Luo Feng’s eyes suddenly glanced at Ding Yanya.

She felt her body was shaking a little, and even her delicate body couldn't help but move to the side.

Just now, how much I wanted to get close to this man and be intimate with him, now how much I want to stay away from this man!

"We can't find out yet. The identity of this mysterious man is very hidden. Give me a little more time." Lin Naizi said to Luo Feng in a deep voice.

 She has done her best to investigate these things now.

 After all, his intelligence network is worth spreading. No matter how large the network is, it cannot cover everything.

 Furthermore, the mysterious man and the three major underworld forces in Ireland all communicated through online virtual platforms and never really showed up.

 Even if it is running errands, it is for some younger brothers who are beyond reach to run errands.

I'm afraid there are only talents like Frank and others. We can now know the identity of this mysterious figure.

 “It’s okay, take your time.”

Luo Feng also has his own hostages on hand.

 At that time, he can also investigate some information from these people.

 This is the reason why he did not hand over all these hostages to Shaken in the first place.

 He plans to dig out the truth himself and find the person behind the scenes.

 It is useless to rely on others.

 The moment it is found, the other party will be extinct.

"There's no movement from Luofeng yet. Could it be that he's out of money?" Warren asked in surprise.

Half a day has passed, and he saw no movement at all from Luo Feng.

How did you know that Luo Feng was reporting information to Lin Naizi, but he didn't have time to make a quotation.

“It looks like this oil mine belongs to us.”

 Frank's eyes were bloodshot and he couldn't hold it anymore.

 The thought of successfully winning this oil mine project and giving Luo Feng a hard kick in the face made him feel happy.

 It was previously reported that Luo Feng had joined forces with international investment tycoon Andy He and Irish Petroleum Group General Manager Kedrew.

 He was really a little nervous. The two figures behind him were not good at all.

But now it was as if he had stepped on these people, and his whole body was full of power, not to mention how happy he was.

 At this moment, Frank's cell phone rang.

 His father beat him.

"What the **** are you doing? The finance department just told me that you sold 8% of your shares and left?"

“Did you know that as soon as your shares were sold, a large investor brought in funds to buy them in? Now all 8% of the shares belong to him.”

It doesn't matter if the shares sold by Frank are absorbed by some retail investors or small-scale teams.

But it is obvious that all these shares flowed into one account, indicating that the other party deliberately waited for Frank to sell these shares and then absorbed them.

Frank saw that the oil mine project was close at hand, so he didn't pay much attention to what his father said.

“Dad! As long as we win this oil mine project, our chaebol group will no longer need to expand other businesses in the future.”

“Even if you win this oil mine project, our fundamentals cannot be shaken, do you understand?”

Frank's father was so angry that he felt dizzy.

“Your father and I hold 30% of the shares in this group, and the right to say 20% of the shares is in your hands!”

“The two of us together have 50% of the say. Only your father and I can make the final decision on any issue in this company.”

“But if your shares are sold to someone else, our combined shares are now only 42% left. What do you want me to do?”

Frank was a little guilty after being told by his father, and muttered.

“Forty-two percent are definitely major shareholders, and no one should be able to surpass us.”

As soon as these words came out, Frank's father almost became angry to death.

“Have you forgotten that there is a person in our company who owns 28% of the shares? He also has a younger brother who owns 10% of the shares in our company?”

“How much does it cost, including the 8% shares you sold, don’t you know?”

Frank was speechless for a moment. If calculated, the other party's current shareholding is 46%.

 This is far more than 42% of them.

“But who will buy our shares? Logically speaking, these accounts do not look like people from our country.”

Since Frank is the eldest son of the chaebol group, he can directly call up the order to see which accounts the shares sold by it are flowing into.

“I think they were all purchased from a Sakura Country account, so there shouldn’t be anything wrong with them.”

At this point, he paused and glanced at the price on the big screen. Luo Feng still didn't bid, but said disapprovingly.

“Dad, don’t be nervous, as long as this oil mine project is ours and we make money, we can buy back the 8% stake!”

“At the end of the day, let alone the eight percent of the shares, we can still acquire the other shares.”

  Hearing this, Frank’s father wanted to continue to scold his son.

But on second thought, there is no need. If it is like what Frank said, then he can just sit back and wait for the harvest.

 “You’d better come back to me with the oil mine project contract.”


 The other party hung up the phone.

Frank sneered, glanced around, frowned and said, "What's going on? The host hasn't come out yet?"

“You haven’t raised the price for half a day, you should come out and host the auction!”

Liton and Wallen also nodded.

 They were about to get up and send people to find Ding Yanya.

 The price on the screen changed again.

 31 billion.

 “Holy shit! This guy!”

Li Dun couldn't help scolding his mother: "Another 100 million has been added? Does he still have any money?"

"How do I feel...this guy is deliberately playing tricks on us?" Warren sensed something was wrong.

  After all, Frank added 300 million each time, but Luo Feng added 100 million. In fact, Luo Feng actually added 400 million each time.

If Luo Feng really ran out of money, he would not continue to follow the price of 100 million.

 Every time there is an extra 100 million, it is obviously a trick to them.

 Being reminded like this by the other party, Frank had some sudden realizations.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Then what does this guy want to do? If he is rich, why does he only add 100 million, which is so different from what he did before?"

 No one can explain Frank’s answer clearly.

