Martial Peak

Chapter 966 + 967

Word that The Old Man of Heaven’s Keep, Li Rui, had come to Nine Heavens Holy Land spread like wildfire through the nine peaks!

From all over the nine peaks, many disciples put down whatever they were doing and ran over to the reception hall, filled with curiosity, hoping to catch a glimpse of this world famous Grandmaster.

The source of all this was because Xu Hui had accidentally shouted Old Man Li’s name.

When Yang Kai and the five Grandmasters escorted Old Man Li and Di Yao into Nine Heavens Holy Land, Xu Hui quickly inquired about their identities; after all, he was the Holy Land’s Great Elder and could not mistreat any distinguished guests.

After learning that this old man was actually The Old Man of Heaven’s Keep, Xu Hui couldn’t stop himself from calling out in shock, only then understanding why Yang Kai would rush out so eagerly to meet him, and why the five Grandmasters behaved like obedient disciples in front of this old man.

In this world, only Old Man Li had such qualifications, and only he could command such respect from these five Grandmasters.

The result of Xu Hui’s gaff though was news had rapidly spread out.

A few thousand of the Holy Land’s disciples had soon formed an almost watertight crowd around the reception hall.

The world never lacked for supreme talents. Thousands of years ago, the Demon Race had produced Great Demon God, the greatest master in history, but today, Old Man Li of the Human Race had risen to the top of the world.

The Human, Demon, and Monster Races all opposed one another, and it was not an exaggeration to say hostilities between the three races had never ceased, but if there was anyone in the entire world who each of these three races would receive with courtesy, besides The Old Man of Heaven’s Keep, there was no other.

Even Demon Commander Zhang Yuan and the three Monster Race Great Seniors wouldn’t dare act disrespectful in front of Old Man Li.

Unfortunately, Old Man Li was a hidden dragon who showed his tail but never his face. There were very few people who even knew his true appearance, and no one had heard anything about him for many years. Back in Floating Cloud City, Old Man Li had also quietly arrived at the City Lord’s Mansion in order to not alarm too many people.

There were many rumors that he had actually passed away long ago, making the common people sigh

But unexpectedly, he had taken the initiative to come to Nine Heavens Holy Land today.

“Have you all looked enough? Don’t you have anything better to do? If you keep standing there staring I’ll dig out all or your eyes!” Xu Hui coldly snorted as he shouted to the crowd.

The thousands of disciples were all shocked out of their daze and quickly made like frightened birds and beasts

Inside the hall, Yang Kai apologized, “I’ve let Old Man Li see something disgraceful, don’t worry, I will order these disciples restrain themselves.”

“No need, no need,” Old Man Li waved his hand to indicate he didn’t mind, “Normally, I try to avoid letting others know about my whereabouts, but this time… I hope that as many as possible know I am here.”

“Hm, why would that be?” Inside the hall, the Holy Land’s Elder and the five Alchemy Grandmasters stared at Old Man Li in confusion.

Old Man Li light expression suddenly became serious as he asked, “Recently, this old man has heard some disturbing news, and that this news actually spread from here, yes?”


“Then those rumours…”

“They’re true!” Yang Kai replied solemnly

“Sure enough,” Old Man Li sighed and said, “This old man also heard that Zhang Yuan and the three Monster Race Great Seniors have all begun to act, but most of the major Human forces have chosen to take a wait-and-see approach.”

“En,” Yang Kai expression sank, “Hearing rumours and seeing with one’s own eyes are two very different things. They also don’t know some ancient secrets like Zhang Yuan and the Monster Race’s Great Seniors, so them having doubts isn’t strange.”

After a pause, Yang Kai added, “But not everyone has chosen to remain idle, Soaring Heaven Sect, Dragon Phoenix Palace, Twin Spirit Pavilion, and Bold Independent Union have all sent word that their masters will soon arrive.”

“With only the Sects which had close ties to Little Friend Yang’s, how many masters will you be able to gather? I’m afraid that when the Demon and Monster Race arrive, we will become laughing stalks. In today’s world, our Human Race occupies the strongest position and this matter has actually occurred inside our territory, yet only the Demon and Monster Race are willing to contribute their full strength to resolving this issue, how improper of us!”

“Unfortunately that is just how things are, I have no way to compel these forces to act!” Yang Kai said helplessly.

