Grand Xia The latest chapter of Raja, 626th Nether Palace, Floating Astronomy Extreme Northern Land In front of the boundary pillar, the snow and snow fall slowly, White Lightning shines, the sword of ruthlessness, the life of Phoenix.


杩欎竴鍒伙紝鎰熷彈鍒板ソ鍙嬬瓑浜哄凡缁忚繙绂荤殑Knowing Heaven’s Will 缂撶紦璧疯韩锛屾墜鑷備笂椴滆娴佹穼涓嶆锛宒ual swords 绂诲湴銆?

In the blink of an eye, the blood is surging, and the power of a heroic squad erupts. Phoenix Yuan rushes to Nine Heavens and Heavenly Fire.

Four Guardians are present, Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, descending from the sky, Western White Tiger, Phoenix complement, four Immemorial Era’s God glory between heaven and Earth, swearing, swaying open.

Four Guardians The moment of the coming, White Lightning Divine Sword brilliance His Majesty, under the impact of the gods, the Thunder is exhausted.

When the two kings saw it, they looked like a sinking, stepping forward, and Hao Yuan gathered, and then entered the battle.

鈥淔our Guardians Conferring Godhood Sword 鈥?/p>

鈥淕od Transformation 鈥?/p>

涓€澹扮棝鑻︾殑闀垮枬锛孠nowing Heaven’s Will 鍛ㄨ韩锛屾极澶╄鍏冩€ュ墽鍗峰姩锛屽ぉ闄呬笂锛孎our Guardians 姹囪仛涓轰竴锛岃鑹睵hoenix 鐜颁笘锛屼粠澶╄€岄檷锛岀紦缂撴病鍏ヤ綋鍐呫€?

Beyond the extreme move, Ning Chen is full of blood, and the black hair of a flying dance instantly changes red, bloody and glamorous, hunting with the wind.

Four Guardians Conferring Godhood 锛孊loodline 姹囪仛Knowing Heaven’s Will 涔嬭韩锛孒uman World 涔嬩笂鐨凷trength 鐖嗗彂锛屽緱绐od Territory 銆?

In the midst of bloody turmoil, the dual swords converge, the Phoenix Fire rises to the pinnacle, and the Star Soul, which has been working for countless days and nights, is finished, and the bloody sword edge spurs Human World, which is shocking.

Ning Chen holds the sword, the blood hair is back, the God in the fire, and descends to Human World.

琛€鑹睸tar Soul 寮€璺紝Flames of War 涓囦笀锛屽啀璧风殑鎴樺眬锛孒eaven and Earth 闇囬ⅳ锛岀蹇屽姞韬紝Knowing Heaven’s Will 寮鸿God Transformation 锛屼竴韬鍏冪噧鐑э紝鍓戝嚭椋庝簯鍙橈紝鍗冮噷鍖朣word Territory 銆?

Sword edge handover, a completely different power, Bai Qin Divine General first retreat, Sword Might backlash, mouth red.

Zhu Hong is dripping, blooming in a beautiful, undefeated Divine General, the sword is stained with blood.

Shuangwang~ shocked, Western King swayed, golden light rose, crossed the night, strangled.

Southern King also gathered the source of Li Fire, burning the sky and boiling the sea, and it was close to the front.

The two kings killed the game, and then started the battle, Wuyuan Haoyuan, Megatron Heaven and Earth.

閾跨劧浜ら攱涔嬪0锛屽搷鍦ㄨ€宠竟锛屽搷鍦ㄥ績杈癸紝Knowing Heaven’s Will 鍊捐€筹紝鐒跺悗鍔ㄦ潃锛屽墤涓婅鍏冩孩杞紝gods alarmed ghosts weeping 銆?

Bai Qin Divine General Stepping forward, the white light of the sword swayed, and thousands of feet of thunder slashed and smashed one piece of the void.

Suddenly, the dual swords confronted again, and the life of the Martial Artist was Huaguang, and at the moment of the battle, it bloomed.

