Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, Chapter 630, Purple Clothes Marquis, Floating Astronomy Jiyu Peak In the wind, Purple Clothes Marquis is killing Lord of Black Ink Star, purple Divine Sword Light Mang Tiantian, killing a trick, extreme anger, swords and sun. Eighty-eight reading, ..o

Crisis plus, but see Black Ink Lord’s colorful rises, radiant, Huaguang body, Merit Body rose sharply.

Immortal Technique is now, the rainbow light body, one after another colorful Immortal Rainbow hovering around, to protect every key, absolute defense, no flaws.

Sword light is awkward, shocking, and Immortal Rainbow eliminates sword intent, killing a sword, it is useless.

“Seven Rainbows Bury The Sun”

sword edge For a moment, Black Ink Lord raised his hand, within a hundred miles of the Principle Strength, scrolling in front of the sky, an illusory Divine Sun Appeared, instantly collapsed invisible, swallowing the person in front of you.

Divine Sun was buried, and it was inevitable. Purple Clothes Marquis screamed, and the Purple Qi 婢庢箖 婢庢箖 , , , , 灏?灏?灏?灏?Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?

Unreal Space, double-handed collision, Treading Immortal Reality Boundary level Expert Merit Body direct confrontation, the vast True Yuan violent shock, the hundred miles, thousands of miles Great Land violently shakes, the power of horror, gods alarmed ghosts weeping.

After the interest rate, a shocking blast broke out, and the aftermath swayed, not the entire Jiyu Peak.

The Black Ink Gate symbol will be destroyed. At this moment, among the aftermath, the strength of Extreme Yin and Extreme Yang is rising, and the black and white brilliance is thorough, and the Jiyu Peak is constantly falling.

“Immortal Art, yin and yin”

heaven presses down earth rises up Stopping the moment, I was shocked to see Black Ink Lord raise his hand again, a black Yin Moon appeared Human World, black and white, and broken in Completion.

The plain Immortal Technique, but settled Heaven and Earth, after a brief silence, the shocking horror appeared, the Principle added, the Purple Clothes Marquis body, with the moon missing, Since the left arm began to crack, it gradually spread.

The tears of tears came, and the clothes on Purple Clothes Marquis were twisted and chilled.

“Old man, you can’t kill me!”

Angrily, Purple Clothes Marquis broke his left arm with a sword, blood spurting, dyed red half body.

“Magic Pro”

The situation is in jeopardy, and you can’t hesitate. Purple Clothes Marquis roars and sings, and the whole body is black and white, the violent black waves, endless rises It stunned Yin Moon.

In the black air, the changing figure, the face of the Demon Mark criss-cross, the pale eyes, the loss of the pupil, the embarrassing and embarrassing, it seems that people are shaking.

At the rear, the huge demon shadow appears, up to a hundred feet, and Demon Qi is extremely powerful and shocking.

“Heavenly Demon’s Soul”

Black Ink Lord saw it, his face dignified, Shen Shen, “You, fallen!”

“As long as you can kill you, I will give up everything”

The devil is added, and the Purple Clothes Marquis looks calmer. The pale eyes are demolished by Demon Qi. Once moved, the figure disappeared instantly.

Sword edge fell, behind the demon shadow at the same time, Demon Qi helped, the sword had passed, the void directly collapsed, and nothing was done.

Black Ink Lord flipped his hand and slammed the sword edge, but felt a powerful force, his arm numb, and the first Half-Step.

“Purple Firmament Sudden Thunder”

Black Ink Lord’s first move back, Purple Clothes Marquis stepped forward again, the sword on the Purple Qi straight into the Nine Firmaments, instantly, the sky is changing, Angry thunder erupts, falling from the sky.

Thunderassers, the sword can be more than a few times more powerful, thunder and light, breaking the heart of the former.

Sword edge To, thunder, the terrible destruction of destruction instantly destroys all obstacles between the two, directly to the heart of Black Ink Lord.

It鈥檚 critical that Black Ink Lord鈥檚 colorful Immortal Rainbow is around, and goodbye has no flaws in absolute defense, and it鈥檚 a sword move.