“Does Little Friend Yang know which force has the greatest amount of influence in this world?” Old Man Li suddenly smiled and asked.

“Which force has the greatest influence?” Yang Kai was surprised by this question but quickly thought it over, “My Nine Heavens Holy Land’s name is quite loud right now and can be considered one of the world’s top forces. Soaring Heaven Sect is also quite good but I don’t believe there is a great difference between these two and other top forces.”

“En, there are many cultivation paradises and powerful forces throughout the world, there are also many top masters who have not appeared for many years, whether they’re even alive or not uncertain,” He Feng added.

“Old Man Li, which of these forces do you believe to be the most influential?” Du Wan asked curiously.

Old Man Li chuckled and didn’t answer directly, instead commenting lightly, “Little Friend Yang, the rise of your Nine Heavens Holy Land, this old man has heard much about. It is said that the appearance of a mysterious Alchemy Grandmaster has allowed Nine Heavens Holy Land to reach a height which surpasses even its peak former glory.”

“That’s right!” Yang Kai nodded, his eyes suddenly brightening, somewhat understanding which force Old Man Li was referring to.

“A single profound Alchemy Grandmaster caused many cultivators to travel from far and wide to seek Alchemy services, what would happen if all the world’s Alchemists were to come here?”

“The Alchemist Guild!” Yang Kai shouted.

Old Man Li smiled and nodded, “If you can convince the Alchemist Guild to act, I believe the world’s great forces and experts would all move.”

“Has Old Man Li come here today for this reason?” Yang Kai looked towards him excitedly.

“Good, since becoming famous, this old man has secluded himself away and not intervened in worldly matters. For the past thousand years I have not done anything worthy of note for this world yet countless people revere and respect me, causing my heart to feel unsettled. Now that there is an opportunity for my influence to make a difference, this old man will naturally not let it off. En, although this old man was not born handsome, I believe I’ll be able to attract at least a few people’s attention,” Old Man Li smiled as he explained.

“I’ll go now to the Alchemist General’s headquarters and negotiate with them to take a stand!” Hong Fang hurriedly stood up.

“There’s no need for that, Master has already sent word to the Alchemist Guild about this matter before coming here. En, while he was at it, he also contacted many of his old friends!” Di Yao smiled and said confidently, “It shouldn’t be long before many people start arriving here.”

Inside the hall, the looks of everyone’s face filled with happiness and excitement.

Regardless of whether these people do so voluntarily or not, as long as they come, the Three Clans could collaborate to solve the problem of the Bone Race as soon as possible.

“Many thanks, Old Man Li!” Yang Kai said seriously.

“It is this old man who should be thanking Little Friend Yang on behalf of the world’s common people. It was Little Friend Yang who rushed about to rally the Three Clans, the dedication and care you hold for this world’s people is so great that this old man must admit his inferiority,” Old Man Li looked towards Yang Kai approvingly.

Yang Kai hesitated for a moment before saying, “Old Man Li misunderstands; I did not run around gathering the Three Clan and sending messengers to all the major forces out of some sense of righteousness, nor because I wanted to save this world.”

“Oh? Then why is Little Friend Yang acting so fervently, according to what this old man has heard, it was you who personally convinced the Demon and Monster Race to stand with you.”

“En, because I want to resolve the Bone Race issue as soon as possible so I can handle a personal matter. If I do not first solve the Bone Race, they will become an unwanted distraction,” Yang Kai replied sincerely.

Old Man Li stared at him deeply for a moment but did not ask him what this personal matter he wanted to deal with was, instead just letting out a chuckle, “No matter what your objective is, what you’ve done is a great meritorious deed, later generations who read tales of this day will no doubt see Little Friend Yang and Nine Heavens Holy Land’s names.”

Yang Kai could only let out a wry laugh.

Ten days later, Nine Heavens Holy Land had not yet seen the appearance of any Human Race master, but several Saint Grade Alchemists from the Alchemist Guild had actually arrived.

These Alchemists usually secluded themselves in their homes, and with their honoured status, it was always others who came to seek them out, but today, as if they had some prior agreement to, they all poured into Nine Heavens Holy Land.

Because The Old Man of Heaven’s Keep was here!

Each of them came here filled with anticipation, excitement and admiration.

Over the next few days, Saint Grade Alchemist from around the world arrived.

After learning the news, they had raced over even faster than the Human Race’s powerhouses.

