Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, the 673th sword On the only, floating astronomy Heavenly Residence Holy Land, the strongest sword in the world, the peak start to fight, the God Territory spread on the sword, around Heaven and Earth to complete the sword of the World.

There is no beginning and no end, endless sword light, criss-crossing in God Territory, the sword is the ultimate, the present is reappearing, gorgeous and indulgent.

In the midst of the battle, the void could not bear the ultimate Sword Might, and it was dissipated without a break. The inch of Great Land collapsed and fell.

Outside the Baizhang, Ah Man and Xi Mujin stepped back again, avoiding the ever-spreading sword on God Territory.

In Sword Territory, Mu Changge disappeared instantly, God Territory bonus, speed, sword speed increased, not yet recovered, sword edge has been swept away.

The sword is close at hand, the peak is perfect, although there is no killing intent, but it is still extremely fierce, the sword on the comparing martial arts, can not be half-hearted.

Red sword meets, the rainbow is shining, the heat waves are stirring, and the sword is as fast as Peak. In the sunset, the neon color is drawn and the Obey Heavenly Palace is hard.

Two people at the same time in the world, the word cultivation base has reached the limit of Human World, between the sword edge, the eternal life.

“This feeling, people miss”

Prince Yan’s face is rarely seen with a smile, azure sword exhibition, full of frost, zero, sword dance, smashing Yue.

With a bang, the dual swords collided, and the floods raged. In the Sword Territory, Myriad Forms sank, and the film Heaven and Earth collapse was gone.

“Grand Xia contemporary legend, well-deserved reputation”

Mu Changge looks like a respect to his opponents. Such opponents are only seen in their lives.

There are a few points in the senses, and there are a few points in the face. The two people who fought in nothingness, the aftermath of the battle is constantly filled with nothingness, the extreme martial arts spread, and the Principle is difficult to repair Heaven and Earth.

The world’s most Peak sword, Sword Territory gradually collapsed in the aftermath, seeing God Territory is about to dissipate, the scattered sword light, but suddenly galloped back, consolidating into one.

“Sword Ten, Executing Immortal”

Mu Changge pointed to the sword, and a True Yuan rose, the horrible sword swayed, and the void to be restored was immediately collapsed. Holy Land Tianfeng, falling ten feet.

Executing Immortal A sword, Heaven and Earth, the long-lived Sword Magnificent Qi gathered in the void, a sacred sword appears, smashing the sky.

The sword that transcends the limit, descending to Human World, in the distance, in the sword rack, Executing Immortal has a sense of wrath, constantly tremble, and wants to break free.

Prince Yan’s brow wrinkled, his hand waved, the azure sword returned to the sheath, the infinite chill, and the blocked Executing Immortal sword.

At this moment, above the void, the sword will fall, Mu Changge has no time to recruit, and the earth-shattering sword, with the destruction, will come to Human World.

Executing Immortal The remnant sword is calm, Prince Yan looks back, watching the destruction of the ancient sword falling from the sky, the red sword turns, the dazzling rainbow rises, and the sword rises to the sky.

Dual swords Collision, the silence of the moment, is a terrible horror, destroying Yu Wei’s rapid spread and engulfing everything that has passed.

On Holy Land, the Formation Mark quickly recovered and stabilized the constantly swaying mountain body.

Outside the battle, on the wheelchair, Chao Tianxi, who has been in a coma, was affected by the infinite fighting intent in the battle. The closed eyes slowly opened, and after a brief confusion, he gradually recovered.

In the distance, collapse and scatter in Heaven and Earth, the aftermath is exhausted, and a drop of blood falls from the hand of King’s sword, dyed red beautiful vermilion’s sword edge.

Opposite, Mu Changge looked at the injured hand of the former and respected it. However, the sword edge in his hand did not stop. The best way to respect his opponent was to go all out instead of halfway.

The rising word intent is getting more and more dazzling, and the next move is the sword that determines the outcome.



A sword eleven, the sword light is like a rain, rushing into the sky, dazzling, the most perfect one Sword, take Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, for a moment, a thousand miles, the sky loses color, only the sword light lasts.

The sword eleven appeared. In the battle, Prince Yan looked at the sky, and the calm eyes were a touch of splendor.

“Sword eleven, it is a perfect trick to exhaust the sword’s limit, but”

In a word, Prince Yan stepped into the air, and left his hand, holding his left hand, A mouthful of word light skyrocketed.

“This King is not only a sword”

The green is on the front, the Sand Sword is coiled, the three swords are the same, and the universe is discolored.

“Three swords Equal To Heaven, life and death”

Three swords hovered, turned into a huge sword stream storm, constantly spreading, hit the world’s perfect sword.

But after a terrible collision, the bipolar swiftly swallowed, the horror of the aftermath swayed, and the entire Heavenly Residence Holy Land instantly turned into black nothingness, engulfing all brilliance.

