Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第五百六十五章 离间,飘天文学 两军阵前,Knowing Heaven’s Will 、Heavenly Form 交谈完毕,Army 回撤,谁都没有趁机进攻,默契的两人,静观,待Army 离去,同时转身离去。

The opposite of the two people, each with their own minds, Five Territories, Heavenly Residence, Wise Man’s confrontation, officially opened from a cup of tea.

“Heavenly Form, why not kill him” not far away, waiting for a long time Fan Xinghong came forward, did not ask.

“I don’t know, in addition, I regret that True Form does not want to be an enemy after all,” Xiao Bieli whispered.

“He really promises the conditions of Heavenly Form, don’t you get involved in the two wars?” Fan Xinghong asked again.

“I don’t know, maybe, no” Xiao Bieli answered.

Fan Xinghong smell words, delicate brows slightly wrinkle, Tao, “since even heavenly Form are not sure, rather let me kill him, in addition to the trouble”

&lt ;p > “No”

Xiao Bieli shook his head and said, “You can’t kill him, at least, now you can’t, wait, after 3rd, if he won’t let go, I’ll give you a chance to kill him.”

another Side, Red Clothes fluttering, two people accompanied, go north.

“宁大哥,你不会真的准备答应那个坏蛋的条件吧”Yin’er 噘着嘴,不满道。

“Why not?” Ning Chen asked.

“你是Five Territories 之人,怎么能向界外妥协呢”Yin’er 头头是道地说道。

“Do you think that I care about this?” Ning Chen smiled.

“那也你不能答应他,不然,一旦Central Province 失陷,我就无家可归了”Yin’er 再次试图劝道。

“Eastern Territory is vast enough to accommodate a new Sword Casting Mountain Village” Ning Chen’s mouth is slightly curved.

“我不要去Eastern Territory ,宁大哥,你不要放弃Central Province 好不好”Yin’er 使劲着小脑袋,道。

“放弃与否,不该我做决定,Yin’er ,我答应过你Sword Lord 爷爷,会给Central Province various sects 一个机会,但,这个机会,various sects 若是不要,我也不会强求”Ning Chen 平静道。

Central Province 北方,Competition City ,various Venerables 共议的大殿,一封密报送上,将Knowing Heaven’s Will 、Heavenly Form 会面的具体情况都记载了下来。

Zhao Liusu has seen it, the brow is light and wrinkled, not good.

“Alliance Venerable, what happened?” Under the seat, two new faces sit still, one of them opens and says.

Zhao Liusu 回过神,平淡一笑,道,“没什么,探子回报,Military Strategist 和那位Heavenly Form 的谈判结束,很快就该回来了”

“Grand Xia Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,期待已久”Southern Mound Wen Yang Venerable 开口道。

Competition City South, four hundred miles away, Red Clothes northbound, at the same time, green clothes eastbound, oncoming.

The figure was staggered, and Ning Chen stopped. At this moment, the green dress turned, and the smile, the unrelenting palm, was shot.

Ning Chen 一把抓过Yin’er ,身影如幻,迅速退出十数丈。

However, the green woman is always on her back, and her hands are like the death of Death God.

Ning Chen steps forward, clears the water, avoids the woman’s Palm Strength, and does not want to touch it.

“Grand Xia Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你的剑呢?”

The green woman smiled, stepping forward, and pointed to the surrounding sand waves gathering into a sword, coming out of the air.

Ning Chen 眉头轻皱,翻掌将Yin’er 送出战局,旋即手一挥,Fine Sun Li Fire appears ,white fan 扇动风云,挡下四周掠至的Sand Sword 。

“Why don’t you fight back, don’t want, or can’t”

Seeing your opponents just avoid attacking, green

Women’s offensive is more aggressive and exciting.

“Xi Piaoxu, the first time I met with a martial arts force, this time, it was really hard to laugh.” Ning Chen flashed, once again avoiding the former Palm Strength, calm.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 果然聪明,但,仅仅聪明不足以保住你的性命”

身边暴露,Xi Piaoxu 攻势丝毫不停,掌元一翻,四方尘浪如潮翻滚,席卷千丈,惊人威势,killing intent 丝毫不掩。

Ning Chen flashed a touch of cool color, stepping forward, white fan as a sword, and a sword qi around the gathering, reappearing the sword of the summit.

At this moment, in the distance, a silver Divine Spear broke into the air and slammed into the woman in the battle.

Xi Piaoxu saw the situation, and the momentum turned, and the silver Divine Spear was shaken.

“Little Junior Sister, even for an outsider to shoot on Senior Sister, don’t worry.” Looking at the green dress woman, Xi Piaoxu chuckled.

speech just finishes, Bai Lingling appeared, looked at the war, soft look under the condensation, whispered, “Piaoxu, MO to nonsense”

Q ing Ning go to silver divine Spear before, will it, looking back, look indifferent way, “third Senior Sister, I don’t care whether you are intentional, or unintentional, this world, who dares to hurt him, is Qing Ning enemy, anyone is the same” </P&G T;

Ning Chen figure fell from the air, looking at the same western Jasper Mountain two-bit supremacy level expert, MOU in brilliance constantly flashed.

a double, plus a not supremacy, but is worth Supremacy Bai Lingling, Western Jasper Mountain of the inside, is really shocking.

When he had time, he wanted to take a look at what kind of person the Western Jasper Lord could teach so many enchanting disciples.

