Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第五百七十二章 未雨绸缪(求订阅),飘天文学 Tianluo City 北方千里,Wanxing Pass ,Ning Chen 牵着Yin’er 走来,Qing Ning 跟在一旁,不明白前者来此,所为何事。

“Yin’er ”

Ning Chen 将一把花种递到小丫头手中,轻声道,“把这些种子埋好,种完了再过来和我要”


Yin’er 乖巧地应了一声,旋即捧着花种跑到一旁,一颗一颗认真栽种起来。

“Is this?”

Qing Ning saw the flower that fell from the little girl, and there was a touch of color in the sputum. Datura Flower, it seems that something is wrong.

“Datura of Demon Transformation, the flowers I got at Demon Wheel Sea, the flowers are very poisonous, and Innate is hard to stop”

Ning Chen picks up the flowers on the ground , explained.

“You have no plans to talk about it at all?” Qing Ning reacted quickly, and the scorpion picked up slightly and asked.

“Negotiations require equal voices to make sense. Otherwise, it is nothing but unilateral bullying.” Ning Chen calmly said.

The current Central Province does not have this right to speak, so this negotiation will have no effect.

“Your goal is Heavenly Residence Army?” Qing Ning is soft.

“No, Heavenly Residence Army is not the key to this war. The final decision on the outcome of the war is the strength of the two worlds Human World Supremacy.” Ning Chen replied while burying the flowers. Road.

“Datura Flower’s toxic performance works for Supremacy?” Qing Ning did not ask.

“No, but it can bring Heavenly Residence’s Human World Supremacy to this place,” Ning Chen responded.

“What’s the matter, the Supremacy of the Alliance today is simply not enough to leave Heavenly Residence’s Human World Supremacy,” Qing Ning frowned.

“I didn’t expect these people to play any role. From the first time they retreated in front of Tianheng City, I no longer trusted them.” Ning Chen straightened up and smiled.

“Talk well, in front of me, what else to install” Qing Ning scorned.

Ning Chen 闻言,脸上程式化的笑容敛去,道,“Phoenix Body 临走前给我留了一些东西,正好用在此地,Sister Qing Ning 很快就知道了”


这时,Yin’er 小跑过来,伸出白白嫩嫩地小手,开心笑道。

Ning Chen 笑了笑,又拿出一把花种放在小丫头手中,道,“Yin’er 真厉害,我这里还有很多,今天争取能种完”


Yin’er 点了点头,旋即又转身跑开,继续劳动。

“The karmic entanglements on your body caused by great slaughter, too much, if possible, try to make karmic entanglements caused by great slaughter” Qing Ning gently sigh, swear.

“Sister Qing Ning is assured, I have a sense of concentration in my heart,” Ning Chen said.

At the same time, in the Tianluo City, the negotiations between the two countries were completely deadlocked. The conditions of the Heavenly Form made it difficult for Central Province various Venerables to accept. For thousands of years, the foundation of the diverse sects was in the Central. Above the province, how could it be given up.

“Heavenly Form, Heavenly Residence’s purpose of invading Interior Boundary is nothing more than plundering resources, why bother in territorial and geographical issues,” Li Shan Venerable said.

“Resources, Heavenly Residence wants, territory, Heavenly Residence also does not let” Xiao Bieli slowly.

“The attitude of Heavenly Form is that I don’t want to talk about it at all?” Zhao Liusu Shuguang sinks, said.

“The peace talks, you proposed, I only said the conditions for the removal of troops.” Xiao Bieli coldly says.

“Resource issues, Central Province will try to meet your requirements, but, in any case, variant sects may withdraw from Central Province, this is our bottom line” Zhao Liusu Road.

“If that’s the case, then

the battlefield goodbye” Xiao Bieli is unmoved and hard.

The voices were exhausted, the atmosphere was extremely heavy and the negotiations were incomparable, and every Human World Supremacy was on the audience.

“Heavenly Form, please wait a day, the conditions of your environment, I need to negotiate with Military Strategist before making a decision” Zhao Liusu condensed.

“At this time tomorrow, True Form and other replies”

Xiao Bieli got up and said a faint sentence, and immediately stepped away.

Heavenly Residence various Venerables followed, leaving the hall together.

In the discussion hall, the alliance’s diverse Venerables were silent. This time, there was no doubt that it failed.

“Li Shan Venerable, go to Military Strategist” Zhao Liusu.


Li Shan Venerable got up and took the lead.

Wanxing Pass ,天色渐渐暗下,Yin’er 三分钟的劳动热度早就没了,趴在Qing Ning 怀里呼呼大睡,不远处,Ning Chen 一粒粒认真地将Datura Flower 种埋入地下。

When the flowers are all finished, the sky is completely black, above Nine Heavens, bright moon shines high above, with a hint of chill.

Ning Chen stood in the wilderness, his hand turned over, and a waterfall spring rushed out, like rain and rain, pouring water into every piece of wasteland.

The next moment, a strange scene occurred, a strain of Datura grew out, and the black flower was waiting to be released.

Yin’er 迷迷糊糊醒来,看到四周长出的异花,大眼睛一亮,从Qing Ning 怀里滑下,小跑上前,就要伸手去摸。

Ning Chen 见状,一步上前,一把将小丫头抱起,轻声道,“有毒,摸了手会长虫子”

Yin’er 一听,赶忙把手缩回,娇俏的小脸上尽是后怕之色。

“Go, go to Tianluo City” Ning Chen took a look at Qing Ning, not far away.


