Magica Technica Chapter 354

After a big fan of the Coliseum, I left Imperial Capital with the tame monsters.

I was worried about the major leagues, but first I gave priority to releasing the stone tablet in this country.

The empire has completely rejected the devil, so there is no need to release the torch tower.

Well, it may be a problem for players who want to get a torch lantern, but I should be honestly pleased that there is no devil's interference.

"But the player is quick"

"The will to rely on the power of my father can be seen through. I don't like that kind of person. "

" There's a certain number of that kind of thing, so it can't be helped. "

It seems that the declaration I made at the Coliseum is already well known to many players.

Is it a bulletin board post or a word of mouth? We were a team that was a candidate for victory, and it's no wonder that if it were to participate alone, it would be noticed.

If you plan various strategies to capture me, it's quite fine, until you break through them from the front.

However, there are quite a few people who are not willing to take on the challenge.

"If you're going to invite me, I'd like you to have at least the ability of Altorius."

"... at least the standard is Isn't it too expensive? "

" Kuha may be so "

I heard the story before I left the city. Some players talked to me, all of which were invitations to form a party.

Since he is in the empire at the moment, he may be a player with some ability, but he is not enough to fight side by side.

No, it may be useful in the sense that it pulls your leg and puts you at a disadvantage.

Either way, I'm not going to team up with anyone at this event.

――Because you don't need to add any other extra elements to see the growth of Scarlet.

"Your father is very enthusiastic, right?"

"That's right. I'm really looking forward to it. "

From the beginning, it was almost certain that I would be the owner of Kudou.

I don't know if I'll surpass Jijii or Jijii will decline and retire-I don't know which one will come first, but I'm almost unofficially appointed as the owner. It is no exaggeration to say that he was.

And it was decided that Asuka would be a direct Disciple, and the training ceremony was an event that would definitely be visited someday.

To be honest, I couldn't afford to think about that until I beat Jijii, but after making him a direct Disciple, I often thought about the ritual of training.

Scarlet is definitely a genius. I was sure that one day I would reach the level I wanted.

"Father, are you sure you want to ask one?"

"Hmm, what?"

Imperial Capital Lumina rushes west from Silvario as she walks off the road.

When I think about it, Lumina is quite modest with Scarlet Makoto, so I think it's been a while since I talked one-on-one like this.

Whether or not I knew my feelings, Lumina continued in a timid manner.

"Is it a real man like that? I think my father will be targeted a lot ..."

" It's okay because that's the aim. Isn't it interesting if it's not that much? "

" But ... "

"I'm worried, you"

Certainly, I and Hishin will be targeted by a large number of players.

We are candidates for victory, and conversely, it is difficult to win without defeating us.

Whether to form a clique and attack, or prepare a trap.

In any case, if you can't go through the trials of that degree, it's a dream of a ritual of training.

I expect Scarlet to drive out all the enemies and reach me.

"I'm rather looking forward to it. What kind of enemies will come to me and what kind of taste will they have? In front of the main dish It's just right for an appetizer. "

" Do you expect so much about Scarlet Sister? "

" Oh, he's a talent that can reach my realm. "

I won't say it because I'm in a good mood in front of him, but Hishin is definitely a genius.

And in the battle up to this point, we are steadily growing.

I think that he can compete with a large number of players.

"No matter what you lose, you won't die. You should enjoy it to your heart's content."

"... I understand.

Lumina is still dissatisfied, but seems to be convinced by my words.

Now that the story is complete, let's move on.

For the time being, it has nothing to do with the event, but I would like to raise the level of Sirius--

"Guru" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa When I turned my gaze while approaching, a huge reptile was about to run from there.

Its appearance is just like a dinosaur, but it is an enemy different from Dinoraptor who fought several times.

The size is one size larger than Sirius, and it rushes to this place with four legs.

It looks like a Tyrannosaurus if you look only at the head, but it has a strange impression because it has four legs.


