Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 415 Divination, Tarot Cards

October, Frost Moon.

Although the east coast is close to the ocean, it has an oceanic climate as a whole, but under the influence of sunlight, the temperature has also begun to drop continuously. The air became icy cold, and the night wind poured into people's clothes, which hurt like a knife cutting flesh.

The Hague.

This is a port city on the east coast. It is not too big or too small. It is a medium-sized city. It got its name because the land extending toward the ocean resembles two huge animal teeth.

There are about a few thousand people living here, and many buildings are unevenly arranged, and it seems that they have not been well planned. There are no drainage ditches on the streets, the sewage flows across, and most of the streets are muddy, which becomes muddy when it rains, which is extremely bad.

At this time, the sky in The Hague was gray, and the icy cold rain fell down like broken beads, wet the ground and the roof. On the street, because of the cold air, there were no pedestrians, and it was extremely deserted. The tavern was very lively, many people had nowhere to go, they all gathered here, wanting to have a glass or two of the cheapest wine, while tasting, bragging about various things.

Guevara's Tavern is the liveliest tavern in The Hague.

The reason for this is not because its service is in place, nor because its food is delicious, but because its drinks are almost 10% lower than other taverns.

This is enough!

At this time, in the Guevara Tavern, many people were sitting around the wooden table, chatting loudly.

"Hey, Duke, have you heard that there was a ship called 'Black Thorn' that went out to sea last month and encountered a legendary ghost ship, but no one came back." When exposed to the sun, it takes on a bronzed tinge.

"Che, Hal, your news has expired, and it's not as good as mine at all." The man named Duke, a thin man with dark skin, said with a bit of disdain after hearing what his companion said, "I and You said, just over half a month ago, a ship named 'Nautilus' also encountered a ghost ship, but no one came back.

Don't you know, there is the owner's daughter on the boat, named Elisa, who is just eighteen years old this year. That Baiyou, especially those hands, are as white as if soaked in milk, soft and slippery, tsk tsk. Alas, what a pity. "

At this time, the third person on the table spoke up. It was a close-eyed guy with a sharp voice: "I said, Duke, Hal, the two of you discuss ghost ships all day long, are you annoying? Are you really annoying?" I’ve seen it, or what, can you tell me something more practical?”

The two people who were discussing the ghost ship looked at the third person, and Duke said, "Pister, we don't like to hear what you said. Believe it or not, but what we said is true."

"Yes, that is." Hal agreed.

Pister rolled his eyes, and his voice continued to be bitter: "It's strange to believe, according to what you said, the 'Blackthorn' and 'Nautilus' both encountered ghost ships and didn't come back, so how do you know? What happened? Could it be that you are on two boats? Or, are you on a ghost ship? Hmph, it’s not a rumor I heard from others, it’s not credible at all. You guys are really naive.”

"You!" Duke and Hal were at a loss for words, and Hal was a little irritable and couldn't help standing up, and was about to teach the talkative Pister a lesson.

At this time, with a "squeak", the door of the tavern opened, and the cold wind from outside, together with the cold rain, poured in.

The seat where Hal and the others were sitting was closer to the door, and when it was drenched by the rain, Hal couldn't help shivering. With a low curse in dissatisfaction, Hal subconsciously looked towards the door, forgetting about teaching Pester a lesson.

Hal saw that the door opened, and two figures in coir raincoats walked in, one big and one small. The two took off their coir raincoats, revealing their real faces. They were a young-looking man in black and a half-grown little girl.

See this combination,

Hal couldn't help raising his eyebrows, out of habit, subconsciously looked at the young man's waist, looking for the money bag. But... I didn't see the money bag, what I saw was a shining long sword hanging on the waist, which didn't look like anything.

"Well, aren't you a rookie..." Hal thought in his heart, and quickly looked away.


View from the other side.

Li Cha took Pandora into this tavern called "Guevara". After taking off the rain cape, he quickly sensed that many eyes were cast on him.

Part curious, part probing, and part malicious.

Fortunately, these gazes didn't stay for long, and most of them retracted rationally after discovering the long sword on his waist. A few were still watching, but he didn't care, and pulled Pandora towards the counter.

This is the fifth day since leaving the White Rock Tower.

After he left the White Rock Tower with Pandora, he came to the beach in a carriage, but he didn't go to the port when he first landed on the east coast, but chose a slightly ordinary place like The Hague.

The reason is very simple. The seaport where he landed for the first time was the largest on the entire east coast. He suspected that there might be people from a mysterious organization or other wizards. In order to minimize trouble, he avoided it.

I hope you can reach Moore smoothly all the way.

Li Cha thought to himself, and walked to the counter.

The tavern owner standing behind the counter was a fat man with a greasy face. He greeted him with an extremely sincere smile, rubbed his hands together and said, "This guest, welcome to the 'Guevara' tavern, what can I do?" Is it for you?"


Li Cha flipped his hand, slapped a silver coin on the table, and said directly: "Help me get a glass of water, and besides...I want to ask you a message."

The tavern owner's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand and quickly put away the silver coins, and continued to smile sincerely: "It's easy to talk about, water is easy to talk about. I just don't know what kind of information you're asking about? If it's something illegal, I can't guarantee it." I can tell you, of course... the silver coins are non-refundable, please forgive me."

"Is that so?" Richard said, "Then you don't have to worry too much, the news I asked is very simple, when will the ship go to sea?"

"Um, this is really simple." The tavern owner said, waving his hand to the people sitting in the tavern, "I can tell you this, at least half of the people here are from the boat. They will stay with me when they come back from the shower. When the weather clears, they will all go out to sea in a boat."