Amazing and ruthless, no flaws, no flaws, no escape.

鎴樺眬涓紝Knowing Heaven’s Will 鑵惧墤鑰屽嚭锛屽墤鍦ㄧ収鐪奸棿锛屽垝鍑洪亾閬撴儕楦匡紝Four Guardians 褰掍綋锛岃韩鍖朑od 锛屾垬鍔涙亹鎬栫殑璁╀笁浜哄啀搴﹂渿鎯娿€?

Outside the battle, seeing the unparalleled figure in the battle, Eastern King raised his hand and hesitated again and again.

鍑濈偧琛€鍏冿紝Phoenix 杩旂锛孊lack Ink Gate Ninth Child 锛孶nrivalled Heaven’s Chosen 銆?

But the hero is short of breath.

“Heavenly Dragon Shock”

Star Soul swings, Azure Dragon growls, and the dragon god stretches for hundreds of feet, appears in the night sky, soaring dragon out to sea, rushing to the double king .

Western King saw the situation, stood up and touched the palm of the hand, and the golden light gathered together. The infinite Sharp Metal Qi rolled, smashed the waves and smashed into Azure Dragon.

In the shock, Southern King staggered, and the Li Fire True Flame surged on the palm. On the other hand, Bai Qin followed, and the sword was shocked and thunder helped the fire.

“Dragon and Phoenix Heavenly Burial”

Double Strong, Red Clothes Instant, Sword on Extreme Yuan Crash, Dragon and Phoenix are present, welcome.

The rumble-like collision of the rumbled, not breathing, Western King once again swept, long swaying, golden dazzling.


涓€澹伴椃鍝硷紝鍥炴皵涓嶈冻鐨凨nowing Heaven’s Will 鍢磋婧㈢孩锛岃娴佹湭鍋滐紝Star Soul 鍔紝寮哄娍return move 銆?


A sword is broken, screaming, and the sword is close at hand, and it is too late to avoid it.

Western King hardened a sword, snorted, and even stepped back.

Western King retreats, Bai Qin Divine General instantly fills in, the thunder is extremely fast, and the blink of an eye, the sword is like a lightning bolt, go to the pinnacle.

Star Soul meets the same speed, no need for sword intent, the only sword at the top, and press White Lightning.

榛戝涓嬬殑blood hair 韬奖锛屽媷姝︿笉鍑★紝Martial Artist 锛孲word Artist 锛孠nowing Heaven’s Will 锛屽Sword Three 鍗佸勾锛屽钩鍑℃棤濂囩殑aptitude 锛屽嵈瓒呰秺浜嗗悓Era 鎵€鏈夌殑Heaven’s Chosen 锛屽噷绔嬪敮涓€銆?

鍓戜笂涔嬭矾锛屽ぉ璧勶紝姣呭姏锛岀(鐮猴紝Knowing Heaven’s Will 涓嶅緱涓婂ぉ鍨傞潚锛屽ぉ璧勫甯革紝鐒惰€岋紝Acquired 鐨勫姫鍔涳紝纭敓鐢熸敼鍙樹簡鍓戜笂鐨勯€夋嫨銆?

涓夊崄骞达紝浠庡垵鏃跺埌浠婃棩锛孠nowing Heaven’s Will 涓嶈兘璐ワ紝涓嶆暍璐ワ紝涓嶈兘姝伙紝涓嶆暍姝伙紝涓€娆″張涓€娆″己杩嚜宸辫蛋涓嬪幓锛屼笉鏇炬兂锛屼竴璧帮紝渚挎槸涓夊崄骞淬€?

Snow fell, the cold weather, Phoenix Fire weakened a point, Sword Artist’s fighting intent did not weaken, a sword, reflected in the moon, the hundred open.

“Enough, you have done a very good job, really good”

Outside the battle, Eastern King sighed, and the emperor was in his body. After all, he chose to shoot.

