Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第五百九十二章 divine tower 遗迹(求订阅!!),飘天文学 Central Province 西北,Sword Casting Mountain Village ,Sword Lord 书房之内,Knowing Heaven’s Will 进去已逾半个时辰,一直未曾出来。

正当Yin’er 等的不耐烦时,房门打开,Ning Chen 走出,开口道,“走吧”

“Sword Lord 爷爷答应了?” Yin’er 一边走,一边问道。

“Well” Ning Chen nodded.

“What does Sword Lord say?” Yin’er 继续问道。

“Speak to let you obey, if you are not convinced of discipline, you have to fight, let me decide,” Ning Chen smiled.

“你骗人,Sword Lord 爷爷才不会说这样的话”Yin’er 撅起嘴,不相信道。


Ning Chen smiled softly. “Do you say goodbye to your mother?”


Yin’er 应了一声,神情不自觉地变得有些低落。

Ning Chen 揉了揉小丫头的头发,道,“用心学,很快便能回来了”


Yin’er 使劲点了点头,应道。

The two left Sword Casting Mountain Village. Behind, a beautiful woman walked out and looked at her daughter with tears in her eyes. Although she was sad, she resisted and did not say anything.

In the distance, Ning Chen didn’t look back, but still felt the look of the rear, and couldn’t help but sigh softly, and pity the parents.

山庄书房中,Sword Casting Lord 看着远方,苍老的面容露出一抹感慨,他老了,Sword Lord 之位,需要有人继承,经过Phoenix Blood 洗脉的Yin’er ,无疑是最佳人选。

不过,在此之前,Yin’er 需要一个领路人。

Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 愿意承下此事,对于Yin’er 和Sword Casting Mountain Village 而言,都是一件幸事。

若discuss the sword 上成就,这个世上,能超越Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 者,已寥寥无几。

最难能可贵的是,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 的心胸超过他所见过的任何人,对于martial arts inheritance ,没有丝毫吝惜之意,这在教派观念森严的Central Province ,是不可想象之事。

“在这个世上,顶级cultivation technique 不算少,但是真正的Expert ,屈指可数,比起外因,内因才是决定一个人martial arts 造诣的关键,所以,拘泥门派观念,其实并没有必要”

Knowing Heaven’s Will 之言,依旧在耳边回荡,Sword Casting Lord 心中一叹,他很清楚,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 送了Yin’er 一卷Heavenly Tome ,这是大恩,意味着从此Sword Casting Mountain Village 也有了Heavenly Tome martial arts 。

直到今日,他才明白,为何天资普通的Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,会有如此惊人的martial arts 成就,不是因为Heavenly Tome ,也不是因为有Grand Xia 传奇这样的领路人,而是因为心性。

知恩图报,诚以待人,凡事,倾力而为,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 一生,或有遗憾,但,问心无愧。

Sword Casting Lord 推动wheelchair 出了书房,看着山庄之外,沧桑的眸子闪过点点光芒,若有可能,真想见识一下,传说中那位将Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 一手带起来的Empress Zhangsun ,究竟是一个怎样的人。

东行的路上,Yin’er 拽着身边之人的衣袖,好奇道,“Ning Chen ,我们去哪啊?”

“Eastern Territory Divine Province” Ning Chen whispered.


Yin’er 应了一声,问道,“去Eastern Territory 干吗?”

“Recognizing something,” Ning Chen replied.

“When are you coming back?” Yin’er 继续问道。

“Coming Soon”

Ning Chen confessed that his appointment with Sword Venerable was only ten days, now three days have passed, and seven days left, he must hurry time.

“When did you teach me to practice?” Yin’er 再次问道。

“Don’t you already teach you?” Ning Chen said.

“太难了,看不懂”Yin’er 撅起小嘴,道。

“Let’s practice, go wrong,” Ning Chen said casually.

“哪有你这样当师父的”Yin’er 极其不满道。

“Now I will see it, study martial arts, or rely on myself to explore, too easy, but not good,” Ning Chen responded.

“你这是给你不负责任找借口”Yin’er 愤怒控诉道。


两人东行,有Yin’er 这个小拖油瓶在,Ning Chen 速度放慢了不少,达到Eastern Territory Divine Province 时,已是第二日正午。

The Eternal Night Divine Church ruins, west of the mile, a towering tower, Five Territories have been combined for more than 20 years, and the divine tower has long been abandoned and damaged.

Ning Chen took the little girl and walked into the tower, looking at the structure of the divine tower a little bit.

When Divine Province was pulled into the realm of the four domains, the fault of the Nether King was calmed down. Divine Province was so badly wounded that he was seriously injured and unconscious.

Four Directions Divine Towers was built by Monster Temple and Divine Palace, but he must verify it for the sake of authenticity.

日落之时,Ning Chen 出塔,带着Yin’er 南行而去。

Just as Ning Chen returned to Eastern Province, the situation in Central Province, Heavenly Residence and the Union became more and more tense.

Chao Tianxi was attacked by Interior Boundary Supremacy on the day of the peace talks. He was seriously injured and killed. This despicable act completely aroused the anger of the Heavenly Residence Army. In a few days, the voice of the army was getting harder and harder. Suppression, the outbreak of war, is only a matter of time.

In Tianheng City, Mu Changge stands in front of the city, hunting in the wind in black, in the city, inside an Earth Fire Divine Furnace, recasting the Obeying Heavenly Palace, Holy Land, the last Star Soul Iron Source Incorporate into the blade and bless the strength of the divine weapon.

