Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, the 643th sword On the Peak, Floating Astronomy Red Luan King Boundary, Sun Moon Lake, the wave of water, the battle of the phoenix, has reached the most critical moment.

Phoenix Body is extremely fast, the world is unparalleled, a sword is in hand, the figure is constantly moving, it is difficult to distinguish, the sword is dying.

In contrast to the Demon Body, the speed is unfavorable, and the speed war is set off. The sword is sinking in the mountains, and one stroke and one style is used to destroy the sea and break the ground.

Comparing martial arts, the peak of the peak, the phoenix magic cross, the dual swords cross the light, the reverse low pressure mist, the unparalleled sword on the battle, beyond the limits of the realm, Go to the most Peak on the sword.

Outside the battle, a human World Supremacy was dignified and shocked by both of them.

At the forefront, Red Luan Princess’s hands were tight, and the battles of the previous days were not stopped for a long time. I never thought that the Black Ink Gate Ninth Child’s sword was so powerful.

鍙︿竴杈癸紝Yin’er 鍚屾牱绱у紶寮傚父锛屽ぇ鐪肩潧鐩潃鎴樺眬锛屼竴鍒讳篃涓嶈偗绉诲紑銆?

“Unexpectedly, Half Venerable Peak can have such a good, the future of these two people is not limited.” Above the void, Golden Dawn Sovereign commented.

“Sovereign thinks, who can win?” Next to it, Dawn Moon Building Lord, who was wearing a silver-gray robe, smiled.

“One is at the top of the list, and one is returning to the sinister. Whoever wins and loses is possible,” Golden Dawn Sovereign said.

“So old, there is such a terrible sword attainments, and the future is awesome,” Dawn Moon Building Lord chuckled.

Golden Dawn Sovereign 鐐瑰ご锛岄亾锛屸€淏uilding Lord 鎱х溂锛岃浜轰僵鏈嶏紝杩欐牱鐨勫墤涓奌eaven’s Chosen 锛屾兂涓嶅埌閮藉凡琚獴uilding Lord 鍏堜竴姝ュ彂鐜扳€?/p>


Dawn Moon Building Lord 娣℃贰涓€绗戯紝閬擄紝鈥滄瘮璧稡lack Ink Lord 锛屽湪涓嬭嚜鎰т笉濡傦紝Black Ink Gate 璇稿瓙锛屽摢涓€浣嶉兘绉板緱涓婂ぉ涔嬮獎瀛愶紝Ning Chen 锛屼篃涓嶈繃鍙槸鍏朵腑涔嬩竴缃簡鈥?/p>

涓嶈繙澶勶紝Black Ink Lord 闂昏█锛屾钵妗戠殑闈㈠涓婃病鏈変换浣曞彉鍖栵紝寮€鍙i亾锛屸€淒awn Moon Building Lord 杩囪獕锛孫ld Ninth 鎬ф牸鍐呮暃锛屼竴鍚戜笉鍠滆█璇紝瀵逛簬鍏跺疄鍔涘惥浜︿簡瑙d笉澶氾紝浠婃棩鎯呭舰锛屽惥蹇冧腑鐨勯渿鎯婏紝涓嶅繀璇镐綅灏戝灏戔€?/p>

涓変汉鐨勪氦璋堬紝鍙︿竴杈癸紝Red Luan Boundary King 鍏ㄩ兘鍚叆鑰充腑锛岀湁澶翠笉绂佺毐璧凤紝鐪嬬潃鎴樺眬锛岃劯瓒婂彂鍑濋噸銆?

At this moment, the shadows of the elegant and elegant dust come in the distance, the veil is covered, and there is a trace of charm in the clear, very eye-catching.

Seeing the person coming, Dawn Moon Building Lord has a slight bend in his mouth, and he has no more words to look back at the battle ahead.

On Sun Moon Lake, Red Clothes and black clothes are constantly staggered, and the aftermath is turbulent. The waves are tumbling and falling like rain.

A glance at the sword, the sound of the sword is ten thousand, the black is fixed, the sword is pointed, the hot and hot air is stirring, and the endless spread.

“Hundred Suns come back to the East”

Solar True Scripture The first scene in the world, in an instant, Heaven and Earth is like a fire, a Divine Sun hovering, stunning scene Shocked everyone in the room.

Phoenix Body sees it, God also dries down, steps forward, sword turbulence, Four Guardians Conferring Godhood Sword, reappearing dust.

