Grand Xia The latest chapter of the princely, Chapter 650 hidden danger, Floating Astronomy Starry Sky, Red Clothes Hunting, stepping forward, a star-shaped light trailing, so dazzling, thousands of miles apart is like being around.

Yin’er 看着周围星空,大眼睛中一如往日尽是好奇,左看看右瞧瞧,一会都闲不住。

Star Territory is a vast expanse of Life Great Star from time to time, clearly visible by a powerful Aura, like an ocean.

“Ning Chen, will Black Ink Lord punish you after going back?”

Black Ink Star 越来越近,Yin’er 想起发生在Red Luan King Boundary 之事,有些担心道。

“No” Ning Chen shook his head.

“为什么”Yin’er 不解道。

“Red Luan King Boundary, who is right and who is wrong, not a word can be said clearly, Black Ink Lord has no position to judge this matter,” Ning Chen calmly said.


Yin’er 点了点头,道,“若是将来Red Luan King Boundary 发难,Black Ink Lord 会将你交出去吗?”

“It’s not clear, I still can’t take care of it now, and Red Luan Boundary King and others are not able to come out in a short time, first solve the problem now,” Ning Chen said.

“什么事”Yin’er 疑惑道。

“Look for a spiritual vein and plant a Peach of Immortality Tree” Ning Chen.

In the conversation between the two, the Black Ink Star is close at hand, and Black Ink Lord and Qi Huan, who came back first, have returned to Black Ink Mountain.

half a day later, Black Ink Mountain Jiyu Peak, Ning Chen return, looking at DAO Platform white Robe Elder, respectful salute, Tao, “Teacher Zun”

Dao Platform, Black Ink Lord Open eyes, calm way, “Come back good, will red Luan King boundary What happened to explain with me, if wrong in King boundary, I will For you “

” is “

Ning Chen bowed, will start from him into red Luan Star Territory to go to red Luan King Bound ary to fetch Jasper Lake Water, 1510 confessed clearly. <>

In addition to some secrets about himself, Ning Chen did not hide other things, because there is no such need.

Black Ink Lord quietly listened to the former and said, after a long time, nodded, “I know, you should go to rest first”

“The disciple retire”

Ning Chen respectfully bowed and immediately turned and retreated.

Looking at the back of the former, Black Ink Lord flashed a stream of light, Old Ninth, how many secrets are there in your body?

Ninth Peak ,Ning Chen 带着Yin’er 归来,多日不回,bamboo forest 前的小屋内外已满是灰尘和落叶,需要清理。

“我去找Elder Sister Lingluo 了”

Yin’er 看着Eighth Peak ,大眼睛转了转,娇声道。

“Well, come back earlier,” Ning Chen said.


Yin’er 应了一句,旋即朝着Eighth Peak 小跑而去。

Seeing Xiaotoutou leave, Ning Chen took the broom in the house and began to sort it out. It was not too early, and it must be cleaned up as soon as possible.

Demon Body, unreal soul body, looking at the eyes of the people, Tao, “spiritual land, need a go to find, this matter is not difficult, but, the next thing, very troublesome”

Ning Chen nods, Tao, “Undying Peach of immortality Tree to bear fruit for 9,000 years, too long, must find a way to solve”

“To speed up the time flow of formation, the long tomb will have, but still not enough to let peach of immortality Tree as soon as possible results” Demon Body look dignified road. <>

“Years Restriction” Ning Chen slows down.

Demon Body flashed through the stream, saying, “This ban is only in the legend, Human World is not present, how to find it?”

“It’s not clear that the Black Ink Lord is one direction, and the other is the Dawn Moon Building Lord and the Speaker of Heavenly Language. The three are unusual and may know some clues,” Ning Chen said quietly.

Demon Body nodded, Tao, “Black Ink Gate too many unthinkable things, not easy to stay, once years restriction or other methods of the resurrection of the news, will leave as soon as possible, as for Dawn M Oon Building Lord, to this day, I still failed to figure out how he had seen my identity, the secret of the man, no less than black Ink Lord, “

Ning Chen carefully swept to the front corner of the house The dust, the road, “step by step, first tempted black Ink Lord, Dawn Moon Building Lord There is not too much intersection, business people always to benefit first, deal with not difficult, not easy, more than the two people, in fact, I would like to go to a trip heavenly Language Peak, visit the speaker of Heavenly Language “

” Do you think she’ll know? ” Demon Body frowned.

“Not all”

Ning Chen raised his head and looked at Jiyu Peak direction, “The Foundation, has been, in order to revive Ghost Girl, every Place we are all hurried through, in addition to Divine Province, our foundation is too shallow, as this time, in red Luan King boundary, although we will boundary King and Red Luan all the fathers are trapped In the Taixu divine boundary, but is unable to solve the problem thoroughly, the reason, or because we are here too shallow foundation, the need for human and combat power, “

” you mean, Wooing that speaker of Heavenly Language? ” Demon Body condenses.

“or a try, compared to black Ink Lord and mysterious Dawn Moon Building Lord, the speaker of Heavenly Language may be a more suitable candidate , before she took the initiative to release goodwill, we can use this opportunity to explore the authenticity, if true, get a speaker of Heavenly Language friendship, for our future more beneficial, if false, immediately get away, there will not be too much loss “Ning Chen calmly.”

