Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1024: Early success and subsequent manufacturing

Eden, the main laboratory.

Richard came in and sat at the ring-shaped experimental table, glancing at a simple calendar on the table.

The so-called simple calendar is a scroll, which is divided into twelve large grids from top to bottom, indicating twelve months in a year. There are about thirty small cells in the big grid every month, with different numbers such as one, two, three, four, five, etc. written on it, representing specific days in each month.

At this time, more than half of the small grids on the reel have been drawn with quills, which means that the date has passed.

Under normal circumstances, this is what he painted smoothly after his break. Occasionally Pandora would also paint a few strokes with enthusiasm. The old Lich had tasted it freshly, but after painting it once, he gave up when he was not interested.

The difference between the circles can be clearly seen on the reel: most of the circles are very standard, which he drew; a few circles are extremely standard, like the ones drawn with compasses, which were drawn by Pandora, and since Pandora studied mathematics in depth, Shows an amazing talent for image painting. Manual drawing can almost achieve the accuracy of tool drawing. In addition, there is a solitary circle that is flat. This is the handwriting of the old Lich.

At this time, he saw that the latest circle had been drawn to the end of the eighth grid. But that circle, unlike all previous circles, cannot even be called a circle because it is square.


Richard looked at it and couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and his thoughts flashed: This square pattern is definitely not his painting, and Pandora is impossible, because it is not standard at all. In this case, only the lich old man Afu is possible, it seems that the other party has been a little idle recently.

A bit idle.

The thought passed away, and Richard determined that it was the old Lich, who didn't think much about it, but kept the date in his heart.

September 1st.

"Today is September 1, the first day of Liangyue, the beginning of autumn." After confirming the date, Li Cha said silently in his heart, with some emotion.

If you remember correctly, the beginning of the nuclear weapons research and manufacturing plan was also in autumn last year.

To be precise, it was the October frost moon last fall.

At that time, Joseph of the Truth Branch of Deran met him and gave him the crystal ball for the Truth Communication. It was during the meeting that he felt the erosive energy on the other party's body, and later it was surely the residual of nuclear radiation. He found the uranium mine whose source of nuclear radiation was located outside the town of Shambhala step by step.

Then it acquired mines, constructed equipment, quarried, refined and purified, and step by step to the present.

This long process took almost eleven months, almost a year.

This nearly one year's cost is totally worth it at present, because he obtained a sufficient amount of weapons-grade nuclear raw material uranium 235, and completed the most critical step in the nuclear weapons research and manufacturing plan.

This is no exaggeration. The acquisition of raw materials is extremely important in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, and it is also the most difficult. Once this step is completed, the subsequent manufacturing process is extremely easy.

Up to now, his plan can actually be announced in advance, because under the premise of having enough nuclear materials, all nuclear materials can be piled together to produce a nuclear explosion. This is the principle of the first generation of nuclear weapons.

The principle of the first generation of nuclear weapons is extremely simple. You only need to understand three terms: continuous nuclear chain reaction, critical mass, and mass-energy equation.

Generally speaking, in the real world, heavy elements such as uranium and plutonium will undergo spontaneous fission due to radioactive decay, and nuclear reactions will also be triggered by foreign neutrons. They are called "fissile material".

These "fissionable substances", during the spontaneous fission process, will release part of their structure free neutrons. The half-life of free neutrons is about 15 minutes, which means that after 15 minutes, it will decay into protons and beta particles.

However, in some special cases, before the half-life of a free neutron reaches, it can hit other atoms, triggering nuclear fission of the remaining atoms, and then releasing more free neutrons. If these more free neutrons can hit the atoms again, they will further produce nuclear fission.

When there is enough nuclear material in a narrow space, once nuclear fission occurs, it will continue to proceed and form a continuous nuclear chain reaction.

The amount of nuclear material that can sustain continuous nuclear fission is called critical mass.

Critical mass is very important. Once the nuclear material reaches critical mass, as long as an atom in the nuclear material undergoes nuclear fission to release neutrons, or an external neutron source gives a neutron, a nuclear explosion can occur.

In a nuclear explosion, a large number of atoms rupture, and the mass is damaged. The damaged mass will be converted into shocking energy and released. C2, just a loss of one kilogram of material, can release (over 800 billion) joules of energy, equivalent to 20 million tons of TNT explosive detonation.

In one sentence, the principle of the first-generation nuclear weapon, the atomic bomb, is to bring nuclear materials to a critical state and produce a continuous nuclear chain reaction. Based on the mass-energy equation, the lost mass is converted into terrorist energy and released, with a devastating effect.

That is why he said that the nuclear weapons research and manufacturing plan can already be announced in advance. As long as he wants, he can create nuclear explosions at any time by stacking nuclear materials.

However, he was not willing to do so.

The principle of the first generation of nuclear weapons is very simple, but it is still slightly more difficult to actually make.

The key lies in the fact that nuclear materials cannot be piled up casually to cause nuclear explosions. Because of the extremely low utilization rate of nuclear materials, the final result may be that only atoms of less than one percent or even one-thousandth of all nuclear materials will successfully fissile and release destructive energy, and the remaining nuclear materials will be exploded. Fly into radiant dust and scatter into the air.

To put it simply, triggers a nuclear explosion in the most direct and brutal way. Although it saves trouble, it is a great waste of nuclear materials.

It's shameful to waste, and it hurts him.

It took him almost a year to get a sufficient amount of nuclear raw materials. He tried to squeeze out all the value of these nuclear raw materials and tried to squeeze out all the value of these nuclear raw materials. He was absolutely not satisfied with just hearing a sound.

So, in order to achieve his goal, he had to do something next. Specifically, let the nuclear materials in our hands reach the critical mass in a better way through special nuclear devices, and generate nuclear explosions and release energy with higher utilization.

To do this, we must use some uncommon knowledge.

After all, not everyone knows how to make a real atomic bomb. Even if they know it, they will not think about it every day and hang it in their mouths.

"I'm going to that place again." Richard thought to himself, softly to himself.


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