But see, with the help of Thunder, the sword edge hits the Immortal Rainbow, the double-handed collision, the invincible sword, the absolute invincible protection, the fierce collision, and the sharp consumption.

After a stalemate, behind the Purple Clothes Marquis, the demon shadow slammed into the hilt, and suddenly, the stalemate was transient, and the sword edge broke the Immortal Rainbow and penetrated into the heart of the Black Ink Lord.

A sullen, Black Ink Lord stepped back a few steps, raising his hand to grab the sword edge, raising his right hand, and reproducing the Immortal Technique.

“Immortal Art, sorrow and joy”

The first-time Human World’s Immortal Technique, the unprecedented unseen power, Black Moon White Sun appears Human World, a total of days, The next moment, the yin and yang are handed over and annihilated.


A scream of pain, Purple Clothes Marquis’s pale eyes spewed, and with the annihilation of Sun and Moon, the brilliance was completely lost.

The first chance is that Black Ink Lord will return True Yuan in his right hand and print it on his chest.


Sprinkled blood, fog, eyes, can’t see the bright Purple Clothes Marquis, the moment of flying, the sword edge crossed, the sword qi penetrated into the former body .

Black Ink Lord can’t catch up, and the heart of the word qi has not entered, and the whole body True Yuan has a sharp shock.

On the other side, the purple figure fell on the Great Land, the blood was flowing, and the dyed red was around.

Unsuccessful defeat, lingering in the heart, Purple Clothes Marquis struggled to get up, his eyes dripping constantly, and it was difficult to see the prosperity of Human World.

After being fooled, I still can’t change my destiny today. Purple Clothes Marquis is unwilling, more angry, screaming and white.

Hate, anger, white hair, Purple Clothes Marquis stepped into the air, the sword edge forced to absorb Demon Yuan, the bloody fog, Forbidden Technique is present, Merit Body breaks through the limit, and it has never been seen before. The situation.

The sword that fell from the sky, stunning Human World, Heaven and Earth can’t stand Extreme Might, and the collapse is exhausted.

The last move, a gathering of blood, Purple Clothes Marquis abandoned everything, the potential to be with the enemy.

“Your martial arts are taught by this Eminence, betrayed, is your return to me?”

Black Ink Lord The scorpion is cold, his right hand is slowly raised, and an old-fashioned Strength emerges, transcending cognition, and the collapsed Heaven and Earth is once again reshaped.


Extreme Heaven spreads, without the body of Purple Clothes Marquis, the blood rain sprays, the sword edge dissipates, and the purple clothes hits the Seventh Peak straight.

“You, not real…”

Unbelievable face, twisted, Purple Clothes Marquis mouth overflowing with blood, half of the voice, remaining, but never say no Out. .

The white robe Black Ink Lord, who appeared on Seventh Peak, was ten feet apart and raised his hand to hold the throat of the former.

“This Eminence has let you go several times, why, and again and again,” Black Ink Lord looks cold and indifferent.

“Old…the husband, as long as I live a day, you must not … Ansheng”

The throat is made, and the Purple Clothes Marquis is breathing hard, intermittently.

“From today, you never have this chance again”

Black Ink Lord said a little, his left hand lifted up, the glow of the sun spread, drowning the former.

killing intent All in front of the pure Clothes Marquis, the void turns, a brilliance dazzling roulette appears, blocking the colorful glow, after a moment, a illusory shadow that can’t be seen clearly, with Purple Clothes Marquis, disappeared.

Black Ink Lord waved the wheel and watched the direction of the two men leaving, and the scorpion picked up slightly.

On the various Peaks, seeing the changes in the battle situation, the figure of the battle is all in an incredible color, and it is possible to shoot people.

Black Ink Mountain Thousands of miles north, the prosperous Human World dynasty, the Ancient Martial Aristocratic Family, Black Ink City, an ancient city that has been handed down to thousands of Years, the martial arts prevail, Martial Artist is everywhere.

A Residence in the west of the city, quiet and quiet, in a room, the seriously injured Purple Clothes Marquis lying on the stone bed, next to it, two figures standing still.

“How?” One of them asked.

