Chapter 794

“The main line mission [to nurture a sixstar Alchemist] has been completed and rewarded?”


“The award ‘Seven Stars pill refining technique’ has been issued, with the attention of the host.”

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

“Hold your faith!” Zhang Yu saw something wrong with Wu Mo, and immediately loudly shouts, like a mine, woke Wu Mo out of the ambiguous state, blurred consciousness and sober.

In a moment, Wu Mo slowly restored stability.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

“What, do you really want something to happen to me?” Zhang Yu jokingly said.

“No, I…” Wu Mo was rushing up and panicked to explain, “I’d rather die than die!”


can be seen that he is seriously worried about Zhang Yu, who, although Zhang Yu has never recognized him as his disciple, has already treated Zhang Yu as Teacher, and his concern for Zhang Yu has also come from within.

Zhang Yu had a little warmth in his heart, and then said with a smile, “Don’t worry, it was a little bit of trouble, but I didn’t get in the way.”

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

毕竟,那醍醐灌顶术是legendary Taboo Technique ,即使Dean possess great magical power ,施展了如此Taboo Technique ,恐怕也不可能安然无恙,最大的可能,便是Dean 假装无恙,避免自己愧疚、担心。

“Say it’s all right, don’t bullshit.” Zhang Yu looked at Wu Mo and said, “You need to remember the six stars I just taught you, pill refining technique, trying to connect it and turn it into something for you.” While Wu Mo is now a sixstar Alchemist, there is still some reluctance until six stars pill refining technique is integrated.

Wu Mo dares not to break Zhang Yu’s orders to sit on his knee and begin to integrate pill concocting knowledge in his head.

One time, the surroundings were quiet down, no one made a sound.

People are silent and emotionally complex.

Zhang Yu’s conversation with Wu Mo just made them understand that Zhang Yu was carrying out the hexa-style pill refining technique and passed it to Wu Mo.

这已经不是Zhang Yu 第一次施展醍醐灌顶术,也不是第一次帮助Wu Mo 了,但众人却是第一次亲眼看到。

People are worried about Zhang Yu and envy Wu Mo, the first person to receive such treatment since Sky Academy was established, and Zhang Yu to Wu Mo is almost as much as direct disciple as direct disciple, and even better than direct disciple, even depression, Ye Fan, both famous disciple, are far from Wu Mo.

“Dean!” Wu Chen is passionate and ashamed, “the dog is powerless, why do you treat him like this?”

Zhang Yu looked at Wu Chen and said, “This is my commitment to him and his reward.”


“The Wu Mo thing, you don’t have to say anymore, how to cultivate him, you say no, I say no.” Zhang Yu indifferently said: “In time, he will be Alchemist at the top, in all Heavens and Myriad Realms, glorifying!”

paused, Zhang Yu looked for Bai Ling, Xiao Yan, Deng Qiuchan, and said, “You’re also an old Sky Academy, and you have more or less contributions to Sky Academy, and when I raise Wu Mo as Alchemist at the top, it’s your turn…”

hearthis, Bai Ling’s eyes are open, some incredible.

“If Dean’s way of nurturing us is to do the trick, then I’d rather not do it.” Bai Ling bites his lips, rises his head, watches Zhang Yu with courage and a slight tremor, “legendary crawling, Taboo Technique, will pay a great price once implemented, and I’d rather live my life without Dean paying for it!”

Xiao Yan is also very determined: “I believe in my innate talent, and I will be able to achieve remarkable achievements in the future, without Dean having to do the trick!”

Deng Qiuchan seriously said, “Dean, believe us, we will never let you down!”

Wu Xinxin is also whispering: “Yeah, Dean Big brother, you don’t have to do that. You’re just gonna make everybody feel bad.”

“Look what you said.” Zhang Yu didnt know whether to cry or laugh, “the cost of spreading the crawl is not as exaggerated as you imagined, and for me, it doesn’t even matter, it doesn’t hurt. The legend is legend, don’t be deceived.”

“When is that true?” Bai Ling has some fox.

Is it true the legend is false?

Is it really that easy?

You don’t have to pay for anything?

“Of course” Zhang Yu laughed.

“Of course not!” This is when Baek interrupted Zhang Yu’s words and said, “Telepathic Technique is the real Taboo Technique! The cost of development, it’s huge! Even more exaggerated than everyone thought!”

Zhang Yu frowned, and then the eyebrows stretched, and looked at the white-eyed.

People are complexion slightly changed, and they turn their eyes into white.

See only the White Spirit: “The wilderness world began with nothing at all Telepathic Technique, a mystery that was passed from the cave, initially only over the cave, then to the ‘extinction’, shortly thereafter to True Martial World, Demon World, Dragon World, and finally to the wilderness by a human powerhouse of Transcendent Upper Realm.”

“Old Ancestor, how do you know?” Bai Ling say curiously.

“Because that Transcendent Upper Realm human powerhouse is one of my few friends.” White said, “I’ve studied Telepathic Technique with him, and I can say, the whole wilderness world, except him, no one knows more about Telepathic Technique than I do, and no one knows more about the cost of doing it than I do!”

People are surprised to see white, and no one expects that Telepathic Technique has such a source of origin with Baek.

Zhang Yu, too, looked at the white quail with joy: “You keep saying.”

Even if the heart stabilizes, brace oneself continues to say, “Telepathic Technique, created by a Legendary hero, is one of the top mysteries in the cave, and while it does not have any power to fight, it allows a very sophisticated, high-ranking professional to deliver the knowledge and consciousness of his life to the next generation in such a way that special occupations do not break.”