“Sword Venerable” A Tsing Yi old man came forward and respected the way.

“When the old, Obeying Heavenly Palace can be cast,” Mu Changge said, opening.

“It still takes seven days” Tsing Yi old man should answer.

Mu Changge 点头,如此一来,是战是和,便等Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 的答复了。

Central Province North, Competition City, the hall of the House of Representatives, the arrighs together, the dignity between the looks, difficult to cover up.

On the main seat, Zhao Liusu sat quietly and looked at the unusual Venerables below. The corners of his mouth were ridiculous, one step was wrong, and the bitter fruit was tasted.

Heavenly Residence Sword Venerable Woke up, no one can expect,various Venerables thought that the removal of Chao Tianxi, Heavenly Residence Army, did not dare to fight again because of the punishment of the oath, did not expect the final result It is pushing yourself into the most dangerous situation.

Heavenly Residence Sword Venerable Stepping into the Treading Immortal, and leaving with the Military Strategist, the situation at the Interior Boundary is at stake.

“Heavenly Residence various Venerables should still be concerned about the swearing of Heavenly Punishment, denying that there will be no movement yet,” Xuan Zhen Venerable said.

The public dissatisfaction, the anxiety in the heart is slightly reduced, a Sword Artist of Treading Immortal, no one is willing to face it.

On the main seat, Zhao Liusu smiled and ruthlessly ruined the excuses of the Venereables. “Heavenly Punishment, though terrible, but in the Supremacy Boundary world, it is not necessarily resistant. In the past, I thought, the reason why Heavenly Residence really waited until now is not Heavenly Punishment, but Military Strategist”

“Why?” Li Shan Venerable was puzzled and asked.

“The day before, the Military Strategist came and asked you if you want peace. Unfortunately, no one answered positively” Zhao Liusu indifferently says.

The brows of the public are wrinkled. What is the meaning of this?

Zhao Liusu did not explain again, his eyes closed slightly and he was quiet and contemplative.

Eastern Territory ,Barbarian Dynasty 南边,Ning Chen 走出第二座divine tower ,带着Yin’er 东行而去。

“How many towers are there?” Yin’er 问道。

“Four Blocks” Ning Chen replied.

“What’s the use?” Yin’er 不解道。

“In the beginning, Divine Palace and Lord of Monster Temple used the power of Four Directions Divine Towers and Divine Province to bring Eastern Territory back to the four realms,” Ning Chen said.


Yin’er 点了点头,诚实道,“还是不懂”

“你知道Heavenly Residence 和Interior Boundary 为何有战争吗?” Ning Chen is soft.

“不知道”Yin’er 摇头道。


Ning Chen 轻叹道,“Heavenly Residence Star 我曾去过,是一片非常美丽的土地,不过,现在快要毁了”

Yin’er 闻言,脸上露出不忍之色,道,“那些Supremacy 既然能来Interior Boundary ,可以将Heavenly Residence 百姓也都带来啊,为何非要侵略我们”


Ning Chen 揉了揉小丫头的头发,道,“一星的资源毕竟有限,即便足够再容纳数个Heavenly Residence ,但是,various sects 岂会愿意他人染指自己的东西,Heavenly Residence 为了生存,只有两个选择,投靠Interior Boundary ,或者发动侵略”

说到这里,Ning Chen 眸子闪过一抹光芒,道,“投靠Interior Boundary ,就意味着自己的命运掌握在别人手中,通俗来说,便是卖身为奴,Heavenly Residence 百姓的下场,可想而知,所以,Heavenly Residence 的选择其实只有一个,那便是侵略”

“那是谁对谁错啊?” Yin’er 有些迷茫道。

“There is no right or wrong only stand, Chao Tianxi for heavenly Residence sentient beings at the expense of their own, in heavenly Residence People’s hearts, she is the real hero, but, for Interio R boundary, Heavenly Residence Star Venerable is the enemy, standing in different positions, for the right and wrong judgment is not the same, but, no matter what the purpose, the war itself, must be wrong, because, the people who really endure the war, is never the decision-maker , but the people of the world, “Ning Chen Word said.

Xing, the people suffer, the death, the suffering of the people, the unchanging truth, but also the most nonsense nonsense.

Twenty years ago, Fan Lingyue took the troops south, wanted to lay the Grand Xia, and then unified the entire Divine Province to build a dynasty without war. Only the premise of this was Divine Province. The forces reshuffled, and the sacrifices were more than a million.

EMI has been convinced that he will come, but he is very clear that it is the force of the people who really decides all this.

The current situation, regardless of Divine Province, or the other four domains, is impossible.

It can be said that the purpose of Nether King’s creation has failed.

People like Chao Tianxi are too few and too few, and Interior Boundary and Heavenly Residence are the same.

Or one day, the human heart is no longer like this, the world is restored to the peace, the people are rich, and the dynasty of the dynasty is really coming, then Fan Lingyue is aware of the spring and can be safe.

Desolate City East, Ning Chen came and stepped into the divine tower.

In Desolate City, the Sword Flowing Shadow, which has been left behind, perceives the familiar sword pressure, and flashes quickly toward the divine tower.

塔内,熟悉的Red Clothes ,熟悉的Aura ,Sword Flowing Shadow 身子一震,惊道,“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ”

Ning Chen 回头,看着眼前之人,嘴角露出一抹笑容,开口道,“Sword Three ,好久不见”

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