In just ten days, the number of Saint Grade Alchemists inside Nine Heavens Holy Land had nearly reached thirty; almost ninety percent of the entire world’s Saint Grade Alchemists!

As for the remaining ten percent, they were all on their way.

Along with these Saint Grade Alchemists, a number of Human Race masters from various forces also began to arrive.

There were even several Third Order Saints!

Each of these masters were around a thousand years old and were old acquaintances with Old Man Li. After hearing his call, they had all rushed over without hesitation.

These top masters had also brought their own subordinates and disciples along with them to the nine peaks.

Soaring Heaven Sect’s Chu Ling Xiao had come together with Yang Kai’s four Martial Seniors too.

Chu Ling Xiao also seemed to know all of these old folks and each of them spent their time greeting and talking with one another

All of them praised Chu Ling Xiao about how outstanding a youth Yang Kai was.

As time passed, more and more Human Race masters assembled in the nine peaks, none of them possessing a cultivation lower than the Transcendent Realm.

The Alchemist Guild had announced that this time, if any great force did not give them face, the Alchemist Guild would act in kind, not only denying them Alchemy services, but even refusing to sell them spirit grasses and spirit medicines in the future.

This announcement had shaken the world and every force, big and small, did not hesitate to turn out in full strength.

They might be able to offend others, but none dared offend the entire world’s Alchemist, especially with The Old Man of Heaven’s Keep actually stepping forward to take the lead; none could withstand universal condemnation.

Once a cultivator no longer had access to pills, their days would be miserable.

Moreover, it was not like there were no benefits to showing up, the Alchemist Guild had pledged that after this matter was settled, all their Alchemists would provide Alchemy services for free for the next three years, including those Saint Grade Alchemist who would rarely personally take action!

No one would easily let go of such a huge advantage.

The entire nine peaks became very lively in a short period of time, with various masters emerging one after another.

With the introductions of Old Man Li and Chu Ling Xiao, Yang Kai also became acquainted with many of these top masters.

Time flew by and one month later, from the horizon, a terrifying Demonic Qi emerged, while at the same time, from a different direction, the sky filled with potent Monster Qi.

The masters inside the nine peaks all looked towards the sky, their expression becoming dignified.

On the other hand, Yang Kai’s eyes brightened as he muttered, “The masters from the Demon and Monster Races have arrived!”

Chapter 967. May The Fortunes Of War Be With You

Translator: Silavin & PewPewLaserGun

Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain

The three Monster Race Great Seniors had already finished their preparations a month ago, but seeing how the Demon Race had not yet come, they decided to wait a day longer till they felt the approaching auras of the Demon Race.

Inside the nine peaks, the Human Race masters all turned their attention to the approaching Demon and Monster Race forces, many people showing looks of disgust and revulsion.

Facing those of different races, they naturally felt distrust. The grudges and hatred between the three races could not be resolved overnight.

A short time later, Zhang Yuan led the four Demon Generals and a large number of Demon Race Saints into the nine peaks, the three Monster Race Great Seniors also arriving at the same time.

Letting out a clear and resonant laugh, Zhang Yuan faintly swept his eyes over the crowd and calmly said, “There’s certainly a lot of people gathered here. If I had known so many would come, this Senior would not have bothered running all the way over from the Demon Land and just let you handle this yourselves. This Senior had actually thought most of you humans wouldn’t even show up.”

Thunder Dragon nodded in agreement, “En, this King also thought so.”

The way they addressed themselves as ‘This Senior’ and ‘This King’ caused many of the Human Race masters to glare as bitterness filled their hearts, their expressions becoming ugly.

“Do you two want to say anything else?” Yang Kai crossed the crowd and stared up at them, “Do you want to provoke hatred amongst our three clans even at this juncture? After coming this far, do you really want to just turn around and go home?”

Zhang Yuan chuckled as a look of vigilance appeared on his face, “This Senior had no such intentions, but I do need a guarantee from your Human Race’s powerhouses that after we finish dealing with the Bone Race, they won’t take advantage of the opportunity to attack my Demon Race. You Humans are famous for your insidious and deceitful nature. If you cannot provide such assurances, this Senior will immediately leave!”

“My Monster Race also needs such a guarantee!” Thunder Dragon concurred.

Vaguely, the Demon and Monster Race consolidated into one camp.

