Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第六百零七章 祸世Demon Tribulation ,飘天文学 Luojia Mountain ,山地尽毁,满目疮痍,Qing Ning 之死,令Knowing Heaven’s Will 内心支撑彻底崩塌,一夕入魔,永坠修罗。

Supreme Forbidden Sword is now in the world, where black sword rain passes, heaven and earth upended, and the mountains are destroyed. Thousands of Innate Army have been slaughtered and no longer live.

Eight Supremacy, five dead and three wounded, above the void, the black Demon slowly fell, look cold, without any fluctuations.


Chilian swayed, the two heads of the serious wounds flew up, the blood spurted like a pillar, the black clothes passed, and the broken body fell to the ground.

The last one, Yuan Sovereign was hit hard, vomiting red, watching the demon shadow coming, the scorpion showed deep horror.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,this Sovereign ……”

话语未落,Chilian 划过,红光一瞬,血喷,命陨。

Sovereign is unwilling, step by step Supremacy, the grand plan of the grand plan, but stopped at night and turned into a cloud.

The black figure who walked forward, never looked back, a demon Qi, gods alarmed and ghosts afraid.

Nine Lotus Mountain, the red building sorghum, the Central Province top of the Large Sect, black clothes appeared, a sword directly flattened the mountain to the Millennium Sect for thousands of years, in the rumble, Large Sect vanished, With the collapse of the red pavilion, the smoke disappeared.

After half a day, the Mizar Imperial Palace, Chilian, and Demon Waves, the entire Imperial Palace collapsed and became a ruin.


On the 10th, above Central Province, all the Large Sects participating in the Executing Demon campaign were destroyed, and none survived.

Blood, dyed every inch of Great Land, Demon disaster, blood wash Central Province.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will ,够了”

Demon 体内,四十九男男女女的声音响起,感叹道。

“Not enough”

Demon calmly returned, and one day later, he went west.

Western Jasper Mountain, Buddhist Gate One of the three major temples of Holy Land, nowadays, the Demon Body is coming, the battle of the Buddha and the Devil that lasted for thousands of years, and a new chapter.

On the Western Jasper Mountain, Lord of Western Jasper felt that looking at the devil coming from the mountain, his look flashed a damp.

He, it really is coming!

“My Buddha is compassionate”

At this moment, on the mountain, the sky is rolling, the sky is buddha rain, a young boy looks out of the Buddha, holding a stick to calm the smoke, solemnly present .

“Guang Venerable, thank you” Western Jasper Lord.

“The same is the Buddhist Gate, I can’t ignore it, he should have come. I didn’t expect that the Buddhist Gates will gather at this time,” Guang Venerable sighed.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 入魔,Western Jasper Mountain 有不可推卸的责任,如若可能,请尽量留他性命”Western Jasper Lord 感慨道。

“I understand” Guang Venerable nodded.

The voices of the two people are gone, the distance, the sound of the steps, the wind and the clouds, the black figure stepping forward, the long hair flying, the black air rolling, the infinite Demon Might, let the pressure on the mountain suddenly low.

“Today, Xi Yao does not exist”

Calm words without any threats, as if only telling a fact, words fall, Demon Body moves, Chilian is at the front , Baleful Qi covers the sky.

Western Jasper Lord and Guang Venerable are all condensed, Buddhist Law motivated, and then opened the Buddhist Gate Great Formation.

In an instant, the Golden Lotus, the dazzling buddhist light illuminates the Western Jasper Mountain, the golden number of the countless number, forms the lotus world, and suppresses the Demon Merit Body.

Hey, the Buddha’s first confrontation, Pingding, Chilian, Buddha and Demon Aura frontal collision, infinite airflow overflowing, shaking the mountain body.

One shot, Guang Venerable slightly dropped Half-Step, calming the buddhist light against the lotus world, Buddha Yuan is constantly flowing, barely blocking the sword of Demon.

Aside, the Western Jasper Lord stepped forward and shriveled, and the buddhist light rose to the Demon Qi Sea.

