Magica Technica Chapter 406

I made a mistake and posted two episodes together, so please see from the previous episode.

Return to the ground and head to the central castle.

The original purpose of coming into contact with King Kinryu is to heal the wounds of King Ginryu.

As long as we have the means to do so, there is no reason to leave the current situation of King Ginryu.

If you tell us that you got the crystal you got from King Kinryu and got the item you requested, we immediately became the emperor even though we had no appointment. It was decided to form an audience.

We were guided to the cave in the basement of the example-the residence of King Ginryu.

"I thought I'd have to wait a little longer"

"I'm sure I'm desperate for that too"


Needless to say, the wound of King Ginryu is a major event for the empire.

If it can be healed, it is understandable that it has priority over anything else.

The bottom layer of the underground cave came while being guided by the knight who seemed to be in a hurry than last time.

In the large space where the Silver Dragon King sealed himself, I faced Emperor Voltak again.

"Kuon, I've been waiting for you. Quick work, it's really amazing."

"I'm honored. The other party had a lot of trouble, but "

" It's a proof of excellence that you can do that. Come on, here's the blood of King Kinryu. "

Nodding to Voltak's words, I leave the red crystals I took out to a nearby knight.

The knight who received it, while squinting for a while, may have confirmed that there are no traps, and will take it to the emperor as it is.

This game is easy because you can spot such traps by using "Appraisal" and "Detection".

Voltak, who received the crystal from the knight, looked at it for a while, then turned to the King of the Silver Dragon and raised it high.

"Come on, Ginryuou. It's the blood of Kinryuou that the hero got. Heal the wound with this."

In response to that voice, only the face part of the ice that covered the body of the Silver Dragon King disappears as if it were crushed.

And as his eyes glared, the red crystal in Voltak's hand emerged and flew to Ginryuou as it was.

He looked at it for a moment and then threw it into his mouth without hesitation and chewed it.

At the moment, the light of golden wraps around the entire body of King Ginryu-the wounds on his body under the ice disappear in a blink of an eye.

Healed a wound that was almost fatal by all means in a short time.

Perhaps he confirmed that, Ginryuo erased the ice that covered his body and shuddered lightly to drop the fragments.

And Ginryuou, who was in a good position while raising the sound of the earth, turned his gaze toward us again.

"It was a cause, a foreign hero. Thanks to you, my wounds were healed."

"You Is an important force to fight the devil from now on. I'm relieved here as well. "

" Of course, I will never be alert next time. I'll be fully prepared. "

I replied to the words of King Ginryu.

Apparently, he knows what's happening right now.

However, since Ginryuou was not included in the frame, he seemed to be treated as a cooperator from the beginning.

"Can you see that you already agree with the joint front?"

"From the beginning, I am We have a contract to protect this country. As long as this country is attacked, it is natural for us to protect it. Conversely, if we are far from this land, that is not the case. "

"Hmm ... well, can't you talk from here as long as you have a contract?"

If you glance at Voltak, he will be light. I gave up my shoulder with a smile.

Apparently, I'm basically not going to remove the protection of King Ginryu.

Well, it's a natural decision from the top of the country, and I can't say anything about it.

"I know I know the situation for the time being. I'm going to the trials of the other Dragon Kings."

"Um ... but keep in mind. King Blue Dragon is mild, but King Red Dragon and King Black Dragon basically don't trust humans. It would be a difficult task to persuade them."

"Still, I have to do it. I'll do something about it." It looks like we'll have a hard time, but if we don't do it, we'll just be caught up.

At any rate, you will have to break through the trials.

In response to my reply, Ginryuo agrees with satisfaction.

The expression of the dragon is hard to understand, but it's probably laughing.

"Hero, if you are a prince, you will probably challenge the Red Dragon King. He is rough, but he has pure power.

"... I understand"

I judge that the character is almost as I imagined and agree.

It's annoying, but easy to understand. Do you mean that you should defeat the opponent in front of you without thinking about difficult things?

I don't know what will happen yet-for the time being, I'll just hit everything I can.

"Well ... I'm indebted to you again. As a thank you, take this with you."

Yes. When I told him, King Ginryu broke his left hand claw from the middle of one.

Although it is a part of the claw, the original body is a huge silver dragon king, and it will be more than a meter in size by itself.

Shinryu-It is also a part of the body of the dragon king who is the apex. It's hard to think how precious it is.

"... Is it okay?"

"If this is the case, it will return soon. How to use it It's up to you. "

" Thank you. I'll use it well to defeat the devil. "

" Um, expect You're a hero. "

Get an unexpected reward and smile a little.

Well, the material is too high level to handle even Fino, but that's fine.

Although there were various troubles, we got a result that was almost satisfactory, and we left Ginryuou.

* * * * *

"What, isn't there Altorius?"

"Hmm, unfortunately. He's busy in the Holy Kingdom right now."

When I visited the building used by "Camelot" in the Shendran Empire, There was no hate and Altorius.

Talking to Marin, who came out instead, it seems that he is now moving towards the Holy Kingdom of Admis.

I was wondering if the situation was here because of the situation, but it seems that the guess was wrong.

However, I don't have much consultation this time, and if Marin who knows the circumstances is the partner, there is no particular problem.

"What happened over there?"

"No, I didn't have any particular problems. Simply, here. It is said that the situation has progressed too quickly. From the decisive battle in the Holy Kingdom of Admis, an event in the Shendran Empire. Concluding a cooperative relationship with the Empire. It was about time. "

As Marin says, we're like running non-stop so far.

I wish I had just kept slashing the devil, but Altorius and the others don't.

The amount of clinging around that is really annoying, but it's probably Altorius's way too.

Anyway-I don't really help with that. I don't know what you're doing, but let's leave that to Altorius.

Now, the purpose here is to tell you about your contact with King Kinryu. However, considering MALICE, I can't just explain it foolishly honestly.

For the time being, you will have to choose a word for the explanation.

"We were invited to the castle as a reward for winning the previous event, where we came into contact with the King of Silver Dragon"

" On the other hand, it was said that this country had a contract with Shinryu and it was the King of Silver Dragon. How was the condition of the wound? "

" About the wound It's already perfect. It can be said that the strength of this country is almost perfect. "

" Hmm ... well, I think it's a safe place for the time being. This event It's hard to say that it's perfect if you don't do it. "

I can't deny that word, and I give up my shoulder lightly.

If the cooperation of the true dragons cannot be perfected, it is hard to say that the countermeasures against the devil are perfect.

For that reason, the task of the Dragon King will have to be dealt with immediately.

"I talked with King Kinryu in various ways. I was able to talk about Goddess to some extent, and I think we can build a good cooperation system."

"... Hmm, I see. I'll tell Altorius. What are you going to do now?"

"We're about to start I'm going to the residence of King Red Dragon. I was advised by King Silver Dragon, but it seems to be a good match. "

" OK. I'm going to decide. "

Apparently, it's just a word, but it seems that I was able to convey what I wanted to say.

Let's ask Marin for the message, and let's head to the residence of King Red Dragon.

I'm not going to challenge it today, but for the time being, I'd like to reach the vicinity.

For the time being, I told you what to tell, so I will leave "Camelot" as it is.

Heading to the east, a volcanic area in the southeastern part of the Holy Kingdom-the place where the Red Dragon King lives.

I started moving with expectations and anxiety about what kind of trials awaited me.

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