Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第六百一十五章 cultivation 三境,飘天文学 Black Ink Star ,Ning Chen 带着Yin’er 降临,Yellow Springs Divine Restriction 封去所有Demon Qi ,dantian Qi Sea 中,唯剩下Phoenix Yuan 的气旋在转动。

The breeze blew, under the black hair, is a slightly clear face, deep in the darkness of the eyes, can not see any human emotions.

Ning Chen chose to seal his own strength, because Lord of Black Ink Star is Red Luan Star Territory close to the most True Immortal, if not, his identity is likely to be exposed.

The two went forward, walked through one big city after another, watched the folk customs, and heard everything in the world.

Black Ink Star is still in the air, Martial Artist can be seen everywhere, even Innate is no longer unusual, of course, the vast majority of Innate, the Expert on the Five Tribulations Boundary, Three Disasters, is still rare .

Ning Chen 封印Demon Yuan 后,cultivation base 掉回Half Venerable 境,不过除非Human World Supremacy 之上的Expert ,其他人依旧无法难察觉其cultivation base ,小Yin’er 更是只有Acquired Seventh Rank ,不说满大街都是,也相差不多。

The two went all the way west, low-key and calm, and went to the Black Ink Lord like many famous Martial Artists.

Black Ink Mountain, Jiyu Peak, Human World Immortal Boundary, on a Dao Platform, Black Ink Lord preaching, a white robe, a sacred bone, a seat, from all the inheritance and even the Great Star The Experts sit quietly and listen to the Lord of Black Ink Star to explain the road to cultivation.

“cultivation method of practicing qi, there are, the most initial immemorial period, Primal Chaos, Heaven and Earth Square, million ethnic, in this, born in Primal Chaos’s gods, demons, demons, ghosts and other races are very powerful, all the people creeping, and human is one of the “

” situation, until the first batch of people to show some changes, the practice of sun and Moon brilliance, na he Aven and Earth spiritual Qi, constantly strengthen themselves, until can contend with God Demon, at this point, human is no longer just demon ghosts of food, this group of human ancestors, was the world’s title as “

” four great Im The generation of mortal Worlds is also in this era, with the east of four immortal World Masters, of which, Queen Mother of the West and lord of Eastern Immortal World most For strong “

” this era, people cultivator the only goal is to cultivate the immortal, lifting the rosy, not enslaved by demons, repair Fairy, become everyone’s greatest expectation of “

” to the Antiqu ity period, Heaven and Earth spiritual Qi gradually reduced, immortal world closed, the road to immortal world disappeared, repair fairy, become difficult, people want to soar immortal world, Only to find a new way, so, this period, sentient beings to repair is the Tao “

” and to the ancient period, the change of Heaven and Earth suddenly intensified, God, demons, demons, ghosts and other powerful races, almost a night disappeared, And high above the four great immortal Worlds also do not know the cause of collapse fall, sentient beings panic, my head, do not know what happened, so far, immortal world does not exist, people can no longer be immortal, this period, cultivation, more is to find the truth, so, Also known as “

” and after Late antiquity, time past too long, the original immortal World upheaval Truth has not been checked, the purpose of people’s cultivation, gradually also from the repair fairy, monastic, repair really become immortal and fame, Human World Martial Arts and Cultivator Practice QI Law became no longer so clear can be divided, lost faith, people also gradually in the fame and fortune in the sink, so, only the nether King down the world, create a new realm, will be divided into interior boundary and the sky “&L T;/p>

“You know, cultivation road, which is divided into Which?” ” Black Ink Lord looked at the crowd and asked.

Dao Platform, one of the large Sect’s experts glanced at each other, and one of the young men said, “Three borders, acquired, innate, treading immor Tal “

Black Ink Lord slightly nodded,” Tao, “the world sentient beings, cultivation comprehending Dao, indeed from the acquired of the beginning of the foundation, by innate Refined, then treading immortal “

” You are a teaching giant, degrees five tribulations, calendar three disasters, certificate completion, achievements hum A world supremacy bit, but “


this, Black Ink Lord changed a turn, continued,” Innate great complet Ion achievement of the supremacy place to add human world two words, is because innate great completion not yet out of the category of mortal, 800 longevity yuan, is a “

“Cultivation Road, first boundary is easiest, Second boundary will be difficult to several times, need a decent talent, and if you want to prove completion, you need to go out of their own way, a glimpse of heaven and Earth The source of “

” third boundary, is also the most difficult one, on the basis of great completion continue along their own path, understand cultivation nature, leap over Dragon Gate , to embark on the legendary road of immortality, that is, the world’s treading immortal “

” This environment is also different from first boundary and second boundary, treading Immorta L boundary, only triple small Realm, “void, three realms, each heavy realm, strength difference between Heaven and Earth, in simple terms, Void boundary can be found, Reality boundary Hard to find, True boundary unknown “

” to this degree of cultivator, just be really on the road of expert, many human world Forbidden land, can go “

said here that the black Ink Lord, who preached for a few days, paused, calmly,” What questions do you have, gentlemen? ”

“Black Ink Lord”

A royal sect of the royal family, Consecrate, said, “Is there only three things in the road to cultivation?” Can there be the existence of Fourth Boundary in the world? ”

Black Ink Lord shakes his head and calms, “At least, I have never seen it”

“Where is Black Ink Lord now?”

Another Lang Sect singer opened his mouth and asked.

