
Under Mount Tai, there was a group of Qilu Confucians who were speaking fiercely, as if they were saying something.

Previously, Qin Shi Huang wanted Mount Tai to seal Zen, and the Confucians who belonged to this group of Qilu lands were the most surging and excited!

It is all because of the consecration of Zen, it is the source of this Qilu land, and it is also the most grand national festival in the minds of all Confucianists, indicating that the holy monarch is prosperous in the world!

It has been hundreds of years since the Zhou Chamber was weak, and there has not been such a grand event of sealing Zen!

Of course, the most important thing is that Qin Shi Huang is willing to listen to what the Confucians say about sealing Zen and act on it.

This move also shows that this unprecedented lord of the world has gradually begun to accept Qilu Confucian culture.

How does this not make the crowd of Confucians extremely excited!

It should be noted that although Confucian culture is a temporary manifestation, it has never been valued by kings of various countries.

And Daqin itself started with the law, and there is no place for Confucianism.

But this time it is ushered in a turning point, if everything goes well, it cannot be said that it is not above the Great Qin court, and the status of Confucianism can gradually gain attention.

However, things backfired, such a great gift of consecration, and all the Confucians were actually excluded, and they were not allowed to climb to the top of Mount Tai with the First Emperor to witness this grand event that had not been seen in hundreds of years!

Among them, there were grievances, and the first emperor did not use the ancient rites as a matter of sealing meditation, so and so on, the more dissatisfied, there were many words that the first emperor was violent and obedient, not a holy ming.

Just at the top of Fangcai Taishan Mountain, a sudden change of wind and rain made this group of soulless Confucians angry and inexplicable, and made many interpretations of the change in the sky, and had tongues.

In words, he said: “The heavens have virtue, and the most enlightened!” I won’t suffer that violence… The gift of consecration of the prince of no virtue! ”

There is also a saying: “The great gift of sealing meditation needs to be made of ancient rites!” However, Qin Shi Huang actually used Qin’s old barbarian salute to seal Zen, what a gaffe!

In the event of wind and rain today, it must be that God feels that his virtue is insufficient, and he is responsible for it with wind and rain! Great goodness! ”

“He is not a holy king! As it should be! ”

“Hmph, Qin destroyed a small country hundreds of years ago, and barbarism penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and actually let this country of tigers and wolves win the world, and the world suffers!”

A group of Confucian students became more and more energetic the more they spoke, and an old man was shocked when he saw this, and he interrupted the words of the group with a loud drink.

The old man had to turn white, and said with some annoyance: “Ru waited to say these words again, it was good for the tongue, but he had to provoke the scourge of killing, so he would not give up!?” ”

All the Confucians looked at each other, the blood in their hearts subsided, and when they came back to their senses, they all broke out in a cold sweat and said nothing.

Seeing this, the old man snorted coldly, hating iron is not a steel road:

“If it weren’t for the fact that they quarreled before His Majesty and lost their manners, how could such a thing happen!?”

If it weren’t for the quarrels and quarrels among the Confucians in front of His Majesty before, how could such a thing have been born!

Just say so, and they all know in their hearts that after all, the ceremony of sealing meditation is only mentioned in the ancient books, and no one knows what the specific etiquette is!

Since I don’t know, how to formulate the etiquette law, isn’t it up to Confucianism to have the final say!

It’s just that among many Confucianism, in fact, it is not a group of harmony, because of the different commentaries and understandings of the sage masters, there are also different schools, let alone in the ceremony of consecration.

The etiquette of whose school the first emperor chooses can be expected to be valued in the future,

Therefore, this group of Confucians naturally will not give in, arguing endlessly, and all kinds of imaginative words,

In the end, he provoked the displeasure of His Majesty the First Emperor, repelled a group of Confucianists, and prevented everyone from going up the mountain to participate in the consecration.

Someone muttered, “The gift of sealing Zen should be subject to what I say, and it is ridiculous that I have to refute it.” ”

His statement made many people around him look angrily, on the basis of such a grand event and etiquette, who is willing to give in.

Another humane: “Isn’t it ridiculous that I and other Confucians can’t observe the ceremony of sealing Zen!” ”

Of course, there are also people who disdain, I don’t know whether it is deep resentment or gloating, saying:

“This ceremony of sealing Zen is difficult to achieve without the king of the Holy Ming, I see, this time we did not go up the mountain together, it is a blessing!” Otherwise…… The whole world is ridiculed! ”

As soon as these words came out, many people’s faces suddenly felt deeply.

But so far, under this Mount Tai, the crowd did not add more words, or only laughed a few times in a low voice, and did not dare to be blatant.

The old man, his eyes twitched slightly, snorted coldly, and did not speak.

He actually has some dissatisfaction in his heart, but he knows what to say and what not to say.

The more Fang Cai and the crowd said more and more outrageously, the more unrestrained they became, and their hearts jumped in horror before they stopped talking.



Suddenly, someone exclaimed, countless people turned their heads to look, and immediately saw that on the path opened up by Mount Tai, there were a group of Daqin guards arrayed to protect the left and right.

All the Confucians were pale, and they all knew that the one who ruled the world had arrived!

Although there were many resentments in the hearts of the Confucian students, and there were many ridicules and scoldings underneath, they really faced this hero who swept away the Six Kingdoms and mixed up the world, they still had awe in their hearts and did not dare to be rude and add more words.

(ps: ask for self-order, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation~)


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