Grand Xia The latest chapter of the princely, 595th chapter crisis , Floating Astronomy Central Province has changed, and there is no way to escape the Heavenly Residence Army, at any cost, quickly north.

与Knowing Heaven’s Will 有约,Heavenly Residence Army 将战场都选在了人烟荒芜之地,尽量减少对Interior Boundary 百姓的祸及。

However, the Army confrontation on Innate has terribly destructive power. The casualties of the Interior Boundary people are much smaller than before, but the fragmentation of the mountains and rivers is several times better than before.

After another piece of Great Land was hit, the Human World Supremacy, with the power of moving mountains draining seas, intervened, and the Central Province was completely destroyed. Many mountains and rivers were destroyed. .

Heavenly Punishment In the past, the number of Heavenly Residence Supremacy was greatly reduced and lost to the Interior Boundary Alliance. However, the existence of Heavenly Residence Sword Venerable directly smoothed the gap between the top forces and even made Heavenly Residence even better. One.

The war continued to spread to the north, and one after another Large Sect was destroyed by the Heavenly Residence Army, and the pace of encroaching on Central Province was getting faster and faster.

On the broken mountain river, Red Clothes appeared, next to a small Miss, accompanied by a small, delicate face.

“I, no problem”

Ning Chen said, Aura is a violent shock, Demon Tribulation is added, affecting the created Merit Body, a little bit of blood and silent The corner of the mouth overflows.

Yin’er 见状,脸上担忧越发难掩,伫足,抬起小手擦去前者嘴边血迹,心疼道,“咱们不管了,Heavenly Residence 和联盟谁胜谁负由他们自己折腾吧”

Ning Chen 疲惫一笑,轻声道,“Yin’er ,现在我再教你一件事,做人,一定要言而有信,别人如何,我们管不了,但是,自己必须要守住自己的First Thought ”

让身为魔的他,来给Yin’er 说教人心,着实可笑,不过,他不想看到小丫头走错路。

Yin’er 闻言,眸中闪过不忍,道,“为何他们就可以不守承诺,难道好人就该奔波劳苦吗?”

Ning Chen 伸手揉了揉小丫头的头发,轻叹道,“Yin’er ,不要被眼前之事限制住你的双眼,每个人身边都有太多不公平之事,在你未强大到足以改变这一切的时候,便先坚守住自己的本心,记住,从最开始,你所做的每一件事,都不是为了做给他人看,因为,他们如何,不重要”

Yin’er 沉默片刻,轻轻点了点头,开口问道,“Ning Chen ,你是为了什么?”

“Committed with one person”

Ning Chen speaks slowly, “He cares, so I have to do my best”

“But things Up to now, there is a turn for the Heavenly Residence?” Yin’er 担忧道。

Ning Chen 停步,看着西边,道,“我正在想,Yin’er ,你白姐姐来了”

话声未落,虚空卷动,Dragon Gate appears ,一抹蓝衣倩影走出,看着眼前两人,如同星辰一般美丽的眸子稍微有了一丝变化。

“You, are you injured?” Bai Yunlian doubles up and opens.

“Nothing, what is Bai Miss?” Asked Ning Chen.

“Now nothing, I am leaving, goodbye”

Bai Yunlian said, turned to the Dragon Gate behind him.

“And slow”

Ning Chen flashed a smudge on his face, “Bai Miss is ready to shoot Bodhi Venerable?”

Bai Yunlian is calm and calm, “Well, the countless creatures of Yao Qiluo and Primitive Land can’t die in white.”

“Can’t wait for some more days?” Ning Chen condenses the channel.

Bai Yunlian 沉默,片刻后,道,“有Monster Suppressing Tower 相助,Bodhi Venerable 的伤势,如今恢复的越来越快,一旦他完全恢复,Supremacy 之境无人能杀他,等不了了”

“白姐姐”Yin’er 唤了一声,小脸尽是担忧。

Bai Yunlian 看着小丫头,美丽的容颜上少有的升起一抹柔色,轻声道,“Yin’er ,照顾好你宁大哥,我们有缘goodbye ”

或许,是上天真的不容Monster Race exist in the world ,在这关键时刻,唯一能帮她的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,却受了重伤。

“White Flood Dragon”

Ning Chen takes a step forward and sips lightly, behind the huge phoenix appears, the next moment, Phoenix whispers, like the river’s Feeble Water Self Phoenix rushed out of the body and turned into a pair of people.

“This is Feeble Water, from Hell Yellow Springs, which can compete with the Buddhist Gate Clear Holy strength. You bring it, maybe it helps you,” Ning Chen said.

This was originally a post he had prepared to deal with the Heavenly Residence Army. He didn’t expect things to change, he didn’t use it, but today he gave it to White Flood Dragon.

“Thank you”

Bai Yunlian did not refuse, looked at the river that was coiled up in the air, and waved his hand and put it away.

“White Flood Dragon, no matter what, don’t go wrong, live, everything has hope.” Ning Chen is serious.


Bai Yunlian nodded, no more, and stepped into the Dragon Gate and disappeared.

“Ning Chen ,白姐姐不会出事吧”Yin’er 拉着前者的手,担心道。


Ning Chen 摇头,看着西北方向,眸中尽是沉色,片刻后,开口道,“走,我们去Golden Buddha Temple ”

说完,Ning Chen 拉着Yin’er ,急速朝着西北方向掠去。

“You can’t go anywhere”

At this moment, the situation changed, the sky Purple Purple, a powerful and unusual figure slowly descending, purple clothes, hunting madness dance.

“Zi Tiangong”

Seeing the people appearing in the sky, Ning Chen sinks, coldly says.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,accept your fate ”

一语落,Zi Tiangong 身影瞬间掠出,强悍一掌,破天而出。

Ning Chen waved, Highest Beginning, and the sword crossed.