The Demon and Monster Race leaders had not anticipated that the Human Race would turn out in such force, they had thought that the various human forces would show their usual disunity and if even a dozen or so forces had assembled, it would have been quite good already, but upon arriving at the nine peaks, they discovered that almost every Human Race master had actually made an appearance.

There were even five or six Third Order Saint Realm masters here, and that was not counting Yang Kai’s people.

Once the Bone Race crisis had been settled, if these people decided to act against them, Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon weren’t sure the forces they had brought would be able to safely retreat.

At this moment, the two leaders felt an urge to withdraw and were secretly regretting agreeing to help Yang Kai so easily.

“If I promise you this, would you believe it?” Yang Kai looked up at them faintly.

Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon both decisively shook their heads. Although Yang Kai’s aptitude and influence were both outstanding, he was only able to directly command the forces of the Nine Heavens Holy Land. There was no way he could control so many other Human Race masters.

From the crowd down below, some of the Human Race masters began calling out, “Aren’t you two acting a bit paranoid? We didn’t have such ideas before. However, now that you mention it, some of us may be having some strange thoughts.”

Saying so, a number of sly grins began appearing.

Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon’s expression instantly became cold.

“How about if this old man makes the guarantee?” An elderly yet stable voice spoke out.

Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon followed the sound of the voice to its source and were met with the lightly smiling face of an old man who was slowly walking towards them. Upon seeing this man, both Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon respectfully cupped their fists, “Greetings, Old Man Li!”

Old Man Li stepped forward calmly and clearly stated, “You two are too polite. En, on behalf of the entire Human Race, this old man can guarantee that after this matter is settled, your two races will be able to withdraw without anyone acting against you. Are the two of you willing to trust this old man?”

Thunder Dragon and Zhang Yuan exchanged a quick glance before they both nodded sincerely.

Thunder Dragon’s expression relaxed as he said, “Among the Human Race, the only ones who I can believe in without question are Old Man Li and Holy Master Yang.”

“I agree,” Zhang Yuan expressed his support.

Old Man Li nodded lightly, “The specific situation I have learned from Little Friend Yang. The threat the recovery of the Bone Race poses must not be underestimated, this catastrophe really requires the cooperation of Human, Demon, and Monster races alike to resist, so this old man hopes that all of us can temporarily abandon the hatred between our races and unite against these Starry Sky invaders!”

“It is as Old Man Li says!”

“Old Man Li is correct!”

“We will do our utmost!”

Among the crowd, many Human Race masters openly expressed their support, none dared refute Old Man Li’s words.

Yang Kai was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. He has been worried that, when Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon arrived, conflict with the Human Race masters would erupt. If that were to happen, before they even fought with the Bone Race, their backyard would be on fire, a laughable predicament.

The sudden appearance of Old Man Li had solved this potential crisis though.

At the very least, he had allowed the Three Clans to temporarily unify.

“There is still an issue this Senior needs to clarify,” Zhang Yuan suddenly shouted, “With our three races teaming up, who is going to be in command?”

When these words came out, everyone fell quiet, each of them pondering over who would be the right candidate for this role, many of them soon turning their eyes towards Old Man Li.

Besides Old Man Li, there really was no one else who was respected by all three races.

Old Man Li, however, shook his head and chuckled, “Do you want this old man to stand on the battlefield too? This old man’s bones are brittle from age, going there would be tantamount to seeking death.”

Everyone couldn’t help revealing a look of disappointment, but considering Old Man Li’s situation, no one really dared let him fight with the Bone Race.

If he really suffered misfortune in the coming conflict, no one could afford the responsibility.

Old Man Li caressed his white beard and said solemnly, “This old man cannot go, but I do have a candidate in mind for the role, perhaps everyone can consider it.”

“Who?” Many people suddenly looked towards Old Man Li.

“Why not Little Friend Yang take the lead? This matter was originally coordinated by him. If he had not taken steps to inform the world, I’m afraid all of us would have died in ignorance. On top of that, he knows more about the situation than any of us. What’s most important though, is that this old man has heard Little Friend Yang has no prejudices in his heart. He was able to befriend both the Monster Race and Demon Race while himself being human. I don’t believe there is a more suitable candidate than him.”

Among the gathered Human Race masters, many whispers could be heard, some people began nodding while others shook their heads.

Yang Kai was also stunned and shook his head, “Old Man Li, I’m afraid this is not appropriate. I am not suited to ordering others around, and I am far younger and weaker than most of the Seniors here. How could I be the one commanding them?”

