Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第六百二十七章 传奇、Knowing Heaven’s Will ,飘天文学 Immortal World ,崩裂的虚空上,一座座Immortal Palace 不断坠落,砸出一个又一个巨大的深坑,接连承受大战的Western Immortal World ,全面陷入collapse 。

In the dust, several streams of light are thrown out, and the speed is flying to the far side. The Immortal Palace is destroyed, and many different treasures are born at the same time. There are endless Years, goodbye days.

When everyone saw the situation, they looked shocked and immediately followed up.

The battle of time, this moment, every minute and every second is so precious, Immortal World will be destroyed, before it must go out in time.

“Ninth Junior Brother, this place is too dangerous, I can’t take care of you, you should leave first”

In a hurry, Lingluo Zhen sighed and sighed Stream of light chasing away.

Black Ink Gate The other four sons are also heading in different directions. The trip to Immortal World is too unsuccessful. This is the last chance. Before going out, you must gain something.

“Yin’er ,走了”

Ning Chen 轻声一语,看着远方闪过的道stream of light ,随即脚下一踏,牵过身边小丫头,迅速退去。

The streamer gallops, disappears instantly, and can’t see the truth. Ning Chen avoids the Black Ink Gate and plunders toward the side alone.

In front, the cyan stream is getting faster and faster, chasing the figure, rushing past, one after another, competing with the time, competing with others.

Black clothes in front, reaching for the blue streamer, just in this moment, the glaucom pinnacle, breaking the Space limit, the speed and then the limit, was caught for a moment, separated.

“Can’t escape”

Ning Chen The scorpion glimmered, and Phoenix Yuan rushed to the limit. Under the sun, a black rainbow swept past and chased it again.

Behind, one after another, the figure is followed, and the gap between the respective cultivation bases gradually emerges.

The moon moon shines high above moment, the edge of Immortal World, and the two streams of light passing by at the same time.

Black clothes lightly, the whole body of the sword light skyrocketed, turned into a sword rain, and fell in front of the blue light.

The road was blocked, the light was stagnation, and the direction was quickly changed. However, for a moment of stagnation, the rear black clothes had arrived, and the Heavenly Net was turned over and locked to the blue light.

In a violent collision, the blue light appeared, a small palm boat, and the rust on the whole body was eroded by Years.

“我看看”Yin’er 抬起头,好奇道。

Ning Chen nodded and handed the boat to the little girl.

The boat that started, slightly cool, the bronze cast of the bow, looks rough, not like a treasure.

“不好看”Yin’er 看来看去,也没看出什么端倪,小嘴一撇,将小舟递了回去。

Ning Chen took it, didn’t say much, and took the little girl to walk outside Immortal World.

Suddenly, at this time, a figure of linen was swept back, and Palm Strength was so vast that it broke out.

Ning Chen feels that his footsteps are turning, and the water and light are moving beyond the distance.

The young man in Mai clothes sneaked a sigh of relief, stepping forward, and then deceiving himself, the palm of the hand rumbled, desperate.

Treading Immortal’s power is unmatched, Ning Chen’s scorpion is slightly stunned, his figure flashes quickly, he doesn’t want to touch it, just to get away.

“How long have you been hiding?”

The young man in Ma Yi sneered a sneak peek, and his palms were like a thunder, and the palm of his hand was bombarded with power.

palm force chain, avoiding it, Ning Chen waved his sword, Highest Beginning Sword went up, thousands of sword light rushed away.

Suddenly shocked, the stone broke, and Yu Bozhong, the black figure quits, a sword is broken, and Baizhang screams out.

“Too weak”

The young man turned his head and hardened his sword light. Aura continued to rise and stepped on. Palm Strength condensed all directions airflow and shot the former.

Ning Chen 牵过Yin’er ,moves with strange steps ,极速幻动,避开Palm Strength ,旋即,剑上strength of Extreme Yang 奔腾,Solar True Scripture martial arts ,应声现世。

Rumble sword light, rising in the sky, burning the sky and boiling the sea, the collapse of the Space, difficult to inherit this force, quickly fell.

Ghost slave sees the shape, the scorpion is cold, the hands open and close, the yin and the turmoil rush, the forest is cold and rushing.

A sudden explosion, Heaven and Earth, two Primal Chaos, a few steps in the black, a cold smile on the corner of the mouth, stepping out of the collapse of Immortal World.


Exiting the moment, Highest Beginning Sword moves, sword light skyrocketing, thousands of thousands, rushing roundabout, next moment, thousands of sword light falling into the sky Next, like a torrential rainstorm, Immortal World Great Land was smashed in the immediate direction.

Heaven and Earth collapsed, nothing spread, powerful suction, and swallowed everything around.

“If you are lucky, come to goodbye in the day”

Looking at Heaven and Earth annihilated in front of him, Ning Chen whispered and immediately turned away.

Outside of Immortal World, the Star Territory is hazy, and the Quartet Chaos is indistinguishable. Only the sword intent is shining, pointing out a bright road in the trek.

Familiar sword, Sword Breath goes straight to the heart, guiding the lost people and getting out of the way.

At the end of the fog, the starry sky is vast and beautiful, and the young figure of blue-colored magnificent clothes stands still in the heaven and earth, and it is as good as a fairy, so that people are unconsciously awe.

After a while, one big one small Two figures walked out and saw the person in front, respectfully respected a Junior ceremony.

