Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第五百七十七章 civil and military crown ,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,飘天文学 Competition City ,夜色照人,月下Knowing Heaven’s Will 开阵,青、金两色brilliance 升腾,重衍昔日Daoist Gate 顶峰Great Formation 。..

In the lineup Bodhi, Merit Body runs to the pinnacle, which counters the power of Great Formation Samsara.

Formation Eye 处,Knowing Heaven’s Will 衍阵,Qing Ning 观阵,一道道Divine Restriction 在阵中蔓延,分割Two Formations ,不容Two Formations 互冲。

The next moment, the entire Great Formation turns like a Tai Chi instrument, by Divine Restriction form a world. The Buddha is double-divided, with gold and blue reflecting Nine Heavens.

Bodhi tries, on the Indestructible Golden Body, the buddhist light shines under the double Great Formation of Samsara.

“Not right”

At this point, Qing Ning opens and condenses.

Ning Chen waved his face, his eyes moved, and he said, “Where is it wrong?”

“You are arrogant with the Buddha Gate, and the Daoist Gate is a silver formation. The method should be good. It was only the Two Complements Formation of Daoism Head. Although the yin and yang coexisted, it was not so distinct. Now, Formation, which seems to be the same as Two Formations, is actually not as powerful as the separate Formation Formation or Daoist Formation, “Qing Ning reminds me of memory.

“Coexistence is not opposite”

Ning Chen scorpion picks up, hands lift, Divine Restriction in the line, gaps appear, Two Formations turns, crosses and merges, moments, violent vibration It sounds, Daoist and Buddhist Two Formations, collision and ablation.

In the battle, Bodhi was struck by Two Formations, and even a few steps back, the body’s blood surged.

Ning Chen saw, waved and opened Divine Restriction, separated Two Formations, brows slightly wrinkled, previous guesses were good, forced fusion of Two Formations was not feasible, but, without fusion, how to play Two Formations at the same time The power.

百思不得其解,Ning Chen 看了一眼阵中的Bodhi Venerable ,平静道,“今日到此为止”

“Amitabha ,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 想通,再派人通知贫僧便可”

Bodhi Venerable 行了一个佛礼,旋即转身离去。

“Military Strategist, the war ahead…” Zhao Liusu stepped forward and said.

“Don’t bother me, you will be ahead of the war”

Ning Chen directly interrupts the former and walks away with irritability.

Qing Ning keeps up, after Zhao Liusu is a little bit, whispered, “There is a matter of priority, a Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, a Heavenly Form, he can only deal with one, frontline war, If you have no choice but to do so, you can find your own way.

“Well,” Zhao Liusu nodded lightly.

Wenxuan Palace, Ning Chen poured himself a cup of tea and drank it, then sat down irritably and forced himself to continue thinking.

他实在想不通,Phoenix Body 当初在Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis Residence 房,一坐就是几天几夜,不眠不休地想事情,是怎样忍受下来的。

“There was a flaw now.” Qing Ning walked into the temple and came behind the former. The hand reached out and gently slammed the Sun hole.

“Sorry, I didn’t hold back for a while,” Ning Chen said.

“No problem, when anyone is irritated, Zhao Liusu should not be too suspicious, be careful in the future,” Qing Ning whispered.


Ning Chen nodded.

众尊殿,Zhao Liusu 回来,坐于主座上,眸中brilliance 不断闪过,方才,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 真的不像Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 。

她所认识的Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,冷静,聪明,平常相处,从来不会在别人面前展现自己心中的负面情绪。

从Demon Wheel Sea 出来后,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 确实有些不同了。

The Battle of Central Province battlefield, Heavenly Residence Army is getting faster and faster, and after Xiao Bieli is led by the military, it is no longer the phase of Heavenly Residence behind the town, but incarnate After a hundred battles, the league, which played the league, lost and lost.

Before the Heavenly Residence Army, Xiao Bieli looked at the endless Central Province territory, and the fine mans in the middle of it continued to flash. Faster, give him some time, he will definitely save the Heavenly Residence. Ground.

“Heavenly Form” A personal guard came and respectfully bowed.

“如何,那位Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 依然Competition City 吗?” Xiao Bieli opens the way.

“Always never left Half-Step” personal guard.

Xiao Bieli 闻言,双眼眯起,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你究竟在想什么,你当真认为就凭这些人,能挡得下Heavenly Residence Army 的脚步吗?

At the same time, Tianheng City and Chao Tianxi have been rehabilitated for more than a few days. In order to save Ling Tian Venerable and others, they first entered Executing Immortal Forbidden Land and they had a big fight with Interior Boundary various Venerables. The wounded Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, again causing injuries in the body, had to temporarily retreat.

An Expert retreat of the Treading Immortal Way gave the Interior Boundary a valuable response time, albeit short-lived, but precious.

In the Competition City, Ning Chen did not pay attention to the war for three days. The only thing every day was to try and melt Two Formations, but each time ended in failure.

The yin and yang opposition is Heaven and Earth. Daoism Head can refine and rectify yin and yang with Formation. It does not mean that others can do it. Divine Province has tens of thousands of years of history and only one Daoism Head. This is the truth. .

Ning Chen is extraordinary and has done a good job, but the gap between the Formation and Daoism Head is still difficult to estimate.

人无完人,任何人都不可能做到样样精通,Knowing Heaven’s Will 也一样。

The cold night, the cold wind blew, for three days, Ning Chen stood still in the city, Qing Ning accompanied, not far away, Taibai Residence Lord, Bai Lingling, Bodhi Venerable waited, never left Go, just wait for the former to order.

