“This is the interrogation report, you can take a look.”

 Lina handed the transcript in her hand to Luo Feng.

 Luo Feng looked through it quickly.

 He has learned the basic situation of the incident, but he still has doubts about the conspiracy of that group of people.

 The threats faced by his family are no longer new to Luo Feng.

However, what piqued his curiosity was what exactly was this black market cultural relic smuggling group planning?

If it’s really about the antiques he had at the charity auction, then there’s no need to take action first, right?

At first, Luo Feng was still thinking that these guys were probably waiting for him to collect the cultural relics and prepare to transport them out of Ireland before starting to rob them.

But who would have thought that after following these people for two days, they would start to be impatient and want to attack him.


It also happened to give Luo Feng a chance to figure out how to withdraw from the black market cultural relics smuggling group.

Lina didn’t say a word. She took a step herself and decisively pushed open the heavy door of the interrogation room.

 In the interrogation room, the suspects from the black market cultural relics smuggling group sat side by side, with deep panic written on their faces.

As soon as they saw Lina's figure, they were like a panicked mouse seeing a cat. They hurriedly hid in the corner and curled up unconsciously.

Seeing this scene, Luo Feng couldn't help but look at Lina with a scrutinizing gaze, and secretly speculated in his heart.

As expected of the Defense Department, I don’t know what kind of methods Lina used against them to make these people who have been testing the edges of the law for a long time so fearful.

"You guys stand up, I have something to ask you."

Lina scolded.

The people from the black market cultural relics smuggling group stood up, their bodies trembling.

Luo Feng noticed that these people should all have injuries on their bodies, but someone gave them a new set of clothes, and the injuries were hidden under the clothes.

 “Tell me, what is your plan? Tell me everything.”

Luo Feng sat on the chair at the invitation of the director of the Defense Bureau.

Those people from the black cultural relics smuggling group started to talk about it from the beginning.

Luo Feng finally understood why these people did not choose to take him to find those cultural relics.

 But because these guys already knew that he was leaving Ireland, they planned to poison him in advance.

This poison is not fatal, but it will make them lose their strength and paralyze them in the box.

 They have actually investigated before and found out that Luo Feng has excellent skills.

If there was no absolute crushing situation, they were not sure that they could deal with Luo Feng, so they chose to use this method.

As long as Luo Feng and the others lose their strength, once they are caught, these cultural relics will easily enter their warehouse.

 Although the plan did not succeed, Luo Feng had to say something.

If it weren't for Lin Naiko's help and Baolu's acting problems, Luo Feng would have easily fallen into the trap.

“What’s more, didn’t you say you were going to target Mr. Luo’s family? What’s the plan?”

 Lina continued to press.

“I really don’t know about this. This is the main task assigned to us by the above. It is just a secondary task for us to target his family, but it is not carried out by us.”

“We only heard what the boss was saying.”


Lina looked at the people in the black market cultural relics smuggling group and they didn't look like they were lying. She turned around and looked at the Director of the Defense Bureau and Luo Feng.

“They probably really don’t know. Now that the information we have is limited, what should we do next?”

Luo Feng looked at Lina and asked, "Lina Defense Department, do you have any good ideas?"

But Lina seemed a little surprised. She didn't expect Luo Feng to ask, so she went through it carefully in her mind before speaking to Luo Feng.

"I think from now on, people should be arranged to protect your safety 24 hours a day."

The director of defense was definitely nodding next to him.

"Yes, Lina Defense Department and I have thought about this together. Before Mr. Luo leaves Ireland, we will send people to protect your safety to prevent anyone from attacking you again."

 Many people are paying attention to this matter now, and Luo Feng has just become a charity promotion ambassador.

If lives are in danger, Ireland's official reputation will inevitably be affected. This is definitely not something the Director of Defense wants to see.

 And Lina seemed to have thought of something again, and said bluntly.

"Mr. Luo, you have made too many enemies in Ireland and have aroused the dissatisfaction of many people. This protection is very necessary."

“I think you have to be careful about your personal safety even if you leave Ireland.”