“Reality Boundary Late Stage” Black Ink Lord replied.

surrounding Sects Expert 后面,Ning Chen 牵着Yin’er 坐在不起眼的位置,待众人问完后,开口道,“请问Black Ink Lord ,修至Reality Boundary ,是否能够做到起死回生”

Black Ink Lord 闻言,眸中闪过异色,道,“做不到”

“True Boundary 呢?” Ning Chen asked again.

“Maybe, maybe not”

Black Ink Lord is not sure, nor denied, explains, “I have not seen True Boundary Expert and cannot measure the power of True Boundary Expert.” “”

“How long does it take to repair True Boundary with the power of Black Ink Lord?” Ning Chen continued to ask.

“At least a hundred years” Black Ink Lord responded.

Ning Chen is silent, no more questions.

“The road to cultivation is difficult, I hope that what I have said these days can help you. In addition, I will accept the ninth disciple today and pass the test. Under the door, Black Ink Lord calmly said.

In a word, the people below are stunned. The Lord of Black Ink Star has not been accepted for centuries. How can it be the heart of the day?

Someone at the venue knows that the eight disciples that Black Ink Lord has received, the lowest of the cultivation base now have the realm of Innate Great Completion, and even Treading Immortal has a few people, talent And the achievements are extremely amazing.

It can be said that as long as you can enter the Black Ink Lord, it means that half of the feet have entered the Treading Immortal. As soon as the opportunity is reached, it is very likely to enter the cultivation Third Boundary that all Martial Artist dreams of.

“I don’t know what criteria Black Ink Lord wants to pick disciples”

Under the Dao Platform, a cultivation base has been asked by the Large Sect Supreme of Great Completion Peak.

“As with a hundred years ago, the heart, strength, luck” Black Ink Lord responded.

“I will test you with illusion, as long as someone can get away from the illusion, and then take the Qi Huan 10 strokes, it is through the test, the first person through the test will become my nineth disciple, of course, if the sunset, still no one can support over 10 strokes, then down row, Adhere to the longest one person, into my door “

people smell words, face dew shocked, how not to say the illusion, Qi Huan alone that Guan

not ordinary people can pass, Qi Huan is the lord of the Bla CK Ink Star Fifth disciple, Heavenly Residence incomparable, the strength has already stepped into the treading immortal, then its ten strokes, treading immortal under, almost impossible.

“Qi Huan, get ready.” On the Dao Platform, the Black Ink Lord spoke.

“Yes, Master”

A young man from Tsing Yi walked out and respected the way.

“Ning Chen, have you beat him?” 众人后面,Yin’er 扯了扯身边之人之人,小声道。

“Unlocking the seal, maybe” Ning Chen whispered.

“Then you can pick him up now?” Yin’er 再次问道。

“I don’t know, I only know when I have played.” Ning Chen is honest.

“Hit?” Yin’er 疑问道。

“Hit” Ning Chen nodded.

“Everyone, I want to start, I don’t want to go to my door, I can leave.”

On the Dao Platform, Black Ink Lord got up, his palm turned, and the sky was filled with colorful Brilliance scatters from the sky and spreads, pulling out the evil thoughts and obsessions in everyone’s minds, turning them into demons and trapping consciousness.

Ning Chen 身边,cultivation base 尚不足Innate 的Yin’er ,不受霞光影响,一双大眼睛静静地看着身边之人,并无担心之色。

Sword Lord Grandpa said that the illusion is the devil.

Everyone can be trapped in the world, only Ning Chen is impossible, because Ning Chen is the devil, the real demon.

Devil, why come to the devil.

Under the colorful glow, a Three Disasters, Half Venerable, Supremacy Boundary Expert Divine Consciousness is trapped and must not leave.

I don’t know how long it took, finally, the first person came out of the demons, however, the third move was lost in the hands of Qi Huan.

gradually, the second person, the third person… a total of seven people, out of the demons, but no one can pass the test of Qi Huan.

The longer the Years that have passed through the cultivation road, the more the repressed obsessions will be. Relatively speaking, the lower the cultivation base, the easier it is to pass the fantasy test.

Yin’er 在一旁等的直打瞌睡,不一会,趴在身边之人腿上睡着了。

Ning Chen slowly opened his eyes, and there was no emotion in the squat. He gently patted the back of the little girl and did not hurry up.

Mu Xiu will be destroyed in the forest, he wants to approach the Black Ink Lord, but he does not want to be too prominent.

After another half hour, the eighth person stood up. He was a young man, a golden Battle Clothes, and the cultivation base had been to Human World Supremacy Boundary. He was able to see at a glance. Which is the pride of the Large Sect.

The young man who saw the Golden Battle Clothes came up, and Qi Huan’s face was also serious, and the shot was no longer reserved.

In the fierce battle, within the range of Baizhang, the mountain shakes and moves, and the Formation Mark is constantly extinguished, blocking the aftermath of the war.

One stroke after another, Heaven and Earth trembled until the eighth stroke, the young man in Jinyi was cultivated base, and he was defeated, but he still became the longest supporter of all. .

The passage of time, the next ten people, no one has more than eight strokes, the day’s time is gradually passing, the sun sets west, and it is not far from the final time limit.

surrounding Sects 巨擘之后,睡了好几个时辰的Yin’er 终于醒来,迷迷糊糊地直起身子,小手揉了揉眼睛,待看到身边之人,开始还没反应过来,片刻后,身子一震,小脸上露出一抹难以置信之色,道,“你还没上去啊”


Ning Chen 平静应了一句,不再等待,站起身,一步步朝着前方走去。

(End of this chapter)


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