Grand Xia The latest chapter of Raja, 645th Divine Boundary, Floating Astronomy On Sun Moon Lake, raging waves, the last move, the battle, the downpour, two figures appeared. 】 9 eight] 9 eight] 9 reading] 9 books, .2 ≧ 3.. ↗

The two extremes of separation, the same peak, the last sword, the only see.


Watching the crowd flashed in the eyes, the road.


Demon Body said calmly, then turned and left.

战局之外,Yin’er 见状,小手从Red Luan 手中松开,小跑跟了上去。

“It’s a breathtaking battle on the sword.” Seeing the end of the battle, Golden Dawn Sovereign sighs.

“Unfortunately, the winner is not the winner”

Dawn Moon Building Lord smiled and said.

“There is life and death after the war, and the atmosphere is wrong.” Golden Dawn Sovereign said.

Dawn Moon Building Lord smiled and glanced at the woman next to him, “Red Luan, let’s go”


Red Luan is the first.

The two men walked in front of each other. When they passed by Boundary King and Yao Ji, Dawn Moon Building Lord smiled a little. “When Princess is married, this Building Lord will come to drink and drink, two “, will come again”

After that, Dawn Moon Building Lord did not stay any longer and walked towards King Boundary.

On Sun Moon Lake, the Phoenix Body waved his sword, and the word intent converges, making people feel less than half a point.

Red Luan Princess stepped forward and cared, “You’re okay”


Phoenix Body looks calm.

In the distance, Red Luan Boundary King looked at the Red Clothes young man in the center of the lake, and lingered in the middle of the road. After a while, he turned and left.

“After a while, come to Fine Rain Pavilion to see me”

Yao Ji voiced, the voice fell, and his body faded, disappearing from Sun Moon Lake.

“Unwanted young people”

On the void, Golden Dawn Sovereign watched Sun Moon Lake, which was destroyed by the war, sighing, stepping out, and leaving.

At the end of the war, the Top Expert left, and the experts of Sun Moon Lake’s peripheral view also left, and only the full-fledged scorpion complained of bleak.

After half an hour, Fine Rain Pavilion, Red Luan Princess came and looked at the woman in front of Clear Lake, respectful.

“He, have you left King Boundary?” Yao Ji is open.


Red luan Princess nod, Tao, “The realm has come, now only the difference confirms, this one, difficult not to pour him”

Yao Ji nodded, Tao, “I call you to remind you that the breakthrough in this war, although it is a good thing for him, but bewildering heart Art also may farinose, do not careless, watch carefully”

“disciple understand” Red Luan Pr Incess softly to the way.

“There is one more thing, do you remember why he came to King Boundary at the beginning?” Yao Ji is open.

“Get Jasper Lake Divine Water” Red Luan Princess responded.

“Since you remember, don’t forget to remind yourself that his love for you is just because of the influence of Bewildering Heart Art, remember your identity, be influenced by feelings, make irrational The choice “Yao Ji calms.


Red Luan Princess should answer.

At the same time, Red Luan King Boundary is thousands of miles away, no bleak land, Thunder Fire sky, shadowing the sky, thousands of thunders, horror, tremor Heaven and Earth.

In the Thunder, Red Clothes is illusory, and the ink-colored long-brick brilliance rises, the sword intent is endless, and it is hard to find a way in the thunder.

Ten miles away, the black clothes stand still, holding a well-behaved little girl, watching the Phoenix Body transcends tribulation.

“Ning Chen, can he pass?” Yin’er 抬头,问道。


Ning Chen nodded.

“How do you know?” Yin’er 不解道。

“Supremacy has been robbed, and with his ability to deal with this Thunder Tribulation, more than enough,” Ning Chen calmly said.


Yin’er 闻言,放下心来,目光看向前方thunder sea 中的Red Clothes 身影,不自觉地露出一抹羡慕之色。

“这双化之法,我也想学”不多时,Yin’er 抬再次抬起头,期盼道。

“When you learn martial arts on Heavenly Tome, I will teach you,” Ning Chen promised.


Yin’er 使劲点了点头,道。

At the same time as the two people talked, in the wilderness, the Phoenix Body certificated the owner Dao. After breaking the Sentiment Tribulation, the realm of the Great Completion, Aura, the most Peak of his life.

thunder sea 万重,sword intent 纵横,不断在between Heaven and Earth 交错,学Sword Three 十载,剑上见唯一,今时今日,Knowing Heaven’s Will 之剑,百尺竿头再进一步,窥得剑上路。

雷霆中的sword light ,瑰丽无双,剑上之途,艰难无比,强如Knowing Heaven’s Will ,少时学剑,受Mu Bai 、Prince Yan 指点,直至今日,方才悟得自己的剑。


Crazy Black Ink swings, sword light gathers, endless, and immediately rises into the sky, breaking into thunder sea.

The explosion of Heaven and Earth, the thunder sea crashed, the wind snarled, and disappeared invisible.

In the sand waves, a touch of Red Clothes stepped out, the brilliance flashed in the hand, and the Crazy Black Ink caught the front.

数息后,十里外,Red Clothes 来到,看着眼前one big one small 两道身影,平静的脸上露出一抹笑容,道,“Demon Body ,Yin’er ,许久不见”

“你的脸怎么回事?” Yin’er 看看前者,娇声道。

“As One Wishes Technique”

Phoenix Body waved his face and changed his face to restore his appearance.

The body of the mirror body, the same face, the only difference is the brilliance of the scorpion, one is as calm as water, no waves, one is as dark as Abyss, cold and ruthless.

“I need an explanation” Demon Body looks indifferent.