Demon Body does not look the same, the sword points to condense, and the palm of the former is blocked.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will ,回头吧”

佛魔僵持一瞬,Guang Venerable 开口,轻声劝道。

Demon Body’s eyes are moving, the darkness is deep, and the end is not seen, just like the humanity that is always buried, and can’t come back.


最后的执念,深入demonic nature ,Knowing Heaven’s Will 周身Demon Qi 狂涌,一剑挥斩,震开双尊。

“Demon Style, Blood Flame”

Demon Body refers to the rolling of Demon Waves, and the bloody sea is violently churning and spreading.

“Da Shi San Wu, Bodhi Sayya Myriad Demons 忏”

demon move shocked, Western Jasper Lord looks calm, handcuffed, compassionate Guanyin, reproduce The trick.

Guang Venerable works at the same time, calming the buddhist light, and the assists.

Two strokes touched, the dust wave rolled, the double Buddha stepped out a few steps, and the corner of the mouth was vividly red.

“Day of Heaven”

One stroke, one move again, Demon sword, Demon Qi, the word stream falls, a piece of Great Land along the way, no Buddha World .

The devil of the shock, the trick of shock, the double Buddha condensate the gas, block the sword stream, the golden light is extinguished, and it is in danger in the blood color sword light.

At this moment, the distance, the half-devil, the half-length Buddha appeared, and after a moment, came to the battle, Buddha Yuan concentrated, helping the double to block the word move.

“Bodhi Venerable” Demon Body picks up eyes, indifferently says.


Bodhi chanting names of buddha, half of the Buddha’s chanting names, rosary in the hand, half of Bodhi’s half-beaded beads, Bodhi’s beading, Buddha Strength rises, to the killing Move, the sound of the world.

“Bodhi Heart Zen, 赦 斩 ””

buddha move out, golden Buddha Waves 澎湃 澎湃 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Guang Venerable, Western Jasper Lord At the same time, pay attention to Yuan Gong, Qianlian Buddha Formation blessing, and then open the Buddha War.

Buddhist Gate three arrive together, Xi Yao on buddhist light pinnacle, 亘Ancient Buddha Demon War, 臻 to the most Peak for thousands of years.


Demon Body looks cold, Chilian Sword moves, black Demon Qi coils, hundreds of feet of arrogance, passing by.

Three Buddha Venerable saw the situation, and at the same time, the sword was blocked, and an earth-shaking tremor was shocked. Three of them were silently withdrawing from the dozens of feet, and the blood was stained with Buddha clothes.

Unstoppable magic, the power is difficult to measure, Western Jasper Lord set footsteps, handcuffed, buddha move again.

“Lotus Flower Holy Merit, Thousand Lotus Locks”

In a word, the Lotus World Golden Lotus buddhist light shines through the world, the powerful Buddha Strength, turns into a Taoist The word chains are criss-crossed and entangled around Demon.

Demon was bundled, and Guang Venerable figure swept away immediately, calming down the peaks, converging the power of Buddha World, and again wanting to seal to the Buddha Qi Sea.

“You, try your best”

Just as the buddha move is going to be done, the Demon Body is suddenly open, bloody rises, rolling Demon Waves roaring out, the word Buddha Chain Instantly collapsed.

With a bang, Chilian stopped, and immediately swayed, and thousands of waves screamed.

Sword light, blood spurts like a spring, Guang Venerable left shoulder, terrible sword injury, squatting back a few steps, squatting red.

The magic that can’t be done, the gods and Buddhas are sad, on the Western Jasper Mountain, the Buddha Blood of Great Land is the helplessness of the Buddha. This Demon Tribulation is hard to stop.

“Day Weeping”

Ominous Sword Rotation, the power of Endlessment Strength is rising, the bloody waves obscuring the moon, the All Living Things Resentment is diffusing, and the Lotus World is suddenly collapsed. trillion.

