Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 249 He is just a child of more than 200 pounds

Night shrouded Baishi City, and Li Cha quickly shuttled in Baishi City.

After a while, I arrived at a remote area in the city, which was a shanty town, or slum.

Obviously, no matter what city it is, there are rich people and poor people. People of all shapes and sizes will find a place to accommodate themselves.

However, Richard did not understand why Alex must live here. According to the ability of the other party, it is completely possible to move to a better place.

Thinking like this, Li Cha approached one of the few wooden buildings in the shanty town, stepped on the dilapidated wooden stairs that hovered outside the building, and walked up to the third floor.

The door of the room on the third floor was not closed at all, but was only half-closed. Li Cha gently pushed it open and walked in.

Entering Alex's house, Richard found that many candles were lit in the living room of the house. In the middle of the living room, there is a round table that is some years old, and the round table is full of food that stimulates appetite:

Strong smoked duck, fat and juicy marinated chicken, fragrant grilled steak, fried golden eggs, stewed fish with green vegetable leaves, grilled brown and crispy fresh bread, fresh cheese, rich and mellow Broth, boiled beans...

Everything was as sumptuous as a noble dinner. It was hard to imagine that Alex could eat so much by himself, but considering his size, it was understandable.

Richard glanced around, and did not find Alex's voice in the living room. The whole house was silent, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

He didn't think that Alex was really killed by Gutas, otherwise the hot food in the living room couldn't explain it. However, even if he was not killed by Gutas, Alex had some other accidents that he did not want to see.


Just as Li Cha was thinking about it, he heard the sound of water suddenly coming from the small room next to the living room.

His eyes flashed, and Richard walked over.

Pushing the door open with a squeak, Li Cha saw the scene in the small room.

I saw a huge bathtub placed in the middle of the small room, filled with most of the warm water, and a fat, surprisingly thick person soaked in it, like a pile of white fat.

Two hands stretched out, rubbing the dirt on the surface of the body with an intoxicated face,

He was still humming an unknown tune in a low voice, clearly in a very happy mood. The other party is not Alex, who else could it be?

Seeing that Alex was taking a comfortable bath, Richard knew what Gutas had said before, obviously in order to let him go and get a chance to escape. I didn't care much about this, but I was thinking that since it's here, it's better to solve some small problems of Alex.


As for Alex, he was taking a comfortable bath when he saw the door open, and in the thick white steam, he couldn't see who was coming in. But he didn't panic, but said loudly, "Mrs. Amanda, is that you? Don't worry, I'll be ready soon. By the way, do you want to wash with!"

Alex didn't finish his words, and clicked directly in his throat. Looking at Li Cha's figure, he swallowed, and then subconsciously reached out to cover his chest, covering his chest that was even more choppy than a woman's.

"My dear friend - Your Excellency Richard, why are you... why are you here suddenly?" Looking at Richard standing by the tub, Alex was first surprised, then guilty, and finally nervous.

Li Cha asked back: "Why do you think I came?"

"I...I don't know." Alex shook his head repeatedly.

"You really don't know?"

"Uh..." Alex didn't dare to speak, his guilty conscience was terrible.

"Okay." Li Cha turned around and walked towards the living room, "Put on your clothes and come out and have a good talk with me."

"Uh, yes..."

Li Cha went to the living room and sat down. After waiting for a while, Alex walked out slowly and carefully sat on the chair next to him.

Looking up, Alex looked at Richard timidly, like a child who was found stealing candy to eat—a child weighing more than 200 pounds.

Li Cha also looked at Alex and said, "Tell me, you have done a good deed."

"What did I do?" Alex asked.

"Do you really want me to remind you?"

"I... Gudong." Swallowing his saliva and shrinking his neck, Alix said, " know?"

"if not?"

"Uh, okay, I admit it." Alex admitted, "I did buy your potion for a higher price, and then hid the extra part. This... I know it's wrong, I I promise to take out all the crystal coins that I have kept, and I will never do this again in the future. You... what do you think?"

"Let's put this aside for now." Li Cha waved his hand, "Tell me about other things—more serious things."

"What's more serious?" Alex couldn't help but scratch his head and said, "There's nothing else, I... I just did this bad thing. That my dearest friend, you can't listen to others indiscriminately. Well, it's only been a day, and I'm at the limit of doing one bad thing, so with so much time to do more bad things? What do you think?"

After speaking, Alex looked at Li Cha with a pair of small eyes, very sincere.

But Li Cha didn't do this, and said, "Then let me remind you, have you been in contact with a guy named Gutas?"

"Gutas?" Alex rolled his eyes and recalled seriously, "It seems that there was indeed such a person during the day. Uh, remember, he bought a bottle of potion, and I used two and a half... Uh no, three A low-level crystal coin was sold to him.

Later, he came to buy it again. I was going to make a good profit from him, so I raised the price slightly. Who knew that guy was a poor guy, he bargained with me for a long time, didn't buy any more, and then left. Is it..."

Alex thought he had guessed something, opened his eyes wide to look at Li Cha and asked, "Could it be that the guy named Gutas is your friend? Then I will definitely sell it to him cheaper in the future."

"No, I don't know him." Richard shook his head, "but... not long ago, he sneaked into my place and was caught by me. He told me that he got it from you. my address."

Alex: "..."

After a moment of silence, sweat dripped from Alex's face, and he called out, "My dearest friend - Your Excellency Richard, you may have really wronged me. This is a false accusation, this is definitely a false accusation. , I will never give your address to the other party. I swear, I will never reveal half a word of your address!"

"But..." Li Cha said.

"But what?" Alex asked humbly.

"But what if you didn't realize it when you leaked it?" Li Cha said, "For example, the other party is consciously trying to trick you into telling you step by step."

"Uh, this..." Alex was stunned, rolled his eyes, and then turned again, and finally realized something, and successfully recalled that he did inadvertently say Richard's address during the day.

Well, this...

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