The swords meet, Heaven and Earth are tilted, the dust is rolling like waves, and in the aftermath, Red Clothes retreats to Half-Step, and the corner of the mouth overflows with a touch of red.

“Sword Style, Broken”

Highest Beginning Swing, sword intent Rumble, Broken Sword, turned out.


Zi Tiangong Qiang Nahaoyuan, Zhou Qi Purple Qi lingering, a palm shakes the word qi, stunned the heart of the former.

Ning Chen left palm greeted, blocking the Palm Power, a shock, and a few more steps.

“Yin’er ,你先走,千万不要回来”

心知情况危急,Ning Chen 嘱咐了一句,旋即翻掌将小丫头送出战局。

“Ning Chen ”Yin’er 急声喊了一声,身子不由自主地飞向了远方。

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,现在的你,真的狼狈啊”

Zi Tiangong 冷笑一声,掌元翻涌,再次欺身而上。

“Blood Flame”

Demon Style starts again, and the blood is burning in the sky. In a critical situation, Ning Chen can no longer hide his identity, and Demon Qi is surging, a sword, burning day.

“You are really a demon!”

Zi Tiangong 眸子一冷, palm yuan Purple Qi is better than a few points, do not evade, hard 撼word move.

砰然一声响,尘浪冲天,Highest Beginning dyed red ,飞洒天际的红,如此刺眼,重伤在身的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,败势尽显。

Just as Ning Chen was in crisis, under Yanyun Mountain, outside the Golden Buddha Temple, the thunderclouds were rolling, and in order to report Yao Qiluo’s hatred, Bai Yunlian was in a strong position, and he saw Bodhi in the Buddha.

In the Monster Suppressing Tower, Bodhi Venerable felt the change outside, and sighed in his heart and got up and walked out of the stupa.

“Bald Donkey, paying for the thousands of souls of Yao Qiluo and Primitive Land!”

When he was patient, Bai Yunlian could hardly suppress the hatred in his heart. The figure fell and the big waterfall fell.

A slap in the face, the buddha started to fight, the Formation Mark in the temple violently vibrated, and the road broke.

Heavenly Waterfall Entering the temple, the water is filled with golden Buddha, and the White Flood Dragon with a killing intent, no matter what else, with the water of Heaven and Earth, there is no millennium ancient buddhist temple.

In an instant, crying and shouting, hundreds of Monk were swallowed up by the floods, life and death are unpredictable.

The next moment, Hong Tao spread out and drowned directly toward the village in the downstream direction.

Bodhi Venerable saw his face changed, and Buddha Yuan was running. One hundred and eight beads flew up and turned into four-faced Buddha wall, blocking the flood.

“Monster Venerable, can’t be fooled” Bodhi Venerable.

“Human life is life, my life is not a life of Monster Race, Bald Donkey, today, I will take your head and pay homage to my Monster Race.” >

In the words, Bai Yunlian turned retrograde into nine Water Dragons and rushed to the front.


Bodhi Venerable sighs, hands are transported, buddhist light shines, Bodhi heart zen, reproduces dust mites.

“Between the thoughts”

Clear Holy Sanskrit, ringing the sky, one by one appears, protecting the body of Buddha.

After an instant, Kowloon hit the Buddha, the rumble of the rumble, Heaven and Earth shake, but see Bodhi in the Buddha, immovable like a mountain, the Kowloon form, turned into a heavy rain.

Aftermath backlash, Bai Yunlian’s mouth suddenly dyed red.

“Flying waterfalls turn to the sky”

In the wake of the Kowloon dispersal, the sky is turned into a bad world, behind Bai Yunlian, the demon body is faintly visible, blending into the huge whirlpool, from Falling in the sky.

To make a big difference, Bodhi Venerable looks down, and the handcuffs mean that the golden light shines.

“Bodhi heart meditation, blasphemy blasphemy”

Buddha sin industry, to kill sin, dazzling buddhist light, an illusory Buddhist Gate Holy Weapon appeared Break Heaven and Earth and head to Monster.

There was a spurt, blood was over the sky, the vortex collapsed, and the Movement Technique disappeared. Bai Yunlian flew a few dozen feet and the blood was stained with blue.

The gap between the cultivation base, the Buddha and Monster Aura, the Supremacy, and the disadvantages.

“Monster Venerable, your hatred has buried your reason, I can’t let it go any further”

The voice falls, Bodhi Venerable flips the Buddha Yuan, in a moment, Behind the Monster Suppressing Tower brilliance rises, Endless Buddha Strength blessed Buddha’s move, depriving Heaven and Earth.

The spread of Buddha World, the unprecedented power of the giant, is in the Golden Buddha Temple, with Monster Suppressing Tower blessing, Bodhi in Buddha, reproduce the power of Peak.


Seeing Buddha is inviolable, Bai Yunlian screams, and the water of Yellow Springs is rolling out, and there is no chilly air, which constantly erodes Golden World.

“Feeble Water”

Bodhi Venerable When the scorpion sinks, how can Human World have the water of Hell Yellow Springs?

“Kowloon inferiority”

Bai Yunlian Stepping on the foot, circling in Kowloon, straight into Nine Heavens, Monster seems to be the ultimate move, the momentum is extremely powerful, straight down the sky.

“One mind Bodhi”

Buddha Juyuan, the trick of Zunzun, with endless Buddha Strength, meets Monster’s final move.

A loud bang, the entire Golden Buddha Temple collapsed, boundless Hong Tao, roaring out, not a hundred miles.


Yellow Springs Into the body, Bodhi Golden Body suddenly broke, a Buddha Yuan, four scattered.

At this moment, the amazing Demon Qi skyrocketed, scattered in the golden light, the ghost Bodhi, reappears Human World!

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