Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第五百八十四章 children’s words carry no harm ,飘天文学 Sword Pavilion Scriptures Tower 外,Ning Chen 现身,看到正在替Mu Qianshang 疗伤的Heavenly Sword Pavilion Lord ,两步走上前,道,“他怎样了”

Heavenly Sword Pavilion Lord 收手,疲惫地松了一口气,道,“无碍,有一股Strength 封闭了他的意识,不过,这股Strength 正在消散,想必过不了多久,Qianshang 便能醒来”

“抱歉,给Sword Pavilion 添麻烦了”Ning Chen 面带歉意道。

“没有什么好道歉的,虽然吾不知道你们在Scriptures Tower 遇到了什么,但是,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 能在遇到危险时先将Qianshang 送出,这份情谊,比任何道歉的话都有价值”Heavenly Sword Pavilion Lord 应道。

“这是Knowing Heaven’s Will 该为之事”Ning Chen 轻叹道。

This time, he took Mu Qianshang into danger, so in any case, he must send Mu Qianshang safely.

Sister Qing Ning said that although he is different from the Phoenix Body’s mind and philosophy, there is one thing that he is not as good as the Phoenix Body.

That is what you do, what you do, and you must bear it yourself, right or wrong.

Do not evade, do not evade, words must be done, and will do.

In fact, the best person to stay is not him, but the Phoenix Body.

In the original plan, the Phoenix Body originally wanted to stay in the Interior Boundary and continue to trace the truth of Immortal Corpse Patrol. As for the journey to Heaven Beyond Heaven to find Jasper Lake Water, he was asked to do it.

The reason is very simple. Among the three bodies, the Phoenix Body is the best in the world. It is the only person who can catch up with Immortal Corpse Patrol. Relatively speaking, he swallowed Xuan Luo half-length and has more combat power. Heaven Beyond Heaven is more suitable.

Unfortunately, he has entered Demon Tribulation and the Merit Body is unstable. The Phoenix Body can only replace him for Heaven Beyond Heaven.

He stayed, first trying to get through Demon Tribulation as soon as possible, and secondly, using the identity of Union Strategist as a cover to continue to follow Immortal Corpse Patrol.

In addition, the last agreement between them is to guard the cherished people before the Phoenix Body returns.

The devil is never a trustworthy race, but this time he can’t believe it.

The cold moon is westbound, the night is going to be done, the east is white, and the sky is gradually brightening.

At the dawn of the dawn, Mu Qianshang, who had been in a coma for a long time, finally woke up, and the stunned eyes gradually returned to God and looked at the two people in front of them. “What happened to me?”

“Speak long, have time to say, you have peace of mind first, I still have some things to do, have to leave a few days,” Ning Chen asked.

“Well, let’s go” Mu Qianshang has a different color, but he didn’t ask much.

“Pavilion Lord, Junior’s first words, two days later to harass” Ning Chen looked at Heavenly Sword Pavilion Lord, politely, farewell.

“I sent someone to Lord Marquis for a ride” Heavenly Sword Pavilion Lord.

“Thank you for the Pavilion Lord, don’t bother”

Ning Chen should have a sentence and immediately stepped away along the way.

“Qianshang, what happened in the Scriptures Tower, you don’t remember?” Looking at the disappearing figure, Heavenly Sword Pavilion Lord spoke up.

Mu Qianshang 仔细地想了想,旋即摇了摇头,道,“进入Scriptures Tower 最后一层之后,我似乎感受到了一股极为恐怖的Aura ,接下来我便失去了意识,后面发生了什么,我如何出来,没有任何记忆”

“是Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 将你送出来的,虽然他没说什么,但是,他出来时,身上有很明显的血腥气,显然是受了不轻的伤”Heavenly Sword Pavilion Lord 道。

Mu Qianshang 闻言,沉默下来,许久,轻声一叹,道,“屡次祸害朋友的Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,这一次,变得不聪明了”

Azure Frost Valley 中,Ning Chen 走出,回首看了一眼身后的Thousand Snow Lake ,片刻后,转身离去。

After half a day, in the foggy forest, before the entrance to Hell, Ning Chen appeared and walked into it.

The dark Hell, silently, can clearly hear his footsteps every step of the way. The most familiar place, now, is so strange.

Exist in the world I know how long it is, and the Eternal Night Divine Church, it is no longer verifiable, but Hell’s prosperous Era is farther away than the Daoist Gate. In the human era, Hell seems to be just A mark does not reveal the brilliance of a Large Sect.

Ning Chen entered Hell, and the memory of the past came, stepped, and stepped one step further.

三体同心,Hell ,已成为Knowing Heaven’s Will 心中永远无法愈合一块伤疤,痛的太深,执念入骨,即便Demon Body ,也不得脱。

执念,resentment ,本无差别,Demon Body 是All Living Things Resentment 的集结,同样,Knowing Heaven’s Will 的执念,Demon Body 亦无法逃避。

“Ghost Girl, how can I save you?”

Before Feeble Water, Ning Chen stopped and snorted.

There are hundreds of miles of Hell rivers, not the beginning and the end, the river Feee Water, very poisonous, I don’t know how many years, the end of the river will give birth to the undead demon flower like Yellow Springs Flower. For a living corpse that is immortal, you can’t live without it.

“Devil, there are also human emotions, not afraid of self-destruction?” A voice of mixed men and women came out, said.

Ning Chen didn’t answer, still watching it quietly, without saying anything.

“Netherworld Hell, I don’t think I have decayed yet” Supreme Tian said again.

