Magica Technica Chapter 437

Fino, who has filled his inventory with explosives, climbs up Sirius again and runs up to the sky.

Apparently Sirius is getting used to it, and he doesn't feel reluctant to ride it.

Well, it seems like it's about to go wild, and when this is over, let's make it like it.

Currently, there is still heavy traffic in front of the big hole. However, instead of getting stuck there, the devils try to detour to the side, and the demons are forced to dive in to close the hole.

Also, it seems that the situation of this front is being transmitted to the following demons, and there are also enemies who are divided into left and right in advance.

Maybe because of poor visibility, not all of them are all, but they have been dealt with.

"... Well, I'm just doing what I can do now"

Currently, Fino is aiming to detour from the kill zone. The devils who are trying.

It seems that the range where the bullets do not reach is also known, and it is proceeding to bypass that range, but it is a perfect target because it will be solidified in an easy-to-understand manner. It has become.

The bombs thrown by chance are still in the midst of overrunning the demons and demons on the ground.

I'm trying to fight back against the stone, but it doesn't seem to be powerful enough to penetrate the scales of Sirius.

I don't know what it's like at close range, but at least it doesn't seem to be effectively damaging Sirius from a long distance.

"Well, if you're in this condition ... Lumina, Seiran, you can do whatever you want! You can replenish as much as you want here!"

" Hai! "

" Queee! "

Nodding to my words, Lumina and Ceylan are full of magical power.

Multiple bullets of light appear around Lumina, who unfolds her dazzling wings. As soon as they receive the magical power of Lumina, they expand at once, and Avatar formed by the outline of light appears.

The spirits called by Lumina jump out with a tail of light in all directions while imitating the appearance of Lumina itself.

On the other hand, as Ceylan released his magical power, black clouds began to rise in the sky.

However, it doesn't seem to start raining. Lightning is beginning to echo in the sky, but it seems that the effect is limited to that.

And what appears around Ceylan is a skull made of black ash haze. The ghosts who permeate the attack attack the devils all at once while illuminating their appearance with the thunder that falls from the sky.

"... It's evil if there is no remedy, <>"

The physical attack is completely transparent, The effect of magic attack is also weak.

It seems that magical destruction ability such as "Sword of the Soul" works, but it is a fairly rare skill, and you can think that it will not be dealt with so much.

On the other hand, Lumina's "Summon Spirit" can be eliminated by physical means.

However, this is far more aggressive than "Ghost Summon", and it also attacks using magic on its own.

When it comes to annihilation ability here, this is definitely better.


"In this case, the kill score would have changed so much"

The thunder that intermittently falls from the sky is setting the devil apart from the ghosts.

Ceylan's "Tenstorm Magic" is very powerful, probably because of its racial ability.

Moreover, probably because he hasn't spared his magical power, powerful thunder continues to fall.

Maybe I haven't aimed at it, or it may have fallen in a place that isn't very crowded, but even with that in mind, it seems that enough results have been achieved. ..

Lumina is better in terms of pure magic attack power, but as long as it can be defeated with a single blow, the superiority or inferiority of the power is meaningless.

Fortunately, there are no other players in the immediate vicinity, and it shouldn't be a problem to let the magic go.

"I'm a little sorry to rely on Eleanor ... well, it's a Chamber of Commerce that leans like a potion."

Anyway, I wonder if they are selling their favors in many ways in this case.

Even though I was already in control of the country, I wonder if there will be no one in this country who can speak out anymore.

Well, Eleanor wouldn't misuse her power, but it's horrifying.

What is he doing now?

(... well, now it's okay. Anyway, I have to reduce the number of enemies)

Defeat a considerable number of enemies I think it has come, but I still don't feel that the number has decreased.

Cannons, stone throwers, and even wavy attacks from them have only cut a part of the enemy's strength.

Currently, I've been dealing with the right side when viewed from the fort side, but I don't know what's happening on the left side.

I don't think I've been engaged yet, but what's going on?

-At that time, Ceylan's body shakes due to a sudden impact. But the cause was never harmful.

"Good luck ... I'll bother you a little"

"Oh, Alice? Don't do anything crazy.

"I don't have any reason to be told by you"

I jumped on Ceylan's back with a light touch. It was Alice who jumped from the sky.

Well, you can imitate it in such a sky, and if you make a mistake, you will fall into a flock of demons.

Alice had been riding the Scarlet Pegasus until a while ago, but apparently she's getting free.

"In this situation, we can't do much"

"I don't have anything I don't have it, but surely I don't have much to do. "

There were some monsters attacking from the sky earlier, but here they are also. There is no.

It's not completely out of the question, but even if we didn't touch it, it was shot down by the magic and arrows from the fort.

If you can handle it even if you ignore it, you don't have to bother with it.

"I wonder if Mr. Hishin's score is higher than you this time."

"Well, for now. He's better, but I don't know what will happen when he defeats the big one? "

As a result of Alice's luggage leaving, Hishin gained mobility. Has started bombing.

His magic attack power is very high. That is a level comparable to Lumina's attack power, and the attack range is wide.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that it is ranked high in terms of its ability to annihilate from the sky.

Its annihilation ability certainly kills many demons. For now, it's certainly a high score.

"Hey, you're a big guy. By the way, I haven't seen the title devil yet." The question is which level will come. "

However, the outcome of the event is not determined solely by the results of defeating small fish.

You will get the most points when you defeat the devil assigned to the boss in this event.

I would like to confirm what kind of devil has appeared.

"Marquis or Duke ... In the worst case, the Grand Duke has the probability"

"That's it. I want to think that it doesn't exist. " I'm sure they've arrived at all. "

" That's right. I think it's still possible to reach the Marquis level, but ... the Duke level and above are unknown. " p id="L127"> Nods to the words while watching Alice throwing magic properly.

Well, if you don't know the Marquis class that you haven't touched properly so far, that's right, but if you think that it's not as good as the Duke class, it's pretty easy. is.

It is unlikely that the count class will come out anymore, but there is also the probability that it will appear as a normal force rather than as a boss.

In that sense, you need to be careful about the count class.

"I want you to be a marquis if you can ... I don't expect too much"

"Yeah ... the worst You should also think about the case. "

Worst-that is, the pattern in which the Grand Duke appears.

It is only known that Ginryuou was injured with a single blow, which was almost fatal, but that information alone proved to be dangerous enough.

There is clearly not enough strength to fight such a monster.

"... Well, I can't judge from the current information. For now, let's just consider that each pattern is possible."

"Yeah. I'm going to be in contact with you even if I don't like it anyway."

Alice's words nod with a light sigh.

The answer will come in front of you in the not too distant future.

I admitted that Fino, who seems to have finished throwing the bomb, was waving, and while moving again, I was imagining the future battle.

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