Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, the 168th chapter , Floating Astronomy King Boundary West, clean small courtyard, the two appeared, Ning Chen palm condensed Phoenix Yuan, penetrated into the body around him, help him heal.

After a short period of time, Qi Huan’s internal injuries were depressed, his eyes opened, and he looked at the Junior Brother, whispering, “Ninth Junior Brother, you are too smashed today”

“Love is a must” Ning Chen sighed.

“I went back to the room to heal, and you rested, remember, you have to be so impulsive,” Qi Huan said.


Ning Chen nodded.

Qi Huan dragged her body back into her room, and Ning Chen pondered for a moment and walked to the other room.

明亮的房间中,Yin’er 坐在板凳上踢踏着小腿静静等候,待听到前者脚步声后,立刻小跑上前开门。

“Have a fight?” Yin’er 看着眼前之人,娇声问道。


Ning Chen nodded and walked into the room.

“Why are you fighting, can you tell yourself why you can’t make sense?” Yin’er 关上门,快步跟上,问道。

“Red Luan Princess seems to be doing something to the Phoenix Body. The Phoenix Body is not aware of it. I can only shoot it, so I hit it,” Ning Chen whispered.

“你不是说Phoenix Body 主智吗,怎么笨成这样”Yin’er 撇了撇嘴,倒了一杯茶给前者,不满道。

“I don’t know, maybe something irresistible.” Ning Chen took the tea and whispered.

“那他与Red Luan Princess 的婚事怎么办,我们也打不过这里的那些Old Monster 啊”Yin’er 搬过一个小板凳坐在一旁,道。

“I can’t help but find a way.” Ning Chen took a sip of tea and responded.

“What?” Yin’er 也给自己倒了一杯茶,边喝边好奇地道。

“Not yet thought” Ning Chen calmly said.


Yin’er 一口茶水喷出,直接喷了前者一脸,旋即赶忙从小板凳上跳起来,用袖子帮其擦干净。

“Okay, nothing.” Ning Chen said softly, and turned the little girl’s hand away, didn’t care.

Yin’er 心虚地坐回小板凳上,为难道,“要是Phoenix Body 一直醒不过来怎么办,要阻止吗,你不能暴露身份的”

她是不在乎Ning Chen 是魔还是人,但是其他人定然不会这么想,Central Province various sects 容不下魔的存在,Heaven Beyond Heaven 的这些人定然也是一样。


Ning Chen nodded and said, “If the Phoenix Body is still obsessed with the day of the big wedding, it can only be forcibly stopped, even if it reveals its identity, Sitting and watching”

“Is there really no other way?”

Yin’er 有些担心道,在Western Immortal World 时,她便见识过Red Luan Boundary King 的强大,那时候还只是一道化身,如今他们身在Red Luan King Boundary ,一旦身份暴露,想要全身而退,恐怕不易。

Moreover, the Black Ink Lord will come soon, and it is hard to say whether it is on their side.

Ning Chen looked out the window and thought for a moment, saying, “You can’t do anything, take a step and see, Dawn Moon Building Lord appears today, maybe it’s a turnaround”

“The black heart boss?” Yin’er 讶异道。

“Well” Ning Chen nodded.

“他一个大大的奸商,再厉害能厉害到哪去”Yin’er 撇嘴道。

“People can’t be seen”

Ning Chen looks at his little girl and whispers, “The strength of the Dawn Moon Building Lord is at least Red Luan Boundary King and Black Ink Lord. Level, just don’t show up in the mountains.

“So great?” Yin’er 惊讶道。

Ning Chen 颔首,道,“若是我没有猜错,Red Luan 从前肯定也是Red Luan King Boundary 之人,Dawn Moon Building Lord 能在这里将人救走,可见其实力绝对不再Red Luan Boundary King 之下”

Yin’er 心虚喝了口茶水,道,“早知道上次在Dawn Moon Building 时我就对他好点,不骂他是奸商了”


Ning Chen 放下杯茶,起身走到窗前,道,“children’s words carry no harm ,你还是一个小孩子,Dawn Moon Building Lord 不会和你计较,而且,你很快就能goodbye 到他了”

“见他? See him? ” Yin’er 搬过一个高高的板凳跟到窗前,坐在一旁,问道。

“Talking about things” Ning Chen responded.

“What about Red Luan’s sister?” Yin’er 继续问道。


Ning Chen looked out of the window king boundary, Tao, “Phoenix Body in red Luan face of the sword, not Will be good, Phoenix Body of a sword, behind the thing, certainly far more than we see these, Dawn Moon Building Lord at this time appeared in red Luan King boundary, will not be for the congratulation “

“Will he help us?” ” Yin’er 期盼道。

Ning Chen 摇头,道,“不会,Dawn Moon Building Lord 是商人,商人逐利,除非我们有什么能让他看上的价值,否则,想要让他帮忙,绝非易事,上一次相助Red Luan ,是公平交易,谁都不欠谁人情,今日Dawn Moon Building Lord 能出手相助,已是难能可贵,不过,这份情面也到此为止,不可能再多了”

“黑心商人”Yin’er 噘嘴道。


说完,Ning Chen 目光移过,看向身边小丫头,道,“Yin’er ,人情沉重,除非珍惜的人,否则莫要欠下太多人情,也莫要施与过多人情,不要以为帮助他人就会有好报,凡事皆有度,过多的人情,同样会扭曲一个人的心,Dawn Moon Building Lord 是天下绝顶聪明之人,看的清楚,所以,更显无情”

“听不懂”Yin’er 娇声道。

“If you don’t understand it, you will remember it and you will understand it in the future.” Ning Chen whispered.


