Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, Chapter 609, Are you still? , Floating Astronomy The water fence, Supreme Sword Formation over the sky, black and white Sun and Moon shine, the boundless Tao Wei swept down, a word qi criss-cross, closed the hundred miles.

In Sword Formation, Xuan Luo stands still and looks at the black and white Sun and Moon, and the scorpion picks up slightly.

There is no doubt that the strength of Sword Formation’s Strength is the Sun and Moon of the Sky. If you want to break formation, you must destroy it.

就在Xuan Luo 着手break formation 时,万里之外,Western Jasper Mountain 上,观战许久的Knowing Heaven’s Will 身影无声消失,划过流光远去。

At the rear, Guang Venerable and Western Jasper Lord don’t know why.

故水凭栏外,惊人的Demon Qi 卷动,Knowing Heaven’s Will 走出,看着阵中Xuan Luo ,黑暗深邃的双眸,不见任何波澜。

“It’s you” Sword Formation, Xuan Luo feels, looking to the outside, coldly says.

“好久不见,Xuan Luo ”Knowing Heaven’s Will 开口,平静道。

Xuan Luo 眸子闪过浓烈的killing intent ,沉声道,“小子,待this Eminence 出去,定会将你挫骨扬灰,令你永世不得超生”


Knowing Heaven’s Will 淡淡应了一句,脚步迈出,踏入Restriction Formation 之中。

Double Devils, the winds and clouds, above Nine Heavens, Thunder erupts, a ray of light smashes the void, illuminating the darkness that does not see hope.

“You will come to die by yourself, stupid.” Xuan Luo looked into the figure, and there was an endless killing intent.

“Is it?”

话声落,Knowing Heaven’s Will 右手虚握,Restriction Formation 上空,Highest Beginning Sword 缓缓落下,没入手中。

In an instant, the Great Formation vibrates, and countless sword streams come together, thousands, tens of thousands, endless, and shocking Heaven and Earth.

Xuan Luo saw it, his face was heavy and said, “Can you control this formation?”


Knowing Heaven’s Will 冷声回应,左手一握,Chilian appears ,血色的sword edge ,strength of Ominous Fiend 不断翻涌,Central Province 第一Ominous Weapon ,再现point 。

道魔双兵现,黑凰appears ,阴阳共生之能,牵动天际黑白Sun and Moon ,磅礴无匹的Strength 降下,贯入Knowing Heaven’s Will 体内。

For a moment, the black clothes move, the sword edge passes, and the double devil starts to fight.

The palm of the hand touches, the anger is screaming in the sea, the blood coat, the black clothing hunting, the battle between the two, the combination of strength and speed, the first confrontation, it will be white.

sword stream 激荡,盘绕Knowing Heaven’s Will 周身,Supreme Forbidden Formation 加身,Knowing Heaven’s Will Merit Body 大增,sword edge 挥动,力撼万钧。

A few strokes, Xuan Luo’s face is cold, and he is forced to die.

Knowing Heaven’s Will 横剑,铿然挡下前者之掌,脚下退Half-Step ,神色不见丝毫波动,indifferently says ,“Xuan Luo ,你的Strength 变弱了”


Xuan Luo 冷哼一声,再催Demon Yuan ,震开眼前之人,旋即脚下一踏,周身血色气流疯狂卷动而出,强大异常的威压,直让周围Heaven and Earth 猛烈摇动起来。


Knowing Heaven’s Will Sword 锋一转,划过虚空,千丈狂岚怒啸而出,所过之处,虚空崩裂,一道巨大的深壑出现眼前。

Demon Might Collision, between Heaven and Earth A bleak cloud, a terrifying battle of the two demons, the terrain is constantly changing within a thousand miles, the mountains are destroyed by the river, and the land is flat.


一招过后,一招又启,Knowing Heaven’s Will 掠身而过,Chilian 映日,血光奔腾,撞向前者。

Xuan Luo is condensed, and Demon Yuan rises, the palm of the hand is a fist, hard swords.