Luo Feng smiled. How could he not know this?

 Just after leaving Ireland, no matter how powerful those people are, can they still reach out to the Cherry Blossom Country?

 It would be a bit troublesome for Luo Feng if the people from the Defense Bureau were to protect his safety at all times.

  After all, he always takes his niece shopping, and with people from the Defense Bureau around, he is afraid that it will scare those children.

Just when Luo Feng was about to refuse, Lina seemed to have thought of this.

“And we don’t know how those people will attack you, so our protection will be in secret, which can also protect your safety.”

“On the other hand, if someone takes action against you, we can also wait for the mantis to catch the cicada, leaving the oriole behind.”

Luo Feng couldn’t refuse anymore after hearing what Lina said.

Although he already had the ten mercenaries sent by Linnaeus, he was more than enough.

 But there are more and more people around him.

More people means a greater chance of protecting them.

“In that case, it’s all thanks to the Lina Defense Department and the director.” Luo Feng thanked him.

 Hearing that Luo Feng did not refuse, Lina's beautiful eyes lit up.

 She was originally worried about herself, because she had been too targeted at Luo Feng and whether it would cause dissatisfaction on the other side.

 As long as Luo Feng didn't refuse, Lina could change the impression in her heart bit by bit.

"By the way, Mr. Luo, I heard that there is a press conference tonight about your charity promotion ambassador. At that time, I think I will **** you there according to the same specifications as I escorted you to the oil mine auction before."

The director of the Defense Bureau seemed to have thought of something again, looked at Luo Feng and said.

 “It’s not necessary. Isn’t this a bit too much?”

Luo Feng was not only a little embarrassed, but the specifications he escorted him to the oil mine auction last time were simply too grand. If he used the same specifications this time, he would probably be ambivalent to many people.

"Your safety is the most important. As long as you can arrive at the scene safely, this is more important than anything else." The director of the Defense Bureau said and gave Lina a wink.

Lina understood what she was doing and immediately went down to do it.

Not long after, various official vehicles were dispatched at the entrance of the Defense Bureau. Rows after rows of members of the Defense Bureau were all in full gear and holding weapons in their hands.

 It looked like he was going to receive some big shot.

 When Luo Feng came out of the gate and saw this scene, with a black line on his head, he asked again.

“Director, is this a bit too much?”

“Really? I still feel that these safety measures are not enough.”

The director of the National Defense Bureau said without any surprise.

 Luo Feng was speechless. This fight made him feel as if he was about to be released from prison.

 Lina walked up to Luo Feng and made a gesture of invitation.

“Mr. Luo, please get in the car. We will **** you back to the hotel.”

Soon, people on the road noticed the official vehicles of the National Defense Bureau, sirens blaring, one after another, heading towards the hotel where Luo Feng lived.

 Many passers-by took photos of this scene.

At first, everyone was still wondering if there was any important action.

 Until these official vehicles came to the door of a five-star hotel.

Passers were so shocked by this scene that they not only scattered to both sides, but also took out their mobile phones to take pictures at the same time.

 In full view of everyone, Lina opened the car door.

 Luo Feng got out of the car.

“Holy shit, did I read that right? Isn’t this guy the charity promotion ambassador?”

"Yes! That guy's name is Uncle Luo Feng Shenhao. I didn't expect him to be so grand. There were so many vehicles to personally **** him back."

“I saw in the news that someone from the Defense Bureau was escorting him. Now it seems that this person is almost comparable to the leader of Ireland.”

At first, seeing this fight, the hotel doorman was a little dumbfounded and thought something big had happened.

The hotel manager was shocked and hurriedly escaped, only to find out that it was people from the National Defense Bureau escorting Luo Feng back. He couldn't help but feel a little false alarm.

“Defense Department, what are you doing...”

 Looking at Lina leading the members of the Defense Bureau, one after another, they rushed into the hotel.

 The hotel manager felt a little numb and couldn't help but ask.

"From now on, we will take over Mr. Luo Feng's security work. You can ask the security guards of your hotel to withdraw."

 Then the hotel manager was not given any chance to speak.

