Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 490: The Magical Effect of Pandora

Soon, the night passed, the night faded, and the dawn came.

The red light of the eastern firefly pierces through the white mist and emerges from the horizon.

"Da da da……"

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and Li Cha rode a horse to the town where he had lived overnight according to his memory.

But there is only a piece of ruins in front of him - a dilapidated, deserted town, completely different from what he saw at the beginning.

Riding a horse into the town, Li Cha tried his best to compare what he saw in his memory with what he saw now, and he could find many similarities, such as the direction of the street, the location of some buildings, the open space in the middle of the town, etc. But more is different.

According to his memory, he walked to the location of the hotel where he stayed overnight, and found that the hotel did exist, and found traces of his living in the dilapidated rooms in the hotel.

Everything in front of him clearly showed that the place where he stayed overnight was this dilapidated town, but he was affected by some kind of misunderstanding.

Is it an illusion?

But how can Mirage achieve this level? How can it be so huge, so real, and not easy to be noticed?

According to his understanding, the illusion created by spiritual illusion spells has very high requirements for the caster. In order to avoid problems with the illusion, spellcasters make the illusion as simple as possible, even so, they are often seen through. Back in the private library of the King of the Black Holy Mountain Kingdom, it was because of the details of the echo that he saw through the illusion of the old man in yellow.

But in all the scenes he experienced in the past few days, he didn't find any problems. If he didn't go back and take a look, he might never know the truth.

If this was indeed caused by an illusion, it would be considered terrifying.

The question is, when did this start?

When did his experiences and memories become unreal?

In other words, is everything he sees really 100% the real world? Or are you still in an incomparably real illusion?

Or even more frighteningly, maybe he has not left the private library of the king of the Black Holy Mountain Kingdom at all, and is still standing in front of the bookshelf - after seeing through the first layer of illusion of the old man in yellow robe, he was immediately dragged by the old man in yellow robe I fell into the second layer of illusion and couldn't extricate myself. His various experiences of leaving the Black Holy Mountain Kingdom,

Everyone you meet is just a wrong signal in your brain!

can you?

There is a way to figure this out.

The next moment, Li Cha took out the space suitcase from the space iron ring, put it on the ground, opened it, and quickly shouted: "Pandora!"

"Huh?" Pandora came out of the suitcase, because she made up for her previous mistakes, she was currently working with her head down, looking busy.

A ball of iron the size of a finger is held in the hand, and the flames cover it, causing the iron to quickly deform into a standard ring, and then cool down.

After cooling down, Pandora looked at the hoop, flicked the hoop extremely carefully, heard a crisp echo, nodded in satisfaction, and skillfully threw the hoop into the left pocket.

After finishing all this, Pandora took out a piece of iron the size of a finger from the right pocket and held it in her hand. Then she looked up at Li Cha and asked, "Li Cha, what do you want me to do? Tell me quickly." , I still have more than 500 parts to finish.”

Li Cha glanced at Pandora, raised his eyebrows, and said, "There is no rush for parts processing, you can put it aside for now, what I want you to do now is to recite the nine-nine multiplication table for me. "

"Huh?" Pandora's eyes widened in an instant, and the iron block in her hand was crushed with a "click", and she cried out, "Many days ago, I... didn't I already recite 99 for you completely?" Have you got the multiplication table? I've already passed the test! Why... why do you have to memorize it again, can't do this!"

"What?!" Li Cha frowned slightly, and said, "Could it be that you forgot after you recited it last time?"

"How could it be!" Pandora's eyes widened and she flatly denied it, "I remember it very firmly."

"Okay then, let's recite it."

"I—" Pandora had no choice but pouted, and reluctantly recited it.

"One for one."

"One two makes two, two two makes four."

"One three makes three, two three makes six..."

"One four makes four, two four makes eight..."

At the beginning, Pandora recited relatively fluently, after all, practice makes perfect. But after memorizing the four-character table, the old problem occurred-it became stuttering, and it took a lot of effort to pass the five-character table, and the next six-character table, seven-character table, and eight-character table were even worse. Very reluctantly.

Finally at the nine-character table, Pandora took a deep breath, as if mustering up a lot of courage, and then began to speak out.

"Nine out of nine, nine out of nine, eighteen out of nine, three out of nine... Ga!"

As a result, it was no accident at all, Pandora got stuck after memorizing half of it. The eyes moved quickly in the eye sockets, but they just couldn't figure out the result. With a somewhat anxious tone, they repeated: "Three nines...three nines...three nines..."

Finally looking at Li Cha, Pandora asked tentatively, "Three nine...twenty one?"


Li Cha's slap immediately landed on Pandora's head, and Pandora said, "I... did I recite it wrong?"

"Of course you are wrong, three nine twenty-seven, not twenty-one!" Li Cha replied, "But from another aspect, you performed very well. Because if you memorize it wrong, it is your true level, which is your true level. The real you. If you really recited it word for word from beginning to end, I would doubt if it was true."

"Huh?" Pandora looked confused.

"Okay, you go back to the Garden of Eden to continue processing parts, and I will tell you the reason then." Richard said.

"Oh, good." Pandora turned around, without being curious at all, and quickly burrowed into the suitcase, lest she be left behind to recite the Jiujiu form again.

But just before entering the suitcase, Pandora seemed to sense something, stopped, turned her head, looked at Li Cha, blinked her eyes and said: "That Li Cha, did you lose something?"

"Huh? Throwing something?" Li Cha was taken aback, "Why do you say that?"

"I..." Pandora tilted her head, scratched her hair and said, "It's not why, it's just that you don't seem very happy, which makes me feel like you've lost something, and it's something very important. If you really If this is the case, then I think you can go over there and look for it!"

While talking, Pandora pointed to the outside of the ruined town: "It should be a day's journey, but don't blame me if you can't find it, I just guessed based on my intuition."

After speaking, Pandora stuck out her tongue and quickly got into the Garden of Eden.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows slightly, looked in the direction Pandora pointed, and thought about everything. After a long while, he quickly put away his suitcase, got on his horse, and left the town swiftly, heading towards the direction Pandora pointed at.

... ()

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