Next to the seat in this number is a walkway for staff to walk.

Ding Yanya moved the chair here just to get closer to Luo Feng.

 In fact, a host like him should have stayed in the background to manage everything through the live screen.

 But he still felt that it would be more useful to stay with Luo Feng and get closer to him.

 The geographical location of the oil mine project is scrolling on the big screen.

 There is also some relevant information.

Luo Feng took pictures of this scene with his mobile phone.

Throughout the process, he focused on the oil mine project and did not look at Ding Yanya next to him at all.

He will send all this information to his brother-in-law when the time comes, so that the other party can take a good look at it.

  Avoid making mistakes in projects that exploit oil deposits because you don’t know something about them.

 Not only was money lost, it also made it impossible to continue the project.

This made Ding Yanya feel a little stunned.

Luo Feng’s eyes were obviously focused on him just now, and logically speaking, he should be interested in her.

Then why is he so indifferent now? It's hard for her to figure out what Toluofeng is thinking.

 “Am I not proactive enough?”

Ding Yanya thought of this and placed the catkins on Luo Feng's chair.

But Luo Feng didn't react at all, as if he didn't see it. His eyes were fixed on the screen the whole time.

  Frank Smoking Gate, and several other wealthy people gathered around.

“No matter what, we can’t let Luo Feng win this victory over the oil mine today.”

Since they have no way to completely kill Luo Feng and prevent him from coming, they can only use money.

 “Everyone gathered together to take pictures of this quarry project.”

 The problem is that we don’t know how much money he will pay for this oil mine project. "

“If the money he takes out exceeds our total, then we will have no choice but to give him the oil mine.”

The owner of the Cigarette Sect said somewhat dejectedly.

Originally, he thought it would be okay if Luo Feng died and he could cooperate with Frank on this oil mine project.

But now Luo Feng is not dead, but is still alive and well.

 The people they sent before all died one after another.

This makes them think that Luo Feng is powerful and omnipotent, but they are like clowns.

 No matter what they do, they can't avoid losing, which makes them lose confidence.

 “Don’t wait there for others to gain prestige and destroy your own ambition.”

 Frank said displeasedly.

“So many of us can put together tens of billions, is it possible that we can’t match his power alone?”

“Do you think the way they are whispering to each other is like the strength of one person?”

Being reminded by the owner of the Cigarette Sect, Rank looked at Luo Feng's location.

At this moment, Luo Feng was having a heated exchange with Kedlukamen and Andy.

“We don’t want to leave it to them to take pictures of this oil mine project for the time being. If they get the results, then we will take action.”

“If they don’t beat our price, we don’t need financing.”

As soon as these words came out, both Kedru and Carmen frowned.

“Do you mean to take photos of this oil mine project by yourself?”

 According to Luo Feng's meaning, it does sound like this.

  But it stands to reason that the money they put out together should be more.

How much money can Luo Feng spend by himself?

Andy couldn't help but give a reminder.

“This is cash flow. If the money you take out does not exceed the price you bid, it is not considered the price you auctioned.”

“Don’t worry, the most I have is cash flow from real estate and so on. I don’t even regard it as money.”

 These words couldn't help but make other people look a little strange.

 Generally speaking, a person's net worth, his cash flow and immovable property can be considered a comprehensive fund.

But Luo Feng's words were ambiguous, as if he was saying that those real estate properties were not considered valuable funds at all.

And if Luo Feng could come up with more than 10 billion in funds alone, it would be shocking enough.

 You must know that this is a U.S. knife, not a soft coin.

 In terms of exchange rate, the U.S. dollar is much higher than the soft dollar.

 At the scene, no one called the price at first.

Ding Yanya is not in a hurry. According to the previous auction, as the host, he should lead everyone to actively bid.

 But she only has Luo Feng in her eyes now, and she just can't figure out why Luo Feng is so indifferent to him now.