After all, if Frank's father knew these things here, he would have realized that it was Luo Feng who wanted to force Frank to sell his group's shares. As a result, he was acquired by that mysterious big owner, who was from Luofeng.

"Master Frank, what should we do now? Do we want to continue adding more?" One of the rich men looked at Frank and asked.

"We have to chase him! We can't give him an advantage in this situation in vain." Li Dun said booing next to him.

Frank’s face was gloomy.

 Actually, at this stage he no longer wanted to pursue it, but since he had already promised his father just now.

And his father already knew it, and he sold 8% of the shares of the chaebol group.

He must win this oil mine project and go back before he can explain it to his father.

“You guys can contribute some money. I have sold part of my shares, and all the remaining money has been invested in this live project.”

“What will I do if you don’t continue to increase the amount?”

If Frank wants to bid, the money will be temporarily deducted from the corresponding account and frozen.

With this money, you can continue to lower prices and increase prices, otherwise you cannot blindly bid.

 After all, if you pay 100 billion and don't have that much money, wouldn't it be like being fooled in vain?

Liton Warren and the wealthy people were all silent.

Although they want to win this oil mine project, the money they can give has already been given. As for the remaining money, they cannot give it to Frank.

 After all, they are not like Frank, who did not hesitate to invest part of their worth in it.

Perhaps it’s also because their hatred for Luo Feng has not reached Frank’s level.

 After all, Frank was robbed of Tianluo Community and several pieces of land by Luo Feng.

 Later, Frank spent a lot of money to convince Luo Feng to cooperate with him.

What if this oil mine project is not placed in Frank in the end, and they sell off their basic base.

Their income may be much less in the future.

“You guys just want me to sell all my shares, right?”

Frank still has shares, but he doesn’t dare to sell the rest.

 After all, his father had already called to remind him.

If he were allowed to continue selling, what if the oil mine project failed to come into his own hands in the end?

Then he is even less able to explain to his father.

 Everyone on Luofeng's side noticed them and did not continue bidding.

  Andy looked at Luo Feng.

“Mr. Luo, Frank’s side has not continued to lower prices. Does that mean they have no money?”

“I don’t think so. They can’t afford the uneven distribution of the spoils now, so they may have to pay again, unless Frank continues to use his own cost plate.”

 This is what Luo Feng wants to see.

The reason why he raised the price or approached it little by little was because he wanted Frank to sell all the remaining 12% of his shares.

 In this way, Luo Feng can suddenly become the third largest shareholder of the chaebol group.

 Although it is only the third largest shareholder, it is enough to be able to participate in shareholders' meetings and participate in most decision-making.

 In fact, Luo Feng could do something even more extreme. He took the shares of some other people in the chaebol group.

For example, if all the shares of the second largest shareholder are acquired, he will become the largest shareholder of the chaebol group.

 Even if Frank's father will be the chairman of the chaebol group at that time, Luofeng holds so many shares that he will have a veto power in the decision-making power of the shareholders' meeting.

 This is something neither Frank's father nor his son Frank can do.

If Frank had not sold these shares, then he and his father would have had absolute veto power.

 As the saying goes, those who are in charge of the authorities are confused, and those who are on the lookout will understand.

 They did not expect that these were Luo Feng's plans.

Ding Yanya next to her asked: "Mr. Luo, I will go up and announce it."

Ding Yanya had already seen through Luo Feng's plan, but she didn't say anything. She obediently put the device in her hand on the stool, then turned around and headed towards the stage to host.

“The current price of 31 billion has stayed for nearly two minutes. We follow the rules of the auction and make the first announcement.”

“If no one continues to bid after more than three announcements, it means that the oil mine project will be owned by the employer who auctioned 31 billion.”

As soon as these words came out, Frank was furious.

“You didn’t announce it for a long time just now, but now you come out and announce it, right?!”

Just now it was clear that its price had the advantage, but Ding Yanya did not choose it.

 On the contrary, the price has now transferred to Luofeng, and the other party has come out to announce this matter.

“The time wasn’t up just now.” Ding Yanya replied with a smile.

Frank also has no temper, and he also knows that embarrassment for a host has no effect.

 Watching the countdown on the big screen light up, he became anxious, but even more so, he began to urge Liton and Valen.

These two people are also old foxes. They are actually very hesitant because it seems that they are very likely to win this oil mine project.

 But precisely because of this, they want to get something for nothing.

If they can win this oil mine project with the money they are currently providing, they won’t need to spend a lot of money.

  After all, Luofeng has been increasing the price little by little, so it is risky no matter what.

 They had already suffered heavy losses in pursuit of Luo Feng.

The handling fees for those dead brothers are also a large financial expense.

If you continue to spend more money on this oil mine project, you can only increase the money.

Frank looked at the two people and saw no movement at all, and he was really angry.

“What did we say when we were chasing Luo Feng? Think about how much profit Luo Feng made?”

“If we win, we can get more resources.”

 What Frank said is true. Luo Feng has become a hot search term in Ireland.

 Anything linked to Luofeng can make him famous.

If Frank and the others can **** this oil mine project in front of Luo Feng this time.

 For them, it is naturally a major event that brings glory to the country.

 The industries they own can also use the opportunity to put out some advertisements to attract Irish citizens to buy.

 As a result, demand is increasing, which can be regarded as a wave of spending money to buy oil mines and shares.

 In fact, to put it bluntly, they are all enjoying Luo Feng’s reputation. (End of chapter)

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