Yin’er 应了一声,趴在窗子上,看着窗外景,道,“那我们有什么让黑心商人看上的价值吗?”


Ning Chen 颔首,道,“今日Dawn Moon Building Lord 临走时的话,便是谈判的邀请,Dawn Moon Building Lord 的酒,不是想喝便喝,接下来要如何行动,便看这一次谈判的结果了”

“不要吃亏”Yin’er 道。

“Reassured, we have no conflict of interest with the Dawn Moon Building Lord. This time, we only need to negotiate each other. It is much easier than the peace talk with Heavenly Residence.” Ning Chen Ying Road.

Yin’er 半懂半不懂地点了点头,想了想,道,“若是这一次能唤醒Phoenix Body ,我们还回去吗?”

Ning Chen 闻言,沉默下来,没有直接回答,轻声道,“Yin’er ,我这半身的身份不可能永远都不为人知,你知道为什么天下人都容不下魔吗?”

“魔是坏蛋,不过你不是”Yin’er 娇声应道。

Ning Chen 轻轻摇了摇头,平静道,“错了,因为魔心是冷的,本质上来讲,我、Xuan Luo 、Xia Ziyi ,皆是一样,魔便是魔,从来就不存在好与坏”

说到这里,Ning Chen 一双黑暗的眸子变得更加深邃,继续道,“demonic nature ,比人性简单许多,却也更残酷许多,就如同当日我在Central Province 屠了various sects 联军,那时候的我和现在并无任何差别,我之所以一直想将Phoenix Body 唤回,一是想要尽快交付身外之事,专心修炼Heavenly Demon Clan 的divine ability ,以应对Xuan Luo 的追杀,另外更重要的原因便是,我现在的理智,皆是依靠往日记忆的判断,但,我不知道自己还能忍受多久,或许有一天,我厌烦了,便会重新变得和Xuan Luo 一样,视人命如草芥”

听到前者的话,Yin’er 抬起头,大眼盈起泪花,委屈道,“你是不是又不想要我了?”

Ning Chen 目光看向小丫头,道,“我承诺过,会教你study martial arts ,不过,你在我这一身旁边,不知何时就会有危险,所以,若能将你交给Phoenix Body ,会更合适一些”

“他现在脑袋都坏掉了,还怎么教我study martial arts ”Yin’er 一边擦着眼泪,一边说道。

Ning Chen 抬手擦掉小丫头眼角的泪水,道,“这个选择权在你手中,就算日后将你交给Phoenix Body ,也会等到他恢复记忆,我们终究是一体,唯一的差别便是走的路不同,如今本体不知所踪,你跟着Phoenix Body ,是最好的选择,魔从来都不是有耐心的种族,连我自己都不知道何时便会厌烦了这虚假的一面”

“你若不想再忍,可以不忍的,我有心里准备,不会害怕,你只要不丢下我就行,当日在Dawn Moon Restaurant 你也答应过,不会再丢下我的”Yin’er 抹着眼泪道。

Ning Chen heard the words, his brows were wrinkled, and I didn’t know how to answer them.

at the same time, Red Luan Royal City next to the big town, a size less than Dawn Moon Perpetual Peace, before the restaurant, Mo Shaoai step forward, in the hall, has been waiting for the Red Luan See the former return, get up respectfully a courtesy way, “Building Lord”

Mo Shaoai nod, Road, “Red Luan, tomorrow prepared a pot of unintentional tan dream, have honored guest to come”

“Oh, don’t ask if you don’t ask, prepare the wine is”

Mo Shaoai smiled softly and immediately walked toward the second floor.

On the second floor, exactly the same layout as the Golden Dawn City Dawn Moon Perpetual Peace. The same ten rooms, each with a sign on the front, Mo Shaoai enters the Prescience Character Room and waved Closed the door.

In the room, the strange flowers are arranged in different grasses, each of which is a rare treasure of Human World. It is fascinating.

On the other side of the room, there is a wooden box with a long length on the quaint table. The wooden box is very ordinary, and there is nothing strange about it.

“Friends, I haven’t seen you for a long time”

Mo Shaoai looked at his eyes and smiled.


In the wooden box, the whistling sound seems to be responding to the former.

“Can’t wait? Ah, don’t be impatient, now, I have more interested in things, fight and kill, vulgar ah “

Mo shaoai chuckle, Tao,” see has been trying to maintain the magic of reason, the loss of human nature, only by the memory of the past, but also to maintain rational so far, Really let me take notice, but, you guess his false mask can endure how long? ”… Friends who read books, you can search for “”, you can find this site the first time.

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