but in my case it's not so easy because of the magical attribute.

If it is Altorius, it will probably be the MP of Light Attribute. However, in his case, he has a large number of players in the clan, so it is unlikely that he will be in trouble with MP.

On the other hand, in my case, it's a magic of the "Enhancement Magic" system. There are few users, and it seems that it will be difficult to unify with this attribute.


"Keep fighting the enemy and pour it into the egg while recovering MP with 《Sword of the Soul》 Continue. If you don't increase your skills in advance, your experience will be wasteful, right? "

" ... No way, are you going to keep fighting for 24 hours? "

"Of course, I'm going to do that"

Alice is silent for a while in response to my reply.

Apparently, he looks up at the void and sighs.

It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm talking with Eleanor about how to keep calling monsters endlessly, and Altorius is looking for the best place. Give me.

With their information, there will be no hindrance to the operation.

"... Isn't MP potion good?"

"I think the amount of recovery is enough. I'm going to be in a state of "addiction". I've got it prepared just in case it's not enough. "

" Hmm ... the dragon has to go that far. Is it a thing? "

" It's called a true dragon egg, but it seems that it will not reach the level of the true dragon if there is not enough MP. You should aim for the result of "."

The dragon born depends on the attribute and amount of MP poured.

If this is not enough, Shinryu will not be a true dragon-it seems that Aryu will be born.

I've been fighting several times, and I know that Aryu is strong enough, but even so, it's false that I want to aim for Shinryu. It's the real intention of Zaru.

To that end, we must continue to fight for 24 hours and continue to collect MP.

Perhaps he understood that I was determined, Alice sighed again and screamed.

"You paid the points, and I don't deny that goal, but ... I'll let you rest from time to time."

" Of course, I don't mean to go out with that much. "

Anyway, I've actually been fighting for more than 24 hours, but Alice is there. It is terrible to ask for concentration.

The purpose of this time is not to defeat the enemy, but to recover MP, and there is not much need to expand the force.

I think it's a good idea to take a rest too much because it will raise the level.

"[Soul Sword] can also be used by Scarlet Sword, and in the event of an emergency, he can be replaced. I also take breaks from time to time."


"It's better. There is no doubt that it's unreasonable."

Hishin can also use "Enhancement Magic". , I have also mastered "Break Soul Sword".

While I'm taking a restroom break, I'll have him pour MP into it.

Anyway-tomorrow you will have to fight in a row from login to logout.

Let's get ready today, log out locally, and start the operation right after logging in tomorrow.

To that end, you must first defeat the field boss at the end of that stone pillar.

"Ceylan, descend"


It was flying, but this time the target is just a field boss.

We arrived here, avoiding to keep a distance when we saw the enemy.

Apparently, there are no other players at the moment.

As expected, there are still few people who challenge the field boss yesterday today.

"Altrius, that fucking busy situation is astute"

"Only at this time when you were exhausted "I didn't get out of it, right?"

"Well, I'm not particular about the first ride, and it doesn't matter which one."

Get off the back of Ceylan and move to the front of the stone pillars lined up.

Scarlet is coming down and we should be able to start the fight with the field boss soon.

"Is the boss here a superior species of the Earth Dragon?"

"It's a Grand Dragon. Yo "

" But the basic properties haven't changed? "

" That's right. For the same race It doesn't change. "

Compared to Shinryu, it's definitely downgraded, but if it's higher than the Earth Dragon, it's a powerful enemy.

I have the impression that it was a sturdy dragon, but it should be quite tough if it ranks higher.

However, it wouldn't be more troublesome than a count-class demon. Not to mention the comparison with Dean Clad.

You can deal with the other person normally and clean up normally. It's just that much.

"OK, do you want to go?"

We nod to each other and step into the other side of the stone pillar.

Continue a little forward and move your foot near the center of the boss area-immediately afterwards, a dull vibration came from the ground.

"...! I'm coming!"

"I'm hiding"

I don't mention Alice who hides herself immediately, and I'm ready to pull out the Hunger Maru.

Immediately after that, a huge dragon appeared through the ground, emitting vibrations and roars equivalent to an earthquake.


A giant dragon-a giant dragon with a roaring sound Gaze at this.

A dragon that is about one size smaller than Wernlead.

However, its silhouette was chunky, and its body was covered with scales and shells that seemed to be robust.

It is a delicate place whether the blade passes through Matomo, but ... for the time being, I have no choice but to try it.

■ Grand Dragon

Type: Aryu

Level: 70

Status: Active

attribute: Ground

Combat Position: Ground /Underground /Aerial


It seems that Ryuishi has the power to make a clear distinction from field bosses and other monsters.

The magical power is high enough, and it seems that he is not the kind of person who can manage to deal with him properly.

However, still << Incarnation release ( Metamorphose ) I don't feel as intimidating as the count class who performed >>.

Let's fight while checking how much the enemy is.

"[Mithril Edge], [Mithril Skin], [Armor Spirit Summon], [Enhance]," Sword Convergence "-"

" Guruaaaaaa! "

Activates magic and increases attack power.

Perhaps in response to that, the Grand Dragon rushed here with a scream.

A giant with tough scales and shells, you can think of it as a dump truck assault.

I can't stand up to the stone from the front, so I swing my blade while avoiding it aside.

The tip of my hungry wolf circle was-while scratching the scales of the Grand Dragon, it was flipped by the shell.

"Hmm ... I see."

Apparently, I have to think about where to cut.

It seems to be tough in the middle, and it seems that it is not a monster that can properly deal with opponents.

With a small smile-I made a charge towards the passing Grand Dragon.

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