Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, 577th chapter Points, floating astronomy Western Jasper Lord is now in the world, the world is good, the extraordinary, the lotus is scornful, the golden brilliance is scattered, and the scattered Great Formation is fixed.

Bodhi Satun, innocent, holy light illuminates the night, and the most mysterious Lord of Western Jasper, the Buddhist Gate, visits Competition City.


Bai Lingling stabilized his body, and the tired face flashed a respectful color.

“You are not hurt, you can’t fight any more, and you can heal yourself.”

Western Jasper Lord whispered a word, and immediately wrapped it in a soft wrap. Send Great Formation.

“Western Jasper Lord, Junior is courteous”, Ning Chen smiles and holds a fist.

“Military Strategist is kind, join forces to fight against the enemy” Western Jasper Lord looks calm.

Ning Chen nodded and calmed down.

In the Two Complements Formation, Buddha Strength penetrates, strength of Yin-Yang rebalances, and the sky, blue, and gold Taiji Diagram reappears, constantly turning, and the power is vaguely better than the previous three points.

“Star Venerable, the previous battle was not counted. From now on, it officially started.” Ning Chen waved his hand and scattered the blood on the fan.

“吾能败你等一次,便能第二次,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,今日,本尊定要取你性命”

话声落,Chao Tianxi 右手抬起,浩瀚无边的威压极尽扩散,Space Principle 再现Human World 。

“Void silence”

One finger is broken, Baizhang, Qianzhang Space collapses, nothing spreads, and swallows everything along the way.

To make a difference, Ning Chen’s hands are Fine Sun Li Fire red glow rises, Phoenix Fire yin yang, sky flooding sea of ​​fire transpiration, against the Space Principle.

Phoenix True Fire, surpassing the flames, constantly rising in Formation, never dying.

The two kinds of Strength, which are violently colliding, are intertwined with brilliant brilliance. Suddenly, the entire Competition City is turned around day and night, just like white.

“Sword Style, Broken”

At the moment of stalemate, Ning Chen’s white fan turns, Phoenix Yuan wanders around, the flame rises, the Phoenix Body reappears, the sword intent The whistling, turned into a hundred hurricane, and broke out.

Sword light to, Chao Tianxi flipped the sword, the body guard True Qi did not block the word intent, there is no flaw.

“Sword Style, Bloodway”

Sword Style changes, demon move Now, in a flash, Red Clothes plucks out, sword condenses yin and yang, concentrates on a concentrated sword, straight Stab the heart arteries.

Hey, the palm of the sword, the void of the Principle scroll, the sword light is difficult to enter.


A slumber, Red Clothes whirl, white fan, bloody flame rises, yin and yang confluence, one inch and one inch, approaching the former.

“Let’s relax!”

The crisis is up, Chao Tianxi 眸中月白brilliance flashed, and the imposing pressure of the smashing out of the air, stunned the people in front of him.

Stepping on the Red Clothes, landing in a few steps, above the right arm, blood berthing, once again dyed red white fan.

“Military Strategist, why not get a sword?”

In the Daoist Formation, the Western Jasper Lord asked the Great Formation, which was swayed by the two men’s battles, and asked.

“Broken” Ning Chen replied casually.

Western Jasper Lord heard the words, a handful of waves, the holy light shining, a golden Buddha Weapon swept out and flew forward.

另一边,Taibai Residence Lord 亦挥手送出手中Dao Sword ,助阵Knowing Heaven’s Will 。

dual swords flew, Ning Chen fixed the gods, hands clasped, the sword into the hands of the moment, the sword intent broke through the limit, and then to the peak.

Buddhist Weapon, Dao Sword, gold and blue brilliance are constantly shining, above the sky, the Formation Diagram echoes, the strength of Yin-Yang falls, not into the sword.


Sword Style reappears, dual swords are waving, broken swords, screaming, the same moves, completely different powers, and come out.

Chao Tianxi 眸子一凝, palm meta-run, True Qi turbulent, frontal moves.

Bipolar confrontation, Heaven and Earth, and Heavenly Residence Star Venerable exit Half-Step, the first time since the war.

“Sword Style, Bloody Way”

Bloody blooms, Red Clothes come instantly, a sword plucks, a sword follows, swords into the sword, pursues the soul seizes The life.


A sword stops, a sword assists, Chao Tianxi, and a short stagnation of True Qi, the Buddha Weapon penetrates into an inch, blood dyed red chest white fringed skirt.

“Population of snow and waste”

A sword is wounded, a tough return move, Chao Tianxi palms condense snow waves, and a palm prints on the chest of the former, majestic power, fear of ghosts shock.

In the wake of the crisis, the Great Formation turned sharply, and Ning Chen forced the yin and yang in front of him to protect the heart arteries.

A shock, blood spatter, Red Clothes flying out dozens of feet, landing red.

In the Two Formations of Yin and Yang, Western Jasper Lord and Taibai Residence Lord were both affected by backlash.


Injury and injury, Taibai Residence Lord took a few steps and vomited red.

Ning Chen stabilized his figure and looked back at the Taibai Residence Lord in the Buddhist Formation, his eyes condensed.

“Taibai Senior, can you still hold it?” Ning Chen wiped his mouth and asked for blood.

“Don’t care, I can still insist”

Taibai Residence Lord snorted, and the whole body was swaying, and the pressure of the raging outburst was constantly suppressed.

“That’s good”

Ning Chen looked back and looked at Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, calmly, “Come on again”

Outside the battle, The long-awaited Zhao Liusu and other people are getting more and more heavy. The powerful and shocking of the Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, the Treading Immortal approach has indeed surpassed the boundaries of Human World Strength.