 So he had to figure it out, and moved his hands from the sofa to Luo Feng's calves little by little, and then stretched upwards from the thighs little by little.

 But Luo Feng kept talking to Andy and Kedru who were behind them.

 Jinshan and Saudi Arabia sat next to Pan Luofeng. They were indifferent, with no expression on their faces. They looked like they were protecting Luofeng.

 After all, they are not participating in bidding at the auction. As long as Luo Feng is fine, then the task of these two people will naturally be completed.

However, they could still have some understanding of what Luo Feng said. Jinshan slowly discovered Ding Yanya's little moves.

She gently pushed Luo Feng to give him a look, but Luo Feng was still indifferent, as if he didn't see it.

Ding Yanya gritted her silver teeth and felt that she should be more ruthless.

 But in such a large public, he was afraid that if his movements were too big, it would make Luo Feng look ugly.

Especially since there is Jinshan nearby.

Ding Yanya had no choice but to take the stairs back in the end.

She now has her mouth puffed out, not knowing what she is thinking.

 Frank has not lowered the price. They are waiting for Luo Feng to call the price.

 What Luo Feng thought was that as long as the price on site did not exceed 10 billion, it was not worth their asking price.

 As Andy was originally the leader of this project, it stands to reason that everyone should listen to him.

 But with Luo Feng's involvement, it seemed that Luo Feng had become the leader of this matter, and the three of them had to obey Luo Feng's arrangements.

Kedrew and Carmen naturally wanted to fight for Andy.

  Andy did wave his hands and said secretly.

"It doesn't matter. As long as we can win this oil mine project, it doesn't matter whoever becomes the leader."

 This is the message sent by a small group of three of them, and Luo Feng is not among them.

But Luo Feng didn’t care either.

Group chats like this are all too common.

 There may even be eleven group chats among ten people.

 After waiting for a long time, the auction price only reached 5 billion, which was still far away from 10 billion.

This made him a little anxious.

 Luo Feng still has a lot of things to deal with.

Especially when he wants to question the people who wanted to assassinate him before.

Although he knew that it was very likely that it had something to do with the smoking gun fee, Rank and the Assassination League. But after all, there is no substantive evidence. Even if Luo Feng wants to blackmail these people, he must have substantive evidence.

If it were too late, it would be difficult to handle if these people colluded to confess or were determined to be afraid of death.

Luo Feng yawned and muttered.

“I can’t stand it anymore, why are these guys bidding so slowly?”

 “Mr. Luo, why don’t you bid me the price.” Jinshan said from the side.

  Ding Yanya also echoed.

"Yes, Mr. Luo, you can bid directly. If your price is too high and you feel it is too troublesome to press this, you can also tell me the number directly."

“I can do it for you, you don’t need to do it.”

 Speaking, Ding Yanya waved a cost in her hand. On the tablet, each position and the price they want can be customized.

 “Oh, it’s quite convenient to have this thing.”

Luo Feng's eyelids twitched and he said to her.

 “Then let’s do this, give me 10 billion now.”

As soon as these words came out, Kedrew and the two of them all looked at Andy at the same time.

“Mr. Andy, I don’t think it’s necessary to make so many, right?”

“Since no one at the scene asked for more than 10 billion, it means they probably won’t be able to come up with that much money.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to win this oil mine project with less payment?”

 The two of them want to use a small amount of money to win more shares in this oil mining project.

 In this way, you can earn more for less investment, who wouldn’t like it?

And Andy was a little hesitant, but in the end he chose to listen to what Luo Feng said.

“I still believe in Mr. Luo’s arrangement. I think he has his own reasons for directly raising the price to 10 billion.”

“Think about it, how is it possible for an oil mine project to be such a big one? It can be purchased for a mere 67 billion.”

Andy also knew that besides himself, there were several oil tycoons coming this time.

There is also Frank, the young man of the plutocratic group.

It is not difficult for them to come up with six to seven billion.