“As soon as the mystery emerges, the great special occupations of the cactus are no longer in place, as if they had come to spring, flourishing, and gradually becoming present.”

“Apart from special occupants, the remaining cultivator, through Telepathic Technique, can pass its own awareness of the rule on to the next generation, so that over the centuries the cave has gradually emerged with more young powerhouse, and the North Fairy has been reluctant to sustain it until the new Legendary hero is born and prosper is gradually restored.”

Everyone listened quietly and admired the Legendary hero who created Telepathic Technique.

“Legendary Heroes, who created this mystery, have an infinite contribution to all Heavens and Myriad Realms, and such people, regardless of the high Cultivation Base, are entitled to our respect!” Xiao Yan said, “Can Senior tell us the name of the Legendary hero? In the future, if we had a chance to go to Fairy, we’d have to visit him!”

“He’s dead.” White silence, low voice.

People startled, some unacceptable, so great, how could they die?

White sighed, said, “He was the Legendary hero who was counting 100,000 years ago, fighting ‘the war, and then, unfortunately, crashed.”

“他自称虚无老人,人们则尊称他为虚无尊者。”白婕的话语不自觉地带上一丝尊敬,“他是上一个时代最古老的Legendary 英雄,他所经历的岁月,比其余三大Legendary 英雄都更为久远,甚至三大Legendary 英雄加在一起,也没有他活得久,正是因为有着他的存在,仙域才能维持无数年的稳定,即使面对五大邪王与邪灵五族的侵袭,依然顽强地抵抗,他曾经创造诸多秘术,皆是造福天下,Telepathic Technique 只是他创造的众多秘术当中的一种,据传,他还创造过比Telepathic Technique 更为神奇的秘术,拥有匪夷所思的能力!”

Zhang Yu frowned: “So to speak, should he be strong?”

White Hada deep breath: “Very strong! No enemies!”

“What about the other three Legendary heroes?” Zhang Yu asked.

“The remaining three Legendary heroes can fight him!” White without the slightest hesitation: “His strength, undoubtedly, even the remaining three Legendary heroes have admitted that he is a well-deserved first in the heavens, and that even the five evil kings, alone, are not his opponents! But somehow, he has never shown real power, even if he fights the evil king, to have reservations…”

Old and powerful, mysterious and great!

That’s what the fairy people say about the man!

“It’s not logical.” Xiao Yan said, “Why would he die in ‘hands if he was so strong? Didn’t you say that the five evil kings were not his opponents to fight alone?”

“This is also my confusion, and the infidelity is strong, and there is no doubt that he will not be able to live that long, and for many years Legendary heroes in the Western Fairy, the South Fairy and the Eastern Fairy have changed their legendary heroes, and only the infidels in the North Fairy will remain invincible, and how can he survive in numerous crises if they are weak? After all, he’s been through countless wars, not less than 100 times with the evil king!”

“But,” there was a mystery in the white word, “300,000 years ago, he died and died in the hands of ’em, which everyone didn’t think of.”

“Is it a scam? Xiao Yan speculated:” You said, “He created a lot of Supreme Secret Technique, which might have a secret that could hide the sea and make everyone think he’s dead.”

Whitehead is very sure: “Impossible! The infidels are dead!”

“What makes you say that?” Xiao Yan is upset. “Any evidence?”

“That’s what the other three Legendary heroes said!” Whistling Xiao Yan, indifferently said, “Legendary Hero, no lies! Since they say the infidels are dead, that’s true!”

A legendary hero who lived for many years, the oldest living stone in the world, is stronger than the five evil kings, and then metaphorically fainted?

And don’t say Xiao Yan, many people in the fairy domain, were also disbelieving, but the truth is, they don’t believe.

“I do not know why the infidels fall, and there is indeed a falsehood in it, but he is indeed dead.” White Say solsolemnly: “There are different speculations about this, but no one dares to pronounce it, and it seems that everyone is blaming something.”

“Oh, what do they think?” Zhang Yu came to interest.

It seems to be a matter of concern, and it is a matter that is hideous and bold to say, “I don’t know if Dean is really interested, he can ask the people of the Fairy, and maybe they know something.”

Xiao Yan shakes his fist and says, “There must be a plot!”

Wu Xinxin nodded adds: “Yes, why would it be so easy to die in ‘hands if the infidels were so powerful Legendary heroes? Maybe the other three Legendary heroes are hooked up with’ em!”

“Be careful!” The White Heart, immediately rejects: “Does Legendary Heroes harbour the entire cactus without infringement on countless fairies, or can we stigmatize?” Her face is pale, and emotion is a little too excited.


“Well, whatever the plot is, it’s none of your business.” Zhang Yu set hands and prevented Xiao Yan from going on and warned: “After all, Legendary Heroes can accomplish all the good fortune, clearly understood time enthusiasm, and if they knew you were talking about them like that behind their backs, they would be in trouble.”

The three Legendary heroes, Zhang Yu, do not think they can hold.

But Zhang Yu is not going to trade to find the truth, and now he’s not that qualified.

Listen to Zhang Yu, Xiao Yan Dayton came out of cold sweat.

Wu Xinxin also shrinked his neck, scaring his face off.

“I’m curious whether the infidels are stronger or ‘no’ stronger.” Zhang Yu looked at Bai, “you said before,” Who are the first Legendary heroes to fight the evil king with both equally excellent, such as the ancient, while the three Legendary heroes said that the infidels were stronger than the evil king and never showed true power? “”

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Tomorrow brother gets married, the old house has to go home early today, help tomorrow, there’s no time for the code, leave early, no update tomorrow, and update the day after tomorrow.

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