“Jasper Lake Water”

Phoenix Body calmly said, “I came to Red Luan King Boundary and asked for Jasper Lake Divine Water. The Phoenix Source was seen by Boundary King, Red. Luan Boundary King asked me to stay in King Boundary and exchange Jasper Lake Divine Water at the cost of Phoenix Blood on the opening day of Divine Boundary”

“Red Luan Boundary King?” Demon Body flashed in the cold, said.


Phoenix Body nods, “Red Luan Boundary King wants to keep Phoenix Source in King Boundary forever, so Red Luan Princess will be released”

“You have the speed of the world, even if you are not, how can you escape?” Demon Body coldly says.

“Sentiment Tribulation”

Phoenix Body slowly spit out two words.

Demon Body Hearing, the scorpion picks up, and sure enough, Sentiment Tribulation, Demon Tribulation, All Living Things Tribulation, none of them can avoid it.

“So, you are bewildered by the Red Luan Princess’s Bewildering Heart Art, deliberately for it,” Demon Body asked.


Phoenix Body Light should, Tao, “sentiment tribulation difficulty, chop constantly, can only find another road, Red Luan Princes At the time of s operation, I used yellow Springs restriction to seal my memory, bewildering heart Art, sentiment tribulation ; “You have always been cautious and would have chosen this dangerous solution,” Demon Body indifferently says.

“Heaven Beyond Heaven Expert is like a cloud. If you want to find a way to get back to life, you must have absolute strength. Sentiment Tribulation can’t be a hindrance.” Phoenix Body calms.

“The whereabouts of Jasper Lake Water can be found, what about Divine Boundary?” Demon Body continues.

“Divine Boundary, the legend is the side of the Queen Mother of the West divine earth, Jasper Lake Water is in it, but the Red Luan Seven ancestors are now in the Divine Boundary, want to enter It’s not easy to find Jasper Lake Divine Water,” said Phoenix Body.

“It’s difficult or not, you have to go in, where is the entrance, can you find out?” Demon Body flashed a ray of light.

“Well, it’s in King boundary”

Phoenix Body looks at the far-away red Luan King boundary, the way, “now, red Luan Boundary King and others do not know I have regained memory, so, now is the best opportunity to take advantage of red Luan Princess and boundary King distracted marriage, you and I have a person to find the opportunity to enter Taixu divine boundary, as soon as possible Find the whereabouts of Jasper Lake Water “

Demon Body thought, nod should be under.

Sunset, Red Luan King Boundary, the sky is getting darker, Inherited Customs Palace Before, Red Clothes came, and the scorpion like Shen Yuan couldn’t see a brilliance.

Seeing the coming, Red Luan Princess, who has been waiting, stepped forward and cared, “How, is the realm stable?”


Red Clothes nodded, calm down.

Red Luan Princess puts down his heart and says, “I didn’t expect Black Ink Gate Ninth Child to have such strength, Black Ink Gate Lineage is terrible.”

Red Clothes Silence, a word Not stated.

Red Luan Princess is also eccentric, continue. “The battle of today, I look at Black Ink Gate Ninth Child, it seems that there is also a similar Aura, you have also got Phoenix. Inheritance ”

“I don’t know”

Red Clothes is simple.

Red Luan Princess smiled self-deprecatingly, she almost forgot, his memory has been completely erased by her Bewildering Heart Art, even if she knew what, now she has forgotten.

This kind of love is really what she wants?

After a few moments, Red Luan Princess returned to God, convulsing her emotions and whispering, “I must be tired too, let’s rest first, I will go back”

Red Clothes Nod Did not speak.

Red Luan Princess sighs and walks away.

The cold wind blew, Inherited Customs Palace, Red Clothes stood still, and the darkness of the eyes looked at the depths of the temple, and a brilliance could not overflow.

King City 之外,相邻的一座城中,Dawn Moon Building ,Yin’er 一人坐在一楼,点了一大桌子菜,旁若无人地吃着。

On the first floor, the guests are not too small, three to five tables, only the little girl himself occupies a large table, the best location, the best meal.

On the second floor, Prescience Character Room, Dawn Moon Building Lord trimmed the flowers and a touch of smile on the corners of his mouth.

After a short while, Red Luan walked downstairs, covering his face with a veil of light, covering the face of the city.

“Yin’er ,怎么就你一人”Red Luan 坐在小丫头旁边,柔声问道。

“Ning Chen 办事去了,暂时顾不上我,我就跑来了”Yin’er 抬起头,展颜一笑,道。

Red Luan 微微讶异,一般情况下,不论去哪里,Ning Chen 都会将Yin’er 带在身边,这次究竟是什么事,竟连这小丫头都顾不上了。

“Red Luan ,一会为Yin’er 小Miss 准备好Earth(地) character 间,不收银子”

二楼上,Dawn Moon Building Lord 的声音传来,平静道。


Red Luan whispered.

“谢谢Building Lord ”

Yin’er 开心地笑了,道。

“客气,Yin’er 小Miss 尽管在Dawn Moon Building 住下,相留多少Tiandu 可以”Dawn Moon Building Lord 应道。

Yin’er 笑脸盈盈地点了点头,桌下,偷偷扯了扯Red Luan 的衣服,一边继续保持笑脸,一边很小声地问道,“Red Luan 姐姐,你们的黑心老板是不是再打什么坏主意,怎么会这么大方?”

Red Luan heard the words, but he couldn’t help but smile.

On the second floor, Dawn Moon Building Lord shook his head with a chuckle, didn’t care, and continued to trim the flowers in front of him.

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