Demon Body Think for a moment, Tao, “This thing I am not good, by you to do, looking for spiritual vein matter, then to me, split up, and then, full of search years restriction” “Tu”

Ning Chen should be under, think, said, “Looking for spiritual vein, more attention to the whereabouts of the body, now need to do too much, if the body in, can quickly on a lot of” </P&G T;

“Understand” Demon Body should be Tao. <>

During the conversation, Ning Chen looked up at the direction between Ninth Peak and Eighth Peak, and his brow wrinkled. “How come this girl came back so soon”

“It may be an accident, let’s deal with it”

The voice drops, the Demon Body soul body merges into the former body and disappears.

不多时,Yin’er 上气不接下气地跑了回来,道,“Ning Chen ,Elder Sister Lingluo 不见了”

Ning Chen 闻言,眸子眯起,道,“可能是被Black Ink Lord 派出去做事了吧,怎么了,有什么异常吗?”

“不太对劲,你去看看”Yin’er 有些着急道。

Ning Chen daggers, took a little step and stepped toward Eighth Peak.

Eighth Peak 上,清雅安静的小屋前,两人出现,Yin’er 小跑上前,一把推开竹屋门,急声道,“你看”

Ning Chen 向前走了两步,看着屋中,眉头缓缓皱起。

In the room, dust has fallen, and it has apparently been unoccupied for some time.

Ning Chen walked into the house, his eyes twitching, Lingluo Zhen, here he is no stranger, the clothes and furnishings in the room are exactly the same as before they went to Red Luan Star, indicating that Lingluo Zhen left before And did not intend to leave too long.

However, the current situation is obviously not the case.

“Elder Sister Lingluo 不会也出事了吧”有Lord of Third Peak 的例子在前,Yin’er 眸中尽是担心,问道。


Ning Chen said, his eyes swept through the house, and the brilliance kept flashing.

The furnishings in the house are very simple. Apart from the table and chair bed, it is a dressing table. On the dressing table, there is only one mirror and a peach comb. Lingluo Zhen has always liked to use rouge gouache, so the dressing These things were not placed on the stage.

“Ning Chen ,我送Elder Sister Lingluo 的一盒胭脂不见了”Yin’er 找了找,焦急道。


Ning Chen Brow wrinkled, Divine consciousness release, in the entire eighth Peak began to look for.

不多时,Ning Chen 眸子一凝,道,“Yin’er ,那盒胭脂就扔在峰崖边的山梨树下,你去捡回来,不要引起别人注意,捡过后就自己回Ninth Peak ”


Yin’er 应了一声,小跑出去。

Ning Chen then walked out of the bamboo house and stepped forward toward Fifth Peak.

Fifth Peak, Qi Huan stood in front of the peak, looking at the distance, I don’t know what to think.

Ning Chen came, opening the way, “fifth Senior Brother”

Qi Huan one Zheng, back to God, Tao, “You Are Back”


Ning Chen nods, “Fifth Senior Brother, Lingluo Senior Sister where have you been?” ”

“I don’t know”

Qi Huan shook his head and said.

“Senior Brother didn’t ask the Master?” Ning Chen frowned.

“Student has just returned shortly. According to Sixth Junior Brother and Seventh Junior Brother, before the Masters left for Red Luan Star, Eighth Junior Sister was still sighing at Eighth Peak.”

“What can the Master say?” Ning Chen is not helpful.


Qi Huan shook his head.

Ning Chen got it, didn’t ask more, and said nothing, walking towards Ninth Peak.

“Ninth Junior Brother”

At this moment, Qi Huan spoke up, and then he whispered, “Nothing, go back, good.” Rest”

Ning Chen picked up the scorpion and slammed it toward Ninth Peak.

bamboo forest 小屋前,Ning Chen 静等,没过多久,Yin’er 小跑回来,刚要把胭脂交过,便见前者轻轻摇了摇头。

“Before Black Ink Mountain, this box of rouge is held by you” Ning Chen.


Yin’er 轻应,小心将胭脂盒揣起来,一句话也没有多问。

The night is coming, the cold moon rises, and in front of the bamboo house, Ning Chen stands still, and there is no rest. The double brilliance skips from time to time and contemplates everything that has happened recently.

Black Ink Gate is weird. It is undoubted that from the previous Lingluo Zhen, the Forbidden Land suppressed Merit Body, the Lord of Third Peak Ling Yun died, and today Lingluo Zhen disappeared. One thing, something is wrong.

There are only two reasons, either the Black Ink Lord has a problem, or the Strength that Black Ink Gate can’t resist, manipulating everything behind the scenes.

Black Ink Gate is not a safe place for any reason.

However, what puzzles him is why the Black Ink Gate geniuses, like Lingluo Zhen and Ling Yun, know that it is dangerous here, why have they stayed and have not left?

There seems to be a lot of opportunity to escape from the Black Ink Gate. It was the best chance to go to Western Immortal World. However, Lingluo Zhen and others all came back.

“Probably a problem with the cultivation technique,” Demon Body said, reminding me.

Ning Chen Dagger, and only this one explanation, the only place in the Black Ink Gate is the cultivation technique given by the Black Ink Lord.

“Let’s ask Black Ink Lord in person about Lingluo Zhen tomorrow, see what answers he will give, and, in the case of Years Restriction, you can also take this opportunity to ask him” Ning Chen calms Road.

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