The three swords fell and returned to the sword rack. On the other side, the Obeying Heavenly Palace also fell from the sky and was inserted on the Great Land.


Outside the battle, Xi Mujin picked up his voice and said.


wheelchair, Chao Tianxi slowly get up, watching the war, the road, “win-win has been divided”

“Master” & Lt;/p>

Xi Mujin This is the return of God, the beautiful face lit up, excited, “you finally wake Up”

“let You Worry”

Chao Tia Nxi back gently nodded, immediately move toward the front.

In the battle, the two men who slowly descended from the sky converged on the sword intent and did not start again.

“Thank you”

Prince Yan is the color.


Mu Changge calmly said, with a wave of hands, Obeying Heavenly Palace flew out, not into the distant Holy Temple.

“Eastern Territory Sword Artist Legend, I really have the talent of the celestial world, see today, Chao Tianxi admire”

Heavenly Residence Star Venerable Come, flashing a sigh on the face, sword On the road, it鈥檚 hard and rugged, and you can walk out of a road that belongs to you completely. Such people are terrible.

鑷冲皯锛岃繖涔堝骞存潵锛孏rand Xia 浼犲锛屾槸濂硅杩囩涓€浣嶅畬鍏ㄦ病鏈変慨杩囧叾浠栦换浣昪ultivation technique 鐨凷word Artist 锛屼互鍓戜负鎷涳紝浠ュ墤鍒涙嫑锛屾儕鎵嶇粷鑹筹紝涓€浠eaven’s Chosen 銆?

鈥淗eavenly Residence Star Venerable 鈥?/p>

Prince Yan 鐩厜绉昏繃锛岀湅鐫€鐪煎墠鐨勫コ瀛愶紝骞抽潤閬擄紝鈥滄様鏃his King 閭unior 澶氭湁寰楃姜锛孲tar Venerable 鑳界暀浠栨€у懡锛宼his King 鏇夸粬thanked 鈥?/p>


Chao Tianxi 鎽囦簡鎽囧ご锛岄亾锛屸€淜nowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 鑳戒粠鍚炬墜涓暀寰楁€у懡锛岄潪鏄惥鐣欐墜锛岃€屾槸浠栬嚜宸卞姫鍔涚殑缁撴灉锛屽喌涓旓紝Heavenly Residence Star 鑳戒繚浣忥紝Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 灞呭姛鑷充紵锛屾槸鍚綡eavenly Residence 鏈€澶х殑鎭╀汉鈥?/p>


Prince Yan smell words, slightly surprised, the way, “with that kid’s strength at that time can be from star venerable hands left life, it seems, the original smashed nether King Barrier, let star Vener Able Merit Body hit not Light “

” gains “

Chao Tianxi sigh A sound, eyes see not far from the girl, face dew different color way,” this is? 鈥?

“Ah Man, the little princess of the Eastern Territory Barbarian Dynasty” Prince Yan is honest.

鈥滃績鎬ф緞鏄庯紝martial arts 濂囨墠鈥?/p>

Chao Tianxi 鐪稿瓙寰井鐪捣锛岃禐鍙归亾锛屸€滃綋鍒濅负瀵绘壘Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 鐨勫急鐐癸紝鍚惧€掓槸璁╀汉checked 浠栬韩杈圭殑浜猴紝杩欎釜灏廙iss 鍚惧惉璇磋繃锛屼笌Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 褰撶湡鏄儙鎵嶅コ璨岀殑涓€瀵光€?/p>


Prince Yan 闈㈤湶閬楁喚锛屾棆鍗充竴闂嵆閫濓紝鐪嬬潃涓€鏃佺殑灏戝コ锛岄亾锛屸€淎h Man 锛岃繃鏉ヨ杩嘢tar Venerable 鈥?/p>

Ah Man 鍚瘽鍦板簲浜嗕竴澹帮紝鏃嬪嵆涓婂墠鎭暚鍦拌浜嗕竴绀硷紝閬擄紝鈥滆杩嘢tar Venerable Senior 鈥?/p>

Heavenly Residence Star Venerable 棰旈锛岀氦鎵嬫姮璧凤紝涓€涓濅笣Source Aura 姹囪仛锛岀偣鍚戠溂鍓嶅皯濂崇湁蹇冿紝杞诲0閬擄紝鈥淜nowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 鐨勬仼鎯咃紝鍚炬病鏈夋満浼氬綋闈㈣繕浜嗭紝渚胯繕涓庝綘鍚э紝鏃ュ悗浣犱滑鑻ョ浉瑙侊紝鏇垮惥鍚戜粬閬撲竴澹拌阿鈥?/p>


Ah Man 鐐瑰ご搴斾笅锛岄亾銆?


