grand Xia Princely Latest chapter, Chapter No. 581 tea, with the taste of intrigue, fluttering astronomy Landscape Sword boundary , three arrogant war ling Tian, extreme move collision, sword flower, Blood flower splash, in the aftermath of an arrow, so suddenly, from Ling Tian venerable directly through the hearts, blood fog gushing all over the sky, dyed red ink color landscape …

Hey, a few steps, Ling Tian Venerable, holding the bloody chest, unbelievably turned his head and looked at the distant figure, when?

A hard hit, heart arteries were destroyed, and Ling Tian Venerable vomited a blood again, stepping on his feet and rushing back.


Landscape Sword Boundary, ink flow, every ink, is a sword intent, Sword Boundary no way, block Supremacy retreat.

“A sword is robbed”

Sword Two Swords, screaming, sword light broke out, resumes the fight.

At the same time, Yi Xuanmiao took the sword and stepped forward. Azure Insect Sword was low-keyed, sword-like and practiced, and Ling Tian was blocked.

The sword of the confrontation, the aftermath of the storm, the broken sword can break the Yue, the unparalleled, Azure Insect Sword goes strange, soft blade, twisted and entangled, pursues the soul seizes the life.

Aside, Mu Qianshang swords the mountains and rivers, and the ink is white and coiled for the next sword.

Landscape Ink Painting In addition, Luo Xingchen reopens the Xinghong bow, and the blue arrows converge, not condensing, waiting for the opportunity.

In the battle, Ling Tian Venerable became more and more shocked, the heart arteries were hit hard, the blood was hard to follow, and the Merit Body was severely restrained. The dual swords with soft and soft sides gradually fell into the wind.

sword light 过,血花散,挡不住的剑上变化,是Yellow Springs 开路的钟声,Eastern Territory ,Central Province ,两域最顶峰的剑上Heaven’s Chosen 首次联手,便显惊人默契,精妙的sword intent ,无可言说。

“End of Forbidden Sword, Fantasy Bubble”

For a long time, Mu Qianshang stepped into the air, and the whole body of the sword intent made a trick, in an instant, the end of the sword, Sword Boundary One by one, the ink bubbles rise, the bubbles collapse, and inside and outside Sword Boundary, Heaven and Earth dissipate.

Seeing the unseen sword move, the hard-hitting Ling Tian Venerable is hard to support. It is wrapped in ink bubbles. After a moment, the bubble collapses and the blood is pouring into the sky.

At this moment, outside the battle, Star Marked is broken, the blue arrow is coming, the Yellow Springs is open, and Death God is dead.

A long-awaited arrow that penetrates into the body and instantly destroys Venerable.

With a bang, Ling Tian fell to the ground, unwilling, or puzzled, and it was no longer important to flow into the Great Land with the blood.

Landscape Sword Boundary, Mu Qianshang stepped forward and reached for Ling Tian Venerable to close his eyes and send Martial Artist to the road.

Sword Two, Yi Xuanmiao Looking at this scene, no one said anything. Although the position is different, the dignity of Martial Artist is not tolerated.

After doing this, Mu Qianshang got up and looked at Yi Xuanmiao beside Sword Two, politely, “Friend, where are you going?”

“Competition City” Yi Xuanmiao calmly said.

“Oh? What a coincidence, we’re going there.

said, Mu Qianshang glanced at the Luo Xingchen, Tao, “the special behind the sneak attack the despicable villain, it is estimated to go competition C ity “

” Mu Qianshang, you ungrateful Fellow, believe it or not I shot you into a sieve, just want to not my shot, you were shot dead “Luo Xingchen Heard, furious road.

“He can’t shoot me, I don’t know, but I know, there is a saying that the gentleman can’t follow the arrow” Mu Qianshang scorned.

“狗屁,不要以为我不知道,这句话是Knowing Heaven’s Will 说的,这个世上,就数他背后捅刀的事干的最多,他的话,谁信谁是傻子”Luo Xingchen 回应道。

“Two, no longer, the day is dark, noisy on the road, no matter how long” Sword Two opens, indifferently says.


Mu Qianshang takes the sword and walks forward.

Luo Xingchen also stepped forward and stopped arguing.

“I didn’t expect that you didn’t have any news at all, and you happened to meet it today,” Mu Qianshang said with emotion.

“Smart? Not at all, I have been waiting here for a few days,” Luo Xingchen said.

“Oh? 既然先到了,为何不去Competition City 寻Knowing Heaven’s Will ”Mu Qianshang 讶异道。


Luo Xingchen 满脸不爽道,“你也知道Knowing Heaven’s Will 那张嘴,是何等歹毒,上一次,我朝他借了六百块Source Immortal Jade ,如今过去,若不带点礼物,你感觉,那小子会善罢甘休吗”


Mu Qianshang 轻轻一笑,道,“说起来,我们倒是帮了你的忙,一位顶峰Human World Supremacy ,这样的大礼,足以弥补那些Immortal Jade 了”

“交友不慎,追悔莫及”Luo Xingchen 感叹道。

一旁,Yi Xuanmiao 听到两人的谈话,沉默片刻,开口道,“你们是Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 的朋友?”

Mu Qianshang 笑了笑,道,“生死之交,不过,一向都是我们赴死,他捡便宜罢了”

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ”

Yi Xuanmiao 顿了片刻,缓缓道,“是重情重义之人”

“哦? Your Excellency also knows him? ” Mu Qianshang was surprised.

