Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 154 Nancy! Nancy!

As time passed, the context of some things became clearer. , Visit the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ.

"Master Wizard... gone?" Everyone on the deck said dully.

"Why did the wizard disappear? The wizard must not know where he is, doing important things."

"But we can't find it."

"Then what to do, the pirates are getting closer."

"We are in danger!"

"What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?"

There was a lot of discussion, and the atmosphere of anxiety and panic spread rapidly.

"It doesn't matter, we still have time." Someone said in a rare calm voice, "Our giant ship is faster than the pirate's sea ship. Although they cut a short cut, it will take a while to catch up with us. We still have time, we There's still time to find Lord Wizard and tell him. As long as we find Lord Wizard, we'll be safe, and we'll..."

Before the words fell, the entire giant ship shook slightly, and the speed of sailing dropped sharply, from high-speed sailing to stagnation.

The pirates on the pirate ship cheered, and the speed of the pirate ship increased again, getting closer and closer to the giant ship.

Everyone was instantly desperate, and Liushen Wuzhu murmured: "What should I do, the pirates are about to catch up, and they will definitely kill us! I don't want to die! I want to go home!"

Others blindly believed: "It's okay, it doesn't matter, the wizard will definitely not let the pirates board the ship, it will definitely appear, but it has not yet come."

At this moment, a voice resounded throughout the ship.

"A bunch of idiots!" The voice was cold, "Don't be stupid!"

"Who!" Everyone was angry and looked at the speaker.

I saw that the speaker was a beautiful 'girl' with black hair.

Long hair and shawl, fair skin, high nose and light pink lips.

A pair of eyes are blue 'color', as clear and transparent as lake water, but there seems to be a sharp edge hidden in the depths.

Holding a long sword inlaid with gems in one hand, he was slowly 'drawing' it out, and under the sunlight, it 'reflected' a cold glow.


Slowly draw the sword out,

Nancy swept over everyone on the deck and said, "Don't be imagining anything, if the wizard wanted to make a move, he would have done it a long time ago, and he would never let the damn pirates approach the giant ship. There is only one explanation now, that is the wizard. The adults won't shoot, or, for some reason, they may not be able to shoot for the time being. So!"

Taking a deep breath, Nancy said to everyone seriously: "So, we only have one way to choose, that is, don't let the pirates board the ship before the wizard takes action!"

"But...but what do we do?" Someone asked in a panic, "They are pirates, how can we stop them..."

"Where are your hands!" Nancy glared at the speaker, "what about your feet! You can walk with feet, and you can hold weapons with hands. Pirate ships are much shorter than our giant ships. They want If you want to board the ship, you must find a way to climb up, and we are condescending and holding weapons to prevent them from climbing up, can't we do it?"


"Now, listen to my command!" Nancy's powerful aura covered the audience.

"Find the best weapon in the shortest time first." Nancy commanded, then extended her hand, "You guys are responsible for defending the direction over there. You, you group, are responsible for defending this area. You, you. , responsible for defending the flank..."

Nancy calmly divided their areas, and Li Cha saw that the other party suddenly pointed at him.

"You, and the two of you, keep your eyes on that corner and don't let the pirates attack." Nancy said, referring to Richard and Gero next to Richard.

Gro was still surprised by Nancy's strength, but Richard nodded and agreed, "Okay."

Li Cha didn't have much disgust for being instructed. After all, in the face of the current situation, someone has to stand up.

As a person who relied on the test-free certificate to board the ship, from the beginning, he was determined to hide his strength and not to attract too much attention. In this way, we can reach the White Rock Tower safely, and then study something outside the wizard's attention.

To put it simply, his current status is that of a poor student in the school. What he has to do is to try to maintain his status as a poor student, and then secretly learn some things he wants to learn.

In a sense, on modern Earth, this can be called learning bitches.

Of course, Li Cha feels that it is more appropriate to use dual identities to explain.

In this case, it is natural to obey orders, and to behave like most people. Of course, there is no need to deliberately sell ugliness. In fact, as long as you don't expose your strength in spells, you can show some skills in swordsmanship and fighting. When displaying these, invisible spells such as "lightness of wind" and "brute force of wind" can be cleverly used in it.

In the eyes of outsiders, it's just that the speed is fast, the power is great, and the swordsmanship is more "fine", so it is not easy to suspect the spell. After all, in most people's impressions, spells should be "explosive", "bright" and "roaring".

Can a spell without external exaggeration be called a spell?

Taking this into account, Li Cha feels that on the silver-white ring, the solidified magic pattern is better to select spells that enhance physical fitness, it is more secretive, and it plays a larger role in the early stage. There may be some deficiencies in the middle and later stages, but... the question is, who said that a similar ring can only be made and worn by oneself?

Numerous ideas flashed through Li Cha's mind.

At this time, Nancy looked at it again, and instructed a little dignifiedly: "You two, be careful, pay attention, don't be careless, you must keep an eye on the pirates, and don't let them sneak up, understand?"

"Understood." Li Cha nodded and replied softly.

"That's good," Nancy said, turning to command the rest again.

In the end, under the command of Nancy, the entire ship was guarded in all directions. And she chose dozens of people who seemed to be more capable of fighting, and formed three firefighting teams. Once she found that they couldn't cope there, she would provide emergency support. She herself served as the chief captain of the three teams.

Regarding these arrangements, Li Cha said that it was ok. If he was not demanding, Nancy had already done a better job in commanding than many others. It's hard to believe that the identity of the other party is just a princess - a delicate princess, maybe there are other identities.

However, there was one thing that surprised Li Cha, and that was one of the three firefighting teams, whose captain turned out to be Tyson who had been taught a lesson by him a few days ago.

Li Cha looked at the other party, the other party felt something, frowned, then his eyes widened, and he hurried to the side, obviously still afraid of what he had experienced before.


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