Qing Ning nodded and stepped forward.

Tianluo City, the coalition camp, Li Shan Venerable returned, rushed into the temple, and said, “Alliance Venerable, Military Strategist is not in Competition City”

Zhao Liusu Wen Yan, look a condensate , suddenly got up, said, “Is there any message left by Military Strategist?”

“No” Li Shan Venerable shook his head.

“Send someone to find” Zhao Liusu.

“Don’t look for it”

Just then, outside the hall, Red Clothes appeared and walked into the hall step by step.

“Military Strategist” Li Shan Venerable is on the road.

“Li Shan Venerable, you retreat first, and I have something to say with Alliance Venerable,” Ning Chen said calmly.


Li Shan Venerable took the lead and immediately turned away from the hall.

“Military Strategist, where have you been?” Zhao Liusu walked down the main position and did not understand.

“Wanxing Pass” Ning Chen is honest.

“What is going there?” Zhao Liusu frowned, said.

“Prepare for the rain, or add some variables for this war. I will explain to Alliance Venerable in the future, what is the progress of the peace talks?” Ning Chen said.

Zhao Liusu shook his head and sighed. “There is no space for peace talks. The conditions for Heavenly Form are not acceptable for Central Province various sects”

“various sects Give up the entire Central Province?” Asked Ning Chen.

“Well” Zhao Liusu nodded.

“Can’t make up for it?” Ning Chen asked again.


Zhao Liusu nodded again.


Ning Chen The scorpion flashed through the same color, the purpose of the war, nothing more than two, territory and resources, but Heavenly Residence Star and Interior Boundary are far apart, Resources seem to be more important than territory.

Two conversations, the Heavenly Form has been unacceptable in the territories, it is strange.

“Military Strategist, tomorrow is the deadline, can you do anything?” Zhao Liusu looks dignified.

“And peace talks, it is absolutely impossible for Heavenly Residence to retreat. This war will continue to be played. I propose peace talks. In addition to attracting the attention of Heavenly Residence, the other purpose is to test. The bottom line of the Heavenly Form, Ning Chen, calms.

Zhao Liusu The scorpion picked up and said, “What about tomorrow’s negotiations?”

“I will talk, Alliance Venerable can go back and arrange for Vari Ven Venables to continue preparing for war. In addition, before the war hits Wanxing Pass, it will die!” Ning Chen said.

Zhao Liusu Silence, after a long time, said, “Military Strategist, can you tell me the truth, in your mind, is Central Province really likely to win this war?”

Ning Chen faint smile, Tao, “Alliance venerable, there is a sentence, employing not suspect, the suspect does not, I have to bear the military strategist place, will find ways to let central P Rovince win this war, I have not bored to waste time to fight a must lose war “

” Military strategist this sentence, I will rest assured that Military strategist the account, I will be back as soon as possible To arrange, as for the peace talks, then to military strategist solely responsible for the “Zhao Liusu Road.”


Ning Chen nods and should be down.

议和殿,约定的时间到来,双方arrive together ,Xiao Bieli 看着面前的Red Clothes 年轻人,脸上killing intent 一闪即逝,冰冷道,“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你还是来了”

“Heavenly Form 强硬的态度,让Knowing Heaven’s Will 不得不来啊”Ning Chen 面露微笑道。

“True Form is very curious. Now, do you really think that peace talks can solve problems?” Xiao Bieli sneered.

“Central Province various sects 想和谈,Heavenly Residence various sects 应该也想和谈,同样,Knowing Heaven’s Will 亦希望和平解决这一战战争,真正不想谈的,恐怕只有Heavenly Form 吧”Ning Chen 笑容敛去,语气淡漠道。

“Is it important? The conditions that I have set out, as long as you can satisfy, True Form immediately ordered the return of the troops, not to mention “Xiao Bieli coldly says.”

“Heavenly Form has no way to go to Central Province various sects, don’t worry, variant sects choose burn both jade and common stone?” Ning Chen calmly said.

“burn both jade and common stone ,也要有这个实力,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你不会不知道,Central Province 能撑持到今日是何原因,若非其余四域和你的相助,Central Province 早已是吾Heavenly Residence 囊中之物,不过”

说到这里,Xiao Bieli 语气一转,道,“你认为,四域援助还能更多吗? Although it is far from the distance, it is not enough to lay down the entire Interior Boundary. However, it is more than enough to continue to attack the two domains. No one will be too much for resources and territories. Are you saying yes? ”

“Heavenly Form 之言,的确不错,只是,Heavenly Residence 应该没有这个时间吧,Heavenly Form 认为,若Knowing Heaven’s Will 全力助Central Province various sects 拖战,能拖多久呢?” Ning Chen smiled a little.

Xiao Bieli 闻言,眸子一冷,道,“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,人太聪明并不一定是件好事,若Your Excellency 真的这么做,那Heavenly Residence 占领Central Province 后,下一个目标,便是Eastern Territory ”


Ning Chen 神色也冷了下来,站起身,道,“既然谈不拢,便战场分胜负吧,Heavenly Form ,Knowing Heaven’s Will 会等着你主动提出和谈之日”

“永远不会有这一天”Xiao Bieli coldly says 。

“凡事无绝对,Heavenly Form ,战场再会了”

Ning Chen 起身,淡淡一笑,旋即牵过旁边的Yin’er ,迈步离去。

(End of this chapter)

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