However, in the past three days, Ning Chen did not make an order, but he kept trying and then failed again and again.

两人身旁,Yin’er 无聊地坐着,两条纤细的小腿踢来踢去,一双大眼睛看看这个,又看看那个,困了便回去睡觉,醒来便自己跑来,乖巧地没有打扰任何人。

久思无果,Ning Chen 双目余光看到身边的Yin’er ,想了想,蹲下身子,看着眼前闲得无聊的小丫头,轻声道,“Yin’er ,给你出个谜语,猜对有奖励”

“什么奖励?” Yin’er 眼睛一亮,直接忽略问题,先问好奖励。

“What do you want to reward” Ning Chen looks gentle.

Yin’er 使劲想了一下,旋即伸手两根白白嫩嫩的手指,道,“我要两个愿望?”

After talking, the little girl couldn’t help but smile grinningly. With two wishes, she could make a wish first, then use the remaining wish to have two more wishes, and then use one. The rest of the two will have two more. If this continues, she will have many wishes.

Ning Chen 看到Yin’er 灿烂的笑容,立刻便猜到小丫头在想什么,却没有点破,面带笑容道,“好,不过你要先猜对谜语”

“你说吧”Yin’er 脆生生道。

Ning Chen 拿过一根树枝,一折为二,插在地上,然后将两根树枝间,划了一条分界线,道,“这是两个人,左边的人永远身处黑夜,右边的人永远身处白天,两边的黑夜和白天不能改变,有没有什么办法,让身处黑夜的人,感觉到白天,身处白天的人,感觉到黑夜”

Yin’er 仰着小脑袋,想了片刻,伸出手指,在两根树枝旁各画了一个圈圈,道,“左边的人,点一支很亮很亮的蜡烛,右边的人,进一间很黑很黑的屋子”

Ning Chen 闻言,先是一怔,旋即猛地站起,眸中闪过一抹brilliance ,他太傻了,强迫自己做自己根本做不到的事情,真是自己给自己找麻烦。

“Is it right?” Yin’er 噘着嘴,抬头问道。

“对了,Yin’er 真聪明,比你宁大哥聪明多了”

Ning Chen 回过神,抬手揉了揉小丫头的头发,笑道。

“I want to understand?” Qing Ning asked softly.


Ning Chen 点头,道,“先前想的太多,还是Yin’er 提醒了我,既然以我之力无法让两座Great Formation 阴阳并融甚至轮替,那就不要在这方面费心神,直接在两边Great Formation 中,再创一对相反的阴阳便可”

“怎么做?” Qing Ning does not understand.

“Let Bai Lingling and Taibai Residence Lord each enter the opposite of the two Great Formation Formation Eyes, Bai Lingling is infused with the Daoist Formation with the Buddhist Gate, and the Taibai Residence Lord is injected into the Buddhist Formation with the Daoist Gate. Human Strength is not enough to change the properties of the entire Great Formation. The biggest possibility is to be assimilated by the respective Formation, Ning Chen.

Qing Ning heard, frowning, the way, “it sounds doable, but it won’t be easy, careful”

“I understand, please sister Qing Ning continue to help me watch the array”

Ning Chen Entrust a sentence, look to the three people not far away, calm way, “three, just I said the method should have heard, please”

three people nod, each into the array.

“Yin’er ,现在开始就坐在那里,千万不要乱跑”Ning Chen 回过头,正色叮嘱道。

“好”Yin’er 乖巧地应道。

After Ning Chen and condensed, Phoenix Yuan mobilized and started two Great Formations. For a moment, the blue and gold brilliance rose again.

“Taibai Residence Lord, Lingling Miss, it’s up to you.” Formation opened the moment, Ning Chen spoke.

In the Formation Eye on both sides of the Great Formation, Taibai Residence Lord, Bai Lingling, and Merit Body, the two different attributes of Strength penetrate into the Great Formation, in an instant, the Road, the Two Formations, the brilliance pinnacle It will brighten the night as bright as white.

Between Two Formations, Yellow Springs Restriction starts, separating the two opposite attributes of Strength.

Ning Chen is in the Yellow Springs Restriction, and feels the strength of the two sides, and there is a glimmer of color in the sly, and I guess it.

The Great Formation on both sides, to the middle, a glimpse of the softness, on the other side, to the soft, the strength of Extreme Firmness spread, and after a short time, it was assimilated.

Ning Chen raised his hand and the Divine Restriction touched the entire Great Formation. The Taiji two instruments, the yin and yang Pisces swimming, the Two Formations Center, the Divine Restriction gradually dissipated, and the incompatible roads The power of the Buddha, this moment has a clever balance, each does not violate.

Over the Competition City, the Taiji Diagram appears, with the yin in the yin and the yin in the yang. Samsara turns and reproduces the former Daoism Head blaspheming god formation.

In the distance, in front of the temple, Zhao Liusu looked at this amazing scene in the sky, and it was difficult to conceal it.

Although this is done with the help of the two Supremacy level Experts of the Tao and Buddha, this still does not change the fact.

civil and military crown ,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis !

(ps: urgency, don’t shout, can’t ask! This is the first time, Chinese and Chinese! Like this friend, please come, the ip chapter is from chapter 133, how many chapters can be ordered! The support of all of you is the biggest guarantee for the code of the smoke and rain. Thank you! ! )


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