“Do you know the past of Hell?” Ning Chen heard the words, his brows were light and wrinkled.

“Daoist Gate has a long history, and Hell is the same. Unfortunately, Era, which belongs to Daoist Gate and Hell, has passed,” Supreme Tian said.

Ning Chen Silence, after a long time, said, “How do we make a deal?”

“What transaction?” Supreme Tian Road.

“You need a body, and I need Daoist Gate’s Formation. You help me learn Daoist Gate Formation. I help you find new bodies, fair trade, and benefit everyone.” Ning Chen calms Road.

“The promise of the devil, we are hard to trust” Supreme Tian responded.

“Do you have other options? Although I can’t destroy you now, but you don’t have a way out now, cooperation is the only hope you can come out today, Ning Chen indifferently says.

Forty-nine men and women are quiet, and after a while, they open their mouths, “Complete, demon, hope you can remember your promise”

Ning Chen nodded, no more.

One day, two days, three days, Demon Body stood in front of Feeble Water, motionless, I don’t know what to wait for, I don’t know why.

三日后,Knowing Heaven’s Will 身后,Demon Qi 缭绕,黑色Phoenix appears ,Phoenix Cry 响起,Feeble Water 如逆瀑倒卷而起,不断没入Phoenix 体内。

Fearble Water was taken, but I couldn’t wait for someone I wanted to see. Ning Chen left silently, and I was very impressed.

Soon after the Demon Body left, in the foggy forest, Dragon Corpse took Immortal Sedan and Ghost Girl got off the bus and walked into Hell.

冥冥中受到命运牵引的两人,一次又一次走过相同的路,然而,Heaven’s Will 弄人,始终不肯让criminal 得偿所愿。

Rakshas enters Hell and walks deep into Hell’s depths, wearing a red wedding dress, so beautiful, dazzling that it is difficult to look straight.

Thousands of years, thousands of years, 100,000 years, Rakshas’s wedding dress, never took off, walked through the endless Years, constantly looking for something.

Barbarian Royal Palace, Ah Man stood in front of the other house, looking at the west, the delicate and clean face, rarely flashed a touch of sadness.

“Princess, the wind is big outside, enter the house.” The red candle came and whispered.


Ah Man nodded and turned and walked into the courtyard. He won’t come.

Azure Frost Valley, the white figure standing in the valley and waiting for it, not long after, Ning Chen appeared, looking at the former, opening the way, “go”

Mu Qianshang Stepping away together.

“Daoist Gate Formation is available?”


“That’s good”

Simple conversation, no one said too much, after a moment, disappeared into the afterglow of the setting sun.

Competition City, the two returned, and Qing Ning saw it, and he was relieved. In the past few days, she was really worried that things would be revealed.

“Xingchen Brother, thank you” Ning Chen looked at the person in front of him.

“Small things, what happened on this trip” Luo Xingchen asked to restore his appearance.

“Two Complements Formation 已到手”

Ning Chen 应了一句,神色认真下来,道,“如今Heavenly Residence Star Venerable 伤势不轻,Merit Body 远不复Peak ,是难得的机会,只是,凭我一人之力,依旧不可能挡下Heavenly Residence Star Venerable ,还是要劳烦三位好友出手相助”

“Knowing Heaven’s Will ”一旁,Mu Qianshang 突然开口道。

“Well?” Ning Chen is not helpful.

“When you are polite, it looks disgusting” Mu Qianshang indifferently says.


Ning Chen 轻轻一笑,道,“是Knowing Heaven’s Will 矫情了,Two Complements Formation starts 需要strength of Yin-Yang 同时并行,Mu Brother inheritance Daoist Gate ,Merit Body 又属阴寒,主持Yang Formation 正合适,而Sword Two 兄虽然不是至阳体质,不过,Desolate City 之剑,一向是以力破万法,至刚无匹,主持Yin Formation ,足够,至于剩下的事,交由Knowing Heaven’s Will 来做即可”

“我做什么?” Luo Xingchen asked.

Ning Chen smiled and said, “Xingchen Brother continues to do his own old business, put a sneak attack on the back”

“The gentleman can’t follow the arrow, this is not Ning Brother. Have you said that?” Luo Xingchen runs on the road.

“Have I said that?” Sorry, I have forgotten,” Ning Chen chuckled.

不远处,Yin’er 踢踏着小腿,开口道,“你们小心点,当日和Ning Chen 一起入阵的两个人,到现在还没醒呢”

Ning Chen 闻言,看着小丫头,无奈一笑,道,“Yin’er ,你到底和谁是一伙的,胳膊肘怎能向外拐呢”

“Qing Ning Elder Sister 说他们是好人”Yin’er 娇声回答道。

“I am also a good person” Ning Chen is right.

“你是坏蛋”Yin’er 皱了皱小鼻子,道。

“children’s words carry no harm ,不过,真是顺耳”一旁,Luo Xingchen 心情极好,道。

Mu Qianshang, Sword Two Listening to the words of Miss, just smiled and didn’t say anything on this issue.

Knowing Heaven’s Will 的行为,绝对算不上什么君子之风,甚至可以说是不择手段,作为敌人,或许要时刻抱着十二分的戒心,但,作为朋友,Knowing Heaven’s Will 绝对是一个可以信任之人。

“Xingchen Brother, wait for me to write down the two Complements Formation. Your Merit Body is not suitable for entry, but the battle is changing rapidly, in case, three of us Some people don’t care, you still need to enter the battle in time, take over the battle,” Ning Chen is the color.

“Understanding” Luo Xingchen nodded.

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