“Is it finished?” 眼看没有动静,Yin’er 自己跑来,问道。

“That’s over, let’s go, go back”

Ning Chen said with a smile, and immediately walked forward.

Qing Ning Keep up, Bai Lingling and Xi Piaoxu walk behind, look different and have different thoughts.

“Piaoxu ,你应该知道Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 是Little Junior Sister 的逆鳞,这样的玩笑,日后不要再开了”Bai Lingling 正色道。

“Who said that I was joking, this time, just happened to be stopped by Little Junior Sister” Xi Piaoxu chuckled.

Bai Lingling 闻言,眉头皱起,道,“为何”

“以Little Junior Sister 的aptitude ,若不斩断尘缘,此生都不可能迈入Supremacy Boundary ,我下山,除了完成师尊的嘱托,最主要的目的,便是杀了这位Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ”Xi Piaoxu indifferently says 。

“You do, Qing Ning will hate you for a lifetime,” Bai Lingling said.

“恨,爱,憎恶,人的情感,总会随着时间淡去,Supremacy 八百年,Little Junior Sister 有的是时间忘却这些事情,而且”

说到这里,Xi Piaoxu 话锋一转,看着前方Red Clothes 身影,微笑道,“刚才短暂交手,我发现这位Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,似乎一直在尽力避免动用Merit Body ,事出反常必有妖,我想,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 现在的身体似乎不能轻易动武”

Bai Lingling 沉默,片刻后,轻叹道,“Piaoxu ,不要胡来,且不说Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 在Little Junior Sister 心中的地位,如今正是两境交锋的关键时刻,Five Territories 若少了一位抗衡Heavenly Form 的Military Strategist ,局势会立刻对Interior Boundary 不利”

“非是Interior Boundary ,而是Central Territory ,Heavenly Residence 虽强,但,少了那位Supremacy 之上的Expert ,打下一个Central Province 有余,想要侵占整个Five Territories ,难啊”Xi Piaoxu 应道。

During the conversation between the two people, the group returned to Competition City, the House of Parliament, Ning Chen entered, and the Vari Venéables got up and respectfully welcomed.

“Military Strategist, what is the situation?”

”Zhao Liusu got up and asked.

Ning Chen took a seat and sat down, looking at the eight and two strange Supremacy below, smiling and saying, “The two should be Wen Yang Venerable and Xin Ling Venerable.” /p>



“See Military Strategist”

Two people step forward to Half-Step, polite Road.

“Just, please sit” Ning Chen.

“Thanks to Military Strategist”

The two returned to their seats.

“The condition of the end of the Heavenly Form is that the Five Territories have completely given up Central Province. How to choose, let’s think about it,” Ning Chen said.


Li Shan Venerable slammed up and vetoed directly.

Turkic figure, in the hall, seems so lonely, Xuan Zhen, Yu Sheng, Qing Yu and other three domains from Supremacy, chose a silent, subtle atmosphere, raised in the hall, let People can’t tell the repression.

See various Venerables no stance, Li Shan venerable look down, the way, “you venerable, Chunwangchihan the truth we should understand, Central province If such a simple fall, Heavenly Residence ambition, will be unlimited expansion, you do not want to see, the war spread to their own domain bar “

” Li Shan Venerable said well, not my race its heart will be different, heave nly Residence pay Such a big price to hit open Nether King Barrier, and will easily close hands, this condition, just to differentiate five territories “

Zhao Liusu Open and sink the channel.

various Venerables 沉默思考,一时间,无人发言

“对了,还有一件事,或许只能算是私事,那位Heavenly Form 承诺,只要Knowing Heaven’s Will 退出两境战争,定会保证Eastern Territory 不被战火祸及,如此诱人的条件,让我都想不出什么借口拒绝了”Ning Chen 开口,轻笑道。

Zhao Liusu, the different Venerables under the seat, the look is a change, a Heavenly Form.

In the inter-department, there is no disguise.

“Military Strategist, it’s impossible for you to see that this is just the Heavenly Form’s strategy, so don’t be fooled.” Li Shan Venerable got up again and looked uneasy.

“Is it separated?”

Ning Chen smiled and said, “I know, but are you not shaken?” Occupied Central province, perhaps Heavenly Residence satisfied, of course, even if not satisfied, there are Northern plains, Western Land, Southern Mound, Heavenly Re Sidence now the strength, not enough to lay the whole five territories, with this commitment, Eastern Territory Divine province, is certainly the safest domain “

” Cen Tral province will not lose, we will help Central province block Heavenly Residence step, also please military strategist Mo want to give up this world “xinling, warm yang double rise, said.

The next moment, Xuan Zhen, Yu Sheng, Qing Yu and other Supremacy Expert, also got up and dear, please respect.

Ten Supremacy,simultaneously salute, inside the hall, quiet and unusual, on the main seat, Zhao Liusu also got up and silently.

大殿外,迈步走来的Xi Piaoxu 看到殿中情形,嘴角微微弯起,Grand Xia Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,名不虚传。

The Heavenly Form’s divisibility seems to have had the opposite effect.

This Wise Man battle is really wonderful.

“Piaoxu ,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 不能死”Bai Lingling 走上前,认真道。

The Heavenly Form was too powerful, and in just three or two sentences, the Union of Unsettled Five Territories almost collapsed.

I have to admit that in this world, in addition to absolute force, the absolute Wise Man also has a vital position.

(ps: next, send later)

(End of this chapter)

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