Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, 547th chapter , Astronomical Eastern Territory Divine Province, Grand Xia Dynasty, Imperial City, a hundred miles away, four people, Ming Yue 含 contains tears, is full of reluctance.

In the end, Ming Yue and Amethyst continue to go north, like Emperor, how can they be as self-willed as ever.

Ning Chen quietly watched Ming Yue disappear into sight. After a long time, he took Bai Yunlian and continued to walk towards the Grand Xia Imperial City.

Imperial Palace Heaven’s Decree Palace ,一位Imperial Guard 小跑进入,跪地禀告,正在批改奏章的Xia Chi 听过,立刻起身,快步走出大殿。

Imperial City, whole city Imperial Guard constantly mobilized, the people were surprised, I don’t know what happened.

In the distance, Red Clothes came, coming back for the first time in nearly a decade.

The Imperial Guard, which has long been waiting for a long time, has a slap in the face, respectfully, “Welcome to Military Marquis”

“Welcome to Military Marquis”

“Welcome to Military Marquis

A group of soldiers who have left their knees, in their own way, welcomes the return of Military Marquis.

whole city The people heard the earth-shattering voice and looked at the Red Clothes young people coming to the distance. Many of the older people recognized the time of the year, and they looked shocked and immediately followed. It’s down.

Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,Grand Xia 争议最多的Military Marquis ,但是,谁都不能否认,在Grand Xia 最艰难的日子里,是眼前这位看起来清秀平静的年轻人,一肩撑起了整个Grand Xia 。

“Aye, who is this brother?” The child who is under the age of ten looks at the figure of everyone, curious.

“Grand Xia Military Marquis”

Beside the child, the old man whispers.

稚子闻言,眸中闪过一抹羡慕和崇拜,脆生生道,“我长大了,也要当Military Marquis ”

老者没有夸奖也没有责备,只是轻声道,“Military Marquis ,在Grand Xia 代表的并不是权力、风光,而是责任和牺牲,没有坚如磐石的意志,是无法承起这个重担的”

Grand Xia 千年,Military Marquis 一代又一代,寿终正寝者,少之又少,Grand Xia’s 和平之后,是一位位Military Marquis 的鲜血浇筑,千年如一日,从未有人退缩。

Grand Xia Digital Military Marquis, the loss of the Grand Xia, became the most painful day of the Grand Xia millennium, and because of this, the Lord of the Ninetowns has this courage, the soldiers Rebellion.

所幸,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 还活着,一手镇压了所有叛乱之声。

In the Imperial City, after a sigh of relief, the unprecedented silence, the needle can be heard, only the pace of the constant walk, clearly falls in everyone’s heart.

“Get up,” before the steps, Red Clothes stopped and opened.


A local people and Imperial Guard officers took the lead and stood up.

At this moment, behind the crowd, the carriage sounded, and a team of Dragon Guard Imperial Guard followed, and quickly came to this side.

Ning Chen moved his gaze and looked at the front, a gentle glow on the calm look.


The carriage stopped and Xia Chi pushed the helper up and walked up, and the eyes did not consciously raise a tear.

“There are tears in men, and Emperor is even more so”

Ning Chen patted the shoulders of the former and said gently, they turned out to have grown up.


Xia Chi nodded, and lifted up the excitement, and said, “Master, come back to the palace with me, and today I am in Imperial Palace for master great”

& Lt;p> “No”

Ning Chen face a smile, gently shook his head, “I can stay a little time, just want to accompany your grandmother, reception thing, no”

Xi A Chi hears, wants to persuade again, after all still did not say the export.

“Let’s go, it’s not too late. In addition, let these soldiers go their own jobs,” Ning Chen said softly.


Xia Chi nodded and looked back and ordered the surrounding generals to leave.

After a short while, a team of Imperial Guard left, Ning Chen and Xia Chi stepped away.

On the way forward, the two were in front, and the guards in front of the prince were all far behind. They knew that there was an adult of Military Marquis, and no one in the world could hurt him.

Near Imperial Palace, Ning Chen stopped and looked at Xia Chi, who was already taller than him. He whispered, “Go back, don’t miss the middle of the world”

Xia Chi is not willing, but also knows Master’s disposition, only to return to the Imperial Palace for the time being.

Ning Chen watched Xia Chi enter the palace and immediately turned and walked toward the Huangling.

途经Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis Residence ,Ning Chen 稍一顿步,终究还是没有进去,迈步继续前行。

皇陵,Zhangsun 陵墓前,Red Clothes 走来,这一刻,归于平凡,不再是Knowing Heaven’s Will ,不再是name shakes the whole world 的剑上顶峰,只是一位离家多年的游子,独身归来。

“Empress, I am back”

Looking at the tomb in front, Ning Chen squatted and whispered.

The bleak autumn wind, the faint chill, the tired heart, and a brief return to calm.

与此同时,Western Buddha Native Land ,荒凉无人的Great Desolation 上,仙骄一闪即逝,带着Knowing Heaven’s Will 从Heaven Beyond Heaven 回来的Immortal Corpse Patrol 一路西行,始终追逐的Phoenix ,此刻已然不见。

Before the safety of Ming Yue and the whereabouts of Immortal Sedan, Ning Chen had to make a choice and went to Primitive Land to save Ming Yue.


