Making a super beast armed game, the anchors are crazy

Chapter 345 Arriving at Venus! Sister Zhou is looking for teammates, and Anubi is also shaking peopl

Tethis felt a vague premonition.

But he couldn't say where this ominous premonition came from, so he had to give up.

Instinct is already approaching Venus.

[Spirit has now reached the outer space of Venus. 】

Sister Zhou took a look.

"I'll go, this is Venus.

This color is like a big orange! "

Yaoyao complained directly.

"Dee Lu, you delicious ghost."

Some viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Haha, I can only say that Yaoyao is complaining precisely."

"Zhou Shufen is a proper foodie~"

Sister Zhou was also a little depressed when she saw the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Talking to Yaoyao.

"Ahem, I'm just imagining."

Xiao An asked Zhuo Ya.

"Zoya, are there humans living on Venus?"

Zhuo Ya responded.

[Venus's environmental modification is just coming to an end.

However, no large-scale space immigration project has been carried out. 】

Lily was already manipulating the Spirit to land.

"Start landing procedure."

[Prepare to land, the landing site is set to Venus Yishi Heights. 】

"Close the mysterious window armor."

Lily operated skillfully.

Instinct entered Venus in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, Little Sister Dai was sweating profusely.

The Spirit stumbled towards Venus.

Fortunately, little girl Dai has become a little more proficient in playing until now.

Finally it landed.

Seeing that she was about to reach Venus, Sister Zhou couldn't help but feel a little drifting.

"Haha, Venus, here we come!"

Venus, here we come too!

At that time, there will be three star gods.

To deal with small characters like Anubi, isn't it just casual?

However, sister Zhou doesn't know now.

What she has to deal with now is not just Anubi!

In the half-screen CG screen.

After Spirit entered Venus.

Anubi also reached the outer space of Venus.

Contacting the evil star god Carlos.

"Lord Carlos.

I am waiting for you in the outer space of Venus. "

The voice just fell.

Carlos' battleship came just after the interstellar jump.

Anubi saw this.

Flew into Carlos' battleship.

Come to Carlos' side.

"Lord Carlos.

Gaia they have landed on Venus. "

Carlos gave Seymour the order.

"Send the Tibetan wolf team to search for their location."


Carlos looked at Anubi.

"Anubi, tell me what happened."


After the last cosmic war with humanity.

I follow your orders to lurk on the moon and monitor every move of human beings. "

Anubi reported to Carlos.

"Not so long ago.

I feel an abnormal energy source erupting in the Altai wasteland on Earth.

So I went to check and found the Milky Way Star and Gaia! "

Carlos was a little puzzled.

"How did Gaia discover the stars of the Milky Way?"

Anubi shook his head.

"I don't know, maybe he just happened to find it.

And Gaia and those few humans went to Mercury.

Tethis was found.

Do those humans know the news about Tesis? "

Carlos thought about it.

"I guess these are all related to the stars of the Milky Way."

Seymour was a little impatient.

"Master Evil Star God.

The way I see it, we're going to go to Venus and finish them off right now.

Don't you just get the Galaxy Star? "

Anubi rejected Seymour's suggestion.

"No, I've tried a few sneak attacks but failed."

Seymour spoke directly.

"That's your incompetence!"


The two looked as if they were about to quarrel and even fight!

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room seemed to think that Seymour was stronger than Anubi.

But it seems that the villain is here except Pan La, the sixth child.

Also not so united!

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