Eastern King is moving, for a moment, the wind is raging, the thunder erupts, the head of the four kings, reappearing Unrivalled.

The hand is shot, the sky is falling, the power of the world is destroyed, and it is born.

鎴樺眬涓紝Knowing Heaven’s Will 鎸ュ墤闇囧紑鍙岀帇锛岀湅鐫€澶╅檯鍘嬩笅鐨刢loud light 锛岃笍姝ヨ吘韬紝Phoenix spreads the wings 锛屾搸璧種ine Heavens 銆?

coiling clouds 闀嘒od 锛孍astern King 鑾叉韪忚浆锛屽懆韬獵loud Waves 缂粫锛孒uman World 璋粰锛孒eaven’s Might 闇囧瀹囥€?


coiling clouds 涓嬫柟锛孠nowing Heaven’s Will 涓€澹版矇鍠濓紝blood hair 鐙傝垶锛孲tar Soul Iron Source 鎵€閾哥殑divine weapon 锛岃鍏夊啿鐮存潫缂氾紝Nine Heavens 鏄熷厜鏈夋劅锛屾眹鑱氳€屼笅锛屽ず鐩畇word light 锛屼竴鍓戞柀浠欍€?


涓€韬荡琛€锛孠nowing Heaven’s Will 涓嶆湇澶╁懡锛屽懆韬噧鐑уDivine Furnace 锛岃鑹茬殑Phoenix Fire 鏄犲緱Nine Heavens 閮芥垚琛€鑹诧紝涓嶅眻battle soul 锛屽己澶т箣鏋佺殑姹傜敓鎰忓織锛岄€嗚浆鐢熸锛屼笉鑲叆Yellow Springs 銆?

She has not yet woken up in this world, how can he die!

Rumble thunders, thousands of thunders come to Human World, Phoenix is 鈥嬧€媋gainst the sky, angering Heaven, lowering Heavenly Punishment, Yellow Springs returning, reappearing the gas of death.

Azure Frost Sword is out, the wind and snow are frantic, and the two Complements Formation starts, the yin and yang Taiji Diagram circling into the air, blocking the Heavenly Punishment.

Two Complements Formation Now, the three people feel that the whole body is sinking, and the yin and yang meet.

Looking at the man who is not bleeding in Formation, Eastern King鈥檚 heart is lamented, but there is no mercy in the move, breaking Yin-Yang Aura, and immediately before him.

The vastness of the mist, crushing the void, a palm of the former, ruthless, one-handedly.

Sword edge block mist, yin and yang assists, stunned, Yin-Yang Great Formation swiftly shakes, hard to bear the aftermath, showing signs of collapse.

鈥淪ix Paths Fall 锛孌emon Tribulation 涓囧崈锛孲upreme Forbidden Sword 鈥?/p>

宕╂簝鐨刌in-Yang Great Formation 涓紝Knowing Heaven’s Will 妯墤锛屽乏鎵嬭娴佸娼紝鍒掕繃sword edge 锛屽埞閭i棿锛屾暣涓狦reat Formation 娈嬩綑鐨凷trength 鐤媯鍗峰姩锛岃疮鍏ュ墤涓€?

Forbidden Sword, Red Clothes stepped into Nine Heavens, and the Extreme Might spread on the sword. Myriad Swords is now in the air.

“End of the Holocaust”

In a word, Myriad Swords fell, not everything underneath, the power of destruction, the end of the world, people feel the fear deep inside.

The three kings saw the look, and the look was congested at the same time. Aura was released, the clouds rose, the fire surged, and the golden pinnacle.

Bai Qin Divine General 浜︾撼Nine Heavens 闆烽渾浜庡墤涓紝assists 涓夌帇锛屽叡褰揥orld’s Destruction 涔嬫嫑銆?

Supreme Forbidden Sword, Human World banned the sound, the unparalleled sword on the final move, destroyed and fell, into the eyes, red eyes, a little bit, fell into the heart.

After the wave is exhausted, the double king dyed red, Divine General flies out, the power of a sword, heaven startled earth shakes.

