Grand Xia 鐜嬩警鏈€鏂扮珷鑺? 绗簲鐧句簲鍗佷節绔?浠栨潵浜?椋樺ぉ鏂囧 鈥淒emon Body 锛屼綘瑕佽寰楋紝浜哄績闅炬祴锛岄殢鐫€绔嬪満浼氶殢鏃跺彂鐢熷彉鍖栵紝濡備粖锛寁arious sects 鏈夋眰浜嶬nowing Heaven’s Will 锛屾墍浠ワ紝杩欎簺鏃舵棩锛孠nowing Heaven’s Will 鐨勮韩浠斤紝渚挎槸鏈€濂界殑鎺╂姢锛屼絾鏄紝Heavenly Residence 鍜孎ive Territories 鐨勬垬浜夋€讳細缁撴潫锛屽埌閭f椂锛屾浘缁忓繕鍗寸殑浠囨€紝渚垮啀浼氭湁浜烘兂璧封€?/p>


鈥滄渶鍚庯紝涔熸槸鏈€閲嶈鐨勪竴浠朵簨锛孠nowing Heaven’s Will 涔嬪懡锛屼笉鍙槸鑷繁鐨勶紝鏃犺濡備綍锛岄兘瑕佺粰鑷繁鐣欎笅鍚庤矾锛屽彧瑕佽兘娲讳笅鍘伙紝浠樺嚭鍐嶅鐨勪唬浠烽兘鍦ㄦ墍涓嶆儨鈥?/p>

Phoenix Body 鐨勮瘽锛屽湪澶滅┖涓洖鑽★紝浜や唬瀹屾墍鏈夎浜や唬鐨勪簨锛孭hoenix 鑵剧┖锛岀洿鍐睳ine Heavens 鑰屽幓銆?<>

Black in the night, changed the Red Clothes, replaced the Phoenix Body and stayed at the Slaughter Body of Five Territories and turned away.

Before he spends Demon Tribulation, he needs to protect himself as much as possible. This identity will bring him a lot of convenience, but he must adapt as soon as possible to avoid being seen.

It is not easy to imitate others, even this other person is the one he knows best.

Heavenly Residence Star, above Holy Land, diverse sects Expert, all-in-one Innate power, for the Heavenly Residence to win more resources and voice, Heavenly Form commanded the world, after the temptation, The Interior Boundary will be officially squadron.

“Sword Venerable, go” Xiao Bieli indifferently says.


Mu Changge is light, and immediately takes the sword into the Great Formation.

The next moment, the two disappeared and left from Heavenly Residence.

Interior Boundary, Central Province over the sky, the sky is shaking, two figures appear, even if the countless number of Innate Expert is coming out, the source is constantly, the black pressure on the figure, together with the form cloud, shadowing the sky.

Heavenly Residence Army, officially appeared in the Five Territories, for a time, the world was shocked.

After half a day, the ten cities in the eastern part of Central Province, close to the sea, were quickly occupied by the Heavenly Residence Army. Most of the civilians were expelled, leaving less than 20%, and any rebels were massacred.

The cruelty of the war will be undoubted on the first day.

“Heavenly Form, will it be too much?” Dong Xun Venerable looked at the city where the blood flowed into the river and sighed.

“War, whenever it bleeds, it takes time to educate civilians, and what we lack most is time.” Xiao Bieli calms.

“That said, but this will cause the Interior Boundary people to have a greater rejection of Heavenly Residence. After all, we will eventually transfer the Heavenly Residence people to this” Dong Xun Venerable worry Road.

“Not my race, its heart will be different, this sentence, not only for heavenly Residence, but also for interior boundary, whether or not to expel these civilians, Five territories to He Avenly Residence rejection, will not change, but “

said here, Xiao Bieli a bit, the tone turned cold,” as long as we win this war, the right to educate the world in heavenly reside nCE hands, people, is always the easiest to appease and change things “

and half a sentence, Xiao Bieli did not say that the expulsion of these civilians, in addition to eliminating the consequences, there is an important role, will soon be reflected.

