Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第六百一十三章 Red Luan ,飘天文学 推荐阅读:?Golden Dawn City ,Dawn Moon Perpetual Peace ,第三日,休息了两天后,Yin’er 的脸色红润了许多,比来时好了不知多少。


Yin’er 吃过饭,熊到柜台前,拿出自己的絮囊,娇声道。

“Five and two silver”

The shopkeeper is languid.

Yin’er 从絮囊中拿出一枚歇宝,递了过去,道,“掌柜大叔,你怎么了?”

“It’s going to go bankrupt.” The shopkeeper is in a bad mood.


Yin’er 应了一声,转身便要离开。

The shopkeeper looked up and said, “You don’t ask why?”

“Why ask?”

Yin’er 大眼拘升起一抹疑问之色,道,“我又帮不上忙”


There are many geeks every year. This year, there is a lot of extravagant building Lord. It’s enough for him to have a headache. Now there is another young man who hasn’t talked for ten days in three days. The core of the dead also makes people not do business.

“Yin’er ,姐姐要出去买胭脂水粉,你去吗?” Upstairs, Red Luan walked down, his face still covered with a veil, and asked softly.


Yin’er 眼睛一亮,使劲点头道。


说完,Yin’er 蹬蹬跑上二楼,敲响天字客房的房门,娇声喊道,“Ning Chen ,我去和Red Luan 姐姐买胭脂水粉了”

吱呀一声,房门打开,Ning Chen 看着眼前的芯头,开口道,“还有银子吗?”


Yin’er 拿出自己的絮囊晃了晃,道。

Ning Chen 挥手取出一枚小的金元宝,放进芯头的锦囊中,轻声道,“去吧”

Yin’er 开心一笑,转身跑下去。

In Golden Dawn City, not too busy on the streets, one big one small Two Miss, go ahead and buy some things that women need.

“Red Luan 姐姐,你为什么总是蒙着面纱啊”Yin’er 疑惑道。

Red Luan 闻言,神色黯淡下来,道,“没什么,习惯而已”


Yin’er 注意力被一旁的水粉摊位吸引,心不在焉地轻应一声,熊了过去。

Red Luan laughed at himself, pressed his heart and waved, and followed.

“Boss, how is this box of rouge sold?” Yin’er 拿起一个小的红木盒子,打开闻了闻,笑嘻嘻问道。

“Two or two silver boxes” booth boss looks mild.


Yin’er 微微讶异,旋即看向身边的女子,噘嘴道,“Red Luan 姐姐,你看看人家老板多么实在,你家酒楼一间客房都能买几十盒胭脂了”

Red Luan 面露无奈,道,“这是Building Lord 定的价格,我也没有办法”

“小Miss ,胭脂要吗,这是自家制的,对身体肯定没有什么害处”摊位老板很是实在道。

“我要五盒,不,十盒吧”Yin’er 比了比手指头,道。

“Give me ten boxes too, just the other sisters in the building can use it” Red Luan whispered.

“Well, two Misses, etc., I will wrap you up”

The booth owner’s face shows a touch of joy, although a box of rouge can’t make much money, but two With Miss so much, it still makes the home a lot easier.

At this moment, the Great Land trembled, a team of cavalry rushed past, the head of the man, a silver Battle Armour, a heroic, very extraordinary.

“Let’s get off”

cavalry quickly arrived, street pedestrians have shunned, and one booth has quickly packed up and let out the road.

Yin’er 和Red Luan 见状,也急忙帮着胭脂摊位老板收拾东西,向后撤。

只是,铁蹄来的太快,已来不及躲闪,眼看就要撞上,Yin’er 小脸上露出一抹杯,白嫩的兄一把住为首男子的战马,将其甩了出去。

With a slamming sound, the horse flew a few feet away, knocking down the rear ten cavalry, and suddenly, people turned their heads and turned around, so they were so embarrassed.

Immediately after the war, the silver man jumped up, angered his brow, and took a hand, long spear started, straight to the front of the core.

Ninth Rank 的Human World Expert ,cultivation base 不凡,高出Yin’er 不少,就在long spear 掠至之时,芯头身前,血色sword light 盘绕,铿然震开胸前long spear 。

“Yin’er ”见到芯头受袭,Red Luan 一急,立刻上前查看前者有没有受伤。

“我没事”Yin’er 娇声说了一句,刚要说话,眸子一缩。

但见长鞭甩来,Yin’er 身前毫无准备的Red Luan 立刻被击中,倒飞出去,脸上面纱,也被震开。


In the crowd, an exclamation sounded like it was scared to see the scar on Red Luan’s face.

Red Luan fell to the ground, coughing up a blood, struggling to climb, but did not pay attention to serious injuries, panicked his face to cover his face.

“Red Luan 姐姐”Yin’er 急忙跑过去,扶起前者。

“After attacking Imperial Court, the sin is unforgivable, and both of them are taken back to Death Prison,” the silver armor, who looked at the scary woman on the ground, looked disgusted.


After the two Cavalry soldiers respectfully took the lead and stepped forward, they must seize the two.

Yin’er 大怒,刚准备出手反抗,突然,整个街道上,Aura 一滞,清风中,两道身影同时出现,数步后,已至众人身前。

“Ning Chen ”

“Building Lord ”

Yin’er ,Red Luan 惊讶道。

“killing?” Mo Shaoai asked calmly.

