In the blink of an eye, many days have passed. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

The wooden boat of the Baishi Tower went down the Emerald River, docking in two relatively large cities for a few days, and finally the number of people on board reached more than 50.

After that, the wooden boat sailed to the estuary and entered the endless sea.

After driving on the sea for half a day, a dark shadow appeared on the sea.

When you get close, you can see that it is a huge ship.

If the wooden ship is like a hill, then the giant ship is like an island. Richard estimates that the displacement is at least a few thousand tons.

This is an exaggerated level.

The bigger the ship, the more difficult it is to make. In fact, the medieval shipbuilding technique was not developed, and most of them were ships with a displacement of dozens of tons and hundreds of tons.

In the era of great seafaring after the Middle Ages, shipbuilding made a sudden leap, but it was still difficult for the displacement to reach a thousand tons.

Until modern times, giant ships of several thousand tons were relatively common, while those of tens of thousands of tons could only be reached by ocean-going freighters, large warships or aircraft carriers.

As he got closer and closer to the giant ship, Li Cha also saw more details, and finally his eyes fell on a part of the ship's hull close to the water. He raised his eyebrows and found something unusual.

It was a structure that was semi-submerged and closely connected to the hull, but protruded forward significantly, like a large nose growing out of a smooth hull.

This is the bulbous bow.

Li Cha thought to himself.

This is something that is completely out of the Middle Ages.

If it is said that the volume and displacement of the ship can be forcibly stacked, but the bulbous bow is different, which is completely a creation of technology.

When the hull travels on the sea surface, the resistance caused by 'waves' and 'waves' in the opposite direction to the forward direction of the hull is called 'wave-making' resistance. The undulating energy of the ship's 'wave' is supplied by the hull, and the existence of the resistance of the 'wave' consumes a part of the power to propel the ship in a sense.

When the bulbous bow is installed, the 'wave' generated by the bulbous bow will start from the 'wave' valley, while the 'wave' of the hull bow will start from the 'wave' peak. After some adjustments, the 'wave' valley of the bulbous bow's 'wave' system just coincides with the 'wave' peak of the main hull's 'wave' system, and the effect of eliminating the 'wave' can be achieved, reducing the number of ships Sailing resistance reduces propulsion power consumption by about 10%.

10% amplitude,

The effect cannot be seen in general voyages, but it is very important in long-distance voyages, especially in the long-distance voyage of huge ships with large displacement.

Even so, even if the bulbous bow plays an important role, the bulbous bow cannot be manufactured if you want to. This is an extremely complex system that was only researched in the 20th century on the modern earth and is mainly used on warships. Some data must be calculated with 'precise', otherwise it will not only fail to reduce the resistance, but may also increase the resistance.

That is to say, this is a completely timeless creation, and it is now in sight.

It seems that, because of the influence of wizards or other factors, the current world, although similar to the Middle Ages, is not exactly the same. Some things have changed, including the level of technology in some areas.

The world seems to have more and more secrets.

As Li Cha thought about it, the wooden boat stopped beside the giant ship.

Everyone stood on the deck and looked up at the tall ship. Suddenly, footsteps sounded, and a person walked out of the cabin.

It's the wizard Seaver.

In the many days on the boat, everyone has known this wizard who is not very talkative, and they have also seen him punish wrongdoers with thunder. As soon as he saw Sev appearing, he immediately got out of the way.

Sif didn't say much, didn't see any movement, and when he stepped on it, the whole person floated up and floated on the giant ship. Everyone on the deck of the wooden boat exclaimed, almost all of them were amazed at the magic of spells and the power of wizards.

When Sifr boarded the giant ship, he should be 'communicating' with the people on the giant ship. For a moment, many figures appeared on the edge of the giant ship's deck, put down the wooden ladder, and let everyone climb up.

After boarding the giant ship, everyone truly realized the size of the giant ship, and they couldn't help but be amazed again, even Gero's eyes widened. Li Cha didn't react too much. After all, there are bigger ships on the modern earth. As for Pandora, he didn't open his eyes, closed his eyes, head a little bit, and followed Li Cha step by step.

After that, the cabins were divided. At this time, some grades finally showed their effect.

The huge ship is huge, so the cabins below the deck are divided into three levels.

On the first floor closest to the deck, only students with higher wizarding talents are eligible to live.

On the second level, a little further from the deck, is the residence of moderately gifted students.

As for the third floor near the bottom of the ship, it is the residence of students with low talent or no talent who board the ship with an exemption certificate.

Going down to the third floor, you can clearly feel the low, squat, 'moist' and 'shady' and cold here. The overall environment is completely dirty, chaotic, and poor, and it lives with the sailors on the ship. One piece, it simply challenges the limit of tolerance of many people.

But it can only be like this, in the face of the wizard's orders, no one dares to disobey.

Richard didn't mind that much. For him, some living conditions can be kept as simple as possible, as long as they do not affect normal activities.

In order to avoid being disturbed, Richard chose a cabin at the end of the corridor on the third floor and walked in with Pandora.

After entering the cabin, closing the 'door', Pandora put down the suitcase, and staggered to find the 'bed' automatically.

After finding it, he sat up and fell back to sleep.

But suddenly raised his head again, opened his eyes, frowned, 'touched' the 'bed' and said to Li Cha, "Wet!"

Wet, really wet.

Because the cabin is underwater, the air humidity is very high, and because the shipbuilding process is not very high, water seeps continuously in some gaps, making the entire cabin wet. The bulkhead was covered with moss, and even creatures like snails and shells, and a green-shelled crab crawled around in the corner.

The bedding was so wet that it could almost wring out the water. After staying in this cabin for a while, the body felt sticky. It was because the air humidity was too high and the sweat could not be distributed normally. No wonder the sleepy Pandora did not. Can't sleep.

However, this did not fail Richard.

A simple spell to get it done.

The 'lips' opened and closed slightly, the free energy elements in the body surged, and the "Water Drop Condensation" spell was quickly released.

The moisture in the air quickly gathered towards Richard's fingertips, and then turned into droplets of water, which fell into a wooden barrel in the cabin under Richard's control.

When the water in the barrel was almost full, the cabin had become extremely dry, as if it had been exposed to the sun. The moss turned from emerald green to withered yellow, and the snails and shells attached to the bulkhead fell one after another.

Pandora tentatively 'touched' the quilt again, nodded with satisfaction, and then fell down to sleep.

Richard threw all the snails, shells, and blue-shell crabs into the wooden barrel. He was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but there was a knock on the cabin's door.


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