Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

1 some words, um, also known as shelf testimonials

"Your work "Tech Wizard" will be launched at around 0:00 on March 1, 2018. Update the VIP chapter in time, complete the bank card information in the upper right corner of the background, and contact your editor in time if you have anything!"

This is the background notification I received. In other words, the moment I received it, I was completely stunned, and I was really not prepared at all.

Originally, I was going to put this book on the shelves next month, or in the middle of next month, and at least save some data.

Because I don't want to go to the street! I really don't want to go to the street! I really, really don't want to jump on the street!

I expected that I would have to accumulate a collection of more than 10,000 songs, and I would have to put together the climax of the plot before putting it on the shelves. At that time, I would have to order 500 songs.

But here comes the notification.

I seem to have seen the boulevard unfolding right in front of me.

I'm desperate, but what can I do?

Now that this is the case, I can only face everything with a forced but polite smile.

I took a look at the collections in the backstage. So far, there are 4608 collections. I don’t know how many of them are dead collections, how many are abandoned pits, and how many are preparing to fatten books and raise them to death. Fake readers who can't read it, and I don't know how many are pirated.

But after 24 hours have passed tomorrow, I will be able to know how many people who follow this book and support me.

That's it, that's it.

Originally, I was going to have a lot of things to say when I put the testimonials on the shelves, but when I was given such a surprise attack, I really didn’t know what to say for a while, and I didn’t even have the mood to slap the skin.



That's it, I will try to code out a chapter first, and upload it at 0:5 in the morning. As the first chapter of VIP, the main purpose is to count the number of subscriptions for the first chapter as soon as possible, so that I have a bottom line in my heart.

As the first day on the shelves, it should be a violent update, but I really don’t know how much I can write. Let’s take a step by step and see how much I can write. I hope you don’t dislike it, because I really have no preparations.

After that, I will guarantee at least two updates of 4,000 words every day. This is for the 600 yuan for the attendance award. Well, I am so useless.

On the basis of this 4000 words, I will try to keep 6000 words for three shifts, and it is hard to say if it goes up.

I would like to promise "give me 1,000 pre-orders, and I will update them every day." But I know very well that it is impossible with the current grade of this book, unless the subscription ratio (collections divided by subscriptions) can be less than 5, which is basically impossible at this starting point. And I really can't update 10,000 words every day, 8,000 words are a bit reluctant.

In fact, you can also see that this book is considered a brain hole essay. In addition to writing, it is more about researching materials and opening brain holes. It also has to make them connect and look like the same thing. To be honest, it's really hard to write, and it takes a lot of brain cells. In particular, some research bridges, compared to the plot, look very watery, but the time spent will be several times longer.

Of course, I don’t need to write research, just write the plot, and I don’t even need to bother to write the plot, just write the routines that I have already written. But in that case, the book wouldn't be Tech Wizard, and it wouldn't be the book I wanted to write in the first place.

As I said, when I started writing this book, my original intention was to write a different book with my own style that others could not copy or imitate.

I just want to 'Learn me to live, like me to die'.

As a human being, you can't be obsessed, can't you think about it?

What I want is that others can say that this book is trash, that this book is not popular, that it can say that this book has 110,000 shortcomings. However, it cannot be said that if this book is thrown into the thousands of bookstores on the Internet, it cannot be found. can not say,

This book is written like a whole bunch of books, and you know the end when you see the beginning.

When I wrote this book, I just thought about it, and wanted to write something different, something that wasn't a story of "this god and that holy". "This god and that holy" may be very powerful, and the results are a hundred times or ten thousand times as good as mine. I used to like it very much, but now I don't like watching it! I just want to read some niche, novel, fun, and creative novels, can't I? !

There is no such thing, I want to write a book myself, can't I? !

There are a lot of people saying good things about this book.

Of course, there are also many people who are saying that any scientific explanation of magic is stupid, and it is impossible to explain. The more you explain, the more stupid you become. I just want to say goodbye to these people, no send!

I don't want to have to argue about what's right and what's wrong just because someone doesn't like the book. I don't have so much time, I don't have so much energy. Besides, it's not a question of right or wrong black and white at all, it's a question of left and right hands. If you like sweet bean curd, go for sweet bean curd, if you like salty bean curd, go for salty bean curd. If you don't like tofu brain, then you can just leave. Everyone has the right to choose and everyone has freedom.

You can pursue whatever you like. If you like routines, go to the routines. If you like food articles, go to the food articles. If you like the stallions, go to the stallions. Why come here if you like? Take a creative niche book and criticize it according to the mode of other types of novels, as long as it does not meet your liking, will you criticize it? Are you tired? ! Are you annoying? !

A book cannot satisfy everyone, only those who like it.

Just like a dish, it is impossible for everyone to like it, otherwise there would not be so many dishes in the world! Go to any restaurant you like to eat.

You enter a strange food stall on the side of the road. The stall owner brings you free dishes for you to try. After you eat it, you have to say that it is not as spicy as Sichuan cuisine, not as savory as Shandong cuisine, and not as authentic as Cantonese cuisine. , There is no Hunan cuisine marinated sausage, there is no rich Manchu and Han feasts, there is no style of Western cuisine, there is no solemn procedure of French cuisine, there is no curry flavor of Indian cuisine, and there is no original ecology of African cuisine. How to say hello? And after you finished speaking, you patted your butt and left, so angry that the stall owner wanted to beat you up, you know?

Of course, in the future, there will be some people who will go to the store next door while saying that it is not delicious, and pick up the snacks that some people secretly come from the food stall. While eating, I ran back to the stall to continue commenting.

You will really be beaten to death like this, you know?

Alright, alright, I accidentally said too much, the original testimonials on the shelves have become cathartic, and it shouldn't be. Sorry guys.

Originally, for the testimonials on the shelves, my routine was to cry poor, buy good, and then lower my posture and pray to the readers, ask for support, and subscribe for charity.

But slowly I understand that people who really want to support don't need to ask, they will support silently, people who really like it don't have to be obedient, the other party just likes it.

Some things are not in the mouth, not in the surface, but in the heart.

In fact, I think there is really no difference between the author and the reader. They should be equal and should be friends. I write something, if you like it, just support it, if you don't like it, see you by fate. You think I wrote well and poured a lot of money into it, I thank you, and I will pay more than 10,000 words for a day of chicken blood. You don’t need to kowtow and say bro.

Writing and reading books should have been a very enjoyable thing, but for some reason, I gradually became hostile, and it was not good or bad. Is it a shame to eat a piece of stinky tofu, and a piece of abalone to become immortal?

Alright, alright, this is the end of the testimonials. In fact, it's a mess, and I don't know what I've written, because my brain is still messed up.

I don't know how many subscriptions this book will have in 24 hours tomorrow, but I hope he really won't be too low, at least give me the courage to keep writing this book to the end.

Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the supporters, everyone who made the reward list, everyone who voted for the recommendation, everyone who wrote the comments with good intentions, and everyone who wrote this chapter, and of course more I would also like to thank everyone who silently read and supported everyone.

I know that most of them are silent. Except for those who can show their names on the fan list, there are more people who just read books silently. This is a pure reader, and it is the most people. In fact, I was originally one of them. Only after I didn't read the book, I became what I am now.

Well, thank you to everyone who likes and supports this book, not much to say, see you in the first chapter of VIP at 0:00.


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