“Which body” Prince Yan calmly said.

“Magic” Ning Chen is honest.

Prince Yan nodded and looked at the little girl on the side, said, “Dish?”

“恩”Ning Chen 轻应一声,拍了拍小丫头的脑袋,道,“Yin’er ,行礼”

“Yin’er 见过Senior ”Yin’er 乖巧地行礼道。

看到后辈,Prince Yan 神色缓和了一些,开口道,“过来”

Yin’er 抬起头看了看身边男子,然后听话地走了过去。

Prince Yan waved, blue and red, a little bit of brilliance, an invisible Sword Breath fell into the right hand of the little girl.

“What is this?” Yin’er 看了看右手上出现的剑纹,好奇道。

“Sword Breath” Prince Yan softly.

“Ning Chen, is he there?” Yin’er 不解问道。

“His aptitude is too bad, can’t learn, and it’s a waste” Prince Yan indifferently says.

Yin’er 闻言,展颜一笑,回首做了个鬼脸,然后再次乖巧地行了一礼。

“Why are you here?” Prince Yan looked at Junior, saying.

“Following Immortal Corpse Patrol, because he suspects that Lord of Black Ink Gate may know something about the resurrection, he will temporarily worship under the Black Ink Gate…”

Ning Chen I simply said what happened these days, but the matter about Central Province is just a word, not much to mention.

Prince Yan patiently listened to, nodded, the way, “Immortal corpse Patrol, there are, this matter need you to check, as to the resurrection of the law, not haste, even if the world exists this law, is also mastered in the BLA CK ink Lord even black ink Lord above the expert hands, with your present strength, can not contend with such a presence “

Ning Chen silent, no interruption.

“I told you that my mind is too much and will affect cultivation. You are here, and all the Living Things Resentment are gathered together. Fortunately, you can get out of the Phoenix Body and become self-contained. He read, throwing away the constraints of the world, concentrate on cultivation, why go on the path that the Phoenix Body has traveled?” Prince Yan frowned.

Ning Chen is still silent, after a long time, softly open the Way, “Now Phoenix Body, I believe, and, the body also do not know what Trace, the Resurrection Ghost Girl method, can only I go to find”

“You can trust others, why now can not trust themselves, Phoenix body and the body of its own good Fortune, since once each chose the road, you should be determined to go on, the devil, after all, not the world, you should do, is to continue to concentrate on cultivation, Until you have the strength that can change everything “Prince Yan look cold.

Star Territory 迷雾前,静立两道身影,面容同样的年轻,看不出太多差别,只是,站在青衣的传奇前,Knowing Heaven’s Will 不论到了何时,都是Junior 。

Between the two, the atmosphere has become somewhat oppressive, and Prince Yan’s scorn is both a reminder and a lesson to Junior’s inaction.

Yin’er 站在一旁,大气都不敢出,见识过在Interior Boundary 时,Ning Chen 一怒之下血洗整个Central Province 的情形,她真担心,这两个人会一言不和打起来。

“Junior is taught, I will deal with things outside my body as soon as possible, and then concentrate on cultivation.” After a long time, Ning Chen respectfully said.

When he heard the former, Prince Yan’s look gradually calmed down and continued. “The Black Ink Lord, the cultivation base is unfathomable. The real strength may be far greater than today’s performance, your identity. Remember not to be exposed, otherwise there will be a big disaster.

“Junior remembers” Ning Chen.

“Your sword, I saw it, it’s not bad.” After the matter was finished, Prince Yan rarely praised it.

“Senior has a good reputation”

Ning Chen’s sly scorpion flashed a faint wave, paused, whispered, “Senior, there is one thing that might bother you to take a trip ”

“What?” Asked Prince Yan.

“Junior got an Executing Immortal Sword in the Immortal Palace at Eastern Immortal World. However, when dealing with the Heavenly Residence invasion, it was turned into a Forbidden Land with the help of earth qi. Now, this sword can’t be taken. Said Ning Chen.

Prince Yan 闻言,轻轻点头,道,“有时间吾会走一趟,帮你取出”

一旁,Yin’er 听到,娇声道,“Senior ,您回去的时候,能不能去一趟Sword Casting Mountain Village ,和我娘亲说一声,我很好,让他们不要担心”


Prince Yan 应下,道,“时间已不早,Immortal World 之中那些人差不多也该出来了,记住,今后不论走的多远,都不要忘了抽时间回Grand Xia 给她上香”


Ning Chen 点头,应道。

“I am gone, treasured”

After that, Prince Yan did not say much, and stepped away.

青色magnificent clothes ,无风自动,Grand Xia 当代传奇,Knowing Heaven’s Will Sword 上引路之人,一生寻剑,一生听剑,一生prove the Sword ,Immortal World 一行后,再度离去。

Tsing Yi, who is gradually disappearing, disappears into the sky, standing tall and straight, dusty and lonely, Expert is gone, prove the Sword no one, perhaps, the legendary life, it should be lonely.

Ning Chen watched Prince Yan leave, silent, speechless.

Devil, lost heart, can not be warm and cold, but not mentally retarded, Demon Body sees clearly, so, word by word, keep in mind.

“Ning Chen, where are we going now?” Yin’er 上前,小手牵住大手,娇声问道。

“Back to Black Ink Star” Ning Chen softly.

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