Eastern King waved, mist stirred, and scattered dust, watching the Phoenix, which is almost exhausted in front of True Yuan, raising his hand, misting Hong Tao, waves of waves separating the sky, sweeping the world .

宸ㄦ氮涓紝Knowing Heaven’s Will 鍐嶆彁鎵€鍓╀笉澶氱殑True Yuan 锛屾矇娌夛紝鎱㈡參锛屽嚌鍑濓紝涓€閬撻亾sword light 鐩樼粫鑰岃捣锛岃秺鏉ヨ秺鍓х儓锛屽疀濡傞鐖嗭紝鎬ュ墽鍗囪吘鍏ョ┖銆?

The sword is the ultimate, the only peak, the dazzling sword, the sword intent rumbling, blending Sword Artist’s unyielding will, blocking the shocking Hong Tao.


Eastern King turned over and slammed, Hong Tao shocked the sky with the sword light, scattered blood, sprinkled into the waves, dyed red Yuntao.

涓磋繎缁堟湯鐨勬垬灞€锛宐lood hair 涓嬬殑Knowing Heaven’s Will 锛屽槾瑙掗矞琛€涓嶆柇娣岃惤锛岃姘旀灟绔紝True Yuan 鑰楀敖锛屽敮鏈変笉灞堢殑鎰忓織鍦╞etween Heaven and Earth 钄撳欢锛宻word intent 鏃堕殣鏃剁幇锛屾棤濮嬫棤缁堛€?

A great battle, the two kings were wounded, Divine General dyed red, even as an opponent, the four people are equally difficult to conceal their respects, not Treading Immortal, and they are still in the process, but they still drag them to this day. Under the universal sky, there is no longer a second person to do this.

The word intent of the void is still fierce. However, the three kings know that this battle is over.

Phoenix is 鈥嬧€媠trong, and it is no longer possible to spread the wings.

Eastern King step forward, the whole body mist scattered in the void sword intent, beautiful face on solemn and calm, martial Artist have martial Artist Dignity, such a brave person, when they can afford their respect.

“Yellow Springs is on the way, all the way to go”

A word falls, mist rises from the sky, Nine Heavens changes, and the angry sea is now Human World, the last move is powerful to the extreme It is King’s last respect for Sword Artist.

“Phoenix body, Nether Palace is coming”

At this moment, the variables are suddenly emerging, the void is rolling, and in the huge whirlpool, thirteen figures are stepping out, body Behind the wood, everyone is above Treading Immortal, and the powerful Aura masks the cold moon of Nine Heavens.

When I saw someone, Eastern King’s eyebrows were light and wrinkled, and the palms turned over. I just had to shoot, but I heard a majestic voice coming from my ear.

“No Hands, back”

Golden Dawn Sovereign Sound sounded, at the same time into the Three Kings and Bai Qin Divine General ears, Wei pressure indifference No doubt.

Eastern King heard the words, the brilliance flashed over, and looked at the Nether Palace, and snorted and turned away.

“Phoenix, if you can block this King, don’t die in these people”

The last words disappear with the light blue Battle Clothes, and Eastern King leaves. , disappeared into the night sky.

Western King and Southern King look at each other and leave, and the figure blends into the void and leaves silently.

Bai Qin Divine General Sighed and looked at the Black Ink Gate Ninth Child in front of him in a complicated way. He also left the game without saying a word.


闆烽渾涓紝椴滆婊磋惤鐨勫0闊冲姝よ交寰紝鍑犱箮涓嶅彲鏌ワ紝璐熻矗鏂悗鐨凨nowing Heaven’s Will 锛屽己琛岃繑绁栧寲韬獹od 锛屼竴韬皵琛€鐕冪儳娈嗗敖锛屽凡鑷虫补灏界伅鏋殑鍦版銆?

Thirteen Nether Envoys were covered in gray and fog, and the wires were swaying out and locked into Phoenix in the void.

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