Chao Tianxi 闈㈤湶鐘硅鲍锛屾兂浜嗘兂锛岃繕鏄閬擄紝鈥滃綋鍒濓紝Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 鐣欎笅Demon Body 鍔㊣nterior Boundary 鎶垫姉鍚綡eavenly Residence 鐨勫叆渚碉紝鍚捐Interior Boundary various sects 瀵逛簬Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 棰囧蹇屾儺锛岃浠栧皬蹇冧竴浜涒€?/p>


Mu Changge 寮€鍙o紝閬擄紝鈥淪tar Venerable 鏄忚糠鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍚炬浘杩囧幓涓€瓒烮nterior Boundary 锛岄偅浣峇ing Ning Miss 姝诲湪浜咾nowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 闈㈠墠锛岀幇鍦ㄧ殑Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 宸插交搴曞叆榄旓紝鍐嶄篃涓嶅褰撳勾鐨勬ā鏍封€?/p>

鈥淨ing Ning Elder Sister 娌℃鈥?/p>

Ah Man 蹇嶄笉浣忔彃璇濆惁璁ら亾銆?


Mu Changge heard the words and said, “What happened?”

“This is a lot of twists and turns, not one or two sentences can be said, but now it is certain that Qing Ning has a bit of hope, just to see that Qing Ning’s will to survive is not strong enough. “Prince Yan calmly said.

Mu Changge 寰井棰旈锛岄亾锛屸€滆嫢鐪熸槸濡傛锛孠nowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 鎴栬杩樻湁涓€涓濆洖澶寸殑鍙兘锛屽綋鍒濇晠姘村嚟鏍忎竴鎴橈紝鍚炬墍瑙佸埌Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 锛屽綋鐪熷凡鐪嬩笉鍒颁竴涓濅汉涓栨儏鎰燂紝鑷虫偛澶卞績锛屽彲瑙侀偅浣峇ing Ning Miss 鍑轰簨锛屽浠栫殑鎵撳嚮鏈夊涔堝ぇ鈥?/p>

鈥淐entral Province various sects 涔熶负姝や簨浠樺嚭鎯ㄧ棝鐨勪唬浠凤紝璋佹槸璋侀潪锛屽凡娌℃湁璇勫垽鐨勫繀瑕侊紝Ning Chen 鏄痶his King 鐪嬬潃鎴愰暱璧锋潵鐨勶紝璁轰慨鐐煎ぉ璧嬶紝鍙兘纭疄涓嶆€庝箞鏍凤紝涓嶈繃锛屽唴蹇冪殑鍧氬己鍗翠笉鏄粬浜鸿兘鍙婏紝杩欎竴娆$殑鎵撳嚮锛屼笉浼氬嚮鍊掍粬锛岃嚦灏戯紝閭d綅Hell 鐨凴akshas 濂抽啋鏉ヤ箣鍓嶏紝浠栫殑璺繕瑕佺户缁蛋涓嬪幓鈥漃rince Yan 搴旈亾銆?

鈥滆捣姝诲洖鐢熶箣娉曪紝Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 涔熸浘鍚戝惥璇㈤棶杩囷紝鍏跺疄锛屼簨瀹炴€庢牱锛屽惥绛夐兘鐭ユ檽锛屼笘闂寸粷瀵逛笉鍙兘鏈夎浜哄鐢熶箣娉曪紝鍚炬媴蹇冿紝鍒颁簡鏈€鍚庯紝Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 鍙戠幇鑷繁璧拌繃鐨勮矾閮藉彧鏄緬鍔筹紝鍙堝皢濡備綍鐥涜嫤鈥滳hao Tianxi 杞诲0鍙归亾銆?

“No hindrance”

Prince Yan openings, Tao, “Ning Chen smarter than anyone, the world knows things, he certainly better than anyone know, the cultivation of a way is the inverse of the day, perhaps, in The end of this road, there are areas we do not know, like the Nether King, Human world God, is not an unacceptable thing? “

” Looking for miracles? I hope that the miracle he is looking for really exists.” Chao Tianxi sincerely wishes.

Prince Yan, decapitated, said, “This is already the case, this King will not bother, go ahead and come to goodbye.”


Chao Tianxi and Mu Changge nodded, and did not stay much.

Aside, Ah Man picked up the sword rack and followed Senior to walk outside the Heavenly Residence Holy Land. Just like when you came, there was no trace of dust.

looking at the two people away from the back, Mu Changge eyes to the side of star Venerable, Tao, “star venerable since woke up, my task is also over, but also hope that star venerable temporarily Allow me to leave some time “

” Ah “

Chao tianxi face dew Feeling, Tao,” You Go “

Mu Changge last Look A distant figure, immediately step by step, into a stream of light into the Holy Land the deepest.

“Master, Sword Venerable doesn’t seem right.” Xi Mujin came, and the flash of incomprehensible color said.

“Sword eleven lost”

Chao Tianxi sighed softly, “If the teacher did not guess wrong, Changge left this time, is to prepare to fully attack the sword ten Two”

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