“The guilty shackles, the exhaustion of blood, the soul body is also not light, big trouble,” another person replied.

“Can you save?” The person who had previously opened, asked again.

“As long as you don’t die, you can save.”


The man smiled and said, “I asked for my brother, can I do it?”


The green woman nodded and looked at the door, calmly, “Leave this room”


< p> The man looks like a smile, and walks out.

The door slammed shut, leaving only the green woman and the stunned Purple Clothes Marquis in the room. The quiet atmosphere and the needle drop were audible.

The green woman stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed, tearing apart the clothes on the upper body of the latter, and smashing the green light, and the green light rose into the body.

After the interest rate, the green woman stopped, the left palm turned over, a white jade box appeared, the jade box opened, and a strange flower flew out, suddenly, the whole room was full of flowers.

After a moment, the Separation and Reunion Flower dissipated and turned into a left-handed arm of the Purple Clothes Marquis. The green woman’s hand was pressed, and the shocked scene appeared, but see the green light, Purple Clothes Marquis The broken left arm is again produced at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After doing this, the green woman got up and walked outside the room.

room Outside, men quiet, see the woman out, step forward, care, “how he”


said, green dress woman changed a turn, in Differently says, “but also wasted me a plant nine exquisite separation and Reunion Flower”

“Ah, save the matter, there is a chance, slew again for you to find a plant is” The man smiled lightly.

A green woman looks at the idiot and looks at the former and walks away.

The man touched his nose helplessly, and he seemed to say something wrong again.

Open the door and walk into it. The man looks at the stunned purple figure on the stone bed, sighs softly, obsessed, hates, can swallow a person’s rationality, he never thought of it, in order to Revenge, the latter will go to this point.


涓庢鍚屾椂锛孊lack Ink Mountain Ninth Peak 涓婏紝Ning Chen 涔呬箙鏈洖锛孻in’er 鐙韩涓€浜鸿蛋鍏ュ瘑鏋楀鎵撅紝涓濇涓嶅叧蹇冨叾浠栧嘲涓婂彂鐢熺殑浜嬫儏銆?

钀芥棩浣欐櫀灏嗗敖锛孻in’er 璧板湪瀵嗘灄涓紝宸︽壘鍙虫壘锛屽崐涓椂杈板墠锛屽ス鍒嗘槑鎰熷彈鍒拌繖閲屾湁澶ф垬鍙戠敓锛屼负浣曚笉瑙丯ing Chen 韪奖銆?

The jungle is deep, and under the darkening sky, it looks even more gloomy, and there is a gloomy silence everywhere.

鎰熷彈鍒板懆鍥村紓甯哥殑姘旀皼锛孻in’er 灏忚劯涓婇棯杩囦竴涓濆鎬曚箣鑹诧紝铏藉凡鏄帴杩慖nnate 鐨凪artial Artist 锛屼絾鏄瘯绔熷勾榫勫皻灏忥紝鑳嗗瓙涔熶笉澶с€?

Deep in the jungle, Primal Chaos opened his eyes and looked at the distant figure.

鈥淣ing Chen 锛屼綘鍦ㄥ悧锛屽惉鍒板洖鎴戜竴澹扳€?/p>

浣欐櫀钀藉敖锛屽ぉ鑹叉殫娣★紝鍥涘懆娌欐矙鐨勬爲鍙舵懇鎿﹀0鍝嶈捣锛孻in’er 鍚撶殑涓嶆暍鍐嶈蛋锛岀珯鍦ㄥ師鍦帮紝灏忓0鍠婇亾銆?

However, there is no echo in the depths of the jungle, only the infinite silence makes people feel hairy.


At this moment, the jungle is everywhere, the footsteps sound, so clear, and passed out.

Yin’er 灏忚劯涓€鍠滐紝绔嬪埢灏忚窇杩囧幓銆?

娌¤窇鍑犳锛孻in’er 姝ヤ紣鍋滀笅锛岀湅鐫€瀵嗘灄涓蛋鍑虹殑韬奖锛屽皬鑴镐笂鐨勭瑧瀹归】鏃跺兊浣忋€?

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