Bipolar glory, the sword on the Extreme Might tremor Heaven and Earth, within a hundred miles, the sword intent rumble, the flames, Sword Sun, the dragons collided.

Amazing, Heaven and Earth are sinking. In Sun Moon Lake, the lake is full of white mist, and it is dry and dry. The sword rain falls, and the Great Land rumbling and collapsing.

The blood flies, the Phoenix Body retreats, the blood flow continues, the sword does not stop, Azure Dragon coils, appears Human World.

“Four Guardians Conferring Godhood, Heavenly Dragon”

The raging dragon is beginning to appear, and the waves are soaring. The young giant soaring dragon sword passes by, killing the situation.

Demon Body slashes the sword, the corners of the mouth are red, and even a few steps back.

The advantage is emerging, the Phoenix Body is stepping away, and the speed is fast, and the sword light is like a lightning bolt.

The first opportunity has been lost, and the Demon Body has been pressured to multiply, and it is strictly controlled.


Outside the battle, the Dawn Moon Building Lord is different, and the Red Luan Princess’s Hummer is truly extraordinary, and it can force the battle.

“The difference between the tricks, it seems that the outcome is about to be separated,” Golden Dawn Sovereign said.

“That may not be the case” Dawn Moon Building Lord responded.

“The two are quite powerful. Now Black Ink Gate Ninth Child has lost the opportunity and wants to save the battle. It’s hard.” Golden Dawn Sovereign calmly said.

Aside, Black Ink Lord is silent, after a while, slowly, “Old Ninth has a sword in his hand”

speech just finishes, in the battle, the change is steep, Demon Body has a left-handed grip, White Rainbow is on the front, and Sui Jianming is ringing.

Crazy Black Ink, White Rainbow collided, White Rainbow Sword wraps around, and the Phoenix Body speed is constantly under control.


A moment of opportunity, Demon Body’s Highest Beginning sway, bright sword light, screaming out.

The crisis hit, the Phoenix Body pointed out that the sword light was blocked, the Foundation was a little bit, and the corner of the mouth was dyed red.

“Now you have forgotten why the sword in your hand dances, you are not qualified to exist in the world again”

Demon Body The sword is more heavy, and it is shocking. The former, the sword rushed straight into the Nine Firmaments, stepping up, a sword trapped the enemy, a sword attacked, soft and soft, reappearing without dual swords art.

The sword of the world, Ling Li Peak, the only way to approach the infinity, the Phoenix Body is popular in the sword, and it is extremely fast, and it is inferior.

“Awful Sword Artist”

Outside the battle, Golden Dawn Sovereign is the first to appear, Black Ink Gate Ninth Child, really makes him look at him, the people present, except them These Old Monster, who have lived for hundreds of years, I am afraid no one can say that they can suppress this person.

On the other side, seeing the battle is in jeopardy, Red Luan Boundary King has become heavy and unusual, with his fists squeaking and squeaking.


Before the crowd, Red Luan Princess was nervous and worried that it was more difficult to hide.

A stabbing, bloody dazzling, Phoenix Body’s left shoulder, the placket split, and the blood splashed out.

“Now, it’s time to pay for your stupidity”

Demon Body Steps, left hand White Rainbow locks the sword of the former, right hand Highest Beginning condenses the power of Solar True Scripture, endless Fire wave 婀?P Phoenix Body.


Outside the battle, Red Luan Princess’s face changed, and he couldn’t stand it anymore. He stepped forward and swept toward the front.

Above the void, Dawn Moon Building Lord is moving at the same time. For a moment, it is in front of it, the silver ash is dancing, and the Aura of Expert is overflowing. No one can intervene in the battle.

“Building Lord, this battle only won the game, let him stop.” Yao Ji Royal Concubine stepped forward and opened the door.

“When did I say that this battle only won the game?” Dawn Moon Building Lord looked at the woman in front of me, calm.

“Mo Shaoai, repeatedly provoke King Boundary majesty, I can’t let you”

Seeing that the power of Phoenix is 鈥嬧€媋bout to be swallowed, Red Luan Boundary King is falling and palming Passed by.

“It鈥檚 finally our turn”

Dawn Moon Building Lord faintly said, the silver string appears in the hands, the silver light interlaced, the mysterious sky.

In an instant, the wind and water surged, and the water vapor in the Sun Moon Lake evaporated by Heavenly Fire re-condensed, the water waves rolled, and the waters rushed to Nine Heavens.