“Heavenly Form”

At this moment, Tiandu Venerable came along and said, “All the time.”

“How do I have an Expert World Supremacy level?” Xiao Bieli calms down.

“Not found yet” Tiandu Venerable.

“Too slow, since they don’t come, order the troops to continue to occupy around” Xiao Bieli coldly says.


Tiandu Venerable respectfully.

Looking at the departing figure, Xiao Bieli’s nephew is getting colder and colder, the Commander of Central Province, so much like the last time, then this Five Territories, Heavenly Residence will laugh.

Central Province North, Five Territories of the Union Territories Alliance City, Zhao Liusu Listening to a seal back to the battle report, Liu Mei wrinkled, fast speed, the Heavenly Form so crazy attack, I did not think Can they keep it?

This is the Interior Boundary. Heavenly Residence is alone, and the front line Supreme will undoubtedly disperse the limited forces and give them a chance to break through.

“Alliance Venerable, should it be countered?” Mu Hua Venerable walked out, respectfully.

Zhao Liusu thought about it and nodded, “Mu Hua Venerable, Hundred Li Venerable, you all go all the way to recapture the occupied city”


Two Human World Supremacy led the death and immediately turned away.

Central Province East, the battlefield between the two sides, the war finally reopened, Mu Hua Venerable, Hundred Li Venerable appeared, behind the rear of Army, commanding the various sects coalition forces to recapture the city occupied by Heavenly Residence.

However, the war was far from imaginary. The city occupied by Heavenly Residence had almost no troops to guard. After occupying the city and expelling civilians, they continued to march toward the surrounding city.

Various sects Each time a city is reclaimed, Heavenly Residence will abandon a city and recapture a city. Except for the heavily occupied tenth city and the Supremacy guard, the other cities are as simple as they are. recapture.

One of the reports was sent back to Competition City, and Zhao Liusu frowned, not seeing what the Heavenly Form of Heavenly Residence Star had.

At the same time, in the setting sun Divine City, Alkaid King eyes closed the sword, and after entering the Supremacy Boundary, he never left.

The sword god raises the sword, and for a few days, when the Heavenly Residence Sword Venerable is released, this war will eventually return to the summit of the summit, and at that moment, it is the real battle. .

Central Province East, the city battles, unconsciously, over the past few days, the city occupied by Heavenly Residence has been continuously reclaimed, but it still does not change the pace of continuing to attack.

Among the ten cities, Heavenly Residence is constantly being sent from the distant Heavenly Residence Star. Heavenly Form and Sword Venerable are committed to protecting the Great Formation, guarding against all accidents.

Relatively speaking, the forces of Central Province various sects are also more and more invested. The Martial Artist above Innate has almost all assembled and rushed to the Eastern battlefield.

Just as the two sides started to fight, at the peak of a thousand miles away from the battlefield, a Red Clothes stood still and watched the overall development with a sneak peek.


After playing for so many days, Central Province various sects are still struggling with the gains and losses of a city and a pool. If this continues, the Central Province has been dragged down before the real decisive battle.

Behind, Bai Yunlian looked at the figure not far from the front, such as the faint fascination in the beautiful nephew of the stars. I don鈥檛 know why, she always felt that the person in front of me was different from the previous one. Just, when you feel it carefully, you can’t say where it is wrong.

“Bai Miss, let’s go, to the Competition City to help a group of our compatriots.” After a long time, Ning Chen turned and walked forward with a smile.


Bai Yunlian pressed the doubts in his heart and stepped forward to keep up.

Before the majestic Competition City, the red light gathered, and a figure came out. The two Half Venerables in front of the city seemed to come, and the heart was shocked. After returning to God, they immediately bowed.

At the same time, in the hall of the Venezable Venezables, Zhao Liusu got up and sighed. “He is here!”

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