Resentment added, Demon moved again, a sword swayed, blood waves surged, the three Buddha Venerable, and the blood dyed fly again.

Among the three, Bodhi Venerable, the least affected by the restentment, stopped the figure, and the half-length Demon Qi was transported to the front, to the devil.

骷髅 s s sword edge, close between, konjac trick, reappear.

“The devil’s six evils, the wind and the natural disaster”

The wind screams, the palm falls, but sees the sword edge to break the rosary, and slams into the former body.


A sullen, bloody splash, Bodhi’s momentum has not stopped, endure severe pain in the chest, tough return move.

“Bodhi Venerable, I have left you for too long, today, I will send you to the West Face Buddha”

Demon Body looks cold, the sword refers to Demon Yuan, blocking the former The palm of the sword, a wave of sword, directly smashed Buddha out.

Bodhi 砸 ,, Buddha Blood dyed red white robe, 凄凄 景 景, people are not full of glory.

“Bodhi Venerable”

Guang Venerable, Western Jasper Lord, shocked, want to help, suddenly, a figure, and vomit red.

Step by step, the cold, cold, and no longer see the peace of the past, the world is indifferent, and the little humanity that Demon has left is completely exhausted.

一切的一切,在Qing Ning 坠崖的那一刻,已不可挽回,一身入魔的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,最后的执念,势要让天下为Qing Ning 陪葬。


Life and death moment, Bodhi Venerable got up, but the look was a lot more peaceful, and the half-length Demon Qi gradually dissipated, the Buddha was merciful, and at the last moment, the mind was clear.

“Bodhi Heart Zen, a testimony to Bodhi”

The trick of Zun Zun, the world, Qianlian echoes, the ultimate Buddha Strength, the ultimate move of assists Bodhi.

The Buddha Strength is endless, and the Demon Body scorpion picks up slightly, transporting Demon Yuan, blocking the buddha move.

There was a shock, and Heaven and Earth trembled. The entire Thousand Lotus Buddha World collapsed, the rocks fell, and the dust waves filled thousands of feet.


The inexhaustible Buddha Strength enters the body, Demon Body retreats to Half-Step, and the blood of the mouth is dripping out. It has been the first time since the war.

On the other side, Bodhi Venerable fell straight in the blood, and the last glance at the end of the day, no complaints or hate, Buddha for a lifetime, no regrets.

“Bodhi, 呃”

Guang Venerable A pain in his heart, a rush of fire, a resurgence of internal injuries, blood stained Buddha clothes.

“Now, it’s your turn”

Demon presses the Buddha Strength in the body, step by step, and the sword edge is swollen, killing intent.

Just in the twin-life crisis, Central Province, the Demon Wheel Sea, the Great Land vibrate, the stunning Demon Qi, once again rises to the sky, like the sea, shocking Nine Provinces.

“How is it possible”

Above the Five Territories, a gaze looks at the direction of Demon Wheel Sea, and it is shocking and demon.

Demon Wheel Sea, the underground palace, there are some seals of Years, and after the erosion of time and Heavenly Residence forced the Nether King Barrier, it finally reached the limit of collapse.

In the shaking of the underground palace, the rune quickly collapsed, and the faint brilliance turned into a star point, and it was difficult to withstand the strength of the outer magic.

Below the underground palace, the demon from Heaven Beyond Heaven continues to bombard the crumbling seal of the underground palace, which is now around the corner.

After the interest rate, only the earth-shattering vibrations sounded, the whole underground palace collapsed, and the endless Demon Qi penetrated into the sky. Inside the huge black light column, the Heavenly Demon appeared, and Heaven and Earth trembled.

In the magic column, Heavenly Demon blinks, the void film collapses, and the unmatched Demon Might goes far beyond the boundaries of Human World, which is terrifying.

“Xuan Luo ”

Western Jasper Mountain 上,Knowing Heaven’s Will 有感,回首看着远方的巨大Demon Body ,一双冰冷的眸子眯起,轻轻吐出两个字,道。

(End of this chapter)

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