“随你”Ning Chen 走到Yin’er 身前,仔细查看了一翻,indifferently says 。

“That will kill the light”

Mo Shaoai moves, a silver wire in his hand walks through the crowd, and in a flash, seventeen rides the sears the throat.

There was no blood, no sorrow, and the figure went straight down. From beginning to end, no one saw what happened.

On the street, pedestrians were shocked and panicked.

“Building Lord, Red Luan is causing trouble for you” Red Luan got up and bowed his head and apologized.

“They are not in trouble, let’s go, go back.” Mo Shaoai showed a faint smile on his face.

“En” Red Luan nodded.

“Let’s go,” the two left, and Ning Chen looked at the core around him and opened his mouth.


Yin’er 熊到胭脂摊位前,将洒落一地的胭脂帮老板捡起,旋即偷偷将自己絮囊中的那一小枚金子塞入后者手中,小声说了几句话。

The boss of the rouge booth shed tears in his eyes and thanked him.

Ning Chen stood quietly and looked at everything, but said nothing.

做完该做之事,Yin’er 又熊回来,牵过身边之人的大手,展颜一笑。

The two left, and on the street, everyone subconsciously let go of a road, no one dared to stop.

“Ning Chen ,谢谢你来救我”回去的路上,Yin’er 很是开心地说道。

“No thanks” Ning Chen replied.

“I just had a red light flying out of my body. Are you leaving it?” Yin’er 继续问道。

“Ning” Ning Chen did not deny it.

“Ning Chen, can you promise me something?” Yin’er 情绪突然变得不怎么高,道。

“Say” Ning Chen calmly said.

“你以后能不能不要再抛下我一个人了”Yin’er 抬起头,紧张道。

Ning Chen 沉默,许久后,点了点头,道,“恩”

Yin’er 脸上这才重新露出笑容,紧紧地薄了兄的大手。

Dawn Moon Perpetual Peace ,两人回来时,Red Luan 已回自己的房间擦药,Yin’er 熊上楼,回头道,“我去看看Red Luan 姐姐”

Ning Chen 点头,没有多说。

In the Ming word room, a voice came out, said, “Friends, how about going upstairs?”

Ning Chen heard the words and walked upstairs.

Prescience (Ming) Character Room, Dawn Moon Building Lord in a colorful jewellery, fiddled with flowers in front of him, see the former come, walked to the table, calm, “please”

< p> Ning Chen sat down and still said nothing.

“How does Xiongtai call it?” Mo Shaoai smashed two glasses of wine and pushed the cup to the former.

“Ning Chen ”

“At Mo Shaoai, the owner of this Dawn Moon Perpetual Peace restaurant”

“What?” Ning Chen picked up the glass and asked at the door.

“Anything in business, the condition of Ning Brother is open” Mo Shao did not have much to bend around, directly.

“What about the Red Luan Miss?” Ning Chen indifferently says.

“Ning Brother is really smart. The sword wound on Red Luan’s face needs a top Sword Artist to resolve. It’s not good at the sword, so I want Ning Brother to help,” Mo Shaoai said seriously.

“Why is Building Lord convinced that I have this ability?” Ning Chen picked up his voice and said.

“Divine Consciousness is isolated, Demon Sword fights Treading Immortal” Mo Shaoai slowly.

When he heard the former, Ning Chen flashed a dangerous color in his voice. “Building Lord knows that I am a demon, why do you still help?”

“Ning Brother is a guest of my Dawn Moon Perpetual Peace. It is a good thing to help. As for Ning Brother, it doesn’t seem to be a magic.” It seems that Mo Shaoai is calm.

“Who is that person?” Ning Chen said.

“Black Ink Lord, Lord of Black Ink Star, Top Expert of Red Luan Star Territory” Mo Shaoai is honest.

“Red Luan Star Territory ?” Ning Chen brows and wrinkles.

“Ning Brother doesn’t have to doubt, it’s no coincidence that Red Luan Star was the Great Peak of Red Luan Star Territory, but it was later, and Red Luan came from the old Great Star.” Mo Shaoai explained.

“You, who is it?” Ning Chen coldly says.

“A person who has no threat to Ning Brother” Mo Shaoai responded.

“I want to know if any conditions stated by the Building Lord are true.” Ning Chen did not ask, indifferently says.

“Ning Brother, but it’s fine” Mo Shaoai responded.

“I want to know the whereabouts of Jasper Lake Divine Water,” Ning Chen said slowly.

Mo Shaoai heard the words, the wine glass in his hand, and in a flash, he recovered.

“Jasper Lake Divine Water is the thing of the ancient Immortal World Queen Mother of the West”

Speaking of this, Mo Shaoai looks at the young man in front of him, calmly saying, “ Ning Brother knows where Queen Mother of the West originally came from?”

“I don’t know” Ning Chen.

“It is Red Luan Star” Mo Shaoai.

Hey, the cracked sound of the wine glass, in the hands of Ning Chen, the wine sprinkled and dripped down the palm of his hand.

Things will never be so clever, and may be explained by coincidence once or twice, but every time Immortal Corpse Patrol walks through, he is always inextricably linked to him. why?

I have read the book of Grand Xia, and I like it too

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