Old Man Li sternly replied, “Don’t belittle yourself so, although your present strength may not be great, having such achievements at your age is more than enough to qualify you as this world’s greatest talent. Besides the Great Demon God thousands of years ago, I am afraid no one can compare to your aptitude. Your achievements will certainly not be inferior to any of the Seniors present today. On top of that, you are the master of Nine Heavens Holy Land. Your status is no lower than anyone’s here.”

“But in the end…” Yang Kai frowned, not wanting to pick up this hot potato.

Old Man Li lifted his hand to interrupt him, “The Three Clans indeed need someone to oversee the whole situation, weigh the pros and cons, and give rational orders. If you don’t accept this role, then the Three Clans will be unable to collaborate effectively.”

Zhang Yuan nodded, “This Senior has no objections!”

Thunder Dragon shrugged his shoulders, “My Monster Race also agrees!”

Compared to anyone else here, they felt more comfortable following Yang Kai; after all, they had no friendship with any of the other Human Race masters, nor had they had any prior dealings with them. The only thing they shared was common hatred, so if they allowed someone else to issue orders, they may very well end up in a disadvantageous situation.

“My Soaring Heaven Sect agrees,” Chu Ling Xiao added his support.

“Little Yang Kai, if you are capable, you should not refuse,” Meng Wu Ya also advised.

With these two speaking, many human masters began pondering.

Whether it was Chu Ling Xiao or Meng Wu Ya, both were top powerhouses of the Human Race, so naturally their words carried weight.

Soon, the expression on the hesitant masters became stern as they discovered that although the Holy Master of Nine Heavens Holy Land was neither old nor strong, his connections were actually broader than anyone else here.

He had a large number of Saint Realm master subordinates, originated from Soaring Heaven Sect, was closely related to the Human Race’s strongest master Meng Wu Ya, and was favoured by Old Man Li. He was even friends with the likes of Zhang Yuan and the Monster Race Great Seniors.

Invisibly, Yang Kai’s position in these peoples’ minds had risen sharply, making them realize that this young man was fully able to command a part of the world.

Bearing this thought in mind, none dared to despise Yang Kai again.

Immediately, everyone expressed their agreement to Old Man Li’s proposal.

Yang Kai’s brow became flat, not only lacking any joy but instead wishing he could find a way to reject.

Everyone’s vision silently gathered on him, waiting for his reply.

Facing this situation, rejection was not an option.

If Yang Kai were to reject, just as Old Man Li said, the combined forces of the Three Clans would be nothing more than loose sand.

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Kai braced himself and nodded, “Then this Junior will not be polite and will instead just ask the many Seniors present to assist me!”

Old Man Li smiled and nodded with satisfaction, “Don’t carry any psychological burden, just act in accordance with your best judgement!”

Yang Kai nodded lightly before sweeping his eyes over the crowd and loudly declaring, “Since everyone had gathered, we should not delay, let’s go!”

“May the fortunes of war be with you!” Old Man Li cupped his fists solemnly.

“We will take advantage of Old Man Li’s auspicious words!” Yang Kai took a deep breath and flew out of the nine peaks, Li Rong and Han Fei following close behind.

Many Human Race masters also pushed their Saint Qi and True Qi and swarmed after him, like a departing flock of birds.

Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon looked at each other with a slight grin before they too quickly kept up.

In an instant, the sound of rushing wind resounded across the nine peaks as various colourful rays of light flashed through the air.

In order to increase their speed, many masters had summoned their flight type artifacts.

Carriages, flying swords, boats, all sorts of artifacts of various shapes and sizes appeared, dazzling the crowds down below.

Behind the Human Race masters, the Demon Race’s were wrapped in a thick black cloud, obscuring their figures as they quickly flew forward.

Further behind then, the Monster Race masters followed, some in human form, some in beast form, a number of giant Monster Beasts actually dashing along the ground, their speed in no way inferior to those who were flying, a cloud of dust being kicked up wherever they passed.

Old Man Li stood at the edge of the nine peaks and watched as this gathering of the world’s top masters flew of and disappeared before turning to the Saint Grade Alchemists standing behind him and saying, “We should also handle the matters we are capable of and refine a number of Saint Pills. When they return home, there will no doubt be many in need of healing and restorative pills.”

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