Yi Xuanmiao 点头,平静道,“杀兄之仇,救命之恩”


Mu Qianshang 眸子闪过异色,道,“看在今日出手相助的情谊上,奉劝你一句,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 不是好惹之人,和他有仇的人,基本上都死的差不多了,他冷酷无情的时候,要比重情重义的时候多得多”

“多谢提醒,我会认真考虑”Yi Xuanmiao 轻声应道。

Four people marched forward, all the way to the north, when the sunset will fall, the four will eventually arrive at the Competition City.

Yi Xuanmiao took out the exclusive golden command of the four Crown Princes of Mizar Dynasty, and explained that they soon came to meet and led four people to walk towards Wenxuan Palace.

正巧,四人到达Wenxuan Palace 时,Yin’er 和Ning Chen 刚从外面回来,迎面碰上。

“哟,这不是大名鼎鼎的Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 吗? How was it beaten so badly?” Mu Qianshang stepped forward and smiled.

On the wheelchair, Ning Chen was silent. After a while, slowly spit out a word, “roll”

Five people entered the temple, Yi Xuanmiao left, first went to the temple to see Alliance Venerable.

Five people in the temple, except for the little steamed bun, the remaining four are the comrades who used to send the gods to fight. Ning Chen did not hide again. He stood up directly from the wheelchair and watched the three people suddenly. A trip.



Mu Qianshang and Luo Xingchen returned to God and immediately sarcastically said.

Sword Two sighed, “We should have thought of it”

“Three, there is tea on the table, please take it easy” Ning Chen chuckled.

“On the face of a Supremacy, you have nothing to do, your life is really big.” Luo Xingchen is not good.

“Luo Xingchen, nonsense, my six hundred Immortal Source, when I return, you will not plan to return it,” Ning Chen indifferently says.

Luo Xingchen 目光看向身边两人,道,“如何,我猜得不错吧,幸亏这一次多了一个心眼,否则,我的一世清誉,肯定会被某人强加上欠债不还的罪名”

Mu Qianshang 笑了笑,道,“Knowing Heaven’s Will ,他欠你的六百Source Immortal Jade ,已经还了”

“哦? How do you say, “Ning Chen went to the table and poured himself a cup of tea, whispering.

“Ling Tian Venerable is dead”

Mu Qianshang is in the color, and in the Heavenly Residence camp, except for the Sword Venerable, which has such a disability, there is only Ling Tian Venerable is one person.

Ning Chen heard the words, the teacup in his hand slammed into the ground, it was difficult to set the channel, “OK?”

“Mu” Mu Qianshang nodded.

“For the specific situation, let me talk about it,” Ning Chen said, calming down the inner fluctuations.

Mu Qianshang seriously said the previous battle, without missing any details.

“Indeed he”

Ning Chen sigh, “Three friends, you really have solved a big problem for me”

“a lift, Luo Xingchen that arrow, really come is exactly the time, but, compared to this Ling Tian venerable, I wait more curious, Heavenly Residence Star venerable strength, to what extent? ” Sword Two came forward and asked.


Ning Chen 缓缓道,“不说其他,只contend 力的话,Heavenly Residence Star Venerable 几乎已equivalent to 半个Nether King ,唯一的差别便在于Chao Tianxi 没有Seven Absolute God Body 那样可怕的体质,防御力要差不少”

说道这里,Ning Chen 目光望向Mu Qianshang ,眸子微微眯起,脸上露出最和善的笑容,道,“Mu Brother ,我以前似乎听你说过,Kind Sword Heavenly Pavilion 的前身,便是承接的Daoist Gate inheritance 吧”

Mu Qianshang 闻言,眼皮一跳,直接摇头,道,“你肯定是记错了,我没说过这样的话”

“诶,Knowing Heaven’s Will 修炼aptitude 虽不怎么样,记忆力却还是可以的,好友说过的话,在下不可能会记错”Ning Chen 轻笑道。

“Even if I said it, how about it, let me know first, help, but don’t think I will help you deal with Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, this Young Master still doesn’t want to die so fast” Mu Qianshang looks like It is a warning road.

“Of course”

Ning Chen chuckles, “How can I make my friends risky?”

Aside, Luo Xingchen, Sword Two heard Drink the tea in the mouth and almost didn’t spray it out.

How can a person’s face be so thick?

“Two, what is the taste of tea?” Ning Chen looked at the two and smiled.

“The tea is good, but it is just a conspiracy.” Luo Xingchen responded.


Ning Chen whispered, “Xingchen Brother’s taste is more and more unique, and a cup of tea can taste the conspiracy.” >

“Polite, I have been drinking tea for half a lifetime, and only in this case, can you drink this unforgettable taste” Luo Xingchen put down the teacup.

旁边,一直很少说话的Sword Two 亦放下茶杯,平静道,“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,说正经事,我们此来,便是为了帮你的忙,有对付Heavenly Residence Star Venerable 的办法吗?”

Ning Chen silenced, for a long time, sighed, “With my current Strength, only in the Competition City can compete with it, out of the Competition City, the entire Five Territories, no one can block “Heavenly Residence Star Venerable”

“Your body, strength of Four Scrolls can be repaired?” Mu Qianshang asked.

“Ontology is still in the long mausoleum, however, the long mausoleum Nu Venerable has changling Ancient land closed, now no one can enter, and, even if go to also useless, the original ontology can contend with Nether King, is because the master shot, the Ontology 500 longevity into the Hundred Years Foundation, forced to promote scroll of life completion, plus grand Xia Millennium Destiny Plus, had to contend with nether King strength , but, it’s impossible Now, “Ning Chen, honestly.


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