The strength of Military Strategist is no longer weaker than a Supremacy, and the two Comptons Great Formation, which is the second peak Venerable, is still difficult to get the upper hand.

It’s just that at this moment, only the Military Strategist can compete with Heavenly Residence Star Venerable.

At the time of the battle of the gods and the whole gods, in the battle, the two sides fought again, the sword and the palm, and the summit peaked.

After the injury, Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, killing intent is better than before, and the power is getting more and more amazing.

Ning Chen dual swords refining yin and yang, the front is against the enemy, the arms are dyed red dual swords, but it is not retreating, the offensive is also more fierce.

三分的伤势,各自承受,Yin-Yang Great Formation 中,双尊承下大部分余波,伤势不断累积,越来越沉重,相对而言,正面对敌的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,受Formation 护持,反而成为受创最轻之人。

After a shock, the two separated again, Ning Chen stabilized his body and just wanted to bully. Suddenly, the Buddhist Formation changed, and the heavily-encased Taibai Residence Lord was shocked by the aftermath. It’s hard to support, and a stream of blood spurts and falls straight.

The imbalance between yin and yang, the Great Formation shaking, Ning Chen’s look changed, no longer hesitate, stepping into the air, dunal swords hovering, fulfilling the power of the Formation Diagram, and making the final blow.


In a flash, the word intent is skyrocketing, and the blood is stained with Myriad Swords. Although it is the same source, the Merit Body is different, the strongest Nirvana is beyond the Demon Body. The scope of the exhibition, forced operations, backlash self-support.

In the sky, the magnificent sword light, criss-crossing, the strongest sword, the world.

Under the Great Formation, the sight is different from the previous one. Chao Tianxi looks a dignified, left-handed to force the wind and snow, the right hand to motivate the change of Space, and the two strokes coexist.

A burst of sound, Heaven and Earth, two Primal Chaos, aftershocks, each side splashed red.


A sulking, moon skirt dyed red, Chao Tianxi footsteps, sword intent into the body, affecting the injury when hitting Nether King Barrier, in an instant, broke open Come.

On the other side, the Two Complements Formation is broken, the double sacred red, the Western Jasper Lord is pressing the injury, stepping out, the whole light shines on Heaven and Earth, the first buddha move.

“The Three Worlds, Bodhi Myriad Demons 忏”

The trick of the world, shocked, Guanyin, Myriad Demons trembled.

Chao Tianxi The scorpion changed, plucking the condensate, rushing to block, but smelling a loud noise, the two retreat a few steps, mouth dyed vermilion.

Outside the battle, I saw that the Great Formation was broken, Zhao Liusu and others rushed forward, and more than a dozen Supremacy joined the battle to surround Chao Tianxi.

“Star Venerable, how, I have said, you really don’t necessarily support me. The current situation, whoever continues to fight, can’t take advantage of it. It’s burn both jade and common stone. Or take a step back and watch Star Venerable’s choice.” Ning Chen stepped forward, indifferently says.

Chao Tianxi 眸子冷意不断跳动,好一个Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,好一座Yin-Yang Great Formation ,Interior Boundary 有此人,当初Nether King path of world extinguishing 被阻,非是意外。

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,这一阵是你赢了,希望你一辈子都不出此Competition City ,否则,你的命,本尊要定了”

话声间,虚空摇动,Chao Tianxi 身子渐渐淡去,转瞬后,消失不见。


Chao Tianxi left, Ning Chen walked a few steps, a spurt of blood, dyed red in front of Great Land.

Amazing from the recent Zhao Liusu of Ning Chen, immediately stepped forward to support the former and called, “Military Strategist !”

“No problem, look at what Taibai Senior is doing.” Ning Chen vomited again with a bloody, weak Extreme Dao.

“I will arrange for this, and the Military Strategist will not be light. I will send someone to the Military Strategist to go back.” Zhao Liusu condensed.

“I am coming”

At this moment, Qing Ning appeared and bowed to the front of the Western Jasper Lord, opening the door, “Master, Ning Chen injured Heavy, I will take him to heal.”

“You go.” Western Jasper Lord nodded.

Qing Ning helped Ning Chen, no longer stayed, and the figure flashed toward the Wenxuan Palace.

半刻钟后,Wenxuan Palace 中,Ning Chen 双眼紧闭地躺在床上,一旁,被大战吵醒的Yin’er 大眼滴溜溜地看着前者,小脸上尽是不满。

“不要装了,Qing Ning Elder Sister 都说你伤的根本没那么重”Yin’er 拽着前者手臂,一边使劲往下拉,一边说道。


Ning Chen 无奈地起身,道,“好了,伤的不重,也受伤了不是,你就不能让我休息一会”

“你干嘛要装伤啊”Yin’er 爬上床,挨着前者坐下,小腿踢来踢去,道。

“In order to balance the hearts of those outside, you think, the four people who entered the battle, Bai Lingling was seriously injured, and the Taibai Residence Lord was also half dead, even the Western Jasper Lord, presumably also hurt. At this time, I am no longer in trouble with others. Is it inappropriate?” Ning Chen is soft.

Yin’er 昂着小脑袋想了想,似乎真是这样。

“But the other three people are so miserable, why are you all right?” Yin’er 大眼中闪过不解之色,道。

“Good luck”

Ning Chen touched his nose and said vaguely.


Yin’er 不是傻瓜,多少猜出一些,面露鄙视道。


Ning Chen 拍了一下小丫头的脑袋,道,“你想想,Formation 是我布的,打架也是我亲自上的,甚至阵中动嘴皮子之事,也得我来应付,我这么辛苦,这么重要,让他们多承受一点伤势,不过分吧”

“不过分”Yin’er 很配合地使劲点头道。

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