Magica Technica Chapter 376

After the battle with the Risons, move on to the next landmark again.

At the end of the first round, the area contraction was completed while fighting them.

It was before I had moved to my destination, but thanks to the completion of the contraction, I was able to confirm the next contraction destination.

The next contraction destination is further westward. Apparently, the move so far wasn't wasted.

As for the player who got off to the east side, I would say that he was sorry.

Well, if you move early, you won't be drunk by the dragon, and that depends on your course of action.

"But ... it's still the second time, but it's getting narrower."

If the next area contraction is completed, The map will be reduced to about a quarter of the total size.

Moreover, the more the contraction progresses, the greater the damage caused by the dragon spirit, so everyone desperately moves.

What is the current situation in areas where people can easily gather?

"I'm curious about that too"

I'm curious, but it's a shame to go back to the stone. ..

You should move to the center of the area obediently and collect items at the key points.

If there are other players, I will try to aim aggressively, but I have no intention of going back and forth in search of people.

Anyway, if you defeat the blocked person, you can win naturally.

"... My points have risen so much"

This event is also a point system, and that player has The total value of the skill level is the original point.

By the way, in the case of the upper skill, it seems that the level at the time of the lower skill is also the total value.

And in addition to that, the points of the defeated player will be added as their own points.

In the case of a party, points will be divided according to the degree of contribution, but I am fighting alone and I am the total taker.

After all, when it comes to personal points, I'm in a pretty high position.

It's okay for other players to aim more, but there are many people who run away immediately when they meet each other.

If you encounter multiple parties, you will escape a little before you can beat them all.

(I've got some good ones ...)

I got the second sword in my hand Although it is included, the rank is still D. It's not a satisfying power.

As a bonus, there is no katana that I usually use, and it's something that can't be left.

The defense is pretty good, but the attack side needs a little more exploration.

and ――

"... n"

I sharpen my consciousness without stopping.

It's quite far away, and the source is not clear, but I can feel the line of sight.

I just caught this figure for a moment, but it was a pretty sharp line of sight.

I wonder if someone who aimed at me by himself caught me.

-First, let's pretend we didn't notice and move on.

I don't know how to set it up, but I can't take it easy.

(But the current feeling ... it was quite a long distance. Do you have sniper skills?)

"Camelot" There are a certain number of players who mainly use shooting attacks, such as Takadama.

I'm not very good at close combat, so I hear that it's a tough structure if you can close the distance, but the fighting ability at long distances is still quite high.

I hear that some skills can see a long distance like a telescope, and it is troublesome to be targeted by the owner of such skills.

Moreover, the Lord of this line of sight disappeared in an instant so that I could not understand the position.

It would have been easier if you were just looking into it, but it doesn't seem to be that easy.

"... I feel nostalgic,"

I remember the feeling I had when I was in the unit.

Since it was basically a gun battle over there, it was not uncommon to be targeted from such a long distance.

The ability to detect snipers is undoubtedly improved by the experience of those days.

As with attacks from enemies, during training with friends ――


Seta, in response to the murder that was directed at me for a moment, I immediately pulled out the blade.

Almost at the same time, the arrow that came flying without sound is swung up and repelled.

Is it a skill to mute the sound of the attack or such a technique? I don't know what it is, but if the reaction was delayed even for a moment, I was hit.

However, this time I caught the location accurately. I'm sure I'll be able to finish it without being hit by the next attack-the moment I thought so, a white shadow jumping out of the shade of a nearby tree swung a huge weapon toward me.

"Hey, it's been a long time!"

"Chi ...!"

A woman with long white hair appeared.

She is quite tall for a woman, and her golden eyes have a warlike expression on her face.

The woman, dressed in black body armor, swung the halberd in her hand down to my head without any hesitation.

However, as long as I have caught the sign, I will not receive it. I evacuated quickly and evacuated to the extent that the pursuit did not reach, and I called out to her with a half-eyed eye.

"... Are you Angel?"

"Yes, it's been a long time, Sherat"

"Stop calling it ... Is it the land that you shot the arrow earlier?"

When I gazed in the direction of the shot, a man appeared from the shade of the tree there.

A man with brown hair and black eyes and an unobtrusive appearance. However, there is no gap in his standing figure, and it can be understood that he is not a person who can be alert at all while posing with both hands raised.

No way, in this game, I would meet these two people.

"Why are you here ... is that a wild story?"

"Well, you also expected I think it's done, but I helped the sergeant. "

" We also quit the army, so we had a little spare time. "

Angel and Land. He is a duo of mercenaries and is an old friend of the sergeant.

They are friends who fought together under the command of the sergeant in the unit of the UN army.

These two were temporarily placed in the military register by the introduction of the sergeant, and it is no wonder that they will be away from the army if the battle disappears.

I said, but I never thought that the sergeant would follow me to such a place.

――If there were no examples, I would have been more surprised.

"... Do you guys know?"

"Oh ..."

"Hey, that's it too. It's a causal thing, isn't it?"

Angel squinting and Land with a smirking smile.

Apparently, these two people already know the existence of MALICE.

Probably via the sergeant, and the sergeant ... I don't know where, but it's related to the UN forces.

And, as long as you know it, it's no wonder they're preparing on their own.

"I don't have to talk about it in detail, but even though the war is over, I'm stuck in a place like this. The couple are all fighting enthusiasts."


"Anyway, don't get involved with me, Sherat. Who is the couple--"


"Ah, yes. I'm sorry. It's a conditioned reflex ..."

Angel suddenly became moody, but in Land Rebuke while glaring at that.

As he leaned his head toward his drooping appearance, Angel, who was in a good mood, screamed with a smile.

"Actually, we have properly registered"

"... Ah, finally?"

"Wait a minute, Sherat. I want to protest the reaction."

"No, I bet when all the troops will get married." That's about it? I'm more convinced than surprised. "

Apparently it was a shocking fact, and Rand stiffened while twitching his cheeks.

These two people have been working as a duo even before joining the unit, and the way they breathe is not even necessary to look at them.

It's the same in everyday life, I thought it was almost like a couple, but I wasn't officially married.

I was wondering when I would get married, and all the troops, including the sergeant and Jijii, were betting on it.

By the way, the most popular was as soon as the war was over, but this seems to be just recently. Apparently I missed the bet.

"Chi, those guys ... remember when this work is over"

"Okay. Anyway, that's what I'm going to do in the future." Thank you when you meet face to face. "

" I don't mind. You guys have enough ability, I'll rely on you ... Face at this timing. Is that what it means to put together? "

If you ask with a light smile, Angel will deepen that smile.

I've never been in contact with you before, but I've come out at this point-I know what that means.

"I've been thinking for a long time. In our unit, the strongest is definitely the master ... your grandfather. But who's next? Kato "

" Most of them will mention you, Sherat. Certainly, you are definitely stronger alone. "

"But ... what if we are two of us?"

Angel has a rough and tasty but keen reaction speed and intuition.

A land that is finely nervous and therefore reads every hand and attacks the opponent precisely.

The two were never defeated in a buddy battle.

That skill was something that Jijii praised.

"It's a good opportunity--"

"--Here, I'll challenge you, Sherat"


――Involuntarily smile.

A serious battle with these two people, because I also wanted it.

"Okay, if you two, there shouldn't be a shortage. I'll let you go seriously. "

I'm not the one who can be bothered and alert. Let's meet this challenge with a serious blade.

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