Heavenly Residence Star ,Knowing Heaven’s Will 离去后,第三日,Seven Kills Palace 拔地而起,隆隆直冲天际,同样走上了星空路,不知前往何方。

Yan Yuntian 离开,Heavenly Residence Star 上,年轻一代代simultaneously 松了一口气,这一座压在身上的大山,遮蔽了所有人的光芒,让Heaven’s Chosen 两字,只为一人独舞。

Heavenly Form Dynasty, Xiao Bieli took away all the formalities of the government, and left a few short sentences to Heavenly Form Emperor, and then left again.

After another ten days, after surrendering 30% of Star Soul Iron, there was no more Pill Tower below, and finally ushered in the most terrible opponent.

Heavenly Residence Holy Land Sword Venerable Comes in person, a seemingly unsung sword, but the most terrifying nightmare of Pill Tower.

Sword Venerable shot, a sword broke Pill Tower, and Zhen Yang Venerable was furious and fought with it.

There is no doubt that Zhen Yang Venerable was defeated, and Dong Xun Venerable came later. However, facing the only sword of Heavenly Residence, it also lost.

Just as the Pill Tower was forced to go nowhere, the big Tower Lord, who had rarely appeared, finally showed up and barely stopped Sword Venerable.

The battle between the two men alerted the entire Heavenly Residence Star’s Experts, and was amazed by the power of Sword Venerable when they were amazed at the Pill Tower’s Big Tower Lord’s cultivation base.

In the air of the battle, the heavens and the flames of the earth, a shadow like a fairy, appeared to block two people, Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, Chao Tianxi first appeared Human World.

God’s general woman, deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone in Heavenly Residence Star, above the real Supremacy, beyond the absolute boundaries of Human World.

In the face of such an opponent, Pill Tower had to choose to surrender and hand over all Star Soul Iron.

A round of Li Wei, the world’s diverse sects Mo dare to have rebels, have taken the initiative to send Star Soul Iron to Holy Land.

Xiao Bieli returns to Holy Land and keeps an eye on the ancient books of the Formation of Heavenly Form Dynasty and Heavenly Residence Holy Land.

Star Soul Life Sea, the unfamiliar Life Great Star is getting closer and closer to Heavenly Residence, indicating that there is less and less time left for them.

Destruction and regeneration depend on the final stroke.

After returning to Holy Land, Chao Tianxi never left, day and night standing in the depths of Holy Land, refining the Blazing Yang Star Soul Iron from the entire Heavenly Residence Star.

Heavenly Form The Formation, which will be found in ancient books, is engraved on the Star Soul Iron, and it does not stop every day and night.

On the Heavenly Residence Star, going up to the princes and going down to the civilian population, still living as usual, I don’t know, Heavenly Residence’s disaster is close at hand.

Heavenly Form and Chao Tianxi have smashed the news that Life Great Star will hit Heavenly Residence. It is unpredictable. Such a thing cannot be made public, and it is denied that the entire Heavenly Residence Star will be in chaos.

Before the end of the world, Rule, the people who feared the law will be completely abandoned. If someone pushes it secretly, I am afraid that Heavenly Residence will be finished before the Life Great Star.

同一时间,Western Buddha Native Land Changling Ancient Land 中,Knowing Heaven’s Will 本体醒来,失了一身Merit Body ,又是重伤初愈,身子尚且还有些虚弱,不过,意识已清醒了许多。

Nu Venerable 见状,沉沉松了一口气,若是因为她的一时疏忽,导致Knowing Heaven’s Will 本体永远无法醒来,那她此生都会后悔莫及。

Ning Chen looks at the same face, but Aura is a very different woman. After a brief glimpse, she understands.

“Chang Yue ?” Ning Chen opens the way.

“My name is Nu Chang, which is Changling Nu Venerable, Chang Yue is just the name that Clone temporarily made to facilitate the handling of foreign affairs,” Nu Venerable responded.

“Unexpectedly, Nu Venerable also has One Body Becoming Two Art,” Ning Chen sighed softly.

“Five Territories is a world. Although the Eastern Territory Divine Province was separated from Five Territories 30,000 years ago, many cultivation techniques have not been lost. I have already reached Completion Peak and repaired Clone. I want to be able to get rid of the shackles of Dragon Gate and shock the realm of the legendary Supremacy,” Nu Venerable explained.

“Is it successful?” Ning Chen said.

“Clone has been to Completion, is solid, and has the help of Scroll of Life. When the body is merged, Merit Body should not have any rejection of imagination. On top of Supremacy, I have a 30% grasp.” Venerable replied.


Ning Chen whispered softly, “Not low”

Nu Venerable Nod, really not low, whole Human World Tens of thousands of years of time, no one has taken this crucial step. It is conceivable that this step is difficult.

“Nu Venerable If you have other needs, just bluntly, just hope that if one day, Nu Venerable really takes this step, can tell me if Supremacy can make people come back to life” Ning Chen Said.

Nu Venerable heard the words, sighed in my heart, and looked very serious. “If the world really has a way of returning to life, as long as Nu Chang can do it, even if I give up the entire Changling, I will help you. Once”

“Thank you,” Ning Chen responded.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will ,吾困了你近二十年,现在你我之间,承诺已兑现,是走是留,全凭你自己决定,不过”

说到这里,Nu Venerable 稍作犹豫,继续道,“你此身Merit Body 已失,现在离开,太过危险,起死之法,已有Phoenix Body 在外寻找,你既得四卷Heavenly Tome ,又有救世功德加身,若能抛却凡事专心修炼,进境不会输于任何人,仙路缥缈难寻,与其寄希望于仙,不如尝试自己登仙”

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