 But why haven’t these people bid yet? I guess I was just waiting for the opportunity.

 Luofeng directly raised the price to 10 billion, which would also show their ambition to win this time.

  Sometimes auctions are like playing a psychological game, which roughly means the same thing.

Kedrew and Carmen were both helpless and stopped talking.

They seemed to know that Andy had been completely brainwashed by Luo Feng. She would believe whatever Luo Feng said.

Now Luofeng wants to directly raise the price to 100 cases without any obstruction.

Then the two of them were even less able to say anything, and could only nod helplessly.

Luo Feng said with a smile to Ding Yanya next to him.

“Then you should raise the price to 10 billion now, and then announce it on the big screen.”

Ding Yanya saw that Luo Feng finally paid attention to her. Although it was for the auction, it at least meant that Luo Fang recognized him.

She felt a little happy and entered the amount of 10 billion, which was quickly displayed on the screen.

As soon as this price came out, the originally quiet scene suddenly burst into discussion.

 “Who is this? A one-time investment of 10 billion.”

“This guy is crazy, the auction price just now was less than fifty.”

 “Nine billion, this suddenly increased to 4.1 billion!”


“Look at the seat number on it. It’s the first seat in the first row. It should be a big shot.”

  No. 1 in the first row.

The leader of the Assassination Alliance asked coldly: "Isn't this Luo Feng's seat?"

 Frank nodded.

“Yes, this is Luo Feng.”

“It seems like they can’t hold back anymore and want to take action.”

“This is a one-time increase of US$4.1 billion, which is really not a small amount of money.”

The owner of the Cigarette Sect is a little worried.

 What he is most worried about is that if there is only one person in Luo Feng, the funds of several of them should be able to exceed it.

Based on their understanding, they found that the three people around Luo Feng, Andic Drukamen, should be with him.

 The combined funds of these four people should be very strong in the future. If they really fight, they may not be their opponents.

 “What’s wrong? Why are you all silent?”

 “If it’s 10 billion, we’ll pay 12 billion in fees!”

 Frank shouted loudly.

"Mr. Frank...wait a moment. Our shares haven't been distributed yet. Do you want to distribute the shares first?"

 A rich man asked hesitantly.

 Although they often cooperate with Frank, they are not fools.

With no shares and no plan, we have to ask them to pay. How is it possible?

“The shares will be easy to distribute when the time comes. He must not be allowed to win this oil mine project now. This is the top priority.”

 Speaking, Frank directly pressed 12 billion regardless of everyone's objections.

But he was very tired from pressing it, because pressing it five times only increased it ten times.

 This price is not based on their current price, but increases little by little based on the initial price.

 This resulted in him pressing the button desperately.

 After pressing the button 1.2 billion, he chose to send it.

Luo Feng was not surprised when he saw the asking price of 1.2 billion. He didn't even ask Andy and the others for their opinions, but said to Ding Yanya next to him.

 “Adjust the price to two to two hundred billion.”

"Are you sure?" Ding Ya's eyelids twitched when he heard this and looked at Luo Feng.

 This is a one-time increase of 8 billion.

It just changed from 5.9 billion to 10 billion, which is still acceptable.

  After all, only 4.1 billion was added.

 But now it has been abruptly increased to 8 billion, which is probably too much.

Andy couldn't help it anymore.

 “Mr. Luo, are you sure you want to improve this much?”

“If the other party can’t come up with 15 billion, then it’s okay if we pay 15 billion. The extra 5 billion will be saved.”

“I think it’s impossible that they can’t provide 15 billion yuan in funds, so 20 billion yuan is very good.”

Luo Feng paused as he spoke and looked at Andy.

 “Do you have any further comments?”

Andy opened his mouth and glanced at Kedrew and Carmen next to him.

 The two men were winking at Andy crazily.

It seems that he wants Andy to stop Luo Feng. (End of chapter)

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