Xie Feng, the underestimated 235 chapter

Xie Feng and Situ Hao perish together, a few people are reluctant to accept such a result, they want to stop, but not that ability.

Both Situ Hao and Xie Feng are the most powerful players, even if they are Core Revolving Middle Realm powerhouse. If they are hit, they will be seriously injured.

In the face of such an intense attack, how many people dare to intervene?

What’s more, even if they want to intervene, they don’t have that ability, because the accidents happen too quickly, they don’t have time to react, and when their consciousness reacts, Xie Feng and Situ Hao are only a few feet away, and they are only a few feet away. The distance between Xie Feng and the two is full ten zhang.

They can only watch the two people perish together, powerless!

However, the appearance of Zhang Yu was that everyone was stunned, his eyes curled and his face was shocked.

“hu…” The dry breathing was rushing, and he did not see how Zhang Yu appeared.

Not only is it dry, everyone around the square didn’t see how Zhang Yu appeared. They only felt a flower in the eyes, and then there was more than one person between Xie Feng and Situ Hao. The speed was as fast as a teleport. .


Everyone around the square was a bit stunned.

“gu lu.” Xiang Hetian swallowed a sip, and trembled: “It’s too strong!”

That heavy knife is a second weapon, and it contains Situ Hao’s one third’s spinning force. The formidable power is strong and unimaginable. And the long sword is also the power that contains Xie Feng’s killing. The long sword itself is as good as the heavy knife.

Dare to use the body to resist the attack of the heavy knife and the long sword, the power of this person has exceeded everyone’s imagination, so that everyone is fascinated.

“This kind of battle doesn’t mean anything.” Under the eyes of countless eyes, Zhang Yu indifferently said: “For a boring battle, it is worthless to lose your life. So, this fight, stop here.”

After that, he turned his eyes to Situ Hao, calmly said: “You have no opinion?”

Situ Hao looked at the heavy knife that broke into two pieces on the ground, and looked at Zhang Yu’s intact forehead, fiercely swallowed a sip, and trembled: “No, no opinion.” He picked up the waves in his heart. “God, my full blow, I can’t break it…”

Withstood his full blow, Zhang Yu didn’t even have a piece of skin on his forehead.

“What about you?” Zhang Yu turned his head and looked forward to Xie Feng.

Xie Feng also watched the broken robe of Zhang Yu’s chest. The robes were bare with strong muscles, without any damage.

Listening to Zhang Yu’s question, Xie Feng’s face twitched and said: “No opinion.”

His heart was full of shock, his own full blow, even just pierced the other’s clothes…


This guy is simply a monster!

At this time, the dryness, Xiang Hetian, and Lin Jingming looked at each other and immediately walked over.

When they walked up to Zhang Yu, the three of them ran together and shouted: “Senior!”

Although Zhang Yu’s age does not seem to be big, no one cares about this. In this world, a person’s appearance does not fully reflect his age. Some people live for hundreds of thousands of years, and the surface looks It is like a young man. Some people live fiftyy-sixty years old, but they are white and aging.

In the eyes of the mediocrity and the others, Zhang Yu is an old monster who looks young and actually lives a lot.

Otherwise, they really can’t explain, Zhang Yu’s horrible strength, where did it come from?

Zhang Yu waved his hand and glanced at Situ Hao with a smile on his face: “I just watched the battle. I called Situ Hao, right?”

“Yes, your Shadow Transformation is very interesting,” Zhang Yu appreciates.

Hearing this, Situ Hao was a little excited and was able to get the praise of the mysterious powerhouse. He was very excited.

“As for you.” Zhang Yu looked towards Xie Feng, couldn’t help but shout the head. “Your fighting consciousness is very good. Look at the entire Desolate Continent. People who have such combat consciousness are also as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. Just, it’s a pity.”

Xie Feng was very calm. He didn’t feel proud when he heard Zhang Yu’s praise. But Zhang Yu’s last sentence made him frowned.

He looked at Zhang Yu, and there was a doubt in his eyes, but what a pity?

“To tell the truth, you are a genius, a genius born for the battle. If a famous teacher points, future achievements must be limited.” Zhang Yu light with a smile: “But, according to my observation, your path is too wild, It seems that I have not received formal guidance at all. It is true that your one-pronged approach is not restrained. If you are unconstrained, you can often achieve unexpected results. But… the problem is also here…”

“Question?” Xie Feng is more confused.

“Your perception is very high, and the fighting consciousness is amazing. This is your advantage. The energy of one person is limited. The valuable experience left by the ancestors will not be worse than the one you figured out. You will build the car behind closed doors. Take advantage of it.” Zhang Yu shook the head, sorry: “I need to know that only standing on the shoulders of giants will see farther.”

Xie Feng startled, muttering in his mouth: “Only standing on the shoulders of giants will you see farther?”

He repeatedly tasted this sentence, the more it tastes, the more it feels that it contains profound philosophies.