Lina took the lead to clear the way for Luo Feng and scanned every floor to ensure safety.

 Some customers who came to stay in the hotel were also scared to death.

Luo Feng saw it, but didn’t know what to say.

 After all, Lina did do it for his own good.

 In the office of Qiao Group.

Joyce, who saw this information on the Internet, immediately threw his phone on the table angrily.


 “What the fuck, didn’t the Defense Bureau’s brains get kicked by a donkey? They actually protected a foreigner!”

The reason why he was so angry was because the Defense Bureau was watching over Luo Feng and protecting his safety, which in disguise made it difficult for his people to get close to Luo Feng.

Tonight's charity conference, if the people from the Defense Bureau were also there, he would have no way to attack Luo Feng.

At this time, the boss of the black market cultural relics smuggling group also called Joyce.

Hearing the ringtone of the cell phone, he leaned down to pick up the broken cell phone.

"Mr. Qiao, have you seen it? People from the National Defense Bureau not only intervened in this matter, but also sent people to protect his safety."

“I heard that there were more than a dozen cars and hundreds of people at the scene. If such a large police force is protecting Luo Feng, who among us can do anything?”

“I’m just wondering, won’t they affect the normal order by doing this? So many people are dispatched at the same time just to protect one person’s safety.”

Joyce was wondering if he could have a chance to report someone, and then ask these people to withdraw from the Defense Bureau.

“I heard that these people are people sent from above who were borrowed by the director of the Defense Bureau, and are not the original members of their Defense Bureau.”

“We estimate that even if we report it, it will be useless.” The boss of the black market cultural relics smuggling group said helplessly.

“What should I do? I won’t avenge this revenge?”

Joyce said these words through gritted teeth, but there was a long-lost silence on the phone.

In the presidential suite of the hotel, Luo Feng closed the door after entering. Lina and the others had no intention of going in, so they just waited at the door obediently.

As soon as he walked in, the three women, Bai Ningbinggong, Liya and Ding Yanya, couldn't help but clapped their hands.

 “What are you doing?”

Luo Feng frowned slightly.

"Your battle is too big. We can see it clearly from above."

Gong Liya said with her big eyes blinking.

Luo Feng shrugged helplessly.

"Can you blame me? I've tried my best to refuse, but they insist on doing it, and there's nothing I can do about it."

“You promised the children that you would take them out to play today, but they couldn’t hold it in anymore.” Bai Ningbing said from the side.

  Shi Shi Xia Xia and Qiu Qiu are still with my eldest sister and brother-in-law.

What Luo Feng originally wanted was to let them have fun in the past few days and reunite their parents.

 And he originally planned to take the rest of the people out to play.

 In fact, Luo Feng had already agreed to them yesterday.

 Originally, the plan was that after eating with the eldest sister and eldest brother-in-law, they would take the three children away.

Luo Feng returned to the hotel and took the remaining little ones out to play.

I didn’t expect that Joyce would be poisoned because of what happened.

 Cause this time is delayed again and again.

  It was already nighttime, and Luo Feng could no longer take the little ones out.

After reorganizing, Luo Feng took the three girls and thirteen little ones and headed for the largest shopping mall in Ireland.

Lina originally wanted to persuade Luo Feng that at this critical moment, it would be better not to take so many people out.

 But after this period of contact, she finally understood Luo Feng’s character.

 At times like this, Luo Feng became more fearless.

"It seems that I can only worry more about their safety." Lina thought to herself.

He then used the walkie-talkie to make various arrangements to ensure that the safety of Luo Feng and his family members would not be affected.

There were more and more passers-by at the entrance of the hotel. As soon as Luo Feng came out, these people seemed to have seen a big star and took pictures of Luo Feng crazily.

“Uncle, why are they taking pictures of you?” Xiaoya asked in a childish voice.

 “Because uncle is handsome!” Luo Feng smiled narcissistically.

 Ding Yanya rolled her eyes.

Bai Ningbing and Gong Liya smiled softly.

Lina’s expression was somewhat intriguing. (End of chapter)

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