A huge explosion, Palm Strength’s mysterious sound collided, the horror aftermath fluctuated sharply, and another piece of Great Land turned upside down, and immediately fell, the power of the monks, Heaven and Earth changed.

At the same time, Interior Boundary, Western Buddha Native Land, so the water rails, the place of the past war of the demon, look at it, within a hundred miles of all the scars.

On the scorched earth incinerated by Demon Misfortune, the vegetation is not born, the desolate is extremely, and the huge gullies are criss-crossed. The prosperous Pure Land was completely destroyed after World War I.

In front of the water column, the legend appeared, looking at the foreground of the eye, a flash of regret in the calmness.

sword qi , Daoist Gate Authentic power, failed to see it with your own eyes, unfortunately.

Supreme Sword Formation 閬楄抗涓紝闅愮害闂达紝鍙︽湁涓ょsword intent 鍏呮枼锛屽叾涓竴绉嶅緢鐔熸倝锛屾鏄疦ing Chen’s 鍓戯紝鍙︿竴绉嶏紝寰堟槸闄岀敓锛岃鎵€鏈銆?

Prince Yan feels the word intent of between Heaven and Earth, Dawn regains calm, Heavenly Residence, he already knows that if he doesn’t guess, the last word intent is Heavenly Residence. Sword Venerable’s sword.

“Sword eleven, really is the perfect way to exhaust the limits of manpower”

The voice fell, Prince Yan did not stay, and stepped forward.

Ah Man followed the sword rack, and he finally looked at the remnants of the war. He slammed through his sword, and he had no feelings at all.

“Everyone has their own way, the devils are different, but after all, they don’t have to be sad for him,” Prince Yan said.


Ah Man returned to God and nodded lightly.

After half a day, on the Western Jasper Mountain, two people came, after the Pure Heaven Lotus Peak, the Western Jasper Lord felt the powerful sword pressure in the distance, double open, step out, from the lotus peak disappear.

The next moment, the legendary, Bodhisattva face, the atmosphere is peaceful, there is no chill.

“Grand Xia, Prince Yan” Western Jasper Lord speaks, whisper.

There is such a sword in the world, it may only be the legend of the Eastern Territory Sword Artist that has disappeared for a long time.

“This King, come here, ask about the year.” Prince Yan calmly said.

Western Jasper Lord sighed softly, nodded, said, “Follow me”

Prince Yan Dagger, stepped forward.

Pure Heaven Lotus Peak The highest point, Seven Buddhas Heavenly Pass, in the caves of Nuo Da, the Buddha Fire rises, and as soon as he walks in, the heat wave is coming, it is unbearable.

The three men went forward and stopped after the hundred steps. In front of a dozen feet, a beautiful and beautiful woman was in the flames of the sun, and her eyes were closed. It was like sleeping.

Seeing the familiar figure in the flame, Ah Man trembled and was stopped as soon as he stepped forward.

“Miss, the front is very dangerous, and please hold your steps” Western Jasper Lord raised his hand to stop the road.

Prince Yan 鐪稿厜寰嚌, 閬? 鈥淏uddhist Gate body forging Rebirth鈥?/p>

鈥淕rand Xia legend is really amazing, Qing Ning Fleshly Body by Demon Qi and All Living Things Resentment Strength was ruined, and only with the Buddha Fire recast, there was a turning point, “Western Jasper Lord.”

“How long does it take?” asked Prince Yan.

“A short ten years, a hundred years long, can you get through this robbery as soon as possible, you can only see the Good Fortune of Qing Ning” Western Jasper Lord responded.

Prince Yan heard the words, and the brows wrinkled without leaving any traces.

鈥滃綋骞存墍鏈夊弬涓庨偅涓€鎴樼殑浜猴紝鍏ㄩ兘宸茶Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 鏉€鍏夛紝Central Province 鏁颁釜Large Sect 浜﹁琛€娲楋紝鍓嶄簺鏃ュ瓙锛孭iaoxu 涔熻閫佸線浜咰rime Repenting Wall 锛屼竴鐢插瓙鍐呬笉鑳借笍鍑篐alf-Step 锛屾浜嬶紝灏辨涓烘鈥漌estern Jasper Lord 杞诲0鍙归亾銆?

Prince Yan looked at the front and was speechless. After a long time, he turned and walked outside the grotto.

“If she can’t wake up, this King will come back again”

The legend of leaving, the last words, cold and biting, Seven Buddhas Heavenly Pass Buddha Fire For a moment, it seems to weaken the score. … Friends who read books, you can search for “”, you can find this site the first time.

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