Type: Demon

Level: 68

Status: Active

attribute: Ground

Combat Position: Ground /Underwater

Apparently, it's a monster that seems to be located above Dino Raptor.

However, I don't think it will evolve into this figure.

There are many dragons and dinosaurs around here, so there are only large monsters.

In this case--



Sirius greets it with a roaring scream.

The size of Dinolex is larger, but it probably won't lose in weight.

The two bodies with large mass collide from the front and run a tremendous impact on the surroundings.

I pulled out the Hunger Maru while smiling in spite of the impact of hitting my skin.

"That's the end of the laid-back story. I'll move on while defeating the enemy."

"Okay, dad."

Lumina doesn't seem to be completely convinced yet, but that's not the case now.

Although it is a Dino system that focuses on physical attacks, it is not an opponent who can be alert when it becomes so huge.

Sirius also uses the skill of "Hardening" and seems to reduce the damage by strengthening himself with "Enhancement Magic".

Sirius's defensive power is tremendous, and he doesn't seem to have suffered much damage from Dinolex's ramming or arm attacks.

The only damage seems to be the damage when bitten by a strong jaw.

Dinolex's bite seems to be sticking out to the flesh underneath, even breaking the scales of Sirius, which is extremely tough.

"Guru ... aaaaaaaaaa!"

However, Sirius has never lost.

Sirius's fangs, sharp like a spear, pierce Dinolex's tough flesh and cut it.

Overall, Sirius seems to be doing more damage, but it seems that he is not in a situation where he can be alert.

Should I help this guy properly?

"Lumina, Ceylan. You guys go too!"



Lumina and the others who jumped out into the sky vigorously launched an attack on Dinolex.

Lumina is magic, and Ceylan is a blow. While being careful not to hit Sirius, which is in conflict with both, I will scrape off the HP of Dinolex accurately.

However, if I'm rampaging like this, it's hard for me to get out of my hands--

There is no such thing. [Mithril Edge], [Mithril Skin], [Armor Spirit Summon], [Enhance], 《Sword Convergence》 ”

Activate various magic and skills, and starve wolf Increase the attack power of the circle.

Dinolex is a strong monster, but it probably doesn't require the release of growth weapons.

I approach Dinolex as it is, but it is also difficult to approach because it is in a situation where it is also in conflict with Sirius.

It is dangerous to touch Sirius in battle, so you will have to find a chance somehow.

"Well, what's wrong?" No. If you get close to it, it will be laid down and it will be a Buddha.

However, Sirius is gradually being pushed, and it will not be possible to leave it as it is.

At that moment when I shook my eyebrows, Dinolex shook his body and flew off the giant Sirius, probably because he hated the contact of "Zanscale". ..

On the other hand, Sirius prepares his posture while leaving a deep claw mark on the ground, and takes a deep breath at the moment when he stops.

That is--


!? "

At that moment, a shock wave breath was shot from Sirius's mouth with a terrible roar.

A shock wave with a slash, which pierces the face of Dinolex, who was trying to chase after Sirius, from the front.

If Sirius's biggest blow hit the key point, the dinosaurs wouldn't be able to ignore the damage. Dinolex screamed and turned over on the spot.

"《Sword of Life》, [Glittering Flash]!”

Of course, you can't miss the chance.

Dinolex's right forefoot is aimed at with a flash of life force.

One of Dinolex's great weapons, the one that afflicted Sirius, would not be able to suppress Sirius's attack without it.

Lumina and Ceylan see my movement and, on the contrary, aim at the left front leg and hit the whole body.

A blow that wears a golden trajectory and magical power. The three attacks slashed and broke the bones of Dinolex's forefoot as planned.


Screaming, Dinolex twists and rampages. But by that time, we had already evacuated to the rear.

And ――


Sirius jumps up and hits a long tail while somersaulting.

The blow that broke through the sky was accompanied by centrifugal force and the force of gravity-smashing Dinolex's skull.

"The level of the tame monster" Sirius "has increased"

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