Double-touch, bloody, opposite, demon, the same ruthless look, killing intent, icy.

Supreme Forbidden Formation 加持,Knowing Heaven’s Will Merit Body 提至一生顶峰,强对强,硬战天外之魔。

“Magic change, thousand souls burial”

Seeing the people in front of you is not the same as before, Xuan Luo angered and stunned, the palms flipped, the faint blood and blood gathered, in the blood The magic chains are interlaced, and the swaying of death sounds.

Demon Body looks the same, Chilian meets, and suddenly shocks, sharp front and magic light, the sword is blocked and it is difficult to move.

僵持moment ,Knowing Heaven’s Will 手中Highest Beginning Sword 动,Great Formation 感应,青色sword stream 随行,破空而出。

dual swords Equal To Heaven, the power is steeply increasing. However, Xuan Luo’s momentum changes at the same time, the blood is transpiration, the magic chain circumvents, turns into a barrier, and blocks the sword stream.

Just then, under the Great Formation, the situation was abrupt, and the rumble was in the midst of a spur of the word edge, and the blue sky dazzling.


Xuan Luo scorpion condensed, flipping the palm of his hand and immediately stepping into the air, avoiding the profit of the sword edge.


Knowing Heaven’s Will 冷声说了一句,Highest Beginning 挥转,天际之上,sword stream 无声出现,来去无踪,湮没前者。

Heaven and Earth sword stream meet, King of the Devil is the first to be hit, a touch of bright red flying, glaring.

战局取得优势,下方,Knowing Heaven’s Will 脸上却不见任何喜色,看着天际sword stream 中的身影,眸光越发凝重。

At this moment, above the sky, the pressure is suddenly low, rolling in Demon Qi, Baijie Demon Body appears in the world, Xuan Luo restores True Form, Horror Aura, heavens lower earth falls.

The foreground image of the eye, the horror of the eye, the huge Demon Body of the mountain, which gives people boundless oppression. Before the devil, life is as small as an ant, and it may disappear from thebet Heaven and Earth at any time.

Knowing Heaven’s Will 见状,脚步一踏,身入虚空,dual swords 轮转,Phoenix appears ,Yin-Yang Formation starts 。

Nine Heavens, one black one red Two kinds of no-same color color rise, above the sky, Taiji Formation Diagram appears, Sun and Moon feels, turned into Formation Eye, integrated into the Taiji Diagram.

In the lineup, the power is steeply increased, and the cyan sword stream is black and red. There is no end, no end.


Knowing Heaven’s Will 沉喝,磅礴sword stream 从天而降,落落coiling clouds ,携惊人压力斩向天外之魔。

“No need to struggle”

Xuan Luo coldly smiled, supporting Heaven, Demon Body everlasting, powerful Demon Waves against the sky, breaking the sword.


破招一瞬,Xuan Luo 眉心,突然裂开,一颗幽绿色邪眼陡然睁开,刹那间,磅礴无比的Strength 照耀而出,无声透过Knowing Heaven’s Will 之身。


一声闷哼,Knowing Heaven’s Will 嘴角鲜血溢出,身影飞出数十丈,首度受创。

At this time, the Great Formation swayed, and a white arrow of light broke through the sky and plunged directly into Xuan Luo’s heart.

After an arrow, a sword is still present, the figure of the blue dress, Dao Sword, Yuan Jian, and the sword to Xuan Luo.

Crisis moment, Zhao Liusu, Taibai Residence Lord appeared in the battle, hard-fighting magic.

“I don’t know how to live”

Xuan Luo Cold, a palm of the hand shattered, and then Demon Yuan rolled over and slammed into the Taibai Residence Lord.

One trick, bloody, completely different powers, far beyond Human World Supremacy, Taibai Residence Lord without strength of Yin-Yang, was hit hard.

“Nine rounds to the sky”

The purple girl passed by, the nine souls turned appears, turned into a divine weapon, smashed the devil.

Xuan Luo waved, the magic wind swayed, and the former flew.

Unmovable devil,

The double offensive is like a banyan tree, and it is hard to beat.