Before he came back to his senses, Zhang Yu said again: “Besides, you still have a problem.”

Xie Feng looked up and stared at Zhang Yu. His look was a lot more serious, not only because of Zhang Yu’s strength, but also because Zhang Yu said it makes sense.

Situ Hao, dry and the others are also listening quietly.

“According to my observation, you seem to be obsessed with combat skills.” Zhang Yu said in a light way: “Your combat skills are not at the same level as your Cultural Base. However, you have to know that fighting is not only a skill. And awareness, the Culture Base is also an important factor, even more important than consciousness. In the Battle of Life and Death, no one will suppress the Culture Base to the same level as you fight…”

This is very reasonable!

No one can refute.

Xie Feng is silent. He certainly knows that Zhang Yu makes sense. But his cultivation innate talent is much worse than his innate talent in practicing Martial Arts. Even though he is trying hard to cultivate, the Culture Base is still growing slowly, at least. Compared to the practice of Martial Arts, his Culture Base is indeed a lot worse.

Not that he doesn’t want to improve the Culture Base, but… he can’t do anything about it.

“If you and me fight, do you think that it is useful to me with your bells and whistles?” Zhang Yu suddenly asked: “I will stand here and not let you attack. You, do you have confidence to hurt me?” He looked at his chest and broke his mouth. He looked indifferent. “Remember, when the Culture Base is high enough, you can completely ignore the skill. This is called … a force!”

Listening to this, everyone is fiercely twitching.

With the flesh alone, you can resist the attacks of Xie Feng and Situ Hao. How much higher is the Culture Base?

Not to mention that now, hundreds of years later, they have no confidence in doing this.

“Thank you for the advice of Senior, but…” Xie Feng shook the head, “Senior looked at me high, and to cultivate to the extent of Senior, I am afraid I can’t do it all my life.”

He likes to fight, he is eager to fight, he enjoys fighting, but he never thinks he has many talents, let alone the entire Desolate Continent, which is a small country in the northwest of Desolate North, he is not necessarily ranked. Therefore, he does not expect such a remarkable achievement in this life. As long as he can surpass himself and progress at times, he will be satisfied.

For this, the mediocrity and the others agree very much.

They can be said to have watched Xie Feng grow up, from no name to the famous Hedong House, Xie Feng’s growth process, they all look in the eyes, with their understanding of Xie Feng, they do not think Xie Feng can Reach the height described in Zhang Yu’s mouth.

“Xie Feng is indeed a genius, but his innate talent is not as high as that of the Senior.”

Taking advantage of the reaction of everyone, Zhang Yu’s mouth tilted slightly, and he looked around and said with a smile: “Do you think so?”

Everyone looked at Zhang Yu, hesitated, and eventually nodded.

Zhang Yu laughed and said to Xie Feng: “They look at you so much, I can understand, but why are you even scorning yourself?”

“Senior.” Xie Feng frowned, “I’m afraid I really look at me.”

He consciously has a good innate talent in Martial Arts practice, but he does not realize how amazing his innate talent is. Or, he didn’t realize the importance of perception!

“It seems that it is not necessary to use the enchantment technique.” Zhang Yu is helpless. He does not want to rely too much on the enchantment technique, but he has to use it now.

The next moment, an invisible ripple, centered on Zhang Yu, moved toward all around.

I saw him look serious, facing Xie Feng indifferently said: “I don’t know how you practice innate talent, but I know that your perception is extremely high, look at Desolate Continent, and not many people can compare with you in this regard. I am sure of this.”

Xie Feng has a round eye.

Everyone was shocked by the words of Zhang Yu.

“Xie Feng’s perception, so high?” Everyone is unbelievable.

“I obviously have such a high innate talent, but I am in this remote place. Are you really willing?” Zhang Yu looked at Xie Feng, and there was a lot of confusion in his words. “You don’t want to go out and have a look outside.” World? Don’t want to see the real powerhouse, how do you fight? Don’t want to experience the feeling of fighting the continent top powerhouse?”

When I heard this, Xie Feng’s breathing was rushing.

In his eyes, full of desire and yearning!

For a combat mad, fighting with the top players is undoubtedly a huge attraction!

“But…” Xie Feng hesitated again, said with a bitter smile: “Light is high, what is the use?”

If the Culture Base doesn’t even reach the Spirit Revolving Realm, the reception is high and useless.

How can such a genius be worthy of the title of “genius”?

“Who said that the high usage is useless? You know, the Culture Base is not enough. There are many ways to improve it. It is not difficult to reach the Spirit Revolving Realm. I know that people who can help you improve the Culture Base will have There are several things. There is almost no way to change this thing…” Zhang Yu smiled lightly.

Xie Feng breathed quickly: “Dare to ask Senior, what are you talking about?”

His voice was mixed with a tremor.

Thank you, ‘Lonely arrogant’ to reward red envelopes!

Congratulations on the birth of the third sect master!

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