
On various Internet forums, more and more people have finally aroused curiosity about the increasingly strange atmosphere recently.

Plus some starry sky images released by the official website from time to time, as well as some popular science knowledge of the universe.

Many netizens have asked in the post what is the recent situation, especially curious!

“Huh? What’s going on? Often popular science this, it feels very unusual! ”

“Nonsense! How can the information that can be published on such a direct platform be a small thing?

I guess either I want to gradually strengthen the exploration of outer space, or there is some great progress in foreign exploration, and I guess I will know soon. ”

“What progress can be made by looking outward? Discover the planet of life? Or did you see aliens? Ha ha! ”

“It’s not without this possibility, I vaguely remember that for a period of time before, many external signal stations in many places were closed, and I was looking at some of the current actions, thinking about it, it’s a little interesting.”

“Huh? It’s kind of interesting for you to say that.

Could it be that there are aliens coming? Haha, Lao Tzu has never seen an alien when he is so old! Good, but to see what it looks like. ”

“You guys can do this brain hole, even aliens can get involved, awesome!”

At this time, the attitude of many netizens is still mostly ridicule, but in fact, they do not really pay attention to it.

After all, it’s just some whimsy, and the atmosphere of many netizens is still dominated by happy sand sculptures.

However, with a newly released image information, it completely detonated the entire network!

It is a strangely shaped metal creation, which feels extremely strange at first glance, but it is also full of technological beauty.

And this time is different from the previous information, only the image is released, but a long article is attached to introduce the information of this image!

[Peepers in the starry sky of the universe! ] Alien technological creations! 】

[Thousands of years of human beings, from the primitive period of obscurantism, to the present day’s modern civilization,

From ignorance to gradual recognition of the world…

But there is no doubt that in the face of this brilliant starry sky overhead, the yearning and awe in my heart has never dissipated!

In ancient times, people gave many imaginary myths, from Ziwei Diheng, the twenty-eight stars, the division of constellations, the zodiac…

Today, we also have many speculations and conjectures about the vast starry sky, what is hidden in the distant universe?

Are there other life beings besides Blue Star, and where are they? What type of life is it? Whether civilization has developed …

Without exception, our various explorations to the outside world have not found anything, and the various signals sent so far have not responded to anything, and the vast universe seems to be lonely.

…… However, with this accidental acquisition of alien creations, we have a more accurate understanding of the starry sky in the universe, and we have determined that we are not the only ones in the universe.


This alien creation, named ‘Silver Light Civilization Probe’, based on this technological creation alone, countless scientists have concluded that the scientific and technological level of the Silver Light Civilization will be much higher than our overall civilization level!

However, there is a crisis at the same time, but also an opportunity, we can reproduce its scientific and technological achievements, and so far has achieved excellent results!

And after rigorous research, its main function is to record and transmit information, and before it is discovered, it has been hidden on the moon and records the every move of the entire blue star.

And sending information back in the established direction, the every move of the Blue Star civilization has been exposed to the eyes of alien civilizations a long time ago, and we don’t know it!

This also makes us wary!


This article expounds in detail the existence of alien civilizations from all aspects, and the general situation of the civilization to which the scientific and technological creations currently belong and the level of science and technology.

As well as the problems and dangers that the current Blue Star civilization will face, etc., countless netizens who browse are stunned!

So, the whole network exploded directly!

“Groove! Is Nima’s real? Are there really aliens!? ”

“Shocked my mother for twenty years! Incredible! Unbelievable! ”

“What the hell! Aliens can pull out this kind of thing!? I don’t believe it! ”

“Although it is very shocking, I don’t think that having aliens is a strange thing, but rather that having aliens is the most normal situation.

Think about how big the universe is! Our blue star is actually just a speck of dust in the vast starry sky, if there is no other life, something is wrong! ”

“Agree! To be honest, I used to think that many people’s psychology is still quite arrogant, thinking that we are blessed and unique, which is really a bit unclear.

Now it’s a slap in the face, there are really aliens. ”

“It’s incredible! However, from the perspective of the scientific and technological creations in the image, it really does not look like our scientific and technological creations, which is too weird! ”

“No, is the problem this? O aliens! And TM is watching us all the time? Don’t you feel creepy? What do they want to do? What are they going to do!? ”

“What else can be done, either well-intentioned or malicious, but judging by their surveillance actions, I don’t think it’s like good intentions.”

“Isn’t this what the article means, be vigilant, be cautious, and even prepare for the worst!”

No wonder I feel strange recently, it turns out that this is the reason, it must be well thought out to send it out, it seems that the person who really came is not good! ”

“No, you’re too arbitrary, aren’t you? Alien creatures yay! Shouldn’t there be civilized exchanges and mutual assistance? This is the first step in our communication with the outside world! ”

“Huh! I know what you think, in fact, I want to say that I don’t have it or not.

The current situation is that people are monitoring us, whether there is hostility or not, we are in a weak position.

And from the intelligence on the data, it is also said that the other party’s scientific and technological level is much higher than ours, such a completely unequal state, man-made knife tricks, I for fish meat, good and evil are in the other party’s thoughts, are you not afraid? ”

“That was already a few years ago, and now we have captured each other’s detectors first, learned in advance, and looked at the situation well, and the gap is not so terrifying.”

But the question is, have you considered the situation in the [second world]?

According to the article, the time to obtain alien creations is already after the opening of the [Second World],

Did you say that the aliens were aware of the situation? Do you think alien technology has this kind of technology that can traverse the world? You say they are not gluttonous? Do you say they will directly think about seizing?

If I were an alien and knew about a civilization whose technology was far weaker than my own, but they still had a fetish that could travel through the world, well, there was no doubt that I would want to take it! ”

“Ah this……. Hiss! I suddenly felt a little panicked! ”

“How do you know aliens can’t travel through the world? Maybe people have such technology? ”

“Upstairs, you are really wise, through the world! Do you think it’s Chinese cabbage?

To be honest, the technology of alien civilizations, I looked at it and felt that I could still understand a little.

But when it comes to traveling through the world, it’s even more incredible to think about which one with your brain! ”

(ps: ask for self-order, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation~)


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