Zhao Liusu, Taibai Residence Lord stabilized the figure and barely pressed down the injury. He wanted to move on again, only to find that the black figure was in front.


Knowing Heaven’s Will 背对两人,淡淡说了一句,旋即看着眼前Xuan Luo ,coldly says ,“再来”

“受this Eminence 一招,竟还能活着,吾,赞赏你”Xuan Luo 抬手,神色冷傲道。


Knowing Heaven’s Will 并剑,剑上strength of Phoenix and Demon 极尽升腾,惊世剑压,席卷而开,瞬息之间,千里之内,无数sword light 急剧汇聚而来,顶峰绝逸之剑,应声而现。

“Nirvana ”

一生得见剑上剑,脱胎Eastern Territory 两位传说Sword Artist 授武,Knowing Heaven’s Will 衍出自身之剑,天际上,纵横瑰丽的sword light ,如此灿烂,宛如Star Radiance 一般,照的千里Great Land 宛如白昼。

The next moment, the sword light is like a meteor, and the powerful instinct of the word intent destroys everything along the way. Heaven and Earth are robbed and become a scar.

Unmeasured sword, Xuan Luo also dignified, and Demon Yuan rushed to the limit, Demon Waves slammed into the sky and slammed into the sword of the world.

demon move 对碰,一声惊天动地的剧震,World’s Destruction 毁灭之威无尽扩散,十里,百里,千里Heaven and Earth 瞬息无端消散,化为虚无。

Two sullen sorrows, the two demons retreat, the corner of the mouth is simultaneously dyed red, after a stroke, it is again hit hard.

Seeing the opportunity, Zhao Liusu, Taibai Residence Lord, while moving, dual swords coexist, breaking out of the magic.

However, just in the moment when the dual swords came, Xuan Luo’s heart suddenly emerged as a magical armor, and it blocked the fat edge.

Sudden variables, so that the three scorpions are shrinking, too late to respond, Xuan Luo took a palm shot, the two simulatedly vomited red.

Outside the Baizhang, the Taibai Residence Lord, who bears most of Palm Strength, has a blood spattered on his chest. When life is about to die, he is desperate. He is a True Yuan, Dao Sword runs through Heaven and Earth, and reproduces the past. The trick of the statue.

“Mortal World Daoqing Yishangfeng”

Dao Heart Mingwu, cultivation base instantly breaks through the Human World limit, reaching the legendary Treading Immortal, Taibai Residence Lord Mortal World is in Mortal World and is born out of Mortal World.

An earth-shattering sword is indescribable, but seeing between Heaven and Earth, there is only one sword left, breaking Mortal World and revealing the extreme.

Daozhong Extreme Sword, ruined the sky, in front of Xuan Luo’s heart, Daoist Gate Restriction Formation has a sense, yin and yang sword light nowhere, confluence Dao Sword, with the same magic armor.


The pole of the road, Heaven and Earth Cry Out Together, Xuan Luo screamed, and even stepped back, the chest of the magic armor blocked the deadly sword.

Hey, a slightly undetectable crackle, condensing the joints of the thirty-nine leaders of Daoist Gate and the peak of the contemporary Daoist Gate, the indestructible magic armor, is now flawed.

Xuan Luo changed his face and palmed Demon Yuan, and he was shocked by the people in front of him.


这一瞬,血色sword light 斩过,一剑断臂,鲜血喷涌入空,Knowing Heaven’s Will 挥手纳过飞落的Demon Body ,掌上Demon Qi 涌动,转瞬后吞噬Xuan Luo 残躯之力。

Not far away, with a bang, Taibai Residence Lord fell on the Great Land, a martial bone was broken, blood was falling, and dyed red was under Great Land.

The consciousness of dying gradually dissipated, and the peak of Daoist Gate looked at the black figure in front, and the scorpion flashed a mess.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,吾,还你了吗?”

The last words, Taibai Residence Lord, no longer have time to hear the answer, the arm is silent, falling in love with Human World, the last glance, regret, no regrets…

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(End of this chapter)

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