"You may have misunderstood me. When I said going to sea, I meant going to the far sea." Li Cha was not angry because the tavern owner was pretending to be stupid, but said straightly, "I want to know, have you traveled north recently?" I want to go to the north with the big ship."

"Going north? Big ship?" The tavern owner scratched his head and frowned, "Then I have to think about it, think about it..."


Li Cha slapped the second silver coin on the table.

"Ha! I remembered." The tavern owner said quickly, and then put away the silver coins more quickly.

"There should be ships going north." The tavern owner said, "But...guest, you should also know that our port is not very big, so many ships going north will not dock.

In addition, in the recent period, there has been a lot of panic about the 'ghost ship'. Many big ships are going around, and even fewer are docking. Three days ago, there was a "Lord Bailey" that docked to replenish fresh water and food, and I really don't know about the others..."

"really do not know?"

"I really don't know..." The tavern owner looked sincere.


Li Cha slapped the coin on the table for the third time, this time it was not a silver coin, but a golden gold coin!

One gold coin is worth dozens of silver coins!

The tavern owner's eyes straightened instantly, and he stretched out his hand to take it, but he didn't move it, because Li Cha was "lightly" pressing on it with a finger - after getting the treasure of the White Stone Tower and the Black Spirit King, Li Cha usually He's too lazy to care about money, but that doesn't mean he's willing to be taken advantage of. The tavern owner in front of him is obviously very greedy. He can satisfy the other party's greed, but the premise is to solve his needs.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The tavern owner stretched out his hand and tried several times, but found that he really couldn't pick up the gold coin that Li Cha was "lightly" pressing with one finger, so he gave up helplessly and realized something at the same time. He raised his head, looked at Li Cha, and asked cautiously: "Guest, I really don't know the news of the big ship going north, at least not now. After all, the big ships are all sailing at sea, and there is no contact unless they dock. I can't fly over and ask them, can I?"

"I understand this, so I have a request."

"Request? Say it!"

"You send someone to keep an eye on the port. Whenever there is a big ship going north, go to negotiate and ask if you can add two people. If you help me with this matter, the gold coins will be yours. Now It is temporarily stored here with me."


"Also, give me a better room, and don't forget the water I ordered just now. The two silver coins I gave you earlier should be more than enough to pay for this." Richard said, after finishing speaking Put away the gold coins, turned around and pulled Pandora towards an empty table in the tavern, walked to the table and sat down.

Soon, the owner of the tavern chased after him, carefully put a glass of water on the table, still thinking about the gold coins, and said a little unwillingly: "My guest, I promise, as soon as a ship going north is docked, I will help you." Contact. Look, that gold coin..."

"I'll keep it safe for you."

"This... okay." The tavern owner was completely helpless, and left with his head down, "I... I'll go and prepare a room for you."

Watching the tavern owner leave, Li Cha looked away, picked up the water on the table and was about to drink it, when suddenly a voice sounded from the side, "Son, you seem a little confused, do you want me to help you divination your fate?"

"Huh?" Li Cha turned his head and looked over, narrowing his eyes slightly.

I saw that it was a woman sitting at the next table who was talking.

The woman was wrapped tightly. It was unknown whether it was because of the cold, or because of some kind of defensiveness. There was almost no naked place on her body, which was covered by the black burqa. A black cloth was hung on the face, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and the eyeballs were a little cloudy. He looked not young. Coupled with the voice of the other party, it was estimated that he was around forty or fifty years old.

What made Li Cha wary was that this woman was one of the owners who had been watching him since he entered the door. Obviously, the other party has been interested in him from the very beginning, or has a purpose.

Is now ready to take action?



Li Cha was thinking in his heart, looked at the woman, and asked seriously: "How are you going to divination for me? With copper coins? Or, with a crystal ball?"

"No, those things are all lies. My divination is real divination, so I use real divination props—something you have never seen before." The woman said.

While talking, the woman walked over, sat down at the side of the table where Li Cha was, then took out a stack of cards from the burqa, shook them and placed them on the table: "Hey, this is it!"

Li Cha glanced at the cards suddenly, raised his eyebrows, and found that the cards in the woman's hands were the famous Tarot cards in the Western world of modern Earth.

Yes, tarot cards!

On the modern earth, the Tarot cards first appeared in the middle of the fifteenth century - the end of the Middle Ages.

At that time, Tarot appeared as a card game, and its source was Tarot, a court card game in Italy.

Later, until the 18th century, tarot cards began to be used for divination by mystics and occultists.

Now, in this medieval-like world, the Tarot was decidedly early. Of course, even bulbous bows appeared in the 20th century, and tarot cards are completely acceptable. After all, the technological content of tarot cards is almost zero.

Generally speaking, a tarot card is a kind of card that is very similar to playing cards. There are usually 78 cards, which are composed of two different decks. The first, called the major arcana, consists of 22 cards of no suit, which are equivalent to the so-called "aces". The second is called Minor Arcana, which consists of 56 cards, which are divided into 4 suits. Each suit has cards numbered 2 through 10, plus an Ace and four court cards. Then by explaining the meaning of the patterns on different cards, try to divination a person's fate, or the outcome of an event.

Science is not science, different people have different opinions.

At least, Li Cha didn't believe it.

Of course, Li Cha didn't show too many personal inclinations. He simply glanced at the cards and asked, "Tarot cards?"

After listening to Li Cha's words, the fortune-telling woman's eyes flickered, showing embarrassment and surprise, and said: "Tarot cards? Have you seen this kind of cards before?"

"You can say that."

"Is that so, but Tarot is what you call it, I prefer to call it the Fate Card." The woman took a deep breath and